Sunday, July 7, 2013

7-7-2013 And The Birthday Celebration Goes On!

The end of Zade's Fifth birthday celebration was today!

Seventeen of his family:  grandparents, parents, sister, aunts and uncles, cousins and their girl/boy friends met at Busch Stadium for the 1:15 St. Louis Cardinals vs. Florida Marlins baseball game.

It was a great game--the Cardinals won.  We saw a Cardinal home run, and a Cardinal player steal home.  

The seats were on the third base side, IN THE SHADE!  Temperature was 82 when we arrived and the high was 91 degrees.  

Today was "Christian" Day at Busch Stadium.  Willie Robertson of famed "Duck Dynasty" and several Cardinal players spoke after the game to those who wanted to stay and listen.  No extra charge.  All of the family group except five stayed for the after-game program.  It wasn't that we didn't want to hear Willie but Zade was ready to be cool.  Sarah's parents had a hotel room just two and half blocks from the stadium.  The two sets of grandparents took Zade back to the room.  

Sarah had Cardinal-decorated cupcakes for everyone.  Those who wanted to swam in the hotel pool.  We had ridden with Darin and Sarah.  We left about 7:30 and got to the motor home about two hours later.  

I have no pictures but Darin and Sarah are supposed to share their pictures with us.  When we get them, I will share a picture or two.  

Tomorrow is a busy day.  I will share why tomorrow night.

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