Sunday, September 24, 2017

September 23-24, 2017 Family Time

Both yesterday and today we spent with Trisha, Jeff, Brady, and Tanner.

Saturday Trisha/Jeff and boys worked in their back yard.  We mostly supervised/watched from the shade!

We finished the day by dining at the "Brick Town Brewery" in downtown Ft. Smith.  The food was delicious.  

Today, we met the rest of the family at "La Huerta", a great Mexican grill/restaurant next to the mall in Ft. Smith.  The food was great.

We then journeyed to the Mall for some shopping. 

Glen was looking for and found a new billfold.  In fact they were on sale and he bought two! He is a quick shopper!

Tanner is scheduled for "senior" pictures next month; he is need of new wardrobe items for that session.  Brady was talked into trying on new jeans and shirts.  He is not a shopper at all.  But at the end of the afternoon he had both new shirts and jeans!  

I found some end-of-the-season shirts/tops at Christopher Banks, my favorite clothing store.  

Trisha and Jeff did some shopping at Dillards while Glen, Tanner and me came home.  Brady was traveling around in his "project" truck..  It still has much work to be done but Brady enjoys driving it!

This evening Brady returned to college.  The rest of us shared pizza from "Pizza Hut".  We came home while Trisha and Tanner prepared for the coming school week.  Jeff will be flying Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Friday, September 22, 2017

September 20-22, 2017 Boring Days

Glen is caught up on the projects he wanted to get done while here.

He has washed the motorhome; worked on the lock for the hitch, cleaned out the back of the truck.

Other than all of that, we are hibernating!  Bears hibernate in the cold months.  Glen and I are staying in the air conditioning.  It has been in the upper 90's the past week.

Brady is home from college tonight.  We are looking forward to visiting with him this evening.  

We are noticing some fall colors are appearing in the forests around here.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

September 18-19, 2017 Settling In Greenwood (Still in Fairgrounds)

We are getting into the every-day-routine of being in one spot.

My new nickname has been 'Shaggy' until I got a haircut yesterday! LOL

We spent several hours at Trisha's home today, getting caught up on laundry.  I also made a batch of banana bread, using the overripe bananas she had.

Tonight we enjoyed chicken 'n' dumplings that Trisha prepared and slow cooked all day with banana bread for dessert.

Trisha is a great cook.

Jeff is away flying a route for American Airlines.

Tanner was busy this evening doing "work" on his college class.  This class is "online" and is dual-credit....both high school and college.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

September 15-17, 2017 Celebration in Paris

Yes, we went to Paris over the week end!!

Paris, Arkansas, that is!  Trisha and Jeff presented us with the necessary certificates for a celebratory week end at the Lodge in Mt. Magazine State Park, Paris AR.

What were were celebrating?  Saturday September 16, was our 50th wedding anniversary!

50 years ago it was a drizzly Saturday.  The crepe paper streamers decorating the church basement were sagging, my mother was in a tizzy!  Glen's cousin and best man, Danny Livingston, came to the rescue, helping my mother restring the crepe paper.

Glen was 20 minutes late to the ceremony.  His parents and siblings came a few minutes later!  I didn't have any doubts but my aunt keeping me company just kept saying, "don't worry, Gayla, he will be here!"

He was and has been by my side for 50 wonderful years.

 The Ouchita Mountains viewed from the back of the Lodge.

 Mt. Magazine State Park Lodge.

The Lodge, rustic but modern decor!

 The butterflies were abundant.

 Do you see the juvenile Greater roadrunner?  In the center of the picture!

 Butterfly banquet.
Another butterfly.
 Monarch butterfly caterpillar feasting on milkweed.
 Another caterpillar.

 Glen did take me to Paris!

Complete with the Eiffel Tower!

The week end getaway was a wonderful surprise from Trisha and Jeff.  Thanks, You Sweeties!

Now, we are working on #51!!!

Thursday, September 14, 2017

September 14, 2017 Moving Day (Greenwood Fairgrounds, AR)

We enjoyed adjusting (sleeping in) to the change in time zones, and 390' elevation.

Mid morning we drove from Walmart to the fairgrounds.  

Using lots of elbow grease Glen cleaned and scrubbed the front windshield of the motor home.  My goodness, we had driven into/through lots of sticky bugs!  The view out the front is now unimpeded!

I got busy and vacuumed, mopped, and cleaned the bathroom, as well as organizing the top of the desk.  

We ate the dinner meal with Jeff, Trisha, and Tanner.  Trisha prepared a ziti pasta casserole which was delicious.  We caught up with Tanner's school activities.

High school is surely different than in my high school era.  My age is showing.

The first hour for Tanner at high school is an online English class that will be credit for both high school and college!!!  

We talked with Jeff about flying and airports in Florida; and Trisha about 9-11.  She taught some sessions to her seventh grade Geography classes.  She realized that she had several students that knew nothing about "9-11".    

We caught up on Natalie and Brady's college activities.  

Trisha and Jeff presented a "surprise" to us.  
Saturday is our 50th wedding anniversary.  They organized a week end for us at Mt. Magazine Lodge, Friday and Saturday nights.  Lodging and meals.  Mt. Magazine is the tallest location in Arkansas.

This was truly a surprise for us.  We are looking forward to exploring this beautiful location.

September 13, 2017 Wednesday A VERY LONG DAY (GREENWOOD AR WALMART)

We just kept driving --- Glen just kept driving until we drove all the way to Greenwood Arkansas.

We left Lamar Colorado this morning, 13 hours later we are in Greenwood.  

Rather than try to park at the fairgrounds in the dark we are staying with Walmart!

Trisha, Jeff, and Tanner came to greet us.  It is good to see them.

Too late for more.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

September 12, Tuesday A day on the Road (Lamar Sportsmen's RV and Horse Hotel)

We crossed into Colorado this morning.  And...Colorado is l-o-n-g state north to south!  We have seen a variety of scenery.  

Colorado is not all Rocky Mountains, and clear streams.  

From Denver to the east, the land is dry and brittle.  There are rocky hills, corn, soybeans, milo, alfalfa.

We saw some of the largest feed lots we have ever seen, even bigger than any in Kansas.  We saw huge,  many thousands, of dairy cattle, Holsteins, dairy operations.

We are stopped for the night in Lamar Colorado at the "Lamar Sportsmen's RV and Horse Hotel".  We recognized it when we approached the driveway.  We stayed here on the trip west to Mountaindale, CO.

It is not deserving of the 8.5 ratings in the camp directory, but okay for overnight.!!!

September 11, 2017 Leaving YNP (overnight at Western Hills Campground, Rawlins, WY)

All good things must come to an end!

It is time to tell Jeff and Marcella "good-bye" and Thanks for all they did to make this an outstanding stay in YNP.

Below are pictures as we leave YNP and enter/and go through the Great Tetons NP.

 A momma and young elk along Yellowstone Lake.

 Pullover in Grand Tetons NP.  Grand Teton Mountains in background; Snake River

It won't be long before there is more snow on the mountains.

 Grazing on a lawn in Rawlins, WY
 Sunset over Rawlins, WY
Fall colors are appearing in the Great Tetons--and YNP!

September 6-10, 2017 Driving toward the East Gate

Wednesday, September 6 to Sunday September 10

We took it easy the last few days of our stay in YNP.  There was laundry to do, chili to make, one last drive to Hayden Valley.

Saturday I made a pot of chili for everyone.  We all ate on our own schedules.  Fill your own bowl, and eat when your are hungry!

Gary and Evelyn, and Doug and Mildred took one day to drive to the Mammoth Hot Springs Area.  We had been there, it was a long--nearly 100 miles one way--trip, so we didn't go.

Sunday September 10
Glen and I drove through Fishing Bridge area, and around the east end of Lake Yellowstone.

 The above two pictures are on the east end of Yellowstone Lake

 This bison herd was at the end of the Fishing Bridge.

 This bison was in our campground.  It had walked around the motor home and was grazing that close.
 More of the east end of Yellowstone Lake.

 Remnants of a forest fire.


While we were exploring the East end, Doug and Mildred, Jeff and Marcella went to the Midway Geyser Basin to hike the "Fairy Falls" trail.  

Sunday Night:  We said our "good-byes" to Doug and Mildred, Gary and Evelyn.  They were leaving Very Early Monday morning--much earlier than us!

September 4 and 5, 2017 Fishing Bridge and Old Faithful

Monday September 4
We drove through the Fishing Bridge area again.

Tuesday, September 5
Today was the day to visit "Old Faithful" area.  BTW: it was 32 degrees this morning with frost.

 Think this is called the "Beehive Geyser".  It erupted longer and taller than "Old Faithful".

Old Faithful is getting ready!

 That she blows!
 Old Faithful
Old Faithful

Old Faithful is not the tallest, or longest geyser to erupt; just the most predictable, and the most well known !   Both Lone Star and the Beehive were more breathtaking, in my opinion!

The last concert/performance: Saturday September 9.  Evelyn, Marcella, Mildred, and Glen

September 1, and 2 and 3,, 2017 Search for Grizzlies, Waterfalls, and Geysers (Norris and Lower Geyser Basin)

Friday, September 1
We took the day off from sight-seeing.  In the evening we drove to LeHardy Flats where it had been reported grizzlies were dining on a buffalo carcass, and visible from the road.

We watched and searched with binoculars for a couple of hours, but alas! no bear sightings for us.

Saturday, September 2
We explored the Rising Bridge  (over Yellowstone River) area of YNP.  The actual Fishing Bridge is famous.  In the early days of YNP the bridge would actually be lined elbow to elbow with fishermen.  If you have seen any video of early YNP, you will have seen the Fishing Bridge.

We toured the Visitor's Center. ate ;imci at the Fishing Bridge General Store, and filled the pick up at the fuel station.

Sunday, September 3
Today started early with an 8:30 a.m. departure.  We drove nearly 100 miles through the Park.  We saw herds of bison, searched unsuccessfully with the scope for wolves, saw Trumpeter swans, geysers, mud pots, walked boardwalks along geyser basins, drove scenic loops that featured waterfalls and cascades, and enjoyed a picnic lunch along a bubbling river.

After a return in the late afternoon, and a rest time, Glen, Evelyn, Marcella, Doug, and Mildred enjoyed/performed a musical concert.

The evening with Gary grilling brats for the group.  It's always a pot-luck with everyone adding to the meal, whether it is baked beans, chips, salsa, watermelon, and homemade zucchini bread.

 Family picnic: L-Evelyn, Marcella, Mildred, Doug, Gary, Jeff, Gayla

 Algae -colored water at the Norris Geyser Basin

 Norris Geyser Basin

 More from Norris Geyser Basin

 Virginia Cascade
 Bottom of Virginia Cascade

 Norris Geyser Basin

Video from Norris Geyser Basin

 Gayla and Glen with Fireholee Falls in background

 The sibs: Evelyn, Mildred, Marcella, Glen

 Norris Geyser Basin
Firehole Falls

Don't hold me to the specific names of each falls/cascade.  I marked the map where we stopped, but looking at the pictures doesn't always help me remember which is which.  Just enjoy them for what they are...beautiful.

These below were taken at the Lower Geyser Basin.

Monday, September 11, 2017

August 31, Thursday, 2017 "A One-Hour Cruise"

This evening our group, minus Jeff and Marcella, who were working, enjoyed a one-hour cruise aboard the "Lake Queen II" on Lake Yellowstone.

The cruise was informative and enjoyable.  the captain/narrator was humorous in his delivery of the Lake history.  (No pictures.)

After the cruise Glen and drove through the many loops of the Bridge Bay campground.  Enjoy a few of the rigs we spotted.

 Trumpeter Swans
In front of the Marina's General Store

Two views of the same rig.  We saw several with sleeping quarters on top of the vehicle.

The green ones are rental rigs from "Google".

One of the things we learned from Jeff and Marcella:  Asian visitors like to "squat" ON the stools, as in using their feet on the edge of the stool.  

It is break time.  More next time!