Tuesday, September 29, 2015

9-29-15 Tuesday Day 9 of MH Project

The weather prevented Glen from going to the farm today.  Fall is arriving - Rain blowing in, leaves falling, and temperatures falling.

We checked on the motor home this morning.  It's just like those make-over shows on HGTV:  we thought the project would be farther along.  All of the furniture is out.  Some of the carpet is removed but not all.  It is hard not to be anxious, or in a hurry.

 Monday the farm crew disced a 90-acre field.  This was Glen's rig.
 This tractor pulled the wheat drill for planting.

 This is the view to the rear from Glen's tractor.

The view to the front.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

9-26-2015 Saturday Soccer Game

We drove to Shipshawana this morning.
Dave's granddaughter, Maddie, played soccer.  Maddie is a fourth-grader.  Her parents are Eric and Stephanie.  We surely did enjoy visiting with Eric and Stephanie.

After the game we stopped at"The Rise and Roll", an Amish bakery and deli.  Dave and Laurie introduced us to the 'cinnamon carmel doughnut'.  These should come with a warning: ADDICTIVE!  Oh, my, delicious.

It was then lunch at "Der Dutchman Haus". Another place that should come with a warning.  Of course, it is Amish food which automatically means "delicious!"

We enjoyed a nap, then watched the Notre Dame football game on tv.  I am not sure there was room for anyone else at the stadium.

Friday, September 25, 2015

9-25-2015 Friday Night Day 5

Day 5---Motor home has been at Bradd and Hall since Monday.  We haven't been to check on it since Tuesday morning.

Glen has been driving a tractor pulling a grain hopper yesterday and today for Dave.

Tractor and combine.  Combine has a 35-foot head.  Combine empties into the buggy is pulling. 
 Glen's rig

I have been reminded of some farming practices that I once knew.  Combining does not start first thing in the morning.  There is a wait while the dew or fog dries off the soybeans.  Both yesterday and today the combining didn't start until 12:30 or 1:00 p.m.

I have enjoyed reading the trilogy of books by Wanda E. Brunstetter, "The Half-Stitched Amish Quilting Club, The Tattered Quilt, and The Healing Quilt".  The musical we enjoyed this last Tuesday night was based on the first book "The Half-Stitched Amish Quilting Club."

It is great weather for harvesting, or for anything.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

9-22-2015 Tuesday "HALF STITCHED, THE MUSICAL"

It has been a beautiful day in the neighborhood!  We are appreciating the high blue skies, the temps in the low 70's, low humidity.

The first thing on the list was a haircut for me.  Now, some of you may not appreciate how good a haircut makes you feel when the haircut is about three weeks overdue!

Our friends, Dave and Laurie, live about an hour south of here.  I emailed Laurie to ask about a salon.  She shared the name of her salon and stylist.  In fact, she had an appointment an hour after me.

We stayed after I was finished to visit with Laurie.  She was on her noon-hour.

Do you remember that Dave (Laurie's husband) and Glen were in basic and advanced training at Ft. Leonard Wood at the same time in 1968.  We have remained in touch and friends since then.

Dave is "running around like a chicken with its head cut off"!  Have you heard that saying?
Dave partner farms with Steve.  Steve just had quintuple bypass surgery, a combine has been in the garage, and a tractor just quit.  Dave was expecting the combine to be ready this afternoon.

Oh, before the heart surgery they agreed to combine an extra 1000 acres for someone else.  Friends have been offering to help Dave with the harvest.  Small communities still help one another when needed.

Anyway, didn't mean for that to be a chapter.

We drove from there to Shipshawana, an Amish community.  To celebrate our 48th wedding anniversary (the 16th) we enjoyed an Amish buffet before attending a performance at the "Blue Gate Theater".

This was a Broadway quality performance of "Half-Stitched, the Musical.  Six Loose Threads and an Amish Widow".

"What could possible go wrong when an Amish widow decides to teach a small weekend quilting class?  Cultures collide and personalities conflict when six loose threads and an Amish widow spend a weekend together learning a little about quilts, and a lot about themselves."  There was laughing, tears, and unforgettable melodies.

"Half Stitched" is based on Wanda Brunstetter's novel The Half-Stitched Amish Quilting Club.

Of course I bought the book and two follow up books.  I look forward to reading them.

It has been a good day.

Beautiful fall displays in Shipshawana.

Monday, September 21, 2015

9-2102015 Monday - Day One (Extended Stay America, Mishawaka IN)

If we would have had one more box or bag to pack in the truck, we would have had to rent a Pod or storage room!  It is amazing what we packed in motor home and put in pick up.

Today will be remembered as Day One of the make over/remodel of the motor home.

Glen was ready to go back to Elkhart late this afternoon to see if the project had been started!  We are going to have to remind each other that we cannot go every day!

The suite here in the hotel is stocked with the bare minimum: two plates, two bowls, two mugs, two glasses, two spoons but only one fork.  LOL  We requested at the front desk another fork, and also got a skillet and a toaster.

The suite is at the end of a long hall on the top floor (third; elevator ride isn't too long).  Neighbors only on one side, and no one above us.

There are plans for tomorrow.  Stay tuned to see what we will be doing.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

9-20-2015 Sunday The Night Before.... Elkhart RV Park, Elkhart IN

I think we are ready for the next chapter.

We have spent the day finishing the packing and putting away everything that would be in the way of the make over.  It is unreal how many things are tucked away, or sitting in corners.

The pick up is packed "to the gills"!

Glen has also changed out the fixtures inside the shower.  The brassy gold is disappearing!

Friday, September 18, 2015

9-18-2015 All Through at Spartan Chassis (Elkhart [IN] RV Park)

Bright and early--7:00 a.m.--Andy, the tech, was knocking at the front door.

About 11 Andy finished with the new brake drums/drums/chambers.
At 1:30 the office went over the itemized bill with Glen, accepted payment, and we headed south.

Yes, we were there a week.  But, Glen says there isn't another place in the country that could do the work.  We are very impressed with the quality of the work.

Andy the tech invited Glen down into the pit to see all that was worked on.  This was the first time Glen had seen the underneath of the motor home.  Glen says he learned several things just by Andy pointing out things and saying "this needs to be done every 500 miles" or "this is what we lubed the jacks with", etc.

It has rained since last night.

The weather and time left before the makeover begins encouraged us to make different plans.  We are not going to the dunes along Lake Michigan and we are not going to Maumee Bay State Park in Ohio.

We are back in Elkhart, IN.  We need to finish packing a suitcase or two in preparation for our time out of the motor home.  Glen is changing out the puck lights located through out the motor home.  No more brassy gold lights.  The new ones are also LED, a much better light.

Everyone have a good week end.  Autumn is coming.  The maple trees are changing colors.  The goldenrod is blooming Ach-choo!

9-18-2015 Another Day of Waiting

Friday morning:
We spent Thursday waiting for brake drums to be delivered by truck.  The delivery happened in late afternoon.

The tech will be here at 7:00 to get the motorhome for this last project.

We did accomplish the task of boxing up the items under the bed, in the computer desk, and in the big drawer under the sofa.  All of those boxes are now in the back of the pick up.

It has rained through the night and is still raining.  This probably means sitting indoors in the waiting room! Or, having a
l-o-n-g breakfast at McDonalds.

Have I mentioned there isn't a good selection of restaurants here in Charlotte?

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

9-16-2015 Chapter 2 for the day

The techs had the motor home from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  Almost all the work is done.

Today's big project was replacing rear brake pads and drums.  A phone call from the tech informed us that they didn't have the correct size brake drum.  New and proper ones have been ordered and will be here tomorrow.

At least one more night here.  Depending on when the new brake pads arrive tomorrow will determine whether we leave or stay Thursday night.

Last Wednesday a young fireman in Lansing MI was working with his fellow fireman on the street corner to "fill the boot" for a charity.  Someone in a car didn't appreciate the delay, went down the street, turned around, came back and hit and killed Dennis Rodeman.  The funeral was today in Lansing;  The procession then came through Charlotte on the way to the cemetery.  The procession was heart breaking.

September 16, 2015 Happy Anniversary to us!

Forty Eight years ago it was a drizzly sort of day.  The crepe paper streamers sagged from all of the moisture!  My mother was so happy to get help from the best man restringing the streamers!!

Glen was 30 minutes late getting to the church.  My aunt kept reassuring me "he would be here!" I didn't have any doubt.

He was there. and has been by my side ever since!  When you are 20 you can't imagine 48 years down the road.  It's been the best.  

I am blessed.  Not only do I have the best husband, but my best friend, the best dad, grandpa, brother.
Glen is the best.

P.S. We are still at Spartan.  One more full day of work.  Sigh.  It is all work that needs to be done.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

9-15-15 The Waiting Game

Yesterday, Monday, we were up at O-Dark Thirty in preparation for the techs from Spartan Chassis to pick up the motor home.  

The techs finally came at 10:30.  The motorhome was returned at 4:30.  

And----the work is not finished.

The 44-point check list has been gone through.  Of course there are issues.  The technicians estimated another four hours of work today!

Today.  We are up at 6:15.  It is still dark!  The alarm is a scary sound at that time of day!  

The technicians are to arrive at 7:10.

There is a waiting room in at the service area.  There is also a pavillion in the overnight parking area.  Yesterday was a beautiful sun-shiny day.  That is where we waited throughout the day.  We have our "toys"--the Kindle, the I-phones.  Of course, being outside, it is a front row seat to watch all the comings and goings of the other RVs.  

There are other RV-ers wandering around to talk to.  

One lady groomed her dog.  

A 45-foot rig arrived, with a motorcycle lift attached to back of the rig and a big shiny yellow motorcycle, towing a pick up.  The pick up was unattached.  The owner hit the button to lower the motorcycle lift, and nothing happened.  

Of course there were two, three other men from the waiting area there to check out the problem and to offer opinions.  He changed out a valve, still didn't work.  A couple of hours later, the owner talked the Spartan people in to coming up with a fork lift.  The fork lift was inserted under the lift, up and over the safety bar, and the lift started working.  

It doesn't take much to entertain a bunch of waiting RV-ers with nothing to do.  There are always stories to exchange with other RV-ers!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

9-13-15 Sunday Spartan Chassis (Spartan Chassis Factory parking lot--Charlotte MI)

At ten we met with Brad, of BraddandHall, in Elkhart, IN, to finalize the work order for the makeover.  The schedule is to drop off the motor home on Monday, the 21st, and pick it back up on October 9.  

What? you ask, where will we stay?  Good question.  It was almost one without a good answer.  The first factor is home Notre Dame football games. Yes, motels/hotels are already booked up for those games.  The second factor was a RV Rally in Elkhart.  

We are now booked in an extended stay facility in Mishawaka, IN, about 20 minutes from Elkhart.  

Laurie and Dave, friends in Argos IN, about 40 miles away, offered their home to us.  But, we know the old adage that "friends and fish stink after three days".  No way we would impose on them for that long.  

That doesn't mean that Glen might not go down and help Dave with the harvest.  If there is an opportunity to drive a tractor or truck, Glen will be there.

Because it rained all day we chose to stay parked on the driveway at Bradd and Hall.

We moved to the Elkhart RV Park for the night.  
We shopped at a couple of RV surplus stores, looking for satin nickel lights and bathroom sink faucet in the same color.  Out with all the gold/brass fixtures! The new lights will also be LED, a much brighter, cooler light.

We have driven to Charlotte, Michigan, about two hours north of Elkhart.  This is the home of Spartan Chassis Factory.  The MH is scheduled for a 100 (?) point chassis check up at 7 a.m. Monday morning.

Yep! up and out of the rig at 7 a.m.

Spartan provides paved parking with electrical hook ups for 20 rigs.  

We are assuming that all work/check up will be finished at the end of the day Monday.

From here we are considering two destinations.  The sand dunes at Mear, MI, where we rode jeeps on the dunes a few years ago; or, Maumee Bay State Park, in Ohio, where we have also stayed before.  Either locations is just a couple of hours away.

Then, we will be back in Elkhart a week from today.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

September 9/10, 2015 MOTORHOME MAKEOVER (Newmar Corp., Nappanee, IN, & Bradd and Hall RV Renovations, Elkhart IN)

It was a rainy day for a drive.  We arrived at Newmar Corp., maker of our RV, in Nappanee, IN at four o'clock, just as the parts' department was closing.  Newmar furnishes a place to park (with electricity and water) on their premises.

We--Glen, actually,--shopped in the parts' department, and found most of what was on the list.

We then drove 15 miles to the town of Elkhart IN where "Bradd and Hall INC" is located.  Bradd and Hall are RV renovators.  It is the beginning of the motorhome make-over.  We ordered--carpet, window shades, sofa, recliner, and driver's and passenger seats.

The motorhome is ten years old.  Wear and tear is obvious.  Glen has also already replaced all of the cabinet handles (50-plus), and hinges that were glaringly gold in color.

We will discuss schedule in the morning.  Employees measured for everything this afternoon.

Neither Glen nor I are good, confident or experienced in choosing colors or designs.  We had made some tentative choices.  Then, yes!, Brad, the owner who has many years of experience in choosing colors and designs came to our rescue.  He "helped" us; ok, he gave us choices and we picked our favorites.

We both feel better with what has been chosen.  I must say that it is an entirely different color family than what we first thought/chose.

While we were in Nappanee we learned that next week end is the Apple Festival.  Below are some indications of the festival theme.

I will discuss being in the middle of Amish country in another blog!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

9-8-2015 Tuesday--Rainy Day on the Road (Walmart, Vandalia, Illinois)

We left our home for the past 11 days, Oak Grove RV Park in Branson, this morning.  

As we approached Springfield MO it began raining and has rained most of the day.  It also dropped to 69 degrees!  Hurray.

We are stopped for the night on the parking lot of Walmart, Vandalia MO, along with 8 or so 18-wheelers.  This parking lot is even stripped for long, over-size vehicles.  

We will be on the road again tomorrow morning, heading toward Nappannee, Indiana.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

9-5-15 Retirement of American Flag

Our family group had noticed the American flag displayed in front of the RV park was well used.  Two days ago Sam, the office manager, notified us that there would be a retirement ceremony this morning.

This was the first retirement ceremony that Glen and I had attended.
A troop of Boy Scouts performed the ritual.

 Boy Scouts hoisting the new flag.

 A trumpet player performed "Taps".

 Holding the retiring flag over the coals.

 Proper disposal is over coals.

A Scout at solemn  attention during the disposal.

At attention.

The ceremony was proper, respectful, and patriotic.

Mildred and Doug left to return to their home.  Myrna and Dick departed, heading for a stop in Cape Girardeau, then on to North Carolina.

Jeff and Marcella, Gary and Evelyn have gone shopping at Tanger Mall.  Traffic is horrific this Saturday morning of Labor Day Week end.

We are expecting friends, Janice and Richard Garrett, to arrive any time from their home near Joplin MO.  They are spending the afternoon with us.  We first met them in 1971 in Poplar Bluff MO.

Have a great holiday week end.

Friday, September 4, 2015

9-4-2015 Hiking Sisters Strike Again (Still in Branson MO)

The hiking sisters plus Jeff and Doug found a trail in the city of Branson for today's hike.  This included a homestead, 318 steps, a (dry) waterfall.

Front to back:
Myrna Harris, Mildred Campbell, Marcella Schnakenberg, and Evelyn Morrow.

Here they are on the steps.  Jeff S., and Doug C. also accompanied them.  
Gary, Dick, Glen and I were left in charge of the home camp! LOL

P.S.  Todays high was 93 degrees.  One of the reasons I didn't go!

Our numbers will be dwindling tomorrow.  Myrna and Dick, and Mildred and Doug will be leaving.  Myrna and Dick are heading toward North Carolina; Mildred and Doug to their home in Carl Junction.

Four or so rigs have come into the RV park.  By no means is it full.  

All of us went to the tent sale at the Colemans Outdoor Equipment store.  I think most of us found a few things that hopped into the cart.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

September 3, 2015 Family, Friends, and Food

Our group has a new motto:  Family, Friends, and Food.  
Especially important is Food!
See picture below:

Gayla and Glen, Dick and Myrna, Doug and Mildred, Jeff and Marcella, Gary and Evelyn.

The group is waiting to enter "Billy Gale"s Cafe" for breakfast.

The pancakes hang over the edge of the plates.  The omelets are made of 4 eggs.  The biscuits are tall.  In other words-- delicious!  

Fred and Gay joined us for breakfast.  They then departed for their home at midday!  It has been a joy having them with us!

Yesterday afternoon the group went to the show called "Smoke on the Mountain".  The setting is a 1930's church with "guest group" providing music.  The musicians were very talented.  The comedy was rib-splitting.  The show is 5-star; we highly recommend.