Saturday, July 6, 2013

7-6-2013 I Didn't Mean to Forget....!

I didn't mean to forget to write an entry last night.  I was already tucked in when I realized I hadn't been at the computer.  

When we are at one location for several days it becomes difficult to find exciting things to describe or places to photograph.

Friday was filled with household chores.  I know, really boring....even in a motorhome.

We had gotten fresh corn-on-the-cob Thursday at the Farmer's Market.    Darin grilled pork chops and we supplied the fresh corn.  Oh my, it was delicious...all of it, but especially the corn.  

I earned "mom points" last night as I made Darin's favorite dessert---(fresh) peach cobbler.  It was good but the peaches weren't really very peach-y.  

Today we were supposed to meet friends for lunch here in Cape Girardeau, but it didn't work out.

Darin, Sarah and kids came down in the late afternoon to swim in the rv park pool.  They arrived at the same time as a pop-up thundershower.  The shower lasted about 20 minutes.  Ashlynn and Zade jumped right into the pool.   That rain shower really cooled off the pool water. It wasn't long before Zade had purple lips and was shivering.  

There are big plans for Sunday.  Come back tomorrow evening to find out what!

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