Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What a Difference a Day Makes! 2-26-2013

Wow, the wind blew itself out of south Texas overnight. 

The temps were warm, the skies were blue, and the breeze was gentle! 

Glen checked out the "house" batteries...the ones that provide power to the inside of the motor home, not the engine battery.  The batteries  are in good shape. 

I went to the local medical clinic this morning to have some lab work done.  The results will be faxed to the doctor in Missouri.

While in town I also stopped at the library,  returning books and checking out books.  The library is used a great deal by many of the winter Texans, not only for books to read but for computer use. 

We checked in with our families today after the second winter storm in a week went through Arkansas and Missouri.  Reports ranged from small amounts of snow to 8-10 inches of snow to rain, and hail storms. 

It's Tuesday, so there was Jam Session tonight.  Glen and Evelyn did their usual great job.

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