Tuesday, July 19, 2016

July 19, 2016 Happy Birthday to You! (Buffalo Ridge RV Park, Custer SD)

It's my sister's birthday!  Happy Birthday to you, Jan.  Hope you have had a great day.  Bet you were treated to something special!!

Departure from Ainsworth NE was about 8:30 this morning.  It was about 5 hours to Custer SD.  Yesterday we traveled 505 miles, and 260 miles today.

We saw a variety of crops in the Nebraska hills: corn, alfalfa, wheat, oats, sunflowers, hay; all was interspersed with hundreds of cattle in huge fields.

The northwest corner of Nebraska is in need of rain.  There was lots of irrigation going on.  As soon as we crossed into South Dakota the foothills of the Black Hills were visible.  The farther north we drove the more huge spires and rocks were seen.

The Buffalo Ridge RV Park  is 50 years old (no exaggeration, the camp host said so), a former Yogi Berra themed park.  There are new owners who have a 5 year renovation plan, eventually making it a "luxury" RV park.  We probably won't be able to afford it then!

We are parked next to Evelyn and Gary, and Marcella and Jeff.  Mildred (Glen's sister younger than Marcella) and Doug are expected about 8:30.

Mildred and Doug have in recent weeks purchased a new pick up and fifth-wheel RV.  This is their maiden voyage as RV-ers and with the rig!  They are going to travel with us to the Northwest!

I think Marcella has a sight-seeing trip planned for us tomorrow!  Stay tuned.

We had been on the road about two hours when we started meeting groups of "Mini Coopers".  There were groups and individual Minis for the next three hours.  I Googled
"Mini Cooper Road Rally" and learned that there is a rally going on that started in Atlanta, GA, went to the northeast, and are now traveling through SD, ending in California.  The entire rally is 7 -10 days long.  Glen guesses that we saw 350 different Mini Coopers with license plates from several different states and countries.  There were four-door, two-door, convertibles with the roof up, and with the roof down.  Colors were bright.

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