Monday, February 25, 2013

Tumbling Tumbleweeds! 2-25-2013

The neighbors gathered today at two p.m. for a moment of silence for the neighbor, Bob, who had lived across the street from us, and passed away a week ago.  

March winds arrived today a few days ahead of schedule!  Wow-eee!  30 mph winds, gusts in the 40mph-range.  Humidity has been ONE percent all day, now up to 37 percent.  Dust was in the air all day.  At certain times during the day the air was so dusty town couldn't be seen.  The tumbleweeds were certainly "tumblin'"!!

Because of the wind we mostly have spent the day inside!  

There was no music playing tonight in the outdoor living space.  Instead we four--Gary and Evelyn, Glen and I, went to Fred and Gay's home (fifth wheel RV).  There is plenty of room for all of us.  

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