Saturday, June 7, 2014

June 7, 2014 Sad Motorhome The Redwood Hotel, Grande Prairie, Alberta Canada

One more update! The latest investigation into the motor shows extensive damage to the motor.....all caused by one small broken bracket. Parts have to be ordered: some from Edmundton Alberta, and some from Memphis TN. It will take a minimum of two weeks for parts to arrive and repairs made and engine reassembled.

 Rather than stay here in a hotel for those two weeks we are going to drive the truck to Anchorage, rent a small Class C motorhome for the next 16 days, We will then be able to spend the time with Trisha and Jeff and children and the rest of the Framily Caravan. When they fly back we will drive back here to Grand Prairie, pick up the repaired motorhome, and go back to Alaska to spend the rest of the summer with our Framily Caravan. Nothing like our original plans, but doable. 

We will be giving updates as WI-FI is available as we travel. Thanks, dear family and friends, for the concern. It is going to work out. Just think, the motor home will have a brand new engine when it is all finished.

I apologize to those who also read updates on Facebook.  This is the same update.  My brain can only stand so much thinking.  I am about to the limit on thinking, details, making decisions.  

By the way: it is hard to get to sleep at a normal time.  At 9:30 p.m. it is as daylight out as it is at 3:00 p.m.  The sun isn't thinking of setting.  

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