Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Ashlynn:  Now eight years of age!

Favorite Restaurant:  Red Lobster
Favorite Part of being Eight: no more booster chair in the vehicle.  She got to ride in the front seat, going home from Red Lobster.  

It was a busy morning for Glen and me.  We spent time with our family doctor for the annual well-check."  All in all, lab tests and exams were all good for both of us.  Of course the doctor's offered his favorite advice:  loose weight, eat moderately, and exercise.  

This afternoon Glen drove the motorhome to the RV Service business here in Cape Girardeau to have a new satellite installed....the new one is HD.  After watching tv at Darin's house and seeing the difference in the quality of picture, we decided an upgrade would be done.  The work wasn't completed this afternoon; there will be another trip there in the morning.  

Hope you are having a good week.

Monday, September 29, 2014

9-29-2014 Teachers Have Homework!

Students didn't go to school today.  Zade told me that the "teachers have homework!"; in other words--in service training today.

We spent the day with Ashlynn, Zade, and Max, the puppy.

Zade had an appointment at 1:30 with the orthopedic doctor.  An x-ray was taken.  It was decided Zade needed to wear a boot for two weeks.  The ankle will then be re-x-rayed.  The hard part for Zade will be "no running or jumping"!

Marcella (Glen's sister) and Jeff arrived at the RV park sometime today (while we were gone).  They are ending their whirlwind retirement trip.

Marcella left school on the morning of May 30, and they headed north through Canada and into Alaska.  At the end of August they started south  with stops at Yellowstone, the Tetons, the National Parks of Utah, and finally the Grand Canyon.  They, Evelyn, and three of Marcella's friends hiked Rim to Rim of the Grand Canyon.

They are going to enjoy some days with their daughter/husband and four children here in Cape Girardeau.

Here's the boot Zade will be wearing for a couple of weeks.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

9-28-2014 Birthday Celebration

Tonight there was a combined birthday celebration for Ashlynn and Zade.  

The party took place at the indoor pool at Southeast Missouri University.  

 Zade and Darin enjoying the pool.


 Sarah, Caroline (Niece), Vicky (Sarah's mother)

 Ashlynn trying the rock-climbing wall.

 Zade with his cupcakes.

 Ashlynn with her "Frozen" themed cupcakes (Disney movie).

 Ashlynn (in center) with friends.

 Zade with his gifts.

Glen and I braved the 88-degree heat this afternoon and washed the motorhome!  It is shiny-clean from top to bottom for the first time in a long while.

Fun day planned for tomorrow.  Stay tuned.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

9-27-2014 Mobile RV Wash Crew (Pictures included)

We had a great mobile RV wash crew today to work on the roof of the motor home. The price was great.  I didn't really want Glen climbing up and down the back ladder.

Do you recognize this ambitious young man?  It is our son, Darin!   He worked for his supper!  The roof surely looks better.  It still had the remnants of Alaska dust/mud in the cracks and crevices.

Glen and Darin prepared Alaskan halibut for supper.  Some was fried and some was grilled. Both methods were delicious.  There are two more packages to finish up the halibut stash.

Here's the latest member of the Darin Hickey clan.  "Maximus" - or -"Max"- for short.  Ashlynn has given him a middle name:  Maximum Andrew Hickey.  "Max" is half beagle and half terrier, currently 12 weeks old.  Ashlynn is learning how to use the leash to take Max outdoors for the necessary visits.  Both still need training!  

Ashlynn's birthday celebration is tomorrow with the actual birthday on Tuesday.  Eight candles will be on her birthday cake!

Friday, September 26, 2014

9-26-2014 We're Moved (The Landing Point RV Park, Cape Girardeau, MO)

It was just one hour  fifteen minutes to travel to Cape Girardeau, MO today.  We are back to another of our favorite rv parks.  

A trip to Menard's was in order.  The shower head holder had broken yesterday.  The exact thing we needed was found at Menard's.  Glen has it installed.

We picked up Ashlynn and Zade at their after-school care.  

Zade is definitely still limping because of the sore ankle.  He has an appointment with a bone specialist Monday.

We met "Max", the new puppy in their household.  He is a terrier on his momma's side, and a beagle on his daddy's side.  There is not much of the beagle look to him.  However, his "bark" is all beagle.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

9/24-25/2014 A restful two days!

It has been a restful, do nothing two days.  

Yesterday we did wash the pick-up, but it was beautiful outside, so it didn't seem like work.

Today we went into Poplar Bluff for lunch at "China Garden", the best Chinese restaurant we have found.  Jim and Sandy, and Donna met us there.  It's always good to have time to catch up on our families.

Prior to lunch today we visited with Jeannie at her home at the Assisted Living Center.  We had stopped at the hospital in Poplar Bluff to visit her as we went to the bluegrass festival last week. ( Just a reminder that Jeannie had retired from Glen's office several years ago.)  She is feeling better and very happy to be home.  

We are off to Cape Girardeau in the morning.  It is about a 60-minute trip.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

9-23-2014 Proud Grandparents

We are very proud of this grandson, Tanner. He works hard in school, and it has paid off!
Photo: Grandson Tanner, ninth grader, inducted into Junior Honor Society tonight. We are very proud.
This is Tanner, 9th grader, who was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society  tonight in his home town.

We had an unusual visitor this afternoon.  A 27-year old young man from the country of Poland is traveling the United States.  Bert (or Bart) wanted to interview us about our traveling lifestyle.

He worked for a TV network in Poland similar to CNN.  He convinced them to let him take time to travel through the US, interviewing people in every state, then sending the video interview back to Poland.  He had recently been in Indiana, and we watched videos on his website.  The subject of that video was Notre Dame (University) football, and the Amish people.

Yesterday and today he has talked to various people in the campground.  We were the only ones who travel full-time.  He was very interested in our lifestyle.  

He is traveling in a rental car.  He mostly finds places to stay by going to something similar to "www.rentmysofa dot com".  He is not the only one we have talked to in our travels that has used that resource to find someplace to stay.  He is going to Branson tomorrow, and already has a place to stay--someone's sofa.  

Otherwise, it has been a very quiet day.  We rode the bikes this morning, sat outdoors watching birds and reading.  

Monday, September 22, 2014

9-22-2014 A Time for Long Time Friends

Our friendship with Tom and Donna, and, Jim and Sandy, began in 1970, maybe 1971,  It was before we had kids!

We shared the same economic standards--no extra money; didn't go out to eat, didn't go to movies.  We babysat for each other!  There were many nights of shared meals, games of Charades, or many kinds of cards,  There was always help during times of illness, or sadness or sorrow or support when needed or celebrations at happy occasions.  

There were sometimes more couples/families that moved in and out of our lives, that meant a great deal to our lives, but these are the ones that have endured lo! these many years.  Janice and Richard moved to Connecticut, but are now back in Missouri, and we have reconnected.  

Friendships that last this many years are rare and are to be treasured.  I hope you have been blessed by such friendships.

Today we shared a meal, but no one had to cook!  We shared pizza at the new "Brick Oven Pizza" in Poplar Bluff.  It was delicious!  

We then toured Tom and Donna's new home.  It is lovely, just right for this time of their lives.  

Sunday, September 21, 2014

9-21-2014 Pictures from the Bluegrass Festival (Redmond Creek Campground, Lake Wappapello, MO)

Here a few pictures from the bluegrass festival: remember you can click on the pictures to make them larger.

 Rhonda Vincent and the Rage performing at the festival.
 1955 Chevrolet Station Wagon with matching Shasta trailer.
The crowd gathers to watch the musical performances.

Goldwing Express honoring their Native American heritage.  Their mother was full-blooded Crow Indian.

After being awakened this morning by friends Carolyn and Bob coming to say "good-bye" as they went to church, we finally got on the road.  We headed basically east on Highway 60 to Poplar Bluff and then on to Redmond Creek Campground at Lake Wappapello, MO.

This is one of our favorite campgrounds.  It is Corps of Engineers with no view of the lake, but the lake isn't too far away.  There is no working water tonight, but a neighbor tells us it is supposed to be repaired and working tomorrow.  Thankfully we have fresh water in the tank.

9-20-2014 "The Party is Over. Turn Out the Lights!"

Starvy Creek Bluegrass Festival is over.

The last guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle, and bass fiddle has been played.  The last note has been sung.

Just like yesterday the music started at 11 a.m. and finished at 11:15 p.m.  Each group played three sessions today.

The featured artist today was "Rhonda Vincent and the Rage", an award-winning Nashville group.  They put on quite an entertaining group.

There were no "bad" groups, just some more polished, more professional.  There were groups from Nova Scotia, New Mexico, West Virginia, Missouri, Nashville TN.  That's all I can remember right now.

It has been a very entertaining week end.  The weather couldn't have been better.

We will be heading to the east in the morning.  How far east will be determined by a conversation with out son.  We have been planning on going to Lake Wappapello MO, near Poplar Bluff Mo to catch up with friends.

BUT, Zade, our six year old grandson jumped off some playground equipment yesterday afternoon, and injured his ankle very badly.  They went to the ER last night.  X-rays show no apparent breaks, but it is heavily swollen and bruised.  He has a splint on it, and can't walk on it.  Mom and Dad are to take him to pediatrician Friday to have it re-checked.  If it isn't a great deal better then there may be a crack/break in the growth plate.  There will then be a follow up with a bone specialist.  

Anyway, if he can't go to school Monday, then we will stay with Zade, I assume.  Destination will b determined after conversation with Darin/Sarah.

Friday, September 19, 2014

9-19-2014 The Music Begins

Look who we found here at Starvy Creek Bluegrass Festival, Conway, MO...

It's Leroy and Sylia, fellow Winter Texans in Zapata.  They are part of the Jam sessions on Tuesday and Thursdays in Zapata.

You can stay all day, or pick and choose from the schedule below.

Music begins at 11 a.m and finishes at 11 p.m.  

We are on our way to check out the merchandise for sale.  There might be a CD or two that we need.

Have a great day.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

9-18-2014 Music, Music, Music

It's official.  The Starvy Creek Bluegrass Festival has started.

The first group started at 6:30 p.m. and the fourth and last group finished at 10:30.

Here's tonight's groups:  Triple L (from New Mexico); Spinney Brothers (from Nova Scotia), Goldwing Express (from Oklahoma), and Grascals (from Nashville TN).

Tomorrow the performances start at 11 a.m. and finishes at 11 p.m. Each performance slot is 40 minutes with a ten-minute break between.  

Tonight's performances were entertaining, the entertainers extremely talented, and the music outstanding.

We are "guess-timating" about 500 RV parked here, with an average of two people per rig.  There looked to be at least 1000 in the audience.  

There is a "Camper's World" just 18 miles west of here at Strafford MO.  We drove there this morning to see if we "needed" anything.  We found a few things to bring home.  

Carolyn and Bob hosted us tonight for a bowl of chicken taco soup.  It was delicious.

By the way:  the weather today has been outstanding.  The high was 72 degrees.  The current temp is 59 degrees with 99 percent humidity.  The stars are shining brightly.  

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

9-17-2014 Let the Music Begin

Friends Carolyn and Bob arrived late morning, driving through heavy rain downpours on the way.

We sat with Carolyn this afternoon listening to an outdoor jam session.  After a home cooked**  meal we walked to another jam session.

The evening session was under the awning of friends, Leroy and Sylvia, who winter in Zapata Texas.  Leroy and Sylvia call LaTour, Missouri their home.  It is in the Kansas City area. There were a total of nine musicians there.  Instruments being played were--Dobro guitar (4), flat top guitar (4), banjo (1), fiddle (1), mandolin, and Glen with the "spoons".  Bob and Carolyn also came over to listen.

The official line up of professional bands/groups starts tomorrow evening.  

**Did you note the term "home cooked"?  I actually remember how to cook!  In fact I have missed it.  That doesn't mean I won't turn down an invitation to eat out anytime!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

9-16-2014 Anniversary Celebration (Starvy Creek Campground, Conway, Missouri)

We left Cape Girardeau this morning, stopping in Poplar Bluff to check on a friend in the hospital.

Jeanne Foster, retired bookkeeper from Glen's office, and more importantly, a great friend, is in the hospital with pneumonia.  She is getting better, feeling stronger, but will be there for a couple of more days.

Friends Jim and Sandy Freedman were also at the hospital, so went to lunch with them.

It was then on to Conway, Missouri, home of the Starvy Creek Bluegrass festival.

The festival officially starts Thursday night, but I already hear some jammin' going on under an awning or two.

We are meeting Carolyn and Bob Seesengood, former bookkeeper (actually she took Jeanne Foster's place) from Glen's office here.  They will be in here tomorrow.

Do you know what you were doing 47 years ago today?  Glen and I do.

It was our wedding day--drizzly in the morning, but sunny later in the day.  It was the beginning of a wonderful marriage to my dream-come-true, my best friend and husband, the best father, the best grandfather, dedicated to God, family, country, a great provider.  Happy Anniversary, dearest beloved!

Catching up with Sunday and Monday (Sept14 and 15)
Sunday was spent on the road, traveling from Charleston SC back to Cape Girardeau.  We ran by to see Darin/Sarah, Ashlynn and Zade on our return.

Monday-Sept 15:  We prepared for getting back on the road.  I made a grocery list, made a trip to WalMart, and have actual food in the refrigerator.  Glen retrieved our bikes from Darin's basement, took his to the bike shop to have a frozen brake repaired.  

We picked up Ashlynn and Zade from After School care.  They went with us to the MH and helped put groceries away!  All of us went to "Dexter Bar-B-Que" for dinner.  On Monday they have a "family special" - a great deal for four adults - half a side of ribs, pulled pork plus two sides and drinks and ice cream.  There was enough for Ashlynn and Zade also.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

9-13-2014 "War should never be the first solution to a situation. It should always be the last resort." Glen Hickey

It is difficult to describe our evening.  This was the ending program of the Reunion.

Tonight Christopher Upham, fellow Dak To Defender, showed his 50-minute film/documentary titled "Return to Dak To".  I have previously mentioned that Chris and four others returned to Dak To in 2004.  Tonight we saw the results of that visit, interpreted on the screen, with video/still pictures/music.  The realities of war, the emotional impact of those 12 to 14 months spent there, still affecting our veterans today were described in a manner that brought tears, shudders, silence throughout the film.

When it was over, there was applause.  Applause for Chris' efforts, for the finality, for the physical and emotional impact, and for the understanding.

Chris now hopes to sell it to a television network: the History Channel, Discovery Channel, etc.  He will be showing it to Veterans' organizations.  Eventually it wll be for sale.  We will purchase one.  I hope you want to and get the chance to see it  

Any family that has had a member in a war situation, whether WWII, Viet Nam, Iraq, should see this.  Maybe there will be a glimmer of understanding of what your veteran has gone through.

Friday, September 12, 2014

9-12-2014 A Day of Reuniting (Charleston, SC)

Glen has spent some time with the other veterans today.  The ladies that I usually visit with are not here this year.  

Tonight there was a buffet dinner, and then a wonderful, intense speaker.

Lauren Price, founder and worker extraordinaire of "Veteran Warriors", was the speaker tonight.  Both she and her husband are veterans of the Iraq war,  She suffers from a lung ailment that is incurable, and has other issues, so she knows what she is talking about.

"Veteran Warriors" is an organization dedicated to fighting for a veteran with the VA, but, mostly dedicated to revamping the Veterans Administration.  With the fire in her eye and her determination I have no doubt it will get done.  She has horror stories of veterans' dealing with the VA, her own involvement with the VA that will may you cringe in horror and shake your head in disbelief.  

Of course we have heard all of the stories from the veterans that attend the reunion.  Of all those present I know of Glen and two others that are not affected by PTSD.  

Glen and I realize that we are and have been blessed not to have dealt with PTSD and other physical issues: both for ourselves and for not having to have to deal with the VA.  Our first dealings with the VA started this spring when Glen was diagnosed with CLL-a form of leukemia related to exposure to Agent Orange.  

All paper work has been filled out and submitted to the VA system.  We shall see what happens: it is accepted and some form of financial benefit will start; or it is rejected for some reason.

Tomorrow will bring more talk and exchange of stories and information for Glen and the others.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

9-11-2014 An All-Day Trip (Charleston Plaza Hotel, Charleston, South Carolina)

We set the alarm for six a.m. and were on the road at 6:30.  That is really good for us.

There were three quick stops for meals.  There was one longer stop in Asheville, North Carolina.

Glen has been aware that the front tires on the pick up were wearing uneven and needed to be replaced.  The uneven wear was probably a result of the potholes and construction on the summer trip.

Glen likes the chain "Discount Tire"; however the only stores in Missouri are in the Kansas City area.  We found a store in Asheville NC, stopped, they had the two tires needed, and gladly sold us the two tires, and mounted, balanced in about an hour.

We arrived at the hotel at ten p.m.  Glen did all the driving.  We drove in and out of rain until mid-day.

Glen spent an hour or so in the Hospitality Room.  Breakfast is scheduled for ten o'clock---so no early alarms!

Other than the reunion, we are looking forward to see the town of Charleston.  

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

9-10-2014 Packing

We watched from the sidelines as Zade had flag football practice tonight.  The coach of any team of 5-6 year old boys has to have the patience of Job!  Oh, my, those boys are active!

Zade has a good arm, and can catch the football.  Tonight he practiced as center, then as quarterback!  The team has six players.  

We have our suitcases packed.  We are leaving in the morning.  Destination: Charleston, South Carolina.

It is the time of year when the Dak To Defenders (of 1969) meet to offer support and understanding to one another.  

Chris Upham, a Dak To Defender (medic at that time), now a documentary producer in California is going to preview his movie before the gathering of Defenders.  He has been working on the movie/production for eight, plus/minus, years.  It takes lots of time gathering financial support, and editing and producing.  Chris and four others went back to Dak To Defenders to find closure as well as film and document the area that impacted these five as well as the other 500 that were there.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

9-9-2014 Out With the Old, In with the New *contains photos

Hurray, today is the day!  

 Notice the wood panel upper door.  

 It's almost on the floor.

 Out the front door.  Glen removed the front entrance screen and door so they would fit.

 Glen is ready to have an ice maker, and food to cook.

 Is the new one going to fit?

 It does.  

 Notice the all black door panels.  I think I like the look.  It is dressy!

Glen thinks there will be food in the refrigerator now--so I can cook!  We will still be eating out our fair share!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

9-7-2014 No More Training Wheels *contains photos

 Zade and Darin:  "keep on pedaling."

 Darin:  "you got it.  Keep on pedaling."

 The street around the RV park was just right for learning to ride the bike without training wheels.  
 Zade and Ashlynn with their bikes.

 Movie star looks?  I think so.  Ashlynn--second grade, age nearly 8.



 Gayla and Glen: (photography by Ashlynn)

 Glen and Ashlynn.  Ashlynn keeping his hair from blowing in the wind.

 Zade, playing whiffle ball.

 Zade, at bat.  Yes, he's a leftie.

Glen and Zade.

It was a beautiful afternoon.  Finally a "cold" front went through, taking the high humidity with it, lowering temperatures.  The high today was 81 degrees.

Sarah was at her office, catching up with files; then did grocery shopping.  We missed her.

Ashlynn and Zade helped me make a cake this afternoon. We had it for dessert tonight.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

9-6-2014 Picnic and grandchildren

Glen attended the annual picnic/gathering of the employees/retirees of M & A Electric Power Cooperative today at Lake Wappapello, MO..  He reports there was a good number of attendees, both retirees and employees.

The menu for the lunch included ribs, chicken, pork steaks, potato casserole, slaw, green beans, dessert: all catered by "Strawberry's Bar-B-Que" of Holcomb, MO, as well as catfish catered by Unknown--Glen didn't know.   He said it was all delicious.  

He enjoyed seeing familar faces and catching up on happenings,and events with everyone.  

I stayed in Cape Girardeau to keep Ashlynn and Zade company while Darin and Sarah each had separate appointments.  

Hurray!  The high temperature for the day was only 78 degrees.  What a difference 24 hours makes.  There has been no rain.  

Thursday, September 4, 2014

9-4-2014 Appointment made!

Installation appointment for the RV refrigerator is made for next Tuesday, September 9, morning.  It is expected to be finished in one day!  Let's hope so!

It's been another hot and humid day--high today 93 degrees.  Forecast is for for high temperatures for Friday, then a "cold front" coming in Saturday.  Lows in the 50's on Sunday and Monday.  

We tried a new restaurant for lunch.  It is called "China Wok"..  There are four small tables for dining in; most orders are for "carry out."  The taste wasn't really bad, but not to our expectations.  We won't be going back.

Glen has been working on some small projects.  He has repaired a non-working brake light on the motor home.  He replaced a center decorative hub on the left front tire that had disappeared during the travels over the bumpy roads of Canada.

The last project today was replacing the entire wiper arms on the front windshield of the motorhome.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

9-3-2014 Good....Great News! (Still @ The Landing Point RV Park, Cape Girardeau, MO)


Cape RV Service and Sales called this afternoon to say the new RV refrigerator was delivered this afternoon.  Someone will call tomorrow to make an installation appointment.  I am not clear why the Service Manager could not/did not make the appointment.  Please, just get us in SOON.

We went "grocery" shopping today.  It is (still) weird shopping and not buying anything that goes into the refrigerator.  That means we bought paper towels, cereal, cleaning supplies, and milk.  Need to have milk to have cereal for breakfast.  

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

9-2-2014 Monday/Tuesday

I asked my sister in law this morning about their "holiday" week end.  She replied "holiday? every day is the same anymore!"

I agree with Evelyn.  A three-day holiday week end just doesn't have the same impact as it did eight years ago!  

Yesterday we visited at Darin/Sarah's home.  Sarah's parents, Allen and Vicky, were there also.  Ashlynn and Zade were busy with Grandpa and Grandma -and- Grammy and Poppy.  Zade had lots of people to play "catch" with.  The girls played with Ashlynn and the crayons and coloring books.

Darin had a busy day at the office today.  Sarah was busy, also, and sick with cough.  Ashlynn had doctor's appointment at four for a check up to get a prescription refill; then she had gymnastics at 5:15.  

We picked up Ashlynn and Zade at the After School Care; took Ashlynn to doctor.  There was no waiting and we were finished at 4:15.  We met Darin at the mall parking lot.

Glen and Zade went to the house.  Darin, Ashlynn and I ran a couple of errands before the start of gymnastics.  

I must say that Ashlynn did not inherit her flexibility from our side of the family.  It is amazing to watch her at work with flips, splits, backward flips, balance beam, etc.  She will never be in the Olympics, but she is learning lots that will help her through life.  

There is no word yet from the RV Service Shop regarding the new refrigerator.  I hope delivery is SOON!