Tuesday, October 23, 2018

October 23, 2018 (Tuesday) Back in Cape Girardeau MO--for a week. (The Landing Point RV Park, Cape Girardeau, MO)

The days are going by at an alarming rate!

We have been back in Cape Girardeau (or CG) for one week.  We left Greenwood AR, driving without incident back to CG.  Glen admits some apprehension at driving the motor home again.  
(Remember the blow out on the last trip.)

I-40 from Fort Smith across Arkansas to the border is finally in a good, smooth condition, after several sections of construction over the past few years.

Last Friday, October 19, we visited both Ashlynn and Zade for "Grandparents' Day" celebrations at Central Middle School (CGMO).  We brought lunches to each of them, visited the library for the Book Fair, and stayed indoors during recess as it was a drizzly afternoon.

Over the week end there were two volleyball games (Ashlynn) Friday night; flag football on Saturday (Zade); and baseball on Sunday afternoon (Zade).

There is one more baseball game this next Sunday for the season.  I am not sure how many more Saturdays for flag football.  Flag football is fun to watch.  The team has actual plays, is 7-0 for the season, and Zade plays both offense and defense.

Saturday evening we kept Ashlynn and Zade company while the parents went to a community fundraiser.  Ashlynn was picked up by a friend early in the evening with plans for a pizza dinner and a tour of the House of Horrors!  (not my cup of tea!)

There is great progress on the house.  We visited mid morning.  There was insulation being blown into the attic; sheet rock being hung on the walls; plumbers hooking up sewer lines; and electrician working on the breaker box.  The front and back doors have been hung.

We made a trip to Lowe's this morning, choosing the washer and dryer, the refrigerator, and the shower doors we like.  They will be ordered in the next month.  The sales person indicated by waiting until late November we could take advantage of "Black Friday" pricing.

Daughter Trisha had the cast removed from her foot last Thursday.  She is now in a boot for four weeks, but learned that the more she is off the foot the quicker healing will start.  She says it is very sore and tender, and not in a hurry to put weight on it.....which means still using crutches, or the knee scooter.  (Picture a skate board shaped platform on wheels for the bended leg to rest, with handlebars to steer.)

There always seems to be a doctor's appoint or two on the schedule.  The older one gets the more doctors there are to see.....almost a doctor per body part!!!😁

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