Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Typical Tuesday

What shall we talk about tonight?

The weather?  OK.  It was 90 degrees with winds from the south.  Currently at 10:30 p.m. it is 72 degrees, and the wind has changed to the north and humidity has dropped to 39 percent.

Highs tomorrow in the 70's.

Have I told you about a "breakfast taco"?  Scramble eggs, add bacon or sausage or ham or refried beans---you get the idea.  Lightly grill a freshly made flour tortilla, add scrambled eggs and meat.  Eat and enjoy.  Total cost at the local "Stripes" convenience store.  I am not kidding, all prepared in the deli of the convenience store. And....all for 99-cents each.  This is what we had for breakfast this morning.  Did I mention the breakfast taco is delicious!

Glen and Evelyn played music, chose the songs for tonight's Jam Session.  There were 14 on stage tonight at the Jam Session. 

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