Thursday, December 6, 2018

December 6, 2018 House News

I haven't taken the good camera to the house yet.  The yard is supposed to be cleaned up in the next couple of days.  I will wait until then to get pictures.

News flash!  We learned today that the closing on the house will be next week--Tuesday or Wednesday!  Excitement.  The wood floor went down today.  Still some plumbing, and baseboards to install, but the end is near.  More excitement.  πŸ‘πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

In the last blog I mentioned birthdays.  I was so frustrated by pictures and phones that I didn't mention birthdays.

December is a busy birthday month.  Glen's birthday was Monday.  Sister Marcella's was Tuesday, brother Paul's is the tenth.  And...our son Darin's is the 26th.  He has never been happy with a birthday the day after Christmas! 😠  There are more nephews and nieces celebrating this month also.

The local weatherman isn't certain, but there is a chance of a nasty winter storm this week end.  It depends on where the northern line is located but there may be ...wintery mix, snow, sleet, ice, or rain.  

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