Tuesday, March 24, 2015

3-24-15 It's Official....the last Jam Session of the Season

Reminder: Glen turned his ankle last Friday.

The ankle is still swollen and painful.  We went to Laredo yesterday to 1) buy crutches; and 2) order tires for the front of the pick up, and 3) to find something to stop the leaks in the roof of the Outdoor Living Space (naturally in the kitchen area, over the stove).

We purchased a gallon of the stuff that goes on metal rooves or mobile homes or RVs.  It smells like tar, starts out black,  and after stirring is silver.  When we got home we used a roller on a long handle to roll it over the leaking area.  We were too busy today to spray water on the roof to see if it is still leaking.  Tomorrow we will spray water and monitor for leaks.  Is it okay to pray for a non-leaking roof.  

Today Glen awakened and could not stand/put any weight on the ankle.  After discussion we decided to go to Laredo to the emergency room to get an x-ray.

When we arrived the waiting room was filled with sick people and their families.   

We arrived at approximately 1:15. signed in, Glen had x-ray taken, saw the doctor, and left at 5:15.  The good news: there are no broken bones.  The not-so-good news:  it will take a while to heal!

After eating a (very)late lunch or an early dinner, and stopping at Walmart for medicine we got home at 7:30.  

This was the last Tuesday night Jam Session of the winter season.  There were ten musicians on stage.  Glen got there in time to sing one country song and one gospel song.  

Dairy Queen was closed tonight for remodeling.  No Blizzards tonight.  Instead the after-Jam crowd met at McDonald's for the food of their choosing.

There will be one more trip to Laredo this week--either Wednesday if the tires arrive on schedule, or Thursday.  

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