Thursday, February 21, 2013

The NO Complaint Department

There are NO complaints from this part of the country!  After talking to family and friends in Arkansas and Missouri and learning of ice, slush, snow, frozen rain, school dismissals, and cold temperatures, we are quite satisfied with where we are....and the weather conditions.

High today of 85 degrees and mostly cloudy.

Hot cards games tonight, sitting in the outdoor living space.  However, we did have to turn on the fan to blow the bugs/insects away from the table!  :}

This an Audubon Oriole that enjoys the grape jelly or an orange half at our feeder.

This is a Cactus Wren.  Notice the effective camouflage.  The cactus wren is very curious and nosy,  likes suet.

85 degrees gives lots of fishermen a reason to be on the lake.

"Cat's Claw" in bloom.  Notice the thorns also.
Birds on the move!

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