Sunday, June 30, 2013

6-30-2013 Old Home Week

After attending church with Darin, Sarah and kids we went to Poplar Bluff. PB is where we lived, worked, and attended church for 37 years.

We made a visit to a local care center to check on and visit with two friends that have become residents in the past few months.  

While there, of course, we saw several other friends that were there to see family members/friends.  It was like 'ole home week'!  

Saturday, June 29, 2013

6-29-2013 BIRTHDAY BOY!

Being greeted by the Birthday Boy!
Zade, age 5 today
How does it taste?

Making his wish!
It has been a great birthday for Zade, age 5!  No more grandbabies!  Zade will start kindergarten this fall.  

His choice for birthday lunch:  buffet at Pizza Inn.  Sarah's parent's came to share birthday lunch and birthday cookie.  

The special day ended with swimming at the rv park swimming pool, and watching the Cardinal game!

Here are all four of the grandchildren.  

Brady, age 15; Ashlynn age 6; Tanner age 13; Zade, one more day to age 5
Brady, Ashlynn, Tanner and Zade

Brady and Tanner were getting ready to head back to their home. Ashlynn and Zade had just gotten up.

Hope you are having a great week end.

6-28-2013 Saying Good-Bye

We gathered at Darin and Sarah's home this morning to say "good-bye" to Trisha, Brady and Tanner.  We have had such a good time with all of them.  

We all are looking forward to the next time the family will be together which is just two weeks again.  It is getting closer to the annual Whittle (my dad's family) Camp-Out at Alley Springs Campground near Eminence, MO.  

Ashlynn and Zade were worn out from all of the play time and gymnastics and T-ball that they were allowed to "sleep in".  When they awakened we got them ready for and took them to "school."  Zade slept to 7:30 and Ashlynn til 8:30.

It is Birthday Eve for Zade.  He had cupcakes to share with his room at school.  Since Ashlynn has completed kindergarten there are all kinds of planned activities for the "big kids".  Today was Movie Day.  

Darin and Zade came by and picked Glen up about six p.m. to check out the "Air Show" at the Cape Girardeau airport.  

Thursday, June 27, 2013

6-27-2013 Cape Splash! Keeping Cool!

The best reason to be outside on a day that is 105 degrees is to play in the water.

Trisha, Brady, Tanner, Zade, Ashlynn, Glen and I went to Cape Splash, city-owned water park, this morning.  I kept up with Ashlynn; Brady, Tanner, Poppy Glen and Trisha played with Zade.  Ashlynn like the "swirly" pool, and everyone liked "The Lazy River",  riding the tube.  

Zade took a long nap in preparation for pre-game pizza party and the last tee-ball game of the season.  Ashlynn rested in preparation for "gymnastics" lesson.  

Trisha and Brady and Tanner will be leaving in the morning when Darin and Sarah head off to work.  They will have about 7 hours to drive tomorrow.  Thankfully Brady is now driving and can relieve Trisha as needed.  

If Ashlynn and Zade sleep past normal get-up time,  I will take them to school whenever they awaken.

It has been a great two day visit with both of our children and our grandchildren.  Of course we wish Jeff and Landon and Natalie could have been here.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

6-26-2013 All Four of the Grandchildren (Cape Camping and RV Park)

It has been a great day with all four of the grandchildren together.  Our newest grandchildren, Jeff's two--Landon and Natalie--are with their mother.

Ashlynn figured out who was sleeping in their basement by going out to look at the pick up, seeing the Arkansas license plate and knowing Trisha lives in Arkansas!  

Darin and Sarah both had to go work, but the rest of us went to Kohl's to find clothes for Brady, who has outgrown almost all of his summer clothes.  

Poppy Glen then treated us to lunch at Shoguns, the Japanese restaurant!  Um-m-m, delicious!

Zade had a six o'clock t-ball game.  One more game in the season.

At 7:30 our niece Beth and her family invited all of us a birthday party at the local water/ swim park.  EXCEPT as soon as everyone arrived lightning and thunder rumbled; then tornado sirens sounded, and tornado warnings were issued every 20 minutes until 9:30.  Birthday party cancelled to be rescheduled.  

We spent the evening at Darin and Sarah's on weather alert, close to the basement.  There was  some rain, but nothing severe on the west side of the Mississippi River.  I think the weather cell has finally moved to the east.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

6-25-2013 Pictures From the Past Few Days

Here's a few pictures taken on the farm!

Hired hand--Glen

Farm boy
Park-like parking site

Addison, great niece, Birthday #6----BEFORE glamour time starts.

Addison, AFTER being glamorized!
Mattie, nearly 8, another great-niece

6-25-2013 Flexible Plans

Original plans were for us to stay at my sister's until at least Wednesday, tomorrow!

Sunday night Trisha, daughter, phoned to say they--she and Brady and Tanner--had no plans for most of this week.  And.....they were going to come to Cape Girardeau to see Ashlynn and Zade, Darin and Sarah.

Jan and one of her friends are going to pick Mom up at the care center tomorrow for a dental appointment.  Thanks, Jan, and Ann, for coming to our rescue.

Trisha and boys will be arriving about 10:30 tonight.  Ashlynn and Zade get to stay at home to play tomorrow!

Not "The Amazing Race", but "The Great Race" arrived this afternoon in Cape Girardeau.  

Quoting the paper--"What is the Great Race?
This year's Great Race will follow the Mississippi River from St. Paul, Minn., to Mobile, Ala.  Drivers will arrive today in Cape Girardeau for the fourth leg of the nine-day event.  The Great Race is an antique, vintage, and collector car endurance rally that takes place on public roads.  It tests the driver and navigator's ability to follow precise course instructions and endure a cross-country trip  The race is not a test of top speed; teams are required to drive at or below posted speed limits."

Following are a few of the cars involved in the race. The numbers of cars involved in the race is limited to 100.

Downtown Cape Girardeau

One of the drivers commented that this was the biggest welcoming crowd they had seen since leaving St. Paul, Minn.

I know of one fan, Glen H., that enjoyed seeing and admiring the cars.  I didn't appreciate all of the details that Glen did, but it was still fun seeing the cars.

Monday: Glen and I chauffeured Mom to the foot doctor yesterday, then treated her to lunch at Panera's.  I know she didn't know where she ate or what to order, but she still enjoyed the meal and being away from the care center.

In the afternoon Glen drove one of the tractors, pulling the "tedder".  The "tedder" conditions the cut hay before it is raked into winrows.  

We had a great visit with Jan and Bruce in the evening.  

Tonight:  we are looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

6-22-2013 Another Day on the farm

Glen has spent the day helping in the hay fields.  He moved bales from one field to another; mowed the yard at Jan's house.

I, on the other hand, didn't do much at all.  It was too hot for me to be outside.  

Hope you are having a good week end.

6-21-2013 Back on the Farm (Jan/Bruce Farm)

We moved from the Lake area to the farm where my sister Jan, husband Bruce live.  

Glen and I were both raised on a farm.  We are parked in the space where the "old house" used to be located.  There is electricity here and water, both used to run the pump and water the cattle.  

It is a good feeling to sit outside and smell the newly mowed hay, ready to be raked and baled.  There are many birds flitting around.  We have the lawn chairs and a table set up under the shade of tall trees.  

Late this afternoon Jan and I went to visit with mom for an hour.  

Glen drove a tractor, pulling a hay conditioner, preparing the hay for baling tomorrow.  Glen does enjoy driving the tractor and being able to help Bruce.  

It is truly making-hay weather.  It was near 100 degrees this afternoon.

It is Saturday evening.  I tried to "publish" last night and there wasn't enough power.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

6-20-2013 Random Ramblings

As I type today's date on the title, I realize it is my grandpa's birthday.  It is a strange feeling to remember he was born in 1900, making today his 113th birthday.  

I think this makes me feel old...or at least older.  

Glen had all the prep work done on the electrical box/plug for the parking site at my sister/BIL's farm.  It didn't take long for it all to be done.

Bruce, (Brother In Law--BIL) was in the hay field, cutting hay when we arrived.  Glen plans to get involved in the raking and baling.

My sister Jan was doing remarkably well for it to be the day after surgery.  She is a trouper, a super-woman, with super powers of recovery.  I would be whining, and moaning!

Jan also shared a big bag of garden lettuce with us.  Thanks, Jan!

After leaving Jan/Bruce's we went to the care center to "visit" with Mom.  "Visit" is used loosely.  It is hard to carry on a conversation with her; she can't hear, can't remember people, can't say the word/words she want to say. You get the picture.  

June 20....the longest period of daylight and the shortest period of darkness.  The official beginning of summer.  

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

6-19-2013 On The Road Again (Osage Beach RV Park, MO)

We unplugged, unhooked, hooked up the truck, pulled in the slides, put away the daily living items and, early (for us)  hit the road about 9.

We are again at the Osage Beach RV Park, Osage Beach, MO, a centrally located, close to restaurants, Wal Mart, care center, and family.

My sister had successful thumb surgery this morning.  There was a joint in her left thumb that was bone-on-bone from arthritis, causing severe pain.  The joint was removed, and one end  of a tendon below the wrist was removed and tucked into the empty joint space---or something like that.  Jan described it and that is the way I understood it.  

The doctor said it was going to HURT for several days, and is in a soft cast.  We visited with Jan and Bruce this evening.  

I am saying all of this to say that I will chauffeur our Mom to a couple of doctor's appointments next week.

Jan and Bruce have offered us a spot to park the motor home on their farm, a short distance from their home.  Glen will need to do a little electrical work, and brush hog around the parking space.  As we were checking out the space this evening three deer sprinted through the hay field, white tails high in the air.  It will be neat to be in the country.  Glen may even get to ride a tractor, pulling a hay rake in the next few days.  

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

6-18-2013 Check One Off the List

Mark one off of Glen's list!

He worked several hot hours on the permanent mud flap that is attached to the back end of the motor home.  The "old" mud flap had deteriorated and was ready to turn loose at any time....hopefully not while going down a highway.

Glen bought a new generic shaped flap, used the old one as a pattern, cut the new to fit.  After shaping, drilling, bolting,etc, the new one is fitted perfectly and permanently attached.

Glen also replaced the piece that had been broken on the air horn (while driving under the low-hanging cable line, remember?)  Glen found a website called "Air Horns of Texas", ordered the one needed, and it was delivered in a few days.  

We said "good-bye" to Ashlynn/Zade, Sarah/Darin tonight.  We are headed to central Missouri tomorrow.  My sister is having surgery tomorrow.  I want to be of some help, mostly taking my mom to a couple of doctors' appointments.  

We will be back in a week or so to Cape Girardeau.

Monday, June 17, 2013

6-17-2013 Let It Rain!

Glen made a couple of stops this morning, looking for info about the motor home.  

One is regarding the ice maker in the refrig.  A week ago he went to Youngblood RV to ask about having the ice maker replaced.  So far he hasn't heard back from them.  There were three employees behind the counter who never stood up, never walked to the counter, just sat in their chairs and indicated they didn't know anything about it  and didn't really care!   

So much for doing business with them.  I think Plan B involves ordering the ice maker from Amazon and Glen doing the installing.  

The other issue involved having valves in the engine replaced.  The Cummins truck business indicated that "if it isn't broke, don't do anything."

Glen then went to Darin's and mowed the yard and used the weed-eater, finishing just before the rains came.  Happy Father's Day, Darin.

There was a big thunder boom, a big gust of wind, and the rains started.  Between 11 and 2 there was approximately 5-6 inches of rain.  There has been several more hard showers since then.  

Hope you were able to celebrate and honor the fathers/dads in your family yesterday.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

6-16-2013 Quiet Father's Day

It has been a quiet day to celebrate Father's Day.  As mentioned yesterday son Darin and family spent Saturday with Glen and me.

Today daughter Trisha called and conveyed love and good wishes to her dad.  

Mid-day Glen and I drove to the downtown Cape Girardeau area to see how high or how low the Mississippi River is.  I would still call it very high although it is obviously several feet lower than a week ago.

We drove across the beautiful Bill Emerson Bridge into Illinois.  We drove a partially paved/graveled road through partially flooded fields.  We enjoyed seeing and identifying several birds enjoying the menu available in the flooded spots.  

Have a great week.  

Saturday, June 15, 2013

6-15-2013 Father's Day Eve

Ashlynn and Zade came to visit this morning while their parents ran errands.  Ashlynn and I rode  our bikes on the bike trail.

Zade and Poppy Glen played pitch and catch!  Can you imagine?  :}

Poppy Glen then chose where he wanted to eat lunch for Father's Day Eve!  We went to "El Tapatio" for a delicious Mexican meal.  

Sarah, Darin and kids will go to Poplar Bluff tomorrow to celebrate Father's Day with Sarah's dad--and mother.

After afternoon nap time Ashlynn, Zade, Sarah and Darin met us at the RV park swimming pool for an hour or so of water play time.  

The evening ended with, can you guess?, the St. Louis Cardinal baseball game.  

It was a wonderful Father's Day Eve!

Friday, June 14, 2013

6-13/14-2013 Medical Stuff

Without going into really don't want to know....yesterday and today were filled with medical stuff.  

At the end of today, I can say all is well.  Glen and I thank God for answered prayer.  

We spent a couple of hours with Ashlynn and Zade, and, oh their parents :}, this evening.  I have said it before but will say it again, that Zade loves, absolutely loves the Cardinals.  It is so much fun watching the game with him!  He really resents having to eat dinner in the middle of the game.  

Decision time tomorrow.  Do we move on to somewhere else or stay a few more days in Cape Girardeau?  

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

6-12-2013 Summer Hibernation Begins

When the bank thermometer says 103, and the heat index is higher than that, then it is time for summer hibernation to begin!

I am trying to think if I even got outside until it was time to pick up Ashlynn and Zade at preschool, take them home, feed them, and get ready for T-ball game at 6:00.  

Glen did take the truck to the car wash but I stayed in for that.

Stay cool.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

6-11-2013 Running Errands

We had a long list of errands...just things to do. to Cape RV Sales and Service about non-functioning ice maker
Check....sign forms for records transfer for change in physicians
Check....prescription refills a few groceries
Check....order parts for air horn that had been pulled loose when going under a low cable wire

We picked up Ashlynn and Zade at preschool this afternoon.  When we got to their house they hooked up the slip 'n' slide..  We laughed and laughed while watching them play in the water. was 100 degrees on the local bank thermometer so playing in the water was a great way to get cool!

Monday, June 10, 2013

6-10-2013 Plan Written in Jello Cape Camping and RV Park, Cape Girardeau, MO

"Written in Jello"???   not solid, wiggly, subject to change!

Remember yesterday I said I thought we would be at Lake Ouachita until Wednesday?  Wrong.

We left this morning.  Trisha and her family were very busy, it was getting 

We are back in Cape Girardeau, at Cape Camping and RV Park, because it has a pool!  

The two grandchildren enjoying coming to swim while we are parked here.  

There are no solid plans for after Friday.  Still under discussion.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

6-9-2013 Another Great Day for Playing in the Lake (Ouachita)

Yesterday's play caused some late sleeping this morning.

Both yesterday and this morning breakfast menu included "pancakes by Grammy".  Grammy and Poppy were happy to be breakfast chefs.  Today I was in charge of the pancakes and Poppy was in charge of bacon and eggs!  

The boys decided they needed some knee and elbow protection  before riding the tube today.  Think carpet burn...only caused by scooting over and and off the tube numerous times.  A quick trip to the small town of Mt. Ida resulted in the purchase of tube socks and tank tops.  

They cut the toes out of the socks and pulled them up over the elbows and up and over the knees!  They wore the tank tops under the life jackets.  Necessity is the mother of invention!  

Here's just a few pictures from today's fun.

Brady and Landon


Brady and Landon


Brady, Tanner, and Landon

It felt like summer today.  Even though temps were in the low 80's humidity must have been 98 percent.  

Life returns to normal tomorrow.  Drivers' training for Brady and Landon; doctor's appointment for Trisha.  

We plan on staying here at least one more day, if not two, before returning to Cape Girardeau on Wednesday.  

P.S. The pictures can be clicked on individually to make larger for viewing.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

6-8-2013 A Day On the Lake

A picture is worth a thousand words!  Choosing between the 75 pictures I took today will be difficult.

The Statue of Liberty aka Tanner Wilkinson


Tanner and Landon

Brady and Jeff

Brady and Jeff

Tanner and Jeff


Cool Cat aka Brady

Landon and Jeff

Landon and Jeff

The boat!

The only downer: Trisha, of course, can't get in the water!

The skies were blue, temps in the low 80's, a great day.

Friday, June 7, 2013

6-7-2013 Did You Know? (Tompkins Bend Park, Corps of Engineers, Lake Ouachita, Mt. Ida, AR)

Did you know it is daylight at 5:30 A.M.?  And there are people up at that time?  

Yes, we set the alarm, got up at 5:30 a.m..  We finished the getting-ready-to-depart routine, and met Jeff and Tanner at their house.  Jeff led the way to Tompkins Bend Park, Lake Ouachita, AR.  

Tanner crawled in the motor home with us, climbed into bed and slept all the way here...and stayed asleep until 11:30 a.m.  

The lake is at flood level.  The campground here has been closed all week until this morning.  We arrived at check-out at 8:45 second in line, waited until the camp host arrived about 9:30, and were allowed to drive through the campground.  Jeff knew which camp sites we wanted, and being second we got our choice.  As you can see from the pictures, we are at water's edge, wonderful views.  

Looking from our site toward Trisha/Jeff's RV and their site.

Looking at the water from our RV.

The water is definitely above normal levels.

Even though the water is high, it is clear.    

The rest of the day was spent in getting unloaded and set up.  Some of us may have even taken a nap this afternoon.  

A short explanation:  Trisha was in-service training again, but worked through the noon hour so was finished at two.  Brady and Landon were in drivers' training until two.  Then Landon had base ball practice at 4.

Trisha and Brady drove down as soon as they were finished.  Landon drove down as soon as baseball practice was over.  Whew!  lots of driving.

Dinner consisted of  potatoes in foil packet, mushrooms in foil packet cooked on the grill; and steak grilled.  Um-m-m, good!

Jeff and Landon got the boat out of storage and there was short evening boat ride as the sun was setting.  What a beautiful ending to the day.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

6-6-2013 More Family Time

Not much going on today!

We watched Landon and the Greenwood High School Baseball team play a double header tonight.  GHS lost both games, but it was still fun to watch.

We made a late night trip to Wal Mart to fill the cupboards after the games.  Wow, it had been a while since we had bought groceries!

Stay tuned for reports on a mini-trip tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

6-5-2013 Family, just family.

Trisha is attending "in service" training at school each day from 8-3.  She is worn out by the end of the day.  

Today Trisha learned officially that she is moving from third grade math and science teacher to teaching seventh grade science  next school year.  She is looking forward to no outside duties--bus, recess, etc; 7 class periods with two of those being planning periods; lots of advantages.  

The seventh grade building--think it is middle school---is only three blocks from her house.

I worked on laundry today, finishing ours.  Then started encouraging Tanner to work on his room.  He picked up "stuff"--think anything electronic-cords, remotes, controllers; gather the dirty clothes, and ran the vacuum cleaner.  You can see the floor!  I helped him with the laundry.  He folded and hung up the clean shirts.  

Brady and Landon will start four days of "drivers' training" classes sponsored by the school in the morning.  Completion of the class will result in a discount in car insurance!  

The family is busy, but we are happy to being part of the activities.  The three boys get along very well and help each and their parents.  

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

6-4-2013 Heading South (Sebastian County Fairground, Greenwood, AR)

Today was a 5 and half hour travel day.  We left Osage Beach this morning traveling to Greenwood, Ar with only two short stops--bathroom and fueling.

Diesel with the discount at Ft. Smith Walmart was $3.51 per gallon.

We will spending time with daughter Trisha, husband Jeff, and children--Landon, Brady, Natalie, and Tanner, in order of age.  

Tonight Landon had a double-header baseball game.  The high school team is playing "summer league".  There is four double-headers this week and the same next week.  As Glen and I were just saying, watching high school baseball is lots of fun, very enjoyable.

Trisha is doing well with her recuperating knee.  She is still using crutches, will get stitches out next Monday, only has three medium-sized band aids on the incisions.  She has four days of "in service" training (for teachers) all this week sponsored by the school district.  

Trisha is changing grade levels for next fall.  She originally was moving from third to fourth grade but found out today that there is an opening in 7th grade and will be going to there.  

I will get some pictures of the grandchildren here.  Brady, is approximately 6 foot 6 inches tall and has probably lost 20 pounds.  Tanner is also taller than his mother---about 5'6".    Yesterday was the last day of school for all of them.  Think they all slept late this morning!  

Monday, June 3, 2013

6-3-2013 A great Day

It has been a great day!!

I am confessing today is my birthday!  Glen started the day by preparing breakfast AND washing the dishes!  Thank you very much, super husband Glen Hickey.

We visited Ha Ha Tonka State Park, near Camdenton, MO this afternoon.  We didn't allow nearly as much time as needed to fully tour the park.  

Ha Ha Tonka SP's first visitors were the Native Americans.  Early settlers including Daniel Boone and son Nathan who fur trapped in the area during the first years of the 19th century.  Zebulon Pike also visited the area during his explorations to the west.

Ha Ha Tonka is unique in the quality and number of remarkable geological features.  There is a natural bridge, sinkhole, caves, bluffs, and Ha Ha Tonka Spring.  The spring is Missouri's 12th largest spring, discharging approximately 48 million gallons of water daily.  

This state park is 30-40 miles from where Glen and I grew up, and today was our first visit there.

Robert Snyder bought 5000 acres to build a "private retreat".  Construction was started in 1905 only to be halted a year later when Snyder was killed in one of Missouri's first automobile accident.  His sons later finished the "castle.  It was leased as a hotel, and then burned in 1942 when sparks from a chimney ignited the roof.  

Notice the "castle" in the upper right

The brown-eyed susans were blooming.

The water tower burned by arsonists in 1976.  Water was collected in the top and then piped to the castle.

This is an impressive building.

All of the stone was quarried locally.

I like this perspective.

The large spring at the bottom of the bluff from the castle.

If you visit Lake of the Ozarks area, I recommend you reserve some time to tour this state park. There are lots of trails if you like hiking.  It is just 2-3 miles west of Camdenton on Highway 54.

My sister and brother in law invited us to their home for dinner tonight.  There was delicious burgers, brats, pork steaks all grilled.  The highlight for Glen was wilted lettuce straight from the garden.  (I would have enjoyed it also but right now it is not on the approved dietary list.)

My nephew Mitch , wife Abbie, and their two children also spent the evening with us.  Another niece (in-law) Teresa and daughter Mattie also made an appearance before the evening was over.

Thank you, dear sister Jan, Bruce for the wonderful evening--and food.  It was a great ending to a great day.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

6-2-2013 Mom

We visited with my mother again this afternoon, arriving just as lunch ended.  We were invited to eat with her, but declined.  It looked pretty much like "hospital food" to me, pretty bland!

We sat with her through "church" .  The piano music and the old familiar hymns were the highlight of the 40 minutes.  The speaker was too soft-spoken to be heard by nearly everyone in the room. 

It was good to see Mom interacting with the employees.  She smiles, and answers their questions, but then turns to me and says "she is really nice but i don't her name!"  

We stopped at Kohl's Department Store for a few minutes.....actually Glen dropped me at the front door and he went to Menard's.  Neither of us made big purchases but it was fun walking around the store.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

6-1-2013 A Varied Day

We had asked our mail forwarding service to send out mail to my brother's address a couple of days ago.  As my brother is the local rural mail carrier he called this morning to say the mail had arrived.  We met him at the post office to pick up the mail.  

There was nearly a month's worth of mail, but nothing very important.  Being involved in the ER a couple of times resulted in several surveys from the hospital.  I suggested that not sending surveys would save in postage and trees.

The rain that started yesterday afternoon continued to pound the roof all through the night.  We were glad that we were on top of a hill.  My brother said there was four and half inches of rain in his rain gauge.  There will be no cutting hay this week.  It's too wet to get in the fields and then more rain is forecast to arrive by Wednesday.

We arrived at the care center (that sounds better than nursing home, doesn't it) to find my mother asleep in her chair.  We knocked on the door, awakening her.  She was happy to see us.  We had a good visit with her.  My brother and sister reported that she had been unhappy about being there, wanted to "go home" the last two visits with her.  

Mom shared with us about the residents on her wing; we walked outside admiring and smelling all of the roses growing along the front fence.  We walked her to the dining room.  

It is good to see Mom.  The regular meals and medication and physical therapy have helped her.  She gets frustrated when she can't think of what she wants to say, but that will never get better.  It is sorta like "20 questions" or "give me a hint" sometimes trying to help her think!

We met my sister Jan and husband Bruce at four for a late lunch/early dinner at "Bandana's", a bar-b-que place.  We had a great visit before they went to their older granddaughter's dance recital.  

Hope you are having a great week end.