Monday, August 31, 2015

August 31, 2015 Family Time! Music Time! (Still at Branson MO)

We are enjoying the time together with family and friends here in Branson.

If someone isn't going to hear music at Silver Dollar City then there is music here in the RV park.

There is Evelyn, on guitar, Myrna on ukelele, Fred on guitar, and Gay on mandolin, with everyone on vocals as well as Glen and Marcella.

Some of the group went to SDC last night.  It was a sell out, standing room only crowd to hear "The Booth".

This afternoon all went to the two o'clock show to see and hear Leroy New, in "A Tribute to Marty Robbins.

Leroy New has been voted the "best guitarist in Branson."  He is accompanied by a gentleman on the keyboard, and back up on a bass fiddle/bass guitar.  They are awesome.  It is a two hour show.  We all highly recommend his show.

After supper tonight we all sat outdoors and enjoyed some tall tales and watermelon.  Tall tales, you say?  Yes, lots of history amongst all these retired people!  lol

Tomorrow some are going on a "short hike" with lunch at The Keeter Center at School of the Ozarks.
If you come to Branson, schedule a meal at The Keeter Center.  It's must.  It isn't the cheapest meal in Branson, but it might be, probably is the best meal in Branson.

Tomorrow, also, Mildred, another of the Hickey sisters, and husband Doug are coming for three days.

Wednesday the hikers have a "long" hike planned.

The group then has tickets for "Smoke on the Mountain" in the IMAX building.

That is all the plans so far, but there will be more to come.

 Myrna Hickey Harris, Evelyn Hickey Morrow, Marcella Hickey Schnakenberg, Glen Hickey

Glen Hickey, Evelyn H. Morrow, Myrna H. Harris, Gay Vaughan, Fred Vaughan (friends from Oklahoma)

Thursday, August 27, 2015

8/27/15 Hail, Hail, the Gang's all Here! (Oak Grove RV Park, Branson, MO)

It was a good journey to Branson today.  We arrived by 1:30 p.m.  

Glen's sisters--Marcella and Jeff, Evelyn and Gary, Myrna and Dick are all here, as well as friends Fred and Gay from Oklahoma.

The other sister, Mildred and Doug will be here over the week end for one day.  They will return next week for three days.

That's all of Glen's siblings except for Paul (brother) and Pam.  They are the youngest of the group; therefore there is WORK still in their schedule.  Pam is still teaching kindergarten.  

There might even be some nieces and families here this week end.

It is "Southern Gospen Picnic", Southern Gospel's 12 biggest days and nights, at Silver Dollar City.  Everyone will be on their own schedule, with some going during the day to the music shows; and most everyone going to the evening show.

The RV park is nice. It is located three-quarters of a mile south of the Titanic.  

We started out right by all going for bar-b-que at "Danna's" for supper with ice cream following at Coldstone Creamery.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

August 26, 2015 Three Hour Tour (Tuesday night: Vicksburg MS Walmart) (Wednesday night: McGehee MS Walmart)

We departed Ft. Pickens Florida Tuesday afternoon.  We had a very enjoyable nearly two-weeks there.  

Glen drove to Vicksburg MS yesterday afternoon.  The temperature dropped to the low 80's, which encouraged us to stay on the parking lot of Walmart.  We weren't the only ones taking advantage of the hospitality of Walmart.

This morning we went to the Visitor Center of the Vicksburg National Military Park.  
President Lincoln called Vicksburg "the key".  He believed "the war can never be brought to a close until that key is in our pocket."  

In late 1862 General Sherman attempted amphibious maneuvers to force Vicksburg to surrender.  All failed.  In March 1863 General U.S. Grant started moving his men to south of Vicksburg.  From that date Vicksburg was beseiged by Grant and his soldiers.  On July 3 1863 General Pemberton, Confederate leader, met with Grant to discuss terms of surrender.  Only July 4, surrender was official.

Vicksburg sits high on bluffs (nearly 400') above the Missississippi (and Yazoo) Rivers.  Being on the bluffs Gen. Pemberton definitely had the advantage over General Grant and his soldiers at the foot of those bluffs.  But Grant was determined and set seige to the area.  Vicksburg was nearly starved by the time of surrender.  

We chose to tour the battlefield with the guidance of "Gary" an officially licensed tour guide.  Gary studied 14 months and took a six-hour oral exam to qualify as a guide.  He certainly made the battle come alive.  It was much more than a 16-mile drive with bluffs on either side.  He enabled us to see the course of the battle, the difficulties of being on the bottom of the bluffs; the weather during the spring and summer months, the part the river and the boats going north and south played in the battle and in the entire war.  

Gary was with us for three hours.  He told us he could have easily used eight hours to share his knowledge.  It is amazing the facts and figures, the stories of both the North and South that he knew.

There are 1340 monuments of different styles and sizes throughout the battlefield.  States started in the early 1900s marking and honoring the regiments, generals, soldiers with monuments.

 This is the monument from the State of Missouri.  The photo below explains the panels on either side of the monument.

"Here Brothers Fought"---brothers against brothers.

 This honors the Navy.  Remember the mighty Mississippi River and the ships that brought supplies for both sides.

Arkansas is honored with this monument.

 The Cairo was "the first armored vessel in the history of warfare to be sunk by a torpedo."

The Cairo was raised from the mud in the 1960's.  

On the left of the ship is original iron, cladding the Cairo.  

 One of many panels set throughout the National Cememtery.

If you enjoy or want to learn more about Civil War-era history visit a battlefield cemetery.  You readers in Missouri there is a great battlefield in Springfield MO.  

We drove nearly three hours after the visit to the Battlefield.  We have stopped at the Walmart in McGehee Mississippi.  17 miles west of Vicksburg we turned onto highway 65.  We travelled through Louisiana into Arkansas.  We will travel Highway 65 all the way to Branson, arriving there Thursday afternoon.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

August 20, 2015: A day in Pensacola

We spent the afternoon at the Naval Air Museum on the premesis of the Naval Air Station in Pensacola.

The museum displays hundreds of airplanes used by the Navy since shortly after the Wright Brothers' developed their plane.  We enjoyed a nearly two-hour tour inside one building containing planes from the 1900's through the 1960's.  The tour leader was a knowledgeable retired Naval personnel.

A separate building houses the planes from the Vietnam era through the present.

Less than a mile from the entrance to the museum is the Pensacola Lighthouse.

The lighthouse is more than 170' tall.  It was late in the afternoon, hot, and enclosed with no windows so we did not climb to the top!  It is still in use.

Entering Pensacola Bay and traveling to the Naval Air Station was this Navy ship, built with two huge catamarans on either side of the main body.  We spoke to a lighthouse volunteer who said the Navy was "experimenting" with this design.  It looked very stealth-y to us.  As you can see in the phot there was a landing area for a helicopter.  

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

August 19, 2015 Patriotic Goosebumps

Tuesday and Wednesdays are "practice" days for the Blue Angels, the Naval Air Performance Team.

Yesterday it was rainy.  Today there was practice. The Blue Angels are based just across the bay at the Pensacola Naval Air Station.  The manuevers took place over and all around the observers.

Key the patriotic music!  Stars and Stripes Forever.  God Bless America.  The National Anthem.

I know these pictures do not do justice to what I was seeing.  Each of these planes were going 1000 mph--fast!  

There was goosebumps when just one went screaming over where I was watching just a few hundred feet in the air.  

The precision for each maneuver is breath-taking.  Thinking about how much practice each pilot does for these routines-----I can't thinks of an adequate adjective--is amazing.

The pilots are performing just inches from each other.  

These performances are for Americans to remind us of our freedoms.

I also thought this morning of these planes and pilots working in times of war and conflict.  If I was an "enemy" and one or more of these planes went screaming over me I would be "afraid, very afraid."  
Yes, I had goosebumps and was teary-eyed as I watched these brave pilots--men and women.

Note:  Someone at the beach said the Blue Angels would be performing at KCI--the airport north of Kansas City this week end.  If that is so, and you are in driving distance.  Go--see--enjoy--the show of your life.

Monday, August 17, 2015

August 17, 2015 Down Time

Down time.
Do nothing all day.

Ok, not all day.  We have enjoyed seafood each day.  We have gone on a bike ride each day.  

Today we found an eye care service.  The nose piece on my glasses broke.  I called our eye care service in Cape Girardeau this morning.  They recommended a location in Pensacola.  We drove there this morning.  They have ordered a new piece which will be in on Thursday.  They are going to replace the the broken piece for the price of the new piece; no labor cost.  Can't beat that!

Here's a few pictures from the last few days.

 A common nighthawk.

 Size of the nighthawk compared to the sign.

Common nighthawks fly in and out of big lights at ball games, race tracks, parking lots, chasing bugs attracted by the lights.  Usually seen in the midwest at night time in fall--football season.

 Least terns are nesting.  The smallest tern of North America.  

Gulf of Mexico on a cloudy, thunder-y afternoon.

Friday, August 14, 2015

August 14, 2015 Bike Ride and Beach Time

Just get ready; there are going to be a lot of days just like today.

Sleep late; breakfast; bike ride; check out the beach.  Although bike rides may have to happen earlier in the day!  It is HOT here.  Today's high was 96 degrees.  I am ready for a cold front to go through!
There's no sitting out in the lounge chairs either.  

 Beautiful day for a sail--Pensacola Bay

 Artwork along Pensacola shores seen from Santa Rosa Island.

 The west end of Santa Rosa Island, home of Ft. Pickens.  More on the fort later.

 A great blue heron surveying his kingdom.

 The Gulf of Mexico--beautiful waters.

It is so clear.

The dead trees are a result of hurricanes of the mid 2000's bringing salt water over the island.

Have a great week-end.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

8-13-15 We Made It (Ft. Pickens Campground, Gulf Shores National Seashore, Santa Rosa Island, FL)

When we left Cape Girardeau MO this morning at 8:30, then left the fueling station at 9:30, little did we think we would drive all the way to Santa Rosa Island, Pensacola Bay, FL.

But..we did.  We arrived. The site we have reserved starting Friday for the next 12 days is/was open.  We are backed in, hooked up, and set for the rest of the stay.

We arrived at just as the sun was setting.  We plan on going to the beach to "catch a falling star!" after a bit to eat.  It seems pretty warm out.

We are looking forward to many more beautiful sunsets.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

August 12, 2015 Road Trip

Today Jeff and Marcella, Glen and I went on a road trip from Cape Girardeau.

We drove to Perryville MO, about 30 miles north on I-55, to eat the "best hamburger" you will ever eat, as reported by several people.

"Mary Jane's Restaurant" on the square in downtown Perryville prepares and serves "brews and burgers".  I think there are 38 microbrew flavors.  I don't think Pepsi counts as a "micro brew".

The burgers were delicious!  I had a burger, swiss cheese and mushrooms on sourdough bread.  The others also enjoyed their burgers.

We took the scenic route home, traveling the rolling hills along the Mississippi River.  We went to "Tower Rock", a huge hunk of granite in the river.  Jeff and Marcella had never been there.

 Tower Rock, Mississippi River, across from Grand Tower, Illinois

Marcella and Jeff from look-out at Tower Rock.

We enjoyed dinner with Darin, Sarah, Ashlynn and Zade.  A and Z chose Red Lobster.  We said our "good-byes" in the parking lot.  

We are leaving in the morning and won't be back to this area until the end of October.

Jeff and Marcella came over for a couple of games of Spades after we returned from dinner.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

August 8/9, 2015 More company

Friends, Pat and Gary, from Poplar Bluff called in the morning to say they were in CG, and would stop by for a little while.

Gary's brother Bill, who was the builder/contractor for our last home, was in the hospital.  Darin also worked some months for Bill.  

Pat and Gary came by the motorhome but I was out of commission.  A summer crud/allergy/virus--something-- had attacked me.  I didn't want to share germs so stayed in the back room.  

I stayed in the back room the rest of the day.

A good night's sleep and I felt much better this morning.  

There was a knock on the front door.  We opened the door and there was our friend, Brenda.  Brenda has flown in to town from south Texas to spend some time with her mother.  Ron, Brenda's husband, was unable to come along due to health issues.  

We first met Brenda and Ron at an RV rally about eight years ago.  I love  that RVing/travel allows us to make good friends!

I love drop-in and unexpected company.  

I am feeling better.  Thank goodness, I would hate to feel like I felt yesterday for more than one day.

Friday, August 7, 2015

August 7, 2015 Drop By Company (Cape Camping anr RV Park, Cape Girardeau MO),


Today is the 16th wedding anniversary for our son Darin and wife Sarah.  Congratulations!

Yesterday about 11:30 while we were still in Tompkins Bend campground, Lake Ouachita AR. we received a call from Dave and Laurie Stults, of Indiana.  Dave and Glen started their Army career together in September 1968.

We have remained in touch lo! these many years, and consider them to be very good friends.

Dave and Laurie were in Springfield MO, and wanted to come visit.  Well, rather than have them drive several hundred miles out of their way, we chose to drive to Cape Girardeau and meet them here in CG.

We arrived last evening in time for supper and a visit to late in the night.  There is always lots to catch up on, hear about the ups and downs of crop farming.  

They stayed overnight at a hotel; we enjoyed breakfast together this morning.  We hosted a driving tour of CG; then returned to the motorhome where we had more visiting!

Dave and Laurie had been in the west to see/watch Dave's son Eric pitch a couple of baseball games, and were headed east toward home.

 Dave and Laurie
 Glen, Gayla, Laurie, Dave
Good buddies and friends: Dave and Glen.

Marcella (Glen's next youngest sister), hubby Jeff are still here in the RV park.  We visited with them this afternoon.

I might have to offer apogoies to Dave and Laurie for sharing germs.  This afternoon a summer allergy/cold has been developing.  I think it is more allergy than cold.  I AM sorry that I might have shared.  Glen is also experiencing the same symptoms.  Darin may have originally shared his germs/symptoms last week! Hopefully it won't last long.  

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

August 5, 2015 Hot Springs, AR

Tuesday: a day of rest!  recouping from the long week end.  Play time takes more energy these days!

We needed a medicine refill at Walmart.  The closest Walmart is 22 miles to the east in Hot Springs.  
We picked up the refill and a few groceries.

I checked on Trip Adivisor for restaurant ratings.  Ah-h, there was a familar name.  
We have eaten at "Rolando's" in Ft. Smith with Trisha and Jeff several times.  
Rolando's features Equadorian cuisine  It is delicious.  
Rolando's is located on "Bath House Row", the historical area of Hot Springs.  

We have toured the historical area previously.  And, it was much too hot to do any touring today.  We saw 106 degrees on a bank thermometer.  

We came home after lunch, and hibernated in the motorhome!

We watched the St. Louis Cardinals win in the 13th inning tonight.  

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

July 31-August 3, 2015 Family Time (warning:several pictures) (Tompkins Bend Campground, Lake Ouachita, AR)


 Darin, Sarah, Zade

 Boat people.

 Beautiful sunsets each evening.

Family Time!
It has been a very special week end.  All twelve of us have been together since Friday, through this morning.

Trisha, Jeff, Landon, Brady, Tanner and Natalie were with us.
Darin, Sarah, Ashlynn and Zade were with us.

There was an early celebration of Glen's birthday with a delicious strawberry cake!

Trisha, Darin, Tanner took care of all of the meal planning and preparations.  There were steaks, baked potatoes; bar-b-qued ribs, sausages, pulled pork with all the fixings; pancakes and eggs, bacon and eggs.  Thanks, children, for the meals.  

Trisha and Jeff used their ski boat for rides and tube-ing.  Ashlynn and Zade had never been on a tube before, but took to it like a pro!  All of the older grandchildren rode with the little ones, and took care that they had a great time.

Brady provided a fishing pole and lure for Zade to fish with!  Zade stuck with it but was disappointed not to catch a fish.  Brady caught a 2 1/2 to 3 pound bass.  Zade wanted to catch one that big too.

Everyone enjoyed the slide on the end of the boat.

Oh--the boat.  The "Suzanne" had seven bedrooms, two bathrooms, a full kitchen, an upper deck with hot tub, and the slide!  Think "floating condo"!

 The family group ready to leave the marina on the "Suzanne". BTW: the marina provided the captain.
 Jeff with the ski boat.

Zade, Sarah, Ashlynn

 Trisha, Natalie, Tanner, Brady, Landon.


 Darin and Zade.

 Zade and Brady.

 Zade--a very brief moment of stillness.


 Darin and Ashlynn.

Brady with the catch of the day!
Tanner, Natalie, and Trisha

Zade- slide time.

Ashlynn -slide time.

Landon and Zade on the tube.



Sorry--the last five pictures downloaded to the top of the blog!  Am not taking time to move them down.