Monday, July 23, 2018

July 22, 2018 Sunday Literally a Day of Rest

We enjoyed outdoors this morning with our spotting scope, binoculars, watching common loons, eiders, a harbor seal and a bald eagle.  Keeping us company were Myrna, Marcella and Jeff, and Mildred.

We are blessed with great chefs in our family.  Chefs Gary and Evelyn prepared Reuben sandwiches for all.  They have secret techniques and the sandwiches are the best ever.  Doug and Mildred grilled peach halves topped with a scoop of ice cream for each of us.

While we rested this afternoon, Myrna, Mildred and Doug, and Marcella hiked a 4.5 mile trail near the Lighthouse.  I slept while the St. Louis Cardinals lost their baseball game.

After a delicious evening meal at The Wharf....a bowl of seafood chowder for me, a salad with blueberry vinaigrette for Glen and a crab cake to share....Glen and I enjoyed a leisurely trip to the village of Cutler. 

It was 20 miles one way through the forests but ended at a quaint lobster town.  We had been told lobsters are $1 a pound cheaper there than here in Lubec.  It isn't worth the extra time, and mileage to save a dollar a lobster.  We kept our eyes out for a moose, but didn't see one.  

I am not sure what Monday will bring, but whatever, the scenery is beautiful, the company wonderful, and the food delicious.

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