Tuesday, August 2, 2016

August 2, 2016 Blowing In the Wind! (Puyallup Fairgrounds, Puyallup WA)

These pictures were taken after we left Wenatchwee, and as we were climbing the Columbia River valley, and drove through the Snoquamlie Pass.

I have always want to be here!

Sparkling Columbia River

Orchards in every nook and cranny

The four rigs of the Family Caravan

The 50-mph winds whipped up a dust bowl.  The tumbleweeds were tumbling across the highway.

Hairstyles by the 50-mph winds!  Evelyn Gayla, Mildred, Marcella

Evelyn, Gayla, Mildred, Marcella

Evelyn, Gayla, Mildred, Marcella

Holding on for dear life!  Gayla and Glen

The Hickey sisters: Evelyn, Marcella, Mildred
 The wind was blowing at least 50 mph as we viewed the River then drove through the valley.  We saw other RVs that lost awnings; duststorms, motorcyclists that were forced to stop.  It was fierce!
The sparkling Columbia River!

Leaving the Viewing Area

We climbed up and up and up the Columbia River valley--at least ten miles uphill.  Waiting at the top were the wind generators.

Hundreds of hay storage barns

What next?  Rain and falling temperatures: it got down to 48 degrees

What is different/missing in the windshield halves?  Did you spot there is no wiper on the left!

***Below is the first half of the day.  When I downloaded the pictures, the order of the pictures turned upside down!!

The fam group went to a fruit market this morning to see and choose fresh fruit!

Welcome! Lots of choices


A donut peach

Walla Walla sweet onions

Your choice!

Sorting pears!

We are looking foward to the sweet cheeries, crisp apples, and maybe a peach cobbler from what we chose.

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