Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7, 2014 A Rainy Day in the Ozarks

Growing up the local radio station would always report "it's a rainy ole day in the Ozarks!"  A perfect description for today.

The creeks are running again, and the ditches are full.  The Diversion Channel from the Mississippi River is bank-full.

We braved the rain drops to meet friends at Red Lobster for lunch.

It was great to see Jim and Sandy Freedman, Tom and Donna Yeakley, and Shirley Yeakley, all from Poplar Bluff.  We visited for a couple of hours, catching up on all the news.  At our age(s) it is about health,children, grand-children, mutual friends, medicine, and trips!

Speaking of grandchildren, here are our two youngest:

Zade is 5, in kindergarten; Ashlynn is 7, in first grade.  Zade is a sports' fanatic, but especially baseball.  

Have a great week!

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