Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Jan. 6, 2015 Birding...verb

People who enjoy birds:  birders.
Birders go "birding", a verb for finding and watching, admiring, learning about birds.  Birders own bird ID books, carry binoculars, cameras, snack bars and water, scopes, Birds enjoy all birds, especially ones that are "new" to them for those new birds species can be added to a life list.  A "life bird" is a species that is being seen for the first time.
Birders share their enthusiasm for birds with any one that will go with them to find birds.

We went birding this morning at Salineno, about 30 miles south of Zapata.

There is a protected area, a sanctuary, at the small village of Salineno along the Rio Grande River.  Volunteers keep bird feed--oranges, sunflower seeds, sugar water feeders, peanut butter/lard mixture--out for the birds.

Volunteers provide chairs for the visitors, offer ID tips, point out birds hiding in the brush.

We probably saw a total of 30 species in this one area this morning

Our birding crew included Gary and Evelyn, Jan and Bruce, and Glen and me.

Yesterday we toured the town of Zapata with Jan and Bruce.  That didn't take long!

Tonight all of us went to the Tuesday night Jam Session.  Jan and Bruce were able to meet all our friends there.  Sixteen of us went to Dairy Queen after the Jam Session for dessert!

The Alberta Clipper that is sailing through the midwest to the east coast bringing all those frigid cold temperatures and wind chills is sagging south through all of Texas, including Zapata.  It is supposed to be COLD here.  Remember "cold" is relative.  40 degrees for a high is COLD here.  The natives will be  freezing, wearing fleece-lined boots, heavy coats, ski masks.  

We will be staying indoors!

I almost forgot pictures:

Altimira Oriole

Altimira Oriole

Audubon Oriole

You can compare the color and size between the two species of orioles.

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