Wednesday, November 29, 2017

November 29, 2017. Wednesday. Out of Town

The need for prescription refills cause us to travel to Laredo--or any place with a Walmart.  

We prepare a grocery list with shopping at Walmart in mind, not the local grocery store.  The local store tends to be over-priced, and sometimes out-of-date with the milk or eggs or anything.

Of course, going to Laredo, means we can also shop at Lowe's or Best Buy or any big box store! Shopping in Laredo also means we can eat at our favorite restaurant:  "Palenque Grill".  Oh, my, what delicious Northern Mexican cuisine.  

This trip to the pharmacy turned into a farce.  When I returned to the counter for pick up of the two prescriptions, I learned that I had brought an incorrect "new" prescription form~~~~in other words not the one that needed filling.  Of course, I was/am angry with myself.  

One filled, one still needs filling.  Another trip to Laredo in the next few days.

Glen's birthday is Sunday.  Happy Birthday, dear!  He chose and picked out what he wanted today, and brought home a 55" Vizio television for the outdoor living space.  What a picture, color and crispness, and brightness.  It makes the ten-year old tv in the motorhome look small and drab.  The new one is much too large for the motorhome!

BTW:  Glen is feeling better/well.  Yesterday he finally turned the corner to wellness.

Monday, November 27, 2017

November 27, 2017. Monday. It has been quiet!

Thanksgiving has come and gone.  It was quiet on Eagle Street.

I cooked..shocking I know...a turkey breast, mashed potatoes, dressing, and corn casserole.

I ate alone as Glen was under the weather, and has stayed there until today.  He says he is feeling better today.

Several of the neighbors are visiting family away.  Jim and Dee ate lunch at El Pariasio's, a local restaurant that serves a free Thanksgiving meal.

We stayed home from church.

The weather has been wonderful. There has been a breeze to go with the upper 80-low 90's temperatures.

The birds are slowly making their way back to the suet, grape jelly, and oranges.  No orioles so far.  There is a covey of 10-15 scaled quail that come every afternoon.  Glen is feeding them a ground corn mixture.  

Enjoy your week.

I guess it is countdown to Christmas now.  How many of you went shopping on Black Friday?

Sunday, November 19, 2017

November19, 2017. Thanksgiving Lunch

Today after worship service at First Baptist Church the members (including us) enjoyed a potluck lunch celebrating Thanksgiving.

We were welcomed and hugged by every church member!  Church family wherever we go.

There was turkey (of course), dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, corn casserole, and two tables laden with desserts.

This afternoon we enjoyed being outdoors, casually completing a task or two.

Early in the evening Glen declared he was ready for bed, then looked at the clock and declared "it is only 6:30!"  He made it to 9:00 and has been snoozing since.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

November 18, 2017 Saturday 'Repeat: It all does not have to be done in one day!" 2nd Verse


But, we worked like we wanted it done in one day!

The outdoor kitchen has been bug-bombed, wiped down, cabinets wiped, and mopped!

The outdoor bath has been bug-bombed, shower cleaned, ready to use, except for mopping.

After power-washing all of the floor surface under roof yesterday, today we started mopping--in sections.  Two-fifths are done.

Glen purchased at Lowe's in Ft. Smith a self-propelled lawn mower.  He assembled it.  He did try it out in a corner of the yard.  He is all smiles with the ease of use! Old mower will be for sale for $25--not a self-propelled.  

Tomorrow is the potluck Thanksgiving lunch after worship at church.  I baked a "dump" pumpkin-pie flavored cake.  It smelled heavenly while baking.

It was enough work for us to be tired tonight!

Neighbor/friend LaDorra, from across the street, came over this morning for a wonderful, catch-up- on-summer-activities visit.

We drove across the bridge (Hwy83) to see the lake.  It is beautiful.  There is much more water now than when we left this past spring.

Falcon Lake at County Park Launch

Falcon Lake Launch

Early winter temperature this afternoon.  It was very comfortable in the shade.  Humidity is 35 percent.  Generally there is a breeze to light to heavy wind.  Now at 7:30 p.m. wind is 21-25 mph!
Marcella, Jeff. Evelyn, Gary, Jan and Bruce:  we now drive on the "new" side of the bridge.  "New" second section is being constructed, and looks not far from completion.   

Friday, November 17, 2017

November 14-17, 2017 Repeat after Me: It does not have to all be done in one day! (Arrived Zapata TX)

Yesterday...and today...Glen said "it all doesn't have to be done in one day!"  Repeat and remind!

Referring to cleaning, unloading and getting out stuff once we get to Zapata.  The back of the truck is full of "stuff" that we are bringing to Zapata.  The kitchen is full of "stuff" that was packed last April.  

Yes, it was impossible to resist starting on things.  Glen turned on water, and hooked up electricity to motor home.  All the floor surfaces (outdoor) were filthy/dirty,

I wanted to power wash before we started unloading the first thing.  But....
first Glen had to unload the bikes to get into the back of the truck.  He had to go get fuel for the power washer.  See what I mean.  Stuff to do.  In order.

Glen was working on refreshing the water softener before turning on the hot water heater and I had power washer going when neighbors/friends Jim and Dee came over.  We welcomed the break.

I did get the floor surface in the Outdoor Living Space cleaned, and what a mess.  There must have been lots of wind as the dust turned to mud dried into dirt was everywhere!  At least there will be a clean surface when we start in the morning.

Neighbor and friend Mark had mowed the yard a couple of weeks ago.  No hurry for that job now!

The gazillion million stars are shining brightly tonight.  It was a wonderful evening to sit outdoors and enjoy the breeze.  It is currently 78 degrees at 8:30 pm.

Thursday (we) actually Glen drove 454 miles, stopping at Rockdale TX.  Today the trip was 354 miles.  We started EARLY this morning.  I mean we literally started at 7:30 a.m. Early for us!

We enjoyed seeing and loving our Trisha and Jeff family.  Brady was home over the week end so go to hug him and catch up on college life.  Tanner had homework most evenings; soccer banquet on Tuesday.  Jeff had a four-day flying schedule this week.  Trisha was fighting sore throat--hope she wins that battle.

This is it for this week!  We are here until April.  Life will be normal and usually boring, but that's the way we like it.  I will let you know if exciting adventures occurs.

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Monday, November 13, 2017

November 13, 2017 Monday Greenwood AR (Fairgrounds, Greenwood AR)

A day of driving on Saturday had us arriving in Greenwood AR about 4:00 p.m.  There was lots of truck traffic on I-40 across Arkansas as well as bridge construction on the east half of the interstate.

Trisha had a pot of chicken taco soup prepared for supper.  It was delicious.  It is a new recipe so am anxious to add it to my recipe book.

Sunday was a day of rest for all of us.  Jeff had flown all day Saturday, arriving back early Sunday morning.  

Tanner had requested "pancakes" for breakfast!  

Last evening we enjoyed a great steak at Long Horn Steak House.

This morning Glen is arranging and making room in the back of the truck for some items to take to Zapata with us.  

Any outdoor chores should be accomplished today as it is "rainy" the rest of the week.

Enjoy your days leading to Thanksgiving!

One last note about the replacement of the heat pump on the front of the motor home.  It works BUT it is very noisy.  

Friday, November 10, 2017

November 10, 2017 Finally, The End to the Quest

The quest to the solution of the issue of having no from heat pump in the motor home has ended.  We hope.  We think.

The RV Service people told Glen this morning at 8:30 "it wouldn't take long to install the new heat pump!!"  The quest ended at 3:30 this afternoon.  At one point in between the front and rear heat pumps as well as the furnace would not work.  A new electronics board and new thermostat was finally installed, and viola! everything worked.

Even will all the failed attempts Youngblood's Capetown RV Sales and Service treated us right.  They gave us credit from the purchases last week toward the new price of the heat pump, and only charged one hour of labor.  I am not saying it was cheap,; however it was much lower than it could have been.   

With a low of 24 degrees predicted in the morning it is time to head south.  We will be leaving in the morning, traveling to Trisha and family's where we will stay a few days.  

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

November 7, 2017 Spoke to Soon

Crossing the fingers didn't work.

Attempted to use heat pump last evening.  No fan.  No air movement.  Just motor humming.

Calling the RV repair shop this morning.

Caused lack of sleep, anger, frustration.  

Monday, November 6, 2017

November 6, 2017 Frustration! FRUSTRATION!

Doesn't all caps infer "SHOUTING"?  

Glen delivered the motor home to Capetown RV Sales and Service this morning shortly at 8:00 a.m.

Glen remained at Capetown while I went to "housesit" at Darin's home while the painters were there. Darin needed to be at the office.

Shortly after eleven Glen let me know that the motor home was fixed and was on his way back to the park. When he arrived at the park and hooked up the electricity he turned on the air conditioning.  GUESS WHAT???

It didn't work.

Another trip back (#6) back to Capetown RV.  We met friends Tom and Donna, from Poplar Bluff, for lunch at Red Lobster Seafood.

After lunch we returned to Capetown.  I waited with Glen for about an hour, and then returned to the RV park.  Glen finally drove in about 4:30.  

Hold your breath.  Wait a minute.  Plug in the electricity.  
Yes! the air conditioner worked!!!!  This is the first frustrating experience with Capetown RV, but six trips for one non-working air conditioner is frustrating.  If you want to know the exact details about the issue, call Glen!  The fan was replaced, a capacitator was replaced, and today a diode was replaced.  Hope it will work when we get to south Texas.  

The A/C is not needed here in SE Missouri tonight.  It is raining and in the upper 40's.  

Sunday, November 5, 2017

November 5, 2017 A Week's Worth of Fun (Still at Landing Point RV, Cape Girardeau MO)

Last Monday, October 30, Glen drove the motor home to Hawk Engineering, just north of Cape Girardeau.

We packed a weeks worth of clothes and medicine to stay at Darin/Sarah's house while the motorhome was being repaired.

A month or so ago Glen backed into a dirt bank and ripped the fiber glass front bumper.  He taped it so it wouldn't it wouldn't flap!!

During this week Darin and Sarah were gone on a business trip Wednesday through Saturday.  

We attended flag football games, gymnastic practice, delivered and picked up from school each day.  

It is a privilege to spend time with Ashlynn and Zade, being aware of their growing up and maturing, and sense of humor developing!  They are self-sufficient, and responsible.  In other words, it was a fun week.

Zade and flag football team won two games yesterday.  

This coming week is a busy one.  
There is one more trip for the motor home on Monday.  The final part for the front air conditioner is scheduled to be installed tomorrow.  Cross your fingers it is the correct one.