Sunday, October 30, 2016

October 30, 2016 A Whole of Nothing!

Last Monday we started working on "nothing'" and still don't have it finished!!LOL

By working some of each afternoon Glen waxed and polished the pick up truck.  It is shiny.

Ashlynn and Zade were out of school Friday as it was the day after "parent/teacher conferences".  They rode with Sarah Friday morning to Poplar Bluff and spent the day with their "other" grandparents, returning with Sarah that evening.

Sarah works each Friday in Poplar Bluff.

I hear you asking about flag football!  There was a double-header yesterday.  The first game ended as a win; the second game the opposite.  The opposition had really fast brothers.  Once either of them got the ball they beat everyone to the other end of the game.

Zade still had great games.

Here's a few pictures from the games. Click for enlargement of pictures.

 Coach: choosing which play!  Zade on right with googles.

 "I believe we will go with BLUE".

 Zade as quarterback!

 Zade as center.  "HUP!"


 Hand off!

 Ready for action!

Zade assisting with clean up!

This is a great age to watch football!  The players are eager to win, but that's not all they're on the field for.  They offer words of encouragement to players on both teams.  They have sympathy for an accidental busted lip, and they listen to the coach.

This coming week will be as busy as this past week!  LOL!  We do expect a couple of "trick or treaters" tomorrow evening!

Monday, October 24, 2016

October 24, 2016 The past week

I will bet my past week looks a whole like yours.

We picked up the kids three days after school.
I took Ashlynn to Gymnastics.
Ashlynn and Zade spent Saturday night with us.

Sunday Darin and Sarah had an all day outing.  We spent the day with Ash and Zade.

Thursday morning we went to the Mississippi River front where a big paddleboat was tied up.

This mural on the river side of the flood wall greets arriving passengers.

The American Queen; passengers disembarking for tours of Cape Girardeau.  I think it holds nearly 500 passengers and 180 staff.  

The American Queen cruises the Mississippi River from Minnesota to New Orleans.  Cruises last from 5 days to 23 days.  I think we would enjoy a river cruise very much.  However after investigation into the cost, I think it will remain on my Bucket List.  Pricey!!

There were two tour buses waiting on the passengers to take them around town--for an excursion fee.

Flag football.  May I mention Flag Football?  Zade on the second play of the game intercepted a pass and ran back for a touchdown!!  Hurray!  He also had several other outstanding defensive plays.  Report from Proud Grandmother!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

October 18, 2016 October at its Best

Wow, this week has been beautiful!  

Sunny, highs in the mid-80's, breezy.  Leaves are finally changing colors and falling.  Ashlynn commented it looked like "it is raining leaves"!

Friends, Tom and Donna, and, Jim and Sandy, recommended we see the movie "Sully" with Tom Hanks.  We went to the theater this afternoon to see this movie.  It is an awesome tribute to a real hero, Captain Sullenberg that guided his airplane to the middle of the Hudson River after a flock of birds flew into two engines, and all was saved,  no fatalities.

It was well done; Tom Hanks was great as Captain Sully.

P.S.  There were less than a dozen in the theater!

We escorted Ashlynn to gymnastics tonight.  She started a new level.  It is hard work for 75 minutes. 

Sunday, October 16, 2016

October 16, 2016 A great Week End

It has been a great week end.  The weather has been awesome.  Family has been parked beside us.  

We enjoyed the afternoon outside visiting with Myrna and Dick.  Ashlynn and Zade spent the afternoon with us while their parents did grocery shopping!

There has been bike riding and some wading in the creek (behind the motorhome)  

Enjoy the week!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

October 15, 2016 Learning Curve

It has been a big day!  We picked up the new computer at Best Buy this morning.

It was not a smooth sale as there was difficulty using the Best Buy credit card.  Eventually the clerk smoothed out the issues and the deal was done.

We brought it home.  Darin arrived with all his IT skills.  He downloaded and filled out email addresses and passwords and installed.  He had the computer ready to use in an hour or so.

He says: "Mom, if you can use your I-phone, you can use this."

I have the big I-Mac computer.  I like, like, like the screen size.  I think it is going to be user-friendly, as soon as I learn the locations of some buttons/icons.

Zade had a flag football game at 5 p.m.  I took a few pictures to see if I can install them here.

Here goes!


Here's Zade's cheering section: Dick, Myrna, Glen, Ashlynn, and Sarah!

We are enjoying visiting with Myrna and Dick.  It has been more than a year since we have seen them.

Friday, October 14, 2016

October 14, 2016 New Neighbors

New neighbors arrived yesterday next to us here at the RV park.

Glen's oldest sister, Myrna and her friend Dick, drove in from the St. Louis area.  They live six months in California and are on the road the other six months.  

Myrna and Dick are on the route that takes them south and west to California.  

Myrna and Dick, Darin, Sarah, Ashlynn and Zade, and us met at the local "Saffron" restaurant, Thai food at its finest, for dinner.  
Tomorrow we will all watch Zade at the flag football game.  

In the morning we will pick up the new computer at the Best Buy.  Darin is assisting in the set up!  Thank you, Darin.

Enjoy the week end.  It has been a drizzly day here; but near 80 and clear tomorrow.  

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

October 12, 2016 Mid-Week

It has been a productive start to the week.

I (we) bought a new Mac computer yesterday.  It wasn't in stock, has been ordered, and I pick it up Saturday.  Trisha has a Mac and recommends that brand; Darin uses a Mac at the office, and promises to help get the new one set up!  

Glen took the laptop he is using to the Geek Squad and had all of the viruses removed (yes we have virus protection but there were still some there), and generally checked over with the result of faster use.

We picked up the kids at school this afternoon.  They are dismissed 30 minutes early most Wednesdays for teacher-in service training.  Darin and Zade went to football practice while we stayed with Ashlynn.  Sarah came in from work.  She has long days at the office.

Monday I indulged in a little "me" time with a manicure/pedicure.  

We are expecting rain tonight and 10-15 degree cooler temperatures the next two days.  

Enjoy your week.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

October 9, 2016 Relaxing Sunday Afternoon

It was a great Sunday afternoon.  

We sat outdoors, reading the Sunday paper, watching the various RV's around us prepare to leave.  We enjoyed lunch outdoors at the picnic table.

Glen grilled a pork chop (yes, one was enough for both of us); I prepared fresh green beans from the farmer's market and potatoes, and sliced a tomato from the same farmer's market to go with the meat.

Late in the afternoon we joined Darin, Sarah, and kids.  Darin and the kids were in the back yard.  Ashlynn and Zade were enjoying the trampoline.  Darin was smoking/grilling wings.  Sarah was preparing for the coming week--laundry!

I hope you are able to be outdoors and enjoy the changing colors.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

October 8, 2016 It's Football Time (The Landing Point RV Park, Cape Girardeau MO)

It has been a perfect afternoon for football!  Flag Football, that is.

Zade is playing flag football.  There are five on the field.  His team has an offensive and a defensive coach.  they are learning actual plays.  Zade plays either....quarterback, center, or defense.

There were two games this afternoon.  The first game Zade's team won; the second game was a nail-biter and they lost 19-17.

Remember: you can click on each picture to enlarge.

 Zade--on the sidelines.

 Zade as quarterback.

 Zade on defense.

 Zade--being the cutest kid on the team!

 Zade as center.

Zade as center!

 Zade as quarterback.  Glen says he is grabbing for the player's flag.

Grab that flag, Zade!.

 End of Game One.

This season is fun to watch.  There are actual plays; the team members know their role!!!

We said "good-bye" "bon voyage" to Marcella and Jeff this morning.  They are know in Kentucky, working for Amazon for the next three months.  

Friday, October 7, 2016

October 7, 2016 Air Force Basic Training Graduation Pictures

There were 840 Basic Training graduates the week end of Sept 30 and Oct 1.  

Landon, Jeff's son/Trisha's step son, is a changed for-the-better young man.  He has matured and grown up in the past 8 weeks.  He likes the discipline involved in mastering the skills he is learning.  

The pomp and circumstance involved in the different ceremonies was awesome.  Patriotism was displayed and experienced by all attending.  The band playing the military music brought goose-bumps to my skin.

Jeff and Trisha displaying their pride and love

Landon's group displayed maroon t-shirts during "the run"

Landon is fourth from right front.

Landon receiving the Air Force Coin which signifies being a part of the USAF.

This many Airmen at attention gets your attention and your emotions.

Airman Landon Burklow

Trisha, Jeff, Natalie (sister), and Landon

Landon, fourth from right

Landon front right

All nice and neat!  A place for everything and everything in its place!  The socks have a proper way to be rolled; the stacks have be so many inches apart.

It was a privilege to attend these ceremonies!

October 7, 2016 Thanks to Jeff S.: the blog is back (Cape Girardeau, MO)

Cookies have disappeared or rearranged or put in the oven or something.  Jeff S., brother in law, worked once more on the computer and has made it possible to get into Blogger!!!!   Thanks, Jeff.

Since I last wrote:  

We were in San Antonio, Lackland Air Force Base, for the Basic Training Graduation of Landon, (step) grandson.  There have been pictures on Facebook.

We spent a few days in Arkansas with Trisha, Jeff, Tanner, and Natalie.

We traveled to Cape Girardeau where we are parked for several weeks.

I drove Ashlynn to gymnastic class last night.

Today we spent in Poplar Bluff visiting with two couples.  Donna figured out that our friendships goes back 45 years!!!  That is lots of card games, charade games, pot luck suppers, trading babysitting (a long time ago) and visiting.  

Zade has back-to-back flag football games tomorrow afternoon.

Blogging will once again be added to my daily schedule.