Thursday, October 5, 2017

October 2-5, 2017 (Camelot RV Park, Poplar Bluff, Harrah's Casino, KC MO, and Eagle Ridge RV Park, Eagleville, MO)

Monday and Tuesday, October 2-3

These were emotional days preparing for the memorial service for our friend Sandy Freedman.  The memorial service was arranged around decorated tables as if at a JOY (Just Older Youth) monthly meeting.

Each table was decorated with a centerpiece pertaining to a specific month.  

Monday afternoon was spent arranging the tables.  After the decorating task was completed we went to Pizza Inn for a group meal.

Tuesday was the memorial service.  Husband Jim and son Kyle were in charge of the program/service.  There was music, scripture, and memories (from the audience).  The church served a meal to the family and invited guests.

We departed after the meal, driving to north Kansas City MO.  Details following.
Wednesday and Thursday, October 4 and 5
The reunion of the Dak To Defenders, Vietnam (1969) began on Sunday October 1.  We were able to join the members on Wednesday.  This is the 48th year since the service of these veterans in Vietnam.

Glen was a part of Company D (Delta Company).  There were 14 members present from Co D, the most we can remember being in attendance.  

There were speakers Wednesday morning, and Wednesday evening after the meal.

Thursday (today) morning, we met Don Dixon, Ron and Karen Bakalarski, Bob and Adella Lunsford for breakfast before departing.

The reunion was held in the Harrah's Casino Hotel.  We parked the motor home in the parking lot of the casino .
After breakfast we traveled to Eagleville, MO, a small town near the Missouri/Iowa border, west of I-35.  We are about 20 minutes from my brother Ronnie's home in Cainsville, MO.

We will see Ron and Micki after work Friday.  

Here's a few pictures from the past week or so.

 Grammy and Brady
 Tanner and Brady, brothers

 Tanner and Trisha, son and momma
Glen and Trisha, father and daughter

Friendships that started in 1970: Donna Yeakley, Gayla and Glen, Jim Freedman,  Richard Garrett, Janice Garrett, Tom Yeakley
Company D, 299th Combat Engineers, Dak To Defenders, Vietnam at reunion Harrah's Casino Hotel, North Kansas City MO.  Glen is third from right, back row.

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