Tuesday, May 31, 2016

5-31-2016 "Moses"--Sight and Sound Theater, Branson MO (@Branson Lakeside RV Park, Branson MO)

We said our "good-byes" last night to Trisha, Jeff, Natalie, Brady, and Tanner. 

This morning we left Greenwood, heading north.

We are at Branson Lakeside RV Park, Branson MO.  We have a view out the front window of Lake Taneycomo.  Awesome.

We attended the production of "Moses" at Sight and Sound Theater tonight.  It was two and half hours long (with a 15 min intermission between Act 1 and Act 2).  As with all productions there the scenery, backdrops, animals, and actors are awesome.  

The story of "Moses" was condensed, obviously, but the main highlights were Biblical.  The plagues, Passover, the parting of the Red Sea was all part of the production.  The story ended with Moses receiving the Ten Commandments, followed by diagolue leading to the appearance of Jesus.  

A great evening.

There is an appointment immediately after lunch for the motorhome at the local Spartan dealer to see if there is imminent danger in using the steering box as there is a recall on the steering box.  Crossing our fingers and hoping that all is okay, and the work can be done in the fall.

Monday, May 30, 2016

5-30-2016 Preparing the Way

Most of the family--Trisha, Jeff, Glen, Natalie, Landon and Drew (Nat's BF)--loaded up the four-wheelers and found trails for an afternoon ride.

Tanner was feeling under the weather so I stayed with him; and, Brady was working.

The first choice for 4-wheeling was closed permanently and for sale.  A friend gave them another location to try.  

This evening, everyone but Landon, went to dinner at "The BrickYard", a restaurant in an old restored brick building in downtown Fort Smith.  The meal was delicious.

We are preparing for departure in the morning.  

Tomorrow's destination will depend on a call Glen will be making in the morning.  He is trying to set up an appointment at a Spartan dealer in Branson to check the "steering box brackets".  There is a recall for this from Spartan.  

May 30, 2016 A Week of Idleness (still in Arkansas)

We are still in Arkansas!

All school and sport activities are finished.

There are no appointments to go to.

Glen has removed and replaced the fog lights on the front of the motorhome.  

That is it, guys.  Nothing going on.  Just life, as usual.  

Have a wonderful holiday.

Keep in your memory those veterans and their families that have made the untimate sacrifice for our country.  

Monday, May 23, 2016

May 23, 2016 Last School Function: Attending Soccer Banquet

We were honored to be invited to share in the end-of-the-soccer season banquet tonight with Trisha and Jeff.

Both Tanner and Natalie were a part of the celebrations.

The meal was delicious--chicken spaghetti, green beans, hot bread, and a brownie.

Before banquet--Tanner and Natalie

Tanner with the First Year Varsity Letter Award

Natalie with the Third Year Varsity Letter Award

Natalie and Tanner

After the banquet and a change of clothes, the family helped Trisha move boxes and furniture out of her class room.  She will be in a NEW--as in just being built--building next fall.

She will still be teaching seventh grade geography.

Tomorrow is the Last Day of School!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

May 22, 2016---Did I Mention This Has Been A Busy Week

Lots of celebrating this week!

This past Tuesday was Natalie's Birthday.
This past Friday was Brady's Graduation.
Today is Landon's Birthday!

Tonight there was birthday cake; actually ice cream birthday cake.  It was delicious!

Trisha goes to school tomorrow and Tuesday.  All of the kids are finished.

Tomorrow night is Soccer banquet.  Both Tanner and Natalie were in soccer!

Have a great week!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

May 21, 2016 Movie Correction--It wasn't Superman!

We made it to the movie this afternoon.  It was not Superman vs Batman.

It was a Marvel comic movie--"Captain Marvel: Civil War"  It was Captain Marvel and his team vs. Ironman and his team.  It was difficult discerning who was on which team since they were all in their hero gear!!  The ending was such that you know there is another movie in the making!

This evening there were a couple of games of "Skip Bo" at Trisha/Jeff's.  Natalie and Drew (boyfriend), Jeff, Trisha, Brady, Tanner, Glen and I.  The level of competetion was high!  There are a few that definitely do not like to lose!!!! :}

May 21, 2016 Post Graduation--Lots of pictures--and Bragging

I have had time to go through pictures, crop, delete, and label.  Ready to share with you, family and friends.  Spoiler alert: I am gonna brag!

There were 268 members in the graduating class; 9 Govenor's Scholarships--Brady was one; 101 received honor diplomas (at least 9 honors classes)--Brady was one; Arkansas Technical University Advanced Scholar; and certificate for highest grades in the mechanical classes at Univ of Ark-Ft. Smith.

We are very proud of Brady, obviously!

It's Natalie's turn next year; and Tanner's turn in two years!

Click on each to see larger picture!

Ready for the graduates.  

Glen, Tanner, Trisha, Jeff, Landon

Tanner and Trisha, Jeff and Landon

(L)Gayla, Glen, Tanner, Trisha

Drew Dundee and Natalie Burklow) (ushers from Junior Class)
Brady in processional


Our handsome graduate

How many more pictures?

Brady and Trisha

Brady, Trisha, Tanner

Brady, Trisha, Tanner
Landon Burklow, Brady and Tanner
Tanner, Brady, Natalie

Gayla, Brady, Glen

Lots of pictures and bragging--I told you!

Tanner is planning an adventure (?) for us this afternoon.  He says it is on his bucket list to take Grammy and Poppy to a Super Heroes movie.  I am not sure what the title is--will let you know later--but I think Superman battles someone--maybe Batman!

Have a great week end!

May 20, 2016 "On The Verge of the Rest of our Life!

  A short - very short- blog!

It was graduation.  Here is the handsome graduate.  More tomorrow!  It is late.

He graduated with LOTS of honors!  We are so very proud of Brady Allen Wilkinson.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

May 18, 2016 Ashlynn Did Awesome

Background:  There is a talent show on the last day of school at Clippard Elementary, Cape Girardeau MO.  Because of the large number of students there are try-outs with 3-4 students chosen from each class.

Two week ago Ashlynn was chosen from her room.  Her selection:  "Grandma's Feather Bed" (by John Denver).  She heard it first from Poppy Glen, then her dad.  I found a illustrated book for she and Zade.

This afternoon she related the following to me....

"They called my name.  I was beginning to get nervous and had butterflies in my stomach.  I took a big breath, thought of Poppy singing with me and Brady playing the guitar for me.  Then I wasn't nervous any more!"

I listened to a short video Darin sent to me, and she didn't sound nervous at all!  I told her she didn't ever have to be nervous about anything again.  If, and she did, she could perform in front of 400 people, she could conquer anything.  She sang her heart out!

Brady and Trisha made a trip to Arkansas Tech, Russellville AR today.  Brady met lots of people and chose his classes for this fall.  Trisha had meetings with counselors, financial people, etc.  Brady is very excited for these classes to begin.

Brady's courses will lead him to a Computer Engineering degree with an emphasis in Electrical Engineering.

We are VERY proud of him and his accomplishments.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

5/15/16 Sunday Night: Winding Down the Senior Year

Yep! It is Brady's senior year!  Classes have ended for him--both high school and college. Graduation is Friday night.

His mother, Trisha, is doing a fine job of keeping him reminded of what is happening these last few days.

Yesterday, Saturday, was the Regional Trap Shooting Event, the last official school-associated occasion.

Brady, senior, Greenwood High School Trap Team, Ark

Here's all six-foot 7-inches of him

In action

His team.
Also shooting was Tanner and Natalie!

Tanner is in the growing-out-his-hair stage--no haircuts for a while; Tenth grade.

Tanner in action
Tanner's team

Natalie-11th grade

Natalie in action

Natalie's trap team

Natalie and Jeff, having a good time

Trisha, Natalie, Brady, Jeff

Natalie had an unusual week.  Mother's Day her mother complained of chest pains, went to ER, was admitted, and had heart surgery Thursday.  She had five bypasses.

Natalie was scheduled to go with the girls' soccer team to the regional finals on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  Of course she didn't go Thursday, but did go on Friday.  Her team lost (end of season) so Jeff and Trisha and Natalie drove to the Trap Regionals.

It was a great day; everyone shot; no one qualified for State, but still great.
Saturday after returning home from trap she was stopped in a yield lane going into a busy street on her way to see her mother at the hospital.

WHAM! BANG! She was rear-ended while sitting still.  Car was driveable but Natalie had/has a concussion and sore neck and back.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

May 12, 2016 Thursday: Rainy Travel

Tuesday we picked up Ashlynn and Zade from school.

Tuesdays mean "gymnastics" so I took Ashlynn to that.  It is fun to watch her stretch her body and conquer skills such as balance,  flexibility, stamina.  She will never be in the Olympics but she is learning skills that will help her all her life.

We got lots of extra kisses and hugs when we said good night.

Wednesday we said "good bye" to Cape Girardeau, heading to Poplar Bluff, which is about 1 hour 15 minutes to the south and west.

Poplar Bluff is where we retired from.  Our good friends, Pat and Gary, who also happen to be our dentist are still in PB.  We enjoyed our visit with them as well as a good dental report.

That evening we ate dinner with friends Donna and Tom.  Donna and Tom are friends from the early 1970's.  It was good catching up on family and friends with them.

This morning we left Poplar Bluff heading across Arkansas to just south of Fort Smith.

It was a rainy morning.  Corning Arkansas had street flooding.  Fields were filled to the brim.  In some areas the filled ditches were getting close to the edge of the road.  Just north of Little Rock we drove out of the rain, and into blue sky!

We are parked in our spot at the fairgrounds.  It offers all we need; we are the only rig here;  We appreciate the opportunity to be here.  The closest RV park is 15-17 miles from here.

Brady is finished with high school classes as well as college classes.  He is continuing to work 30 hours per week at O'Reilleys Auto Parts.

Saturday Brady and Tanner, and Natalie (if she is finished playing in the soccer finals) will shoot in regional trap competition.

The next week will be busy.  Friday the 20th is high school graduation.

Monday, May 9, 2016

May 9, 2016 Rain, Baseball, and One Last Doctor

The end of the day....

it started raining just as Zade's first baseball game started!  We watched the game through the windshield of the truck with the wipers going.

Machine-Pitching is a big hurdle for the players this year.  Zade thinks he wants to be a catcher; his baseball hero is Yadi Molina (StL Cardinals).  But. he says "the ball from the machine hurts!  It comes at 70 mph, at least!" (I don't really know the speed.  It is fast!)   A catcher's mitt  is provided by the league, but it is a right handed mitt.  Zade is a lefty so used his fielder's mitt.

The two teams tonight was evenly matched.  There is no official score kept.

Did I mention it was raining!

3 for 3 tonight!

We had one last doctor's visit this after with the family doctor.  He was very pleased with all the lab work!  Just think what those labs might have been if we were actually excerising!!! LOL and giving up desserts!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2016



We celebrate our mothers who are now in Heaven !  They loved us, raised us, and taught us.
We celebrate our children who have made us grandmothers/fathers.  We love our children who have become parents.  Our children are adults who have successfull careers, are loving spouses, wonderful parents.  We are proud of each and both of them.

Ashlynn and Zade spent Friday night with us.  They are self-sufficient which makes overnights so much easier and much more fun!

Darin, Ashlynn and Zade brought lunch which we ate picnic style outdoors.  Darin, Ashlynn and Zade played in the creek, skipping rocks, catching crawdads, and spying brightly colored minnows.

Hope you have had a great day!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

May 7, 2016 Where Have the Days Gone?

I didn't realize that I haven't posted in a few days.  I am sorry.

Thursday we picked Ashlynn and Zade up from school, went to the Farmer's Market where we treated ourselves to a homemade donut.  Ashlynn and Zade also remembered they needed honey at home so we bought a bottle of locally harvested honey.

Friday ---it was a busy day.

Cape Girardeau had designated Friday as "Ride A Bike to Work or School Day!"  Darin took Ashlynn and Zade and their bikes to the meeting place at 6:30 a.m..  The entire group of students from Clippard Elementary were escorted to the school.

Darin and Sarah and Chrissy (their employee) went to Poplar Bluff for a day at that office.

We picked up the bikes before the end of school.  There was "early out" --1:43 p.m.--so picked up Ashlynn and Zade and went to their house.

We spent the afternoon playing some four-square; Glen playing toss the football with Zade, watching them play with their friends.  You get the idea....lots of outdoor activities.

Oh, yes!  Sarah's sister was discharged from the hospital yesterday.  She is going to be spending some days at her parents' home with lots of TLC!


Pictures will explain.  Click on each picture to enlarge.

Team Hickey Family ready for the 5-K Fun Color Run in Cape Girardeau.  Sarah cheered from the sidelines with Glen and me.  Sarah is slowly regaining her strength and feeling better.

Zade and Ashlynn!

The finish line is in sight!  Darin, Ashlynn, Zade.

Heavy Breathing! Where's the water? We made it!  Darin, Ashlynn, Zade

There were nearly 800 registered for the run.  Cape Girardeau was busy today.  "Run for the Cure", Farmer's Market, as well as the Pinewood Derby was all being held.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May 3. 2016 Tuesday Night: Sarah is Home

Sarah, our daughter in law, was released from the hospital this afternoon without a definitive diagnosis.  She is wearing a heart monitor for 30 days.  The main issue she is dealing with is low pulse rate.

Of course you know that if the pulse is low then you have low energy!

Sarah's sister Rose is still in the hospital.  She has a long road to recovery with more surgery in her future.  The family still needs prayer--but don't we all!

We are home!  As much as we we enjoyed being with Ashlynn and Zade and helping out as we did, there is nothing like your "own" bed!  lol

In the past two weeks we have two new phones, a new portable WiFI---a wireless Internet provider/connection from Verizon.  Today Best Buy checked my laptop, removing virus, etc.  Boy! is it faster !  We are so up to date technology-wise it is scary.

What is really scary is if we have the knowledge to use it all!

Hope your week is going well.!

Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2, 2016 Monday morning: A lot has happened!

Last Saturday was our daughter Trisha' birthday.  A lot was going on so missed sending her wishes via the blog!  Of course did talk to her over phone.

As announced Sarah's sister had surgery last Wednesday morning.  She is out of ICU but recovery is very slow.  She is still in lots of pain.  The surgery removed an abscess from the spinal cord in the mid back region.

Thursday morning Sarah went to work, saw one patient and had a fainting spell.  She went to see doctor, had a fainting spell on way to doctor.  The doctor sent her to ER that afternoon (Thursday).  She was admitted and has been in the hospital since.

No diagnosis has been made.  She is experiencing some issues with pulse rate and blood pressure .  Today she is having a stress test using dye to see all through her body.

We are anxious for her to be feeling better. for a diagnosis, and for a solution to the problem(s).  Darin is spending nights and days with Sarah.  We are staying with Ashlynn and Zade at their house.  Sarah's parents are splitting their time between their two daughters.

It is an anxious time for all family members of Sarah and Rose.

P.S.  We, Glen, Ashlynn and me, went to see Jungle Book yesterday afternoon--in 3D.  It must be 30 years since we have seen anything in 3D.  Today's technology is much improved.  It is an excellent movie, and the effects are great.  We felt like the rain was going to fall on us, we jumped at the appropriate scary moments.  This family recommends the movie!