Sunday, January 31, 2016

January 31, 2016 It is Finished!

Roofing crew at work!  The incorrect-fitting ridge cap being removed!

The new ridge cap was installed; and the project is FINISHED!

The color is called "light stone".

There were various activities this afternoon.

Glen went to a deacon ordination at our church.
Jeff went fishing with Fred.  They caught two, but still had fun!
The rest of us rested, read, and reclined!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

January 30, 2016 They were Here! They Left!

The roofing crew came.  They looked things over, called the boss, told him he (the boss) had brought the incorrect foam spacing that is placed between the ridge cap the roofing sheets.

The boss/owner was in Laredo at the time of the call.  He picked up the correct spacing foam.  The crew left.  They will return in the morning.  Yes! on Sunday.  We are just ready for the project to be over.

Thankfully it has not been a rainy, wet January.

Ok.  We don't have to stay around to watch the roofing crew.  What do we do?

We don't care.  Let's just go somplace.

Off we went.  We drove to the Falcon Lake Dam.  Four of us did not have our passports so we didn't drive onto the dam.

Next stop:  Salineno Birding Refuge, just north of Roma, Texas.  We have been here many times.  There is no easier place to watch and identify birds.  The photos can be clicked on to enlarge.

 Altimira Oriole.

 (female) Ladderback Woodpecker.

 Green Jay.

Ladderback Woodpecker.
 Green Jay and Altimira Oriole.

 Notice the neon orange color on the Altimira Oriole.

Compare the colors on the two: (L)Altimira (R) Audubon's Oriole--he's lemony yellow.

 Audubon's Oriole.

 Altimira Oriole.

Just north of the birding refuge on Hwy 83 are these two saguaro cacti.  They are normally found in Arizona.  Speculation: someone was visiting Arizona, dug up the saguaro, and brought them to Salineno/Roma, TX.  Glen is estimating they are 60 feet tall.

We saw many other birds which did not sit still enough for pictures.  There was a covey of bob white quail, hundreds of red-winged blackbirds, Lincoln and olive sparrows, white tipped dove, black crested titmouse, orange crowned warbler, brown headed cowbird, a wren.

Down the road at Rio Grande City we enjoyed lunch at The Steak House, housed in a restored late 1800's building.  Menu was mostly Mexican.  Gary enjoyed a prime rib sandwich.  The rest of us enjoyed enchiladas, tacos with delicious side dishes.

On the way home we stopped at Roma Bluffs Wildlife Birding Center along the Rio Grande River.  We looked across the river into the cit of Miguel Aleman.  No, we do not cross the bridge into Mexico.

Friday, January 29, 2016

January 29, 2016 Cross Your Fingers

Thursday afternoon Jam Session.  Glen, Evelyn, and Marcella are in the back row on the right.

After the Jam Session we went to friends', Leroy and Sylvia, home.  Leroy and Sylvia have several orange trees, grapefruit trees, and a couple of lemon trees in their yard.  They allowed us to pick some of each kind.

The orange fresh from the tree was delicious.  Evelyn made lemon bars from the fresh lemon juice which are delicious. We don't eat grapefruit (because of medicines) but Marcella and Evelyn said they were very sweet and delicious.

Earlier in the week Fred and Gay asked if they could host a fish fry here this afternoon.  They would provide the crappie and all the fixings.

Of course, we said "yes"!  There were a total of 18 here for an early supper.  There is nothing better than fried crappie.

Cross your fingers.  The roofing crew is supposed to be here in the morning to finish up the project.  We have waited every day this week for them to be here, but tomorrow is the day.

Monday, January 25, 2016

1/25/16 Monday: Re-do on the roof ridge

Saturday morning Roberto, the roofing contractor, came by to have a conversation with Glen.

He said the roof ridge pieces that had been ordered with the incorrect pieces.  He told Glen what needed to be ordered to correct the issues.

Today Glen took the "old" original ridge pieces back to the metal company. Tthey were special ordered--no returns, no refunds!
Roberto talked by phone to the contact person behind the desk and told her what was needed.

The new pieces were in stock; Glen brought them home with him.

We are hopeful the two-man crew will be here in the morning to remove the "old" incorrect fitting pieces, and install the new, hopefully, correct pieces.

Gary and Jeff went with Glen to Laredo.  The menfolks shopped at Walmart.  I can speak for Glen and say that he did a great job with the shopping list.  There weren't even too many items that weren't on the list!

Jan and Bruce left EARLY this morning, heading back to Missouri.  We already miss them.  I think maybe Jan was hearing the voices of the grandchildren in her heart.  They will be missed at the Jam Sessions.  The church family will also miss them.

Marcella and Evelyn worked on the guitars this afternoon.  I think the soreness of the fingers determine how long the sessions are!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

January 23, 2016 Saturday:

The day started at 36 degrees and warmed to 68 degrees with lots of sunshine.  There was a breeze to add to the mix!  No jacket needed in the sunshine; but put it on in the shade!

The Lutherans hosted a "Soup and Chili" lunch at their church today.

By the time we got there all of the chili was gone but the chicken noodle soup was delicious!

Roberto, the roofing contractor, came by this morning to discuss the problems with the ridge pieces.  He told Glen to take the remaining pieces back to the metal shop, and re-order new pieces.  He indicated that the metal shop erred in the shaping process and would be responsible for the new pieces.

The rest of the day was spent outside visiting.
Marcella showed her guitar to Evelyn.  Evelyn gave Marcella some hints on learning to play.

Tonight Glen, Evelyn, and Marcella went to church for choir practice.
Jeff showed/taught Gary and I a new game called "Guillotine".  It uses specially designed cards, is a game of strategy, and is over fairly quickly.  It is designed for 2 to 5 players.

Glen grilled pork tenderloins, I prepared mashed potatoes and gravy, Marcella prepared a salad, and Evelyn furnished "homemade"corn.  It was a great meal.

Friday, January 22, 2016

January 22, 2016 Friday Unfinished project; and Arrivals

We expected that the roofing project would be finished this afternoon.  Nope!  Not so.

The crew found that the ridge caps are not cut correctly, so do not fit the ridge--where the two sides meet.  There is a crinkle and the ridges in the sheets do not match.

The contractor came this afternoon but we weren't here so don't know what the plans are.  We would assume the ridge caps already applied will be removed, and all new ones made--not at our expense.

Gary/Evelyn, Glen and I attended a musical concert this afternoon by the "Farnum Family", a group headquartered in Branson MO.

The parents were accompanied by their six children.  The four oldest children are awesomely talented.  They played a mix of bluegrass, Celtic, and gospel.

The nearby RV park hosts different groups every other week January and February.  Attendance is only $6 or $7 per person....a bargain.

When we returned from the music show Jeff and Marcella (Glen's next youngest sister) were here.  They are parked on the driveway, connected and ready to be here for the next month or two or longer.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

1-21-2016 Off with the Old! On with the New!

The roofing crew came yesterday and today.  The project has begun!

 Off with the old!
 Original roof--mid 1970's
On with the new!  This side of the pole barn is now complete.

It was a windy day to be working with roofing panels, climbing ladders, and being on the roof.  I saw on our weather station that winds reached 31 mph.

It already does and is going to look so much better.  The crew--two men--think they will finish tomorrow.

We had a social event planned for this evening before we knew for sure when the roofing project would start.

We invited 12 friends to come to view a 49-minute DVD video entitled "Return to Dak To".  This film is a documentary about five of Glen's friends and fellow veterans who returned to Dak To Vietnam in 2004.  It has taken ten years for the author and producer to put together and finish.  Chris Upham hopes to sell this to a television network such as the Military Channel, History Channel, National Geographic.

It is an emotional and personal account of the 45-day siege and the the lifelong impact this event triggered.  These five veterans are representative of all the soldiers that endured this siege/battle/attack.

It is our wish that these 12 friends/family understand a little better what happened in 1969 and the impact on Glen and the other 500 combat engineers.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

January 19, 2016 Still Waiting

More waiting.  Still waiting.  Until...
3:15, when the roofing contractor arrived, unloaded scaffolding, and reported he and the crew will be here in the morning!  Hurray! Let the work commence.

There were ten on stage tonight at the Jam Session.  Jam Session was followed by the trek to the Dairy Queen.  We have to eat and visit quickly as the DQ closes at 10 p.m. Sharp!

We had just arrived at home when we saw an ambulance arrive at our neighbor's home.  Shirley has had some health issues since she arrived here in late December.  This morning she had a biopsy on her pancreas and returned home this afternoon.

She began running a temperature and feeling weak and not well at all.  The ambulance took her to a hospital in Laredo.  We are saying prayers that she receives good care and is feeling better quickly.

We are also thinking of all our family, friends, and residents of Missouri who are receiving sleet, freezing rain, snow, and cold temperatures.  For some areas, school has already been dismissed for Wednesday.  For sure Zapata doesn't know what a "snow day" is!

Monday, January 18, 2016

January 18, 2016 The Waiting Game

Last week----
   the roofing contractor:  "We will be at your place Monday or Tuesday."

   Not today.  He wasn't here today.

   Hopefully tomorrow!

It was a beautiful day to be waiting: 72 degrees, blue sky, barely a breeze.

I talked to our son in Cape Girardeau MO this afternoon.  His description of the weather: "wicked cold."

Yesterday there was a spaghetti lunch after church.  It was a fund raiser for the youth group.  The spaghetti, green beans, garlic bread, and cake was delicious.

Tonight was the first of the Jam Sessions at the closest RV park/motel to us.  It is where Jan and Bruce are staying; and friends Fred and Gay are parked with their fifth wheel.  Three years ago Fred and Gay were asked by the owners to sing/play one night a week.  They very kindly asked Glen and Evelyn to join them.

It is now expected and looked forward to each winter.  Glen says this is his favorite venue to sing and be with the other musicians. Bruce joined them tonight.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

1-16-16 Turn Out the Lights, the Party is over!

The Kansas City Chiefs NFL team lost this afternoon.  Now I don't care who wins or loses!

The Mizzou basketball team lost this afternoon.

On the other hand, it has been a gorgeous day.  There was a high of 78 degrees, sunshine all day, BUT wind all day with gusts to 30 miles per hour.

This much wind brings to mind what my Gramps would say:  "it is a skirt alert day!"  or...

"you need rocks in your pockets to be outside!"

Glen cleaned the gunk/calcium deposits out of the hot water heater this morning.  Bet there is more hot water in the morning!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

January 14, 2016 Chef Gary-O-R-Dee at Work Again

Yesterday was cloudy and dark which led to all of us staying indoors.

Today:  a different story! 71 degrees for a high!  Sunshine galore!

All but Gary (Chef) went to Thursday afternoon Jam Session.

Gary prepared a cheesy beefy casserole with baked sweet potatoes.  Jan provided cole slaw.  The meal ended with pineapple cake topped with vanilla ice cream.

Fred and Gay enjoyed supper with us.

Gary did great!

Jan and Bruce are going on a motorcycle ride tomorrow.  Glen and I haven't talked about whether we will go as tailgunners!

Glen, Evelyn, Bruce, Jan, Fred and Gay have gone to church to practice music for Sunday.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

January 12, 2015 Chef Boy R Dee

Chef Gary Boy R Dee was at work today.  Evelyn was the sous chef.

Lunch today was the-best-ever Rueben sandwich with fresh green beans (Jan), chips and salsa(homemade by Jan), and pickled beets.  Doesn't that sound yummy???

We lunched outdoors in the sunshine!  The thermometer was hanging on the west wall in the sun and showed 110 degrees!  In the shade it was 65 degrees.

We sat, enjoying the sun, visiting; oh, yes, an hour or so of music!

Tonight was the Jam Session! 12 were on stage.  "Our" trio--Glen, Evely, and Bruce--introduced two new songs for the performance: "City of New Orleans" and "Farmer Blues".

The roofing contractor came by this afternoon, verified that the roofing materials are correct.  He will call next Tuesday to let us know whether he and the crew will be there Wednesday or Thursday to do the work.

Monday, January 11, 2016

January 11, 2015 Grocery Shopping

Old Mother Hubbard's Cupboard was Bare!

Our's also!
It was time for a trip to Walmart in Laredo.  There were also prescription refills to pick up.

The grocery list was an entire page.  It took two carts to push the groceries to the truck.

The worst:  putting it all away when we got home.

Gary and Evelyn rode with us.  Jan and Bruce followed.

After grocery shopping we went to downtown Laredo to the "Casa Ortiz", a residence built in 1829-30.  It was supposed to be open M-F, 8-5.  But it wasn't.  The front door was chained and locked.  So much for touring!

Supposedly the roofing contractor was to come by after three to give Glen a lumber list.  He didn't make it by, at least after we got home.

Jan and Bruce came to our place this evening.  They watched the first half of the college football national championship game.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

January 10, 2016 Week End Activities

Friday we were "tailgunner" for a group of motorcyclists.  Five motorcycles with riders left Zapata  for a ride through the countryside.

We went in our truck, bringing up the rear.

The group went west on Highway 16, south on a Farm Road, to Rio Grande city. We saw country we hadn't seen before.  There were lots of ranches and cattle.

The group gathered at "Casa de Adobe", restaurant in a restored 1800's building.  The food was delicious.

Saturday I made potato soup for the group--Gary and Evely, Jan and Bruce, and Glen and me.  We then watched the KC Chiefs' football game.  Yah!  The Chiefs won!

Today after church and lunch there was a Gospel Jam Session at a nearby RV park.  There were 12 musicians.  The music was the "old" kind of Gospel music--just what we all like.

Tomorrow we are going to Laredo.  It is time for a grocery run to WalMart and prescription refills.

The roofing contractor has said he will be able to start on the roof replacement Wednesday or Thursday.  Of course, there is a 40 percent chance of rain on Wednesday.  That means it will be cloudy with mist!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

January 6, 2016 Hail, hail, the gang is all here.

It's Tuesday.  You know what that means.  Jam Session at 7:00 p.m.

 Evelyn (Glen's sister) and Bruce
 Glen, Evelyn, Bruce

Bruce (my sister Jan's husband)

Fourteen on stage tonight.  The audience was larger in attendance than the past few weeks.

Several Winter Texans arrived after the holidays.

A misty rain started earlier in the evening.  Rain gauge is showing .01" of moisture.  That is a lot of mist!

Gary was busy this morning.  He has several electrical wiring projects starting.  He first replaced a dusk-to-dawn light for the neighbor across the street.  Then he went with Jerry, neighbor at the top of the hill, to advise Jerry on which pole to buy for the new electrical service Gary is installing for Jerry.  He didn't make it to Jim's where he/Gary is installing a 50Amp RV plug-in.

It's a good thing Gary is getting something accomplished.  The rest of us aren't.

Oh--the day started with breakfast tacoes.  Scrambled eggs served in homemade fresh flour tortillas. Yum, yum!

Monday, January 4, 2016

January 4, 2016 Rising Temperatures

Gary and Glen started and finished some projects today!

Gary is making preparations for a couple of wiring jobs in the neighborhood.

Evelyn walked around the neighborhood this morning.  She is more energetic than me!

Jan and Bruce walked here from their motel.  They too are more energetic!

We sat outside during conversation time.

High was 64 degrees; and....rising each day during the coming week.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

January 3, 2016 Voice of Experience (subtitle: Helpful Hint)

When shaking the bottle of parmesan cheese in order to break up lumps of cheese, be sure the portion of the lid that dispenses the cheese is CLOSED!!

The follow up to that hint is...
a vacuum cleaner is necessary to clean up the dispersed cheese!

The rainfall total for Friday night through this morning was 2.03"
Have a great week.  2016 is beginning!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

January 2, 2016 Let the Music Begin

First family jam session this afternoon!

Evelyn played the guitar and sang along with Glen, Bruce and Jan (my sister).

It has been a rainy Friday night and Saturday.  Total rain so far is 1.79 inches of rain.  High today was 45 degrees.  Jackets needed.

I hope it isn't too many days for the roofing contractor begins work.  We have covered appliances in the kitchen as the roof is leaking directly over the stove and adjoining cabinet! There is a tarp over the appliances.

How is your week end going?

Friday, January 1, 2016

January 1, 2016 More Company is Here

My sister, Jan and hubby Bruce arrived in Zapata late this afternoon.

They are staying at a nearby (less than a mile) motel for the month of January.

It has been a miserable day--drizzly and 52 degrees--and will be for two more days.  Somehow I feel like it is my responsibility that the weather is horrid when someone comes to visit.  Honestly, I want better and warmer weather also!

Gary and Evelyn, Glen and I, plus two more couples spent a couple of hours at Jim and Dee's assisting in putting away table and chairs, tablecloths, decorations from the parties the past week.  Many hands make light work!

2016--We made it; We are Still Awake January 1

We actually made it 'til midnight!


Jim and Dee hosted the neighborhood New Years Eve party tonight.  Jim and Cris, other neighbors/friends, dee-jayed karaoke throughout the evening.

There were about eight couple there.

There was dancing and singing and lots of laughing and visiting.

Hope your evening celebration was fun!


Gary and Evelyn arrived Wednesday afternoon, safe and sound!