Tuesday, December 18, 2018

December 18, 2018 BIG Announcement (at home in Jackson MO)

The move is made! We are home.

Papers were signed a week ago today.  We spent the night on Wednesday.

Trisha and Tanner arrived on Thursday and departed today; Jeff and Natalie arrived on Friday and departed on Sunday.

They provided much help with decorating and putting in place and lots of muscle lifting and moving.

Plus...it was great having them around.  We hadn't seen them since October.  

The final delivery of furniture is tomorrow.  The kitchen/dining area table/chairs will be here at ten.

That's it...until January 3 when the kitchen countertops/sink are delivered.  There is still some touch up painting to be done, but nothing big.

As this has been primarily a "travel" blog, and we are sitting still for a few more weeks, I will slow down on the reporting.  When (if) we hit the road again, I will once again be reporting from remote locations!!! 😁😁 

The easiest way to know when there is a new blog is to "follow" or "subscribe" on this page, and you will be notified by email.  I will also announce on Facebook.

Enjoy your Christmas!  Count your blessings.  Share a smile.  

I will get pictures posted once the table/chairs are delivered!

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