Tuesday, February 5, 2013

It's Tuesday

It has been quiet in the neighborhood the past few days.

Today there has been lots of sitting in the recliners with either a book or Kendle, occasionally watching the birds at the feeders.

This afternoon Evelyn and Glen played/practiced music, choosing the songs for tonight's Jam Session!

Glen and Evelyn performed beautifully tonight--as usual. 

After the Jam Session seven of us met at the Dairy Queen.  It has become a tradition to meet there and have a blizzard of one's favorite flavor. 

Two weeks in a row the DQ was OUT OF ICE CREAM.  I am not kidding.  No ice cream for blizzards.  Service is also SLOW!  Five of us had gotten our Blizzards and finished them before the last two were served!  But, you know, that is okay.  It was just extra time to visit and laught!

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