Wednesday, December 5, 2012

We made It!

Fourteen hours on the road today!  I know, way too many, but we were anxious to get to Zapata...and we made it.

We are pulled onto the concrete pad, electricity connected, leveled, and I have had a quick look-around.

At first glance, it is obvious the mesquite trees have GROWN.  When we left last spring, there was more-than-enough room to walk under all of the limbs.  Not Now!  In some place the limbs are nearly reaching the ground.

Second glance shows there is very little buffle grass left in the yard. Dry and dusty.

Third glance, the streets to east and north have been paved!  Hurray, no more dust from the roads!

More, more, more tomorrow. 

One more night of isolation due to the radioactive iodine pill. 

Good night to all!

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