Thursday, September 12, 2013

9-12-13 May a Beaming Mimi Brag, Please?

We picked up Ashlynn and Zade after school, taking them home to get ready for soccer games.

Their dad, Darin, made it home in time to change clothes and ride with us to soccer field.  Mom, Sarah, met us at the soccer fields.

Ashlynn played very few minutes.  She is still having difficultly breathing after exertion.  She really doesn't mind sitting on the bench and being a team cheerleader!

I don't think officially there is scorekeeping for Zade's age; but believe me he knows the score...and tonight his team won!

When we finally got to their house, cleaned out the backpacks from school, Sarah discovered that Zade is one of five students from his class to be chosen to go to 'Read to Succeed', an accelerated one-on-one reading program.  He had Book Three with him and read to all of us.  The first month of kindergarten/school has just passed, and he is reading.  

Reading is my passion and my favorite pastime.  I am pleased that both Zade and Ashlynn are learning to be great readers.  

Talking about school, I watched Ashlynn fill out work sheets.  One of the pages was learning about "nouns" first grade!  It is amazing how early in school these subjects are introduced.  

The cold front isn't here yet, but it was more comfortable this afternoon than yesterday.  

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