Tuesday, January 8, 2019

January 8, 2019 The END and the BEGINNING

Finally!  I have taken and downloaded pictures of our new home.

2018 came to a close.

2019 has started.

All has been delivered.  Touch ups and last minute painting and installation of countertops, sink, and dishwasher has been made.

Wow.  We are happy to have it all done.  Next on the list---yard work.  
In March, when it is dry and warm, the yard will be leveled, irrigation installed, and sod will be planted/put in place.  

We are still in Cape Girardeau.  Gary and Evelyn are in Zapata TX.  Jeff and Marcella are making plans to go to Zapata on January 14.  Hopefully we will be there by the end of the month.

Here are the pictures.

East/front side of the house

South side of house

West side with back porch

Living room from the front door

Kitchen/dining area from the back door.

Looking at front door: door on left goes to garage; door on right goes to guest bedroom.  Door to right of refrigerator goes to laundry, third bedroom, and master bedroom/bath.
There are neighbors across the street from us; a house being built on the other corner of our block/same side of street, with room for two more between us.  No neighbors to the back of us.

I will be back on the blog if and when we go to Zapata, OR, the next trip in the motorhome.

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