Tuesday, December 18, 2018

December 18, 2018 BIG Announcement (at home in Jackson MO)

The move is made! We are home.

Papers were signed a week ago today.  We spent the night on Wednesday.

Trisha and Tanner arrived on Thursday and departed today; Jeff and Natalie arrived on Friday and departed on Sunday.

They provided much help with decorating and putting in place and lots of muscle lifting and moving.

Plus...it was great having them around.  We hadn't seen them since October.  

The final delivery of furniture is tomorrow.  The kitchen/dining area table/chairs will be here at ten.

That's it...until January 3 when the kitchen countertops/sink are delivered.  There is still some touch up painting to be done, but nothing big.

As this has been primarily a "travel" blog, and we are sitting still for a few more weeks, I will slow down on the reporting.  When (if) we hit the road again, I will once again be reporting from remote locations!!! 😁😁 

The easiest way to know when there is a new blog is to "follow" or "subscribe" on this page, and you will be notified by email.  I will also announce on Facebook.

Enjoy your Christmas!  Count your blessings.  Share a smile.  

I will get pictures posted once the table/chairs are delivered!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018



The papers are signed.  We are homeowners again....after eleven years.  

There are a few items still to be completed, but the paperwork is done.  The big item to be completed is the delivery and installation of kitchen countertop, sink, and hook up of dishwasher (January 3).  I think the cabinet company slipped up and didn't order the countertops in a timely fashion.  

Blame it on Lowe's!  The kitchen stove and microwave also have not been delivered to the store, which means at some point the electrician and builder will be back to finish that installation.  Glen thinks that Lowe's told him the stove/microwave would be in store on December 18.  I truly hope it isn't later than that.

This might be the last night in 2018 for us to stay in the motorhome.  Bedroom furniture is to be delivered tomorrow.  I bet we sleep at the house Wednesday night.

Also on Wednesday cable and internet and landline phone will be installed/connected.  We have had satellite feed for tv programming for 30? years.  Cable will be a learning curve.  The package deal from the cable company includes unlimited internet use, and a landline for phone.  We will have a phone number but will not use it.  It is cheaper to include the landline than not get one at all.

Thursday the living room furniture will be delivered.  
Note I haven't mentioned dining table.  It was ordered in early October but will not be delivered until December 18.

I will post more pictures when there is some furniture to display!  

You want to be our neighbors?? There is lots of room at Ramsey Branch Community.  It is for those 55 and over.  No lawn mowing, no snow shoveling.  
More good news!

Trisha and Tanner (daughter/grandson) are arriving Thursday.  Jeff and Natalie (son in law and (step) granddaughter will arrive on Friday.  Tanner and Natalie will have their own blow-up mattresses to sleep on!! Jeff and Natalie will leave on Sunday.  Trisha and Tanner have no certain departing date.

Did you notice there is no mention of Brady?  He is working at O'Reilley's Auto Parts over Christmas break.  

We will miss him, and Landon, who is in Air Force in California.  

I am guessing the first thing Trisha wants to do is find some Christmas decorations!!  I am looking forward to her assistance in all things decorative and furniture placement and whatever else she wants to do!!!

Our mailing address is:  3916 North Potsdam Avenue, #4720; Sioux Falls SD 57104

The physical address for the house is: 5385 Sandy Brae Lane, Jackson MO 63755.  

Our SD address will take of our mail until we are ready to be Missouri residents again.  

Friday, December 7, 2018

December 7, 2018 Pearl Harbor Day

The actual invasion of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, USA, December 7, 1941, was actually before my birth.  The event, though, triggered  the enlistment of my father, and three of this brothers into various branches of the military.

My dad, Gail, and brother Verner, were soldiers in the Army-Air Corps, staying together their entire enlistment.  Brother Gene was in the Navy, and brother Farris was in the Army (I think).   Two other brothers, Granville and Jim, also served in the military, including time in Korea.  ( I welcome any corrections needed regarding these service times.)

I always remember the families at home during those times.  Their parents (my grandparents) had six sons to worry about and be anxious for. 

My dad left the military in December 1945; came home to central Missouri, met my mother who was a senior in high school, and they were married in May 1946.  They were married for 56 years until my dad's death in 2002.

Let us always remember the members of the military who served during times of war and conflict, and peace.

FINALLY!  have some pictures for you to see of the nearly compete house we are having built.

The front/east side of the house.  There is a 2-car garage; 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, a natural gas fireplace.  The siding is "brick red" in color.  The trim is called "tan"; and there is a brick wainscoting
on the front of the house.  We are on a corner lot.

The north side of the house. This window is in the smallest/third bedroom.
the windows on the left side are in the second-sized bedroom.

The west/back side of the house as well as the southside.  
The yard was leveled this afternoon.  It is pure clay!  However, irrigation will be added (probably during a warm spell this winter) and sod will be added in March.  The windows on the south side are in the dining area (nearest the porch), and the other two are on either side of the fireplace.  The windows on the left of the porch (west side) are in the master bedroom.

We are beyond excited to be in the house!  Closing is still set for the 11th/12th.  Deliveries of of appliances and furniture are set for Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday next week!  Everything has been finished in a timely matter, except....for the dining table/stools (delivery the 18th/ordered early October); and stove/microwave from Lowe's.  We were told it would arrive in 21 days from Oct 29, but maybe will arrive on the 18th.  Finally, the kitchen countertop/sink won't be installed until January 3.  

Words of advice for you if you are building/remodeling, then give yourself more time than you think you will need for ordering and delivery of items.  

I will have more pictures when furniture/appliances have been delivered.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

December 6, 2018 House News

I haven't taken the good camera to the house yet.  The yard is supposed to be cleaned up in the next couple of days.  I will wait until then to get pictures.

News flash!  We learned today that the closing on the house will be next week--Tuesday or Wednesday!  Excitement.  The wood floor went down today.  Still some plumbing, and baseboards to install, but the end is near.  More excitement.  👏😀😀

In the last blog I mentioned birthdays.  I was so frustrated by pictures and phones that I didn't mention birthdays.

December is a busy birthday month.  Glen's birthday was Monday.  Sister Marcella's was Tuesday, brother Paul's is the tenth.  And...our son Darin's is the 26th.  He has never been happy with a birthday the day after Christmas! 😠  There are more nephews and nieces celebrating this month also.

The local weatherman isn't certain, but there is a chance of a nasty winter storm this week end.  It depends on where the northern line is located but there may be ...wintery mix, snow, sleet, ice, or rain.  

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

December 4, 2018 House and Birthdays (Still at Landing Point RV Park, Cape Girardeau, MO)

Approaching the finish line!  Projects are getting finished at the ole home place.  One major stumbling block has arisen.  A-a-ar-r-g!

We don't really understand the "why" of the delay, as Emily, the person in charge of the countertop, has known from the beginning the closing date, but.....the kitchen countertop may not be ready until the first of the year.  Supposedly the style we chosen is now not available.  We are trying to be in touch with her today.  We CAN choose another pattern if that will speed things up.

It has been mentioned that we can move things in and be finished except for the countertop.  We may have to do that.

Here are some long-promised pictures.  OK.  Not working.  All of the pictures of the house have been taken with my phone.  I can't get them to download from the phone to my desk top.  I will keep trying.  May have to get my computer expert Darin to help with this.

Some pictures did download.

Here's Glen's birthday (yesterday) gathering.

Darin and Glen.  December 3, 2018.  73rd birthday.

This is the only one that transferred.  I don't understand what is happening.

Later, after I solve some issues.