Sunday, July 13, 2014

7/13/2014 Travel Day: Willow to Talkeetna! (Talkeetna Camper Park)

It was a whopping 22 miles of travel today.  Everyone agreed it was just the perfect length of trip!

It's a good thing we had reservations as there is a "NO Vacancy" sign out for tonight.

First on the agenda was picking up boarding passes for a train ride on Thursday.

Second item: check with Talkeetna Air Taxi to see about availability of flight to and around Mt. Denali and land on glacier.  There was an opening at 6 p.m tonight.  However, when Glen, Jim and Dee checked in at 5:30 it was No Go--too many clouds.  They are now scheduled for 8 a.m. Tuesday morning.

Other adventures planned for the week is Jim, Dee, Marcella and Evelyn going on the Zip Line Adventures.  I have already been, Glen doesn't care for the heights, Jeff is over the weight limit, and Gary doesn't do adventures.  

All eight of us are going on a four-hour train ride from Talkeetna to Hurricane and back Thursday afternoon.

We are talking about going on a jet boat ride.  However, the river is out of it's banks and flowing rapidly.  I don't imagine that would impact a jet boat.  We haven't checked on it.

We had dinner at The Wildflower Restaurant, home of the best Seafood Chowder.  We each had a bowl. Yum-m-m, delicious.

You'all have a great week.

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