Saturday, November 29, 2014

11/29/14 Turkey and Dressing

I cooked turkey breast and oyster dressing with mashed potatoes/gravy, and baked cauliflower for lunch today.  

It was delicious then and again just now for supper!  

There's been some college football on tv, some cooking (see above), a little bit of work, and mostly enjoyment of the day outdoors.

High today was 81 degrees with a light breeze, mostly sunny skies...just right for being outdoors.

Thursday, November 27, 2014


First.....we missed being with our family today!  It is the first time in a long time that there wasn't a family celebration.  But, each of our families have grown and  now want their own celebration and traditions.  We understand fully; it is the way it should be,  but, we still missed everyone of the locally owned Mexican restaurants cooked turkey and dressing (plus mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, and pumpkin pie) for the community--free.  We shared a table with two couples from our neighborhood.  

No preparations, no cooking, and no clean-up!  

Third...After a nap (outdoors in the recliner) we walked to Jim and Dee's for a time of visiting.  There were two couples and a half (widow) there also.  

We hope you have had a grand day, also.  Family and friends, followed by good health, top the list of our blessings.  

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


It is the Eve of Thanksgiving!

Have the happiest of Thanksgivings, filled with family, laughter, memories, blessings and thankfulness!

We will be joining friends/neighbors for an early lunch at a local restaurant.  

We MISS our family--but not your weather!  

We try to be aware of and count our blessings each day.  We have more than we can count or list!


Sunday, November 23, 2014

11/23/14 After the Storm

We were sitting outdoors last evening, just before dark, enjoying the stillness of the night, when, it started raining.

There is nothing more soothing than listening to rain hit a tin roof.  Wait, what is that sound?  Hail? yes, hail, about marble sized.  Friends on the south edge of town received hail that baseball-sized.  

Then, whoosh!  here comes the wind.  Patio chairs start scooting across the concrete; rugs drying on the back of the chairs disappear across the yard.  We quickly move into the kitchen area to get out of the rain.

During a break we ran to the motor home.  The wind was blowing at 25 mph.  Note: someone at church said there was 60 mph winds reported in some parts of town. There was one inch of rain in the gauge.  

These spider webs sparkled with rain drops in this morning's sunshine.

We were greeted  with hugs from friends at church this morning.  The church family celebrated Thanksgiving this evening with a pot-luck turkey dinner.  A family deep-fried a turkey, as well as traditionally oven roasting a couple of turkeys.  

The deep-fried turkey was the best ever.  It was moist and flavorful.  Of course there were numerous side dishes.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

11/22/14 Enjoying the Birds

This is the Great Kiskadee.  I enjoy the bright, lemony color on the breast.  He is in the Flycatcher family.  The Kiskadee feeds on insects, berries, fish, lizards,,,,and suet and grape jelly.

I am sure you are familar with the Northern cardinal.  They enjoy the suet and grape jelly we provide. 
This is the golden-fronted woodpecker, cousin to the red-belly woodpecker.  The bright red spot on the crown indicates the male of the species.  

Enjoy the rest of the day.

P.S. you can click on each picture to enlarge.

Friday, November 21, 2014

11/21/14 Slowly Settling In

We are slowly emptying the back of the pick-up, as well as putting those items in their winter place.  What am I referring to?  The outdoor recliners, music stands, bird feeder and sunflower seeds, cooler, some tools, and much more.  You get the idea, right.

The sound system rode all the way from Zapata to Alaska and back to Zapata...speakers and amplifier and mixer. It was never used as there was never enough time when all the family was together to sing/play.  

We made a quick decision this morning to go to Laredo.  It is an hour trip north of here.  I had a pre-Thanksgiving grocery list.  An email from Best Buy had an offer we couldn't refuse on a 40-inch Sony television. Glen had a list for Lowe's.    

As bad as traffic was today, I shudder to think what it will be like next week and on to Christmas.  We had stop and go traffic; a funeral procession that detained 8-10 lanes of traffic, with a little road construction.  

One way for a helicopter to travel.  This was parked at a local restaurant.

Taken from our front yard.

This is the eastern skies, lit from the sunset....would you call that an eastern sunset?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

11/18/14 Jam Season has Arrived

The Tuesday night Jam Session started (for Glen) tonight.  There were nine on stage.  

Glen will be checking whether the Thursday afternoon Jam has started.

Monday, November 17, 2014

11/17/14 Worked our Fingers to the Bones

Or, Worked Until we Can Hardly Move!

We didn't mean to work that hard; it just happened.

Glen started by making a trip to Dr. Ike's--think hometown Home get a replacement faucet.  After the dripping faucet was replaced, Glen started the power washer.  

There were mesquite beans in piles on the concrete floor, staining the floor a camo of black and brown with a little dirt mixed in.  Glen started the removal process.

I started in the kitchen area, removing the stored furniture with Glen's assistance.  The goal, get to the washer and dryer.

It was obvious that serious cleaning needed to be done in there.  The area is not sealed tight, therefore lots of dust accumulation.  It was after lunch before the first load made it to the washer.

The refrigerator is cooling; the stove works.  Both the washer and dryer works.  All is well and ready for the winter.

Glen power-washed all of the concrete surfaces except for the pad where the motor home is parked.  That will be another day's work.  

We visited with Glenda and Milton, neighbors we didn't see yesterday.  Another neighbor called late in the afternoon to say they had a bag of fresh limes/lemons for us.  

That's is for today: a report of our work.  Isn't that exciting!  More of the same for tomorrow.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

11/16/14 We Escaped! (Zapata, Texas--winter home)

We escaped!  

We arrived! escaping the snow and sleet of the midwest--specificially southeast Missouri.

My sister in central Missouri reported six inches of snow and 24 degrees. Our daughter reports it was beginning to snow in northwest Arkansas early evening.  Our son reported that it was just beginning to snow there.  

However, when we arrived in Zapata it was 74 degrees, and the sun was shining!  

Mark, our neighbor around the corner, has the yard all mowed.  

But there is work to do.  It looks as if the birds have enjoyed being in the outdoor space.  (Hint: bird poop all over the concrete).  There's trees to trim.  As dry as it is in this area it is amazing how the mesquite trees grow from spring to early winter.  

Today's 535 miles was uneventful.  After we get in Texas we travel on "side" roads--no interstate.  Texas has great roads, wide with wide shoulders, often four-lane.  Most of the two-as well as four-lane roads have a speed limit of 70.  

Now that we are settled in for the winter, there may not be as much to write about, so if there isn't an entry, keep checking in.  Remember on the blog page you can sign up to be reminded when an entry is published.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

11/15/14 Half-Way (Left: Cape Girardeau MO; Overnight at Tyler, TX)

We actually left the RV park before eight a.m. today.  But, it was about 9:30 before we got out of town.

We enjoyed breakfast at "Bob Evans", ran an errand, aired the RV tires, then headed south.

We drove catty/corner across Arkansas from the northeast to Texarkana in the southwest corner.  

Glen drove about 540 miles today, with a lunch stop at a rest area, and the stop for the night at the Walmart in Tyler Texas.  

Oh, yes, there was a stop in Atlanta Texas for a fuel fillup.  Diesel price was $3.29 (with 5-cent discount).  We obvously have not needed regular gas but the price is averaging about $2.69 per gallon.  

We will make Zapata tomorrow!  Looking for warmer temperatures!

Friday, November 14, 2014

11-14-14 The Last Whirlwind Day (Last night in Cape Girardeau)

Another whirlwind day!  I am ready to slow down!

I have needed a haircut for two weeks, and today was the day!  I feel better and know I have to look better!  No pointed comments, either! ha.

Next a stop at Penzoil for an oil change for the truck.

I had an appointment at 1:15 with the thyroid doctor!   That was short and sweet.  My lab work indicated a change in medication!  Dr. A  upped the dosage with lab work in two months!

Glen and I then checked out some items at Lowe's for some potential projects in Zapata.  More  later as those develop.

The motorhome is ready to travel...,and we will in the morning.  All there is do is unhook the electricity, and hook up the truck, and we will be heading south!

Our route will take us south on I-55 to I-40, west to Little Rock, then the interstate that goes southwest to Texarkana.  We will have to see tomorrow afternoon how far southwest we will make it, maybe even into Texas.

It is 1078 miles to Zapata!

We surely are going to miss our family here in Cape Girardeau.  It is always great to spend time with Sarah and Darin, but Ashlynn and Zade are extra special grandchildren.  As I always tell Zade ---he's the best six-year old grandson we have; and Ashlynn is the best granddaughter we have!  She always laughs and says, "but Grammy, I am your only granddaughter!"  And that is what makes her the best!

If you don't know now, you will learn that winter cold temps and winds and icy/freezy conditions are harder to deal with as the birthdays pile up.  

Thursday, November 13, 2014

11-12-13-2014 A Whirlwind Two Days

Yesterday and today have been a whirlwind!

Wednesday started with an eight A.M. appointment with dermatologist; then off to Poplar Bluff, MO for dental appointments.  

Darin's day started with an MRI--back issues.  When leaving the radiology center his jeep wouldn't start.  The local Jeep dealer couldn't get to it for two weeks.  He had it towed to Sikeston MO where it was worked on yesterday afternoon.

When we returned to Cape Girardeau, we picked up the kids, then Darin, then met Sarah at 'Shoguns", Japanese cuisine, for Sarah's Birthday.

Tired yet?

We stopped at Dairy Queen for a birthday cake for dessert at their home.  After dessert we listened to each of the kid's read a book, then said "good-night" and departed.

SARAH: hope you enjoyed your birthday.

Today also started with an eight o'clock a.m. appointment.  The on-board generator (MH) had a bolt that couldn't be removed for completion of an oil/filter change.  Glen found a truck service company that had experience with such issues.  They removed the bolt, and completed the oil/filter/service.  

We returned to MH to the RV park.  We then departed for Sikeston, MO to pick up Darin's jeep.

The Jeep had suffered an electrical short which burned out half of the battery and caused all the electrical systems to malfunction. 

We delivered the Jeep to Darin's house, went to lunch, to Wal-mart for prescriptions and Christmas presents.  Shock!

We are leaving wrapped gifts for Ashlynn and Zade when we head south.

The day isn't finished yet.  

Zade, as a Cub Scout, is supposed to work at the school's chili supper tonight.  We are picking up the kids, take them home so Zade can change into his Scout shirt, then take him to school.  I am not sure what first-graders will do, but it will be helpful, I am sure.

As soon as Darin and Sarah get home from work we will all go eat chili for supper. 

Tired yet?  we are!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

11-11-14 Catching Up on the Past Few Days

Well, well, well.  It has been a few days since writing on the blog.

We have been b-u-s-y with Ashlynn and Zade.    Actually Sarah's parents spent Thursday and Friday nights with them, staying until Saturday afternoon.

Here goes.....

Friday Glen saw the oncologist here in Cape Girardeau.  The blood reports was great--no great jumps in the numbers and Glen is feeling well.  The doctor said "just keep on doing what you have been doing!"  

Saturday Ashlynn attended a birthday party.  

Zade had missed the entire flag football season because of his foot injury BUT there was a make-up game Saturday afternoon.  Zade got to play!  We were able to see the first practice.  The comparison of that practice and this last game was incredible.  There were plays, positions, and team play.  What fun.  

Sunday after church and lunch, we spent the afternoon in the back yard.  Max, the puppy, and Ashlynn and Zade all burned some energy.  It was a beautiful afternoon to be outdoors.

Monday was back-to-school.  Last night there was homework, reading, spelling practice.  Most of all it was the night "Mom and Dad" were coming home.  

"Mom" and "Dad" arrived shortly after eleven last  night.  They went into the kids' rooms and gave them a hug and kiss.  We caught up on their vacation/business meeting.

Today was a holiday (Veteran's Day) for Darin.  Sarah had to go to work!  

Glen helped Darin remove the "rag top" from Darin's jeep and put on the "hard top".  The first cold days of winter has arrived.

It was 58 degrees at wake up time and is currently 34 degrees at 8:30 p.m..  I am sure there is a wind chill since the wind is blowing up to 20 mph.  Br-r-r-r!

The water hose is disconnected, the tank heaters are on, the drain hose is disconnected, and there is light bulb turned on in the refrigerator section to keep the water line warm and not freezing.  THIS is the reason for heading south---soon!

We are expecting a couple of things in the mail.  Saturday, if everything arrives, we will be starting south.

Today is VETERAN'S DAY.  Several times a year we are reminded to honor the veterans that have and are serving out country with sacrifice, dedication, and pride.  Our thanks also to the families that offer support and love to each and every veteran.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

11-6-214 Overnight with the Grandkids

Ashlynn and Zade are excited when they are "car riders" when school is dismissed.  We picked them up yesterday at dismissal time and went to their home.

It was an evening of spelling practice, reading chapter books: "Junie B Jones" for Ashlynn, "Green Eggs and Ham" for Zade, Wii baseball and football.  

I must not leave out puppy training:  lots of trips outside but no accidents inside from Max the Puppy.   His puppy teeth are sharp and pointed.  One must concentrate on keeping fingers out of his way when playing "keep a way" or fastening his leash.

The other grandparents are spending tonight and Friday night with them.  

Zade missed all of the flag football games because of the injury to his foot.  BUT, there is a make-up game Saturday afternoon.  He will get to play one game after all.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

11-4-14 Rainydrops Keep Falllling My Head!

Who sang that song?  The Carpenters?

It's a perfect description of today's weather.  Rain started at 8 a.m. and has continued through the day for a total of 1.05 inches.  The low temperature this morning was 50 degrees; the high temperature was 55 degrees.

It was a perfect day for a pot of.....not chile, not soup, but chicken 'n' dumplings.  Homemade, no less!  With peach cobbler for dessert.

Ashlynn goes to gymnastics from 5:15 to 6:30 each Tuesday.  The chicken 'n'dumplings were waiting, all hot, when we got home.  

Sarah has a conference in Las Vegas Thursday Friday and Saturday.  Darin is accompanying her for a mini-vacation. The best prices for airline tickets were for a return on Monday.   Sarah's parents and we are sharing the pleasure of being with Ashlynn and Zade while the parents are gone.

Monday, November 3, 2014

11-3-14 Beautiful Day

We picked up Ashlynn and Zade after school.  We all came back to the MH to unload groceries.

It was a beautiful afternoon for a few pictures.



Ashlynn and Zade 

 Glen, Ashlynn and Zade

Gayla, Ashlynn and Zade

This beautiful fence and trees are at the edge of the rv park. We enjoyed not needing a jacket this afternoon.  Afternoon high was 69 degrees.  No so for tomorrow: high 59 and rain.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

11-2-14 Autumn Colors

We enjoyed a short drive after lunch today, trying to find some fall colors.  It is definitely past the peak of colors, but there was enough colors to be worth the drive.

Low temperature this morning was 24 degrees.  There was a heavy frost.  Temperature reached 57 degrees this afternoon.  We have brought out the long pants and jackets.  

We enjoyed visiting with Darin/Sarah and Ashlynn/Zade this evening.

This is going to be a busy week.  I will share more details in a few days.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

11-1-14 "Breakfast with A Cop"

Cape Girardeau Police Department hosted "Breakfast with a Cop" at "Chic Filet" this morning.  We enjoyed a chicken and biscuit slider with our favorite policeman--Darin.  

These events are planned for the community to be able to converse and ask questions of the local police force.  It is a win-win situation.  

By the way:  Chic Filet has a great breakfast menu!