Thursday, October 26, 2017

October 26, 2017 Hickey Cousins' Day (St. Elizabeth MO)

1900 Home of Taylor Shelton (Father of Cora), then Cora Shelton , then Myron and Wilma Hickey.  Myrna and Evelyn were born here.  

Back of home

Home of Sheltons/Hickeys

"New" home of Cora Shelton Hickey Fancher, top of hill from original house.

Do you remember....?
I remember.....!
Do you know if......?

There were an abundance of questions today as three generations of cousins gathered at St. Elizabeth MO.

First there was Granville Hickey who was the father of
                         Davis Hickey who married Cora  Shelton (Hickey and Fancher)
who were the parents of 11 children  (Four died in infancy.
                         Mabel (Died 1934)
     Myron is Glen's father

Children and grandchildren gathered to honor these grandparents and great-grandparents.

18 cousins/spouses gathered today for a meal at the log cabin reconstructed on the Bruce Kemna farm, St. Elizabeth MO

After the meal the group traveled to the Duncan Cemetery and Dick Lawson Cemetery to visit the burial sites of various family members.  The top four pictures were supposed to download at the bottom of the page.  Too complicated to figure out how to move them.

Myron Hickey family

Log Cabin reassembled on the farm of Bruce Kemna, site of lunch, St. Elizabeth MO

Cousins: Glen Hickey, Joey Herz

Doris Hickey-(second wife of Ronald Hickey-son of Logan Hickey), Mitchell and Catherine Hickey-son of Clay

Bruce Kemna son of Judy, grandson of Freda, grandson of Mabel Hickey 

Elicia Herz Noell, Joey Herz-children of Theda Hickey Herz

Elicia Herz Noell (dtr of Theda), and Bobby Oligschlaeger-son of Freda/grandson of Mabel Hickey

Elicia Herz Noell; (back Bruce Kemna -son of Judy, grandson of Freda, gt grandson of Mabel), Bobby Oligschlaeger and Chris Vallely-children of Freda Oligschlaeger/grandchildren of Mabel Hickey; David Valley husband of Chris

Monday, October 23, 2017

October 23, 2017 Monday Leaf peeping

Another day, another trip to Cape RV Sales/Service.

Glen delivered the motor home this morning at eight, with the expectation that all repairs would be done by noon at the latest.  At three when we had not heard from them we went there to check.

Alas!  The correct fitting part was not available.  The motorhome had just sat all day in the parking lot.  I stayed out of the office as I had opinions about the quality of service that I could have shared with them.  They "hope" to have the correct part tomorrow.  

We crossed the Mississippi River bridge this morning into Illinois for some sight-seeing.  The rain over the week end and lower temperatures seem to have turned the leaves to fall colors.  I had given up on seeing normal colors.  I guess I have been impatient or, the colors are about three weeks late!

This location is about ten miles from Cape Girardeau, near McClure Illinois.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

October 22, 2017 (Sunday) Rain!

Quiet days in the neighborhood.  

Yesterday Glen worked on a couple of outdoor projects.  There was not flag football game; it is being rescheduled.

Today more quietness!  

It finally rained in the late afternoon.  Darin had applied fertilizer and grass seed to his yard.  This moisture will be enough to help germinate the seed.

Upcoming week is busy!  We will be going to Iberia on Wednesday.
Thursday the Hickey cousins are gathering to visit the (grandmother Cora Hickey Fancher) family farm and tour some cemeteries.

We will be in that area until Sunday.

Friday, October 20, 2017

October 20, 2017 Friday "Grandparents' Day" at school

Gayla, Ashlynn, Glen in the courtyard for lunch.

Gayla and Ashlynn at the classroom

Ashlynn--Fifth Grade

Cape Middle School (Fifth-sixth grades) honored grandparents this morning.  We spent time in the classroom, shared lunch with Ashlynn, and checked out the Book Fair.

This afternoon Glen drove the motor home to the Youngbloods RV Sales and Service.  The new A/C fan motor was in and ready to be installed.

Oops!  It took some time to remove and install the new motor.  But.....the air conditioner still wouldn't work.  It is 'bring it back Monday and leave it!"  Now the service department thinks it is a "capacitor" which regulates the electrical flow to the fan.  Somehow the flow/voltage is still low and will not turn the fan.

Flag football for Zade has been postponed for tomorrow.  Both coaches have other engagements that prevent them from being at the game.

Monday, October 16, 2017

October 16, 2017 It's Monday so it's Laundry (Still at The Landing Point, CGMO)

Glen drove the motor home to Cape RV Sales and Service (Youngbloods) this morning.  The service people examined the front air conditioner and pronounced the fan motor dead!  

A new motor is ordered, and will be here in three days.  

The service people also repaired the lighter on the kitchen stove.  There was a loose wire that needed reattaching.  Viola!  It now works.  No more matches or hand-held lighter is needed.

He returned home, backed in the site without my assistance, and set up.  I was at Darin's home, doing laundry!  

We visited with Jeff and Marcella this afternoon, sitting out in the warming sunshine.  

Warming, not hot!  The high was was 67 degrees with 41 degrees as a low this morning.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

October 14, 2017 Saturday "Hot Football Game"

It was a "hot" football game---87 degrees.

The game wasn't hot.  Zade's team lost 0-30.  "The other team has a playbook!"  Zade's team doesn't have a playbook, they only have one play!

This was the team's first lost.  

Zade, in action.  Click on each picture to enlarge.

 Zade, in the middle

 Zade. as center.

Although Zade and his dad would rather have a win, it was fun to watch!

Friday, October 13, 2017

October 13, 2017 (Friday) Ice My Arm

We hinted to Jeff and Marcella when we first arrived here that we "might be interested in learning to play "Pickleball"!

This morning they offered an invitation to meet them at the pickle ball/tennis courts.  A Pickleball court is actually smaller than a tennis court, but using the same net.  The playing area is smaller than a tennis court.

Are you familiar with Pickleball?  Senior citizens often play this.  The paddle/racket is wooden, shaped like a paddle ball or racket ball racket/or a large ping pong paddle.  The ball is shaped/formed like a Wiffle ball, but a harder plastic.

The object is to hit the ball back and forth over the net, hoping the other team/opposition will miss or hit it out of bounds---just like ping pong or tennis.  Winning score is the first to eleven.

Keeping score is the most complicated.  We let Jeff and Marcella take care of that.

The game can be played as singles, or doubles--like tennis.
My observations:

  •  make scoring more simple!  LOL 😎
  • find a child/young person to retrieve the missed balls!  Jeff says grandchildren won't work!
  • bifocal or tri-focal glasses make it difficult to judge depth perception 

October 12, 2017 Flexibility and Farmers' Market

We watched Ashlynn warm up for gymnastics --doing those stretches where she sat on the floor, bent over and touched her head to the floor!  doing the splits!

No way!  Glen and I thinks we were never that flexible!  Even at 11 years of age!

Ashlynn's skills have increased since we saw her a month ago.  She can now do a backward walkover--you know--bend backward, touch her hands to the floor, and bring her feet over her head!  Wow!

We strolled through the Farmers' Market this afternoon.  There was sweet corn, tomatoes, peppers--hot and sweet, squash, green beans, apples, greens, Amish made pies, cakes and breads, fresh made lemonade, donuts; what choices.

I cleaned the cantaloupe.  It smelled so good, so fresh, and was so disappointing!  It had no taste!

I am looking forward to a pot of green beans seasoned with bacon and onions, with tiny potatoes thrown in!  with a ear of corn as a side dish!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

October 11, 2017 Sailing Ships (The Landing Point RV Park, Cape Girardeau MO)

It was an uneventful drive from Eagleville, MO to Cape Girardeau MO.

We wanted to tour the Clydesdale breeding farm, Anheuiser Busch, near Boonville MO as we traveled southeast.  However we learned that the first tour available was October 30.  Reservations are required.  So much for those plans!

After we parked the motorhome we were invited to dinner at Darin/Sarah's home  However, he didn't tell Ashlynn and Zade we were here.  Darin told Zade to turn on the outside lights.  Zade opened the garage door just as we were standing there.  SCREAM!  

Zade loves to hide, and jump out to scare people.  I got him this time!!!

A couple of weeks ago we learned that the "Nina and Pinta" replica ships of Christopher Columbus were to be moored in Cape Girardeau, and open for tours until Friday October 6.  We were disappointed to know we would not be in Cape to see them.  Trisha had seen them in Ft. Smith and was very impressed.

Circumstances conspired to place us unexpectedly in Cape this week.  Details in a minute.  
River levels are low and the ships could not go to Memphis as planned.  They stayed here another week, and then are going to Little Rock.  

We are now in Cape Girardeau.  We met Darin, Ashlynn, and Zade this afternoon after school for the tours.

 3-4 miles of rope used on each ship.

 Aboard the Pinta, looking back at the Nina.

 Zade and Ashlynn on board the Pinta.

Check out the list of goods going from Europe to US--dandelions.  Now we know who to blame!

 River side of the Flood Wall, Mural, Zade and Ashlynn

Flood Wall does a good job!  Marking the various floods of the Mississippi River.

Okay, now why we are in Cape Girardeau.
The front air conditioner fan on the motor home quit working.  Glen chose an RV shop here in Cape Girardeau to work on it.  The MH has an appointment next Monday for the work.

We are going to be able to watch Zade play flag football.  Marcella and Jeff are here at the same park.
We ate lunch with them today.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

October 7, 2017 "Better Than Usual"

Have you ever carried a "buckeye" in your pocket?  to keep away back pain or arthritis?

Today was the first time I have ever seen a buckeye tree, or a fresh from the hull buckeye.  Ron gave us a tour of his multi-acre property on the side-by-side.  There were an abundance of buckeye trees in the forest.  I also learned from the internet buckeyes and chestnuts (non edible variety) are in the same family.

The tree is all and slender and smooth with leaves similar to a hickory.

All my life I have heard that "buckeyes" are poisonous.  I "googled" buckeyes to find the truth.
"Warning: Ohio buckeye is highly toxic when taken internally.  Poisonous plant:  all parts of the plant (leaves, bark, fruit) are highly toxic if ingested".  A true "old wives' tale"!

What can eat a buckeye?  only a squirrel!

If so inclined, you can make an ointment from a buckeye to ease the pain of rheumatism, rashes, and hemorrhoids:  cover the nuts with a cloth and then crush them with a rolling pin or hammer.  Place them in a pan filled with enough water to cover the nuts."  

Micki prepared a pot of delicious chili.  One of her grandsons told her it "was "better than usual!"  We couldn't comment on the "usual" part, but today's chili was delicious.

It was a grand visit with Ron and Micki, and the two grandsons.  We will be back someday!

Friday, October 6, 2017

October 6, 2017 Hotel Rea, Corydon Iowa

We traveled to Corydon, Iowa, today to see the remodeling/restoration of the Hotel Rea, in Corydon Iowa.  My brother Ronnie is one of three working on various projects of the restoration.

 The design for the front porch came from a photo of the original hotel.  Many of these pieces were hand cut.

 Inside the original brick is being brought to view by chipping away at the lathe plaster covering the brick.  (lathe: narrow strips of boards to which the plaster is attached).

 The original woodwork is being stripped.  It will be stained and brought back to the original glory.

 Showing off the original brick, and the tin ceiling being installed.

 More of the ceiling.

 The left arch leads to the original hotel lobby/check in area.  Obviously the right arch leads upstairs.

Another view of the front porch.

Mr. Rea (original owner) did not run the hotel but did own it.  He also owned several other buildings in the city of Corydon.  It originally was a hotel.  After restoration there will be both apartments and hotel rooms in the upper level.  

Downstairs area will serve as an Event Center.  It will be a beautiful place for a small wedding/reception.

I appreciate very much "old" buildings being restored rather than being left to deteriorate or torn down.  The  original craftsmanship is amazing.  

The tour of the hotel was followed by traveling to Ron and Micki's home!  Their place "looks" just like them:  barns and outbuildings, ponds for fishing, woods for trails.  We look forward to more visiting tomorrow.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

October 2-5, 2017 (Camelot RV Park, Poplar Bluff, Harrah's Casino, KC MO, and Eagle Ridge RV Park, Eagleville, MO)

Monday and Tuesday, October 2-3

These were emotional days preparing for the memorial service for our friend Sandy Freedman.  The memorial service was arranged around decorated tables as if at a JOY (Just Older Youth) monthly meeting.

Each table was decorated with a centerpiece pertaining to a specific month.  

Monday afternoon was spent arranging the tables.  After the decorating task was completed we went to Pizza Inn for a group meal.

Tuesday was the memorial service.  Husband Jim and son Kyle were in charge of the program/service.  There was music, scripture, and memories (from the audience).  The church served a meal to the family and invited guests.

We departed after the meal, driving to north Kansas City MO.  Details following.
Wednesday and Thursday, October 4 and 5
The reunion of the Dak To Defenders, Vietnam (1969) began on Sunday October 1.  We were able to join the members on Wednesday.  This is the 48th year since the service of these veterans in Vietnam.

Glen was a part of Company D (Delta Company).  There were 14 members present from Co D, the most we can remember being in attendance.  

There were speakers Wednesday morning, and Wednesday evening after the meal.

Thursday (today) morning, we met Don Dixon, Ron and Karen Bakalarski, Bob and Adella Lunsford for breakfast before departing.

The reunion was held in the Harrah's Casino Hotel.  We parked the motor home in the parking lot of the casino .
After breakfast we traveled to Eagleville, MO, a small town near the Missouri/Iowa border, west of I-35.  We are about 20 minutes from my brother Ronnie's home in Cainsville, MO.

We will see Ron and Micki after work Friday.  

Here's a few pictures from the past week or so.

 Grammy and Brady
 Tanner and Brady, brothers

 Tanner and Trisha, son and momma
Glen and Trisha, father and daughter

Friendships that started in 1970: Donna Yeakley, Gayla and Glen, Jim Freedman,  Richard Garrett, Janice Garrett, Tom Yeakley
Company D, 299th Combat Engineers, Dak To Defenders, Vietnam at reunion Harrah's Casino Hotel, North Kansas City MO.  Glen is third from right, back row.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

September 29, 30, October 1, 2017, Football, Travel, Old Friends (Camelot RV Park, Poplar Bluff MO)

(Departed Greenwood/Sebastian County Fairgrounds, AR Saturday September 29, 2017)

Friday September 29, 2017
We accompanied Jeff and Trisha to the local Greenwood AR High School Football game.  It was a blow-out in Greenwood's favor.  In fact, the state has instituted a "mercy rule" for football.  If there is a certain amount of difference in the score by the time fourth quarter starts, the clock doesn't stop, except for scoring.  The "mercy rule" was in effect for this game.

Even though we did not know anyone playing, it was enjoyable.  The crowd support, the cheerleaders, the band performance, and the student participation added to the enjoyment.

We were able to see Brady after the game; he was home from college.

Saturday, September 30
This was a day of travel, from Greenwood to Poplar Bluff MO.

We retired from PB nearly ten years ago.  

We visited this evening with long-time, dare I say "old" friends, Tom and Donna.  

Sunday, October 1
We worshipped at First Baptist Church this morning, our home church since 1970.  There were still several there that recognized us and were glad to see us!!  And, we still were able to call their names!

Tonight Donna and Tom and several other friends prepared a "pot luck" dinner for long time friend Jim Freedman and son Kyle, wife Jennifer and their four children, as well as Jennifer's parents, sister and six children.  Jennifer's parents/family traveled to PB from the Nashville area.  

We are all gathered to support Jim and Kyle and family in the loss of Jim's wife/Kyle's mother/and grandmother of Kyle's children,  Sandy Freedman.  

Jim and Kyle are preparing a memorial service on Tuesday morning.  Jim was on staff at FBC, PB two different times; the last time was as Pastor to Senior Adults--JOY --Just Older Youth.  

Jim and Sandy, Tom and Donna and us became friends in 1970 and have stayed in contact all these years.  We were all poor and had children at the same time.  There was many an hour/evening spent together eating, playing charades or cards, or keeping someone's children.  At different times there were  three or four other couples in our "group".  Janice and Richard Garrett, now from Carl Junction, MO, retired from Connecticut,  were "in" the group until employment took them out of town in 1972?Richard and Janice will be here tomorrow to reunite with all of us and support Jim and family.  

47-year friendships are to be cherished and celebrated.

Sorry for all the details.  It is on my mind tonight.

Monday afternoon there will be another gathering of friends at FBC as tables will be decorated for the service/JOY gathering Tuesday morning.