Tuesday, December 4, 2018

December 4, 2018 House and Birthdays (Still at Landing Point RV Park, Cape Girardeau, MO)

Approaching the finish line!  Projects are getting finished at the ole home place.  One major stumbling block has arisen.  A-a-ar-r-g!

We don't really understand the "why" of the delay, as Emily, the person in charge of the countertop, has known from the beginning the closing date, but.....the kitchen countertop may not be ready until the first of the year.  Supposedly the style we chosen is now not available.  We are trying to be in touch with her today.  We CAN choose another pattern if that will speed things up.

It has been mentioned that we can move things in and be finished except for the countertop.  We may have to do that.

Here are some long-promised pictures.  OK.  Not working.  All of the pictures of the house have been taken with my phone.  I can't get them to download from the phone to my desk top.  I will keep trying.  May have to get my computer expert Darin to help with this.

Some pictures did download.

Here's Glen's birthday (yesterday) gathering.

Darin and Glen.  December 3, 2018.  73rd birthday.

This is the only one that transferred.  I don't understand what is happening.

Later, after I solve some issues.

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