Saturday, July 21, 2018

July 20, 2018 Saturday ---Exploring the West Quoddy Head Light (Lighthouse) (Sunset Point RV Park, Lubec Main through August 20)

The family group traveled the 4.5 miles to Quoddy Head State Park where the West Quoddy Head Light (Lighthouse) is located.

In 1808 West Quoddy Head Light became the easternmost lighthouse in the US.  In 1858 the red and while tower replaced the original.  The light still shines through the original Fresnel lens.  

The five Hickey siblings.  Glen, Marcella, Myrna, Mildred, Evelyn.  Missing Paul.

Glen, Marcella, Myrna, Mildred, Evelyn posing at the stone recognizing
 the "easternmost point of the USA"

Glen ready to head down from the tower of the lighthouse.

Marcella and Jeff, ready to climb down from the lighthouse tower.
Mildred and Doug  enjoying the view from the tower of the lighthouse.
Evelyn readying to enter the stairs going down.
Gary and I watched the rest at the top of the lighthouse.

Glen and I found this downtown Lubec.  Obviously it is made of litter found at the edge of the water.

Chef Glen prepared lobster tonight.  The RV park provides propane burners, pots for cooking, trays, and all the utensils needed to tackle the cooked lobster. Side dishes for the lobster were salad, and potatoes prepared two ways.   Marcella proved she can "make a cherry pie"!  Using sweet cherries she and Jeff/Doug and Mildred picked she made a delicious cherry pie!

That's three nights in a row for lobster.  It may be time for a break....something else from the sea--clams, scallops, or mussels.  

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