Friday, May 23, 2014

5/23/2014 Family Pictures

Tanner, currently 8th grader; Brady, 10th grader

Tanner, Trisha, Brady

Trisha and Jeff  (see any photo bombers anywhere?)

Brady, Tanner, Trisha, Jeff

Landon, currently 11th grader; Jeff; Natalie, 9th grader

Landon, Trisha, Jeff, Natalie

The entire family: Brady, Landon, Trisha, Jeff, Natalie, Tanner

Brady, Tanner, Landon, Natalie

Landon, Natalie

 These were all taken the day of the funeral.  A wonderful family.  We are proud of all of them.

There was a ten percent chance of rain for here today.  There were two totally isolated--over the fairgrounds--rain showers this afternoon with a total of 1 inch of rain.  

Of course it was Glen's fault.  Yesterday he washed the truck.  This morning he washed half the motorhome.  

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