Friday, December 7, 2012

Can't Believe I Forgot

Thursday...written Friday morning

We were so intent on an end to the day at nine last night that I forgot to post here. 

The fourteen hours of driving on Wednesday had caught up with Glen.  He did work at trimming some trees so the mh could be parked correctly; hooked up the washer and dryer.  It took only one trip to the hardware store to get that done.

We brushed and washed all of the concrete under the outdoor living space. 

We have been pleasantly surprised to see that all of the streets around us have been paved.  The crews are now working on pouring concrete driveways to all of the homes that do not have driveways.  We already have concrete driveways. 

The road crews are working across the street so we have entertainment doesn't take much to entertain us!

Several of the neighbors welcomed us back to the 'hood yesterday.  

I called my mother to say I just had to rub it in.  I could hear her smiling.  I told her it was 80 degrees in the shade!  I didn't tell her the sunshine warmed up the mh to 98 degrees so had to turn on the air conditioning!

Today will bring more settling in for the winter!

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