Saturday, December 24, 2016

December 24, 2016 Christmas Wishes

MERRY CHRISTMAS from our home to yours!

"Wise Men Still Seek Him!"

December 24, 2016 Christmas Eve (Zapata TX)

It's been a social week!  We enjoy celebrating anniversaries with friends, and visiting with cousins!

Wednesday we traveled to Harlingen TX, down in "the Valley", about two and half hours south of here (Zapata).  Harlingen is now the year-around home of my first cousin, Steve and his wife Linda.

They have moved into a new mobile home which is located in a wonderful mobile home park.  

 Linda, Steve, and Gayla

Linda and Steve's new home.  Steve and I are on the steps; Linda is on the right.

We had a great visit with them.  We literally "ate and ran" from lunch at Cracker Barrel.  We had stopped at the Don-Wes Flea Market on the way south to order some made-to-order sun screen.  The market closed at three.  We left Steve and Linda sitting at the table to make it back to the flea market before it closed.

Friday we shared a celebration of friends' Del and Jean's fifth wedding anniversary.  Del and Jean "courted" for 12 years before marrying.  Del will be 93 on his birthday in February.  Jean is a few years younger.   Del may be the youngest 90-something you will ever meet.  He and Jean are a joy to visit with.  We first met them at church.

Today we celebrated Christmas Eve as well as the 65th wedding anniversary of friends Freda and Dale.  Freda's nephew Jim and wife Dee hosts each Christmas Eve a dinner for about 35 friends.  

Dale and Freda's actual anniversary is December 25.  

The carry-in luncheon was tasty.  

By this time next week we will have family here!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

December 18, 2016 (I almost typed November!) Baby, It's Cold Outside!!!

While the rest of the United States is freezing in the latest Cold Front, it isn't exactly warm here in south Texas.

It was nearly 90 degrees yesterday (Saturday) afternoon.  We awakened this morning to 48 degrees.  It has gotten colder through the day, with it being 42 degrees (9:20 p.m.)  There was actually a " wind chill" temperature this morning.  With the wind it felt like 24 degrees!  Thankfully the sun shined all afternoon.

This past week ....

Glen worked on the outdoor project (the outdoor kitchen)
We went to the Library
We went to Laredo--Lowe's for items for the project; Walmart for groceries

This deserves its own paragraph.
We were sitting in the outdoor space yesterday afternoon which I told Glen I saw a snake under the motor home.  It was crawling on and over the sewer hose.  I didn't want it going up and into the motor home someplace.  (Glen told me it can NOT get into the underbelly of the motor home).

He got a 2x4 and started poking at it and told me to get on the other side of the motor home to watch that it came out.  It did!  It came out with its head up just like a cobra and slithering very fast! I screamed as I didn't want it coming toward me and not be able to back up out of the way!!! 😊😊  
By the way Glen said it was about 8 feet long.  

The snake is a blue indigo snake, an endangered species, a good snake as it takes care of rattlesnakes.   We did not kill it.  We WILL just be aware of going outdoors at night, making sure we have shoes on and have a flashlight!!!  

Today was the last Sunday for our pastor and his wife.  After preaching, the congregation enjoyed a potluck lunch.  The main course was homemade tamales, with charro beans, rice, chili, salads, macaroni, etc.  

We have plans for several days this week. I will tell you all about it next Sunday!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

December 11, 2017 Sunday Night

There has been several days of cool/cold misty days this past week.  It has been too unpleasant to be outside, working on any projects.  All total there has been 1.5" of rain.  

Last Monday night there was a "cookie exchange" at church.  We each took two dozen cookies for exchanging and one dozen for sharing that night.  The evening is a great time to get to know the ladies of the church.

Thursday we went to Laredo, about an hour-trip, especially going to the north/east side.  We visited the mall, Lowe's, Home Depot, Ulta, and Walmart.  

Next Sunday, the 18th, will be the last Sunday for our pastor, Brother Lee and wife Belinda.  They are moving back to their hometown where Bro. Lee will pastor a church.  

It will be difficult to find another pastor to come to such a small church with a small budget,small attendance,and be bi-lingual.  If you are inclined to pray, please include First Baptist Church of Zapata in the search for a new pastor.

There is a Christmas/last day for Belinda and Lee lunch next Sunday after church.  The theme of the meal is tamales--homemade, of course.  I know there is going to be chili, and a pot of pinto beans; munedo soup (which is made with tripe (stomach lining).  Yes, you read that correctly.  I tasted it last year, and that will be my only taste.  It is UCK!  Maybe you have to be raised in south Texas to like it.

We are looking forward to being back outdoors this week, starting and finishing some projects.

It didn't take long for the birds to find the feeders.  There is an abundance of red-winged blackbirds, and great-tailed grackles, and the more welcome green jays, greater Kiskadees, cardinals.  

Have a great week.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December 6, 2016 Backyard birds Zapata TX

It has been a beautiful afternoon, especially for sitting watching the birds.

Neighbors Glenda and Milton have been telling us they have had "parakeets" at their feeders.  Lo and behold while they were here mid-day a parakeet landed in the nearest tree.

The bird book describes this as a "Budgerigar"--"the most commonly sold parrot.  Found in small numbers locally in Florida; frequent escapes nationwide"--obviously in south Texas also.

This is a pair of "black phoebes", found sporadically in parts of Texas.  

This is golden-fronted woodpecker is a frequent visitor to the grape jelly and suet cakes.  I just like this picture.

We are slowly finishing projects that get us ready for the winter!  

It's TUESDAY!  which means it's is Jam Night.  Glen choose the songs for tonight's performance

Saturday, December 3, 2016


Glen in front of redwood trees!

Today is Glen's birthday.  We had a great day.  

We always say "now, we do not have to get out every thing the first day!"  But once we start it is hard to stop.  Every spring we put away the outdoor table and chairs, the folding tables and chairs, the lawn chairs, sound system, grill, etc.  

The (outdoor) kitchen is cleaned out, wiped down, refrigerator/freezer wiped down and turned on.  Glen power washed all the concrete.  

Washer/dryer are in working order.  

Still more to do, but the big part is done.  

It was 68 degrees when we got up this morning.  Temps slowly dropped through the day and it is now 57 degrees.  There has been some drizzly showers throughout the day.  

We are happy to have visited with several neighbors!  

Hope you are enjoying your week end.

Friday, December 2, 2016

December 2, 2016 Arrival: Zapata, TX (see below for past two nights' location).

Wednesday, Nov 30--left Greenwood, Arkansas, spent the night at Walmart, Rockdale, AR

Thursday, Dec 1--Boerne, Texas (say "Bernie"); Alamo Fiesta RV Park

Friday, Dec 2--

  1. work on motorhome at Boerne RV Service.  Left side jacks were worked on.  Finished at noon.
  2. on the road to Zapata.  Interstate through San Antonio b-u-s-y!! 
  3. arrived in Zapata at 5 p.m., filled motorhome with diesel before heading to our home place. 
Quick, hang up the jackets! kick off the jeans, find the shorts!  It is 80 degrees and humid!!!

The motorhome is parked and ready for the next four or so months.

The yard has been mowed, but oh, so brown and dry.  It is obvious a rain is needed badly.  What little we could see of the lake looks very LOW.

No matter how little rain there has been in the past months, the mesquite trees will have to be trimmed!  They always grow.

We will be slowly unpacking the outdoor furniture, cleaning the kitchen area, etc etc in the next few days.  

Catch you up on the activities soon.