Friday, May 31, 2013

5-31-2013 Eventful Trip ***Osage Beach RV Park, Osage Beach MO

Today's trip was filled with the unexpected.

The best:  a bald eagle flew across the road in front of us just east of St. Clair, MO.

The unexpected:  we stopped in St. James Mo for lunch at Diana's Diner, where we have parked and dined several times.  Today we parked in the large public parking lot, walked to the diner, found it was closed.  We went back to the motor home, leaving through the same alley we have driven through every time we have stopped there.

But wait, this time it was different.  There was a low-hanging cable line hanging across the alley.  Yes, it caught on the top of the motor home.  After a quick stop, Glen climbed to the roof to discover the line had jerked the air horn loose.  Thankfully it wasn't the satellite dish or air conditioner or vents.  

Glen had enough wires and tools and caulk to stabilize the air horn, and make it waterproof.  

Waterproofing was necessary.  As soon as we arrived at the Osage Beach RV Park around 4 p.m. the weather radio started broadcasting a litany of thunderstorm watches and warnings, tornado watches and warnings, flash flood warnings and possible damaging winds and hail.  

There has been no damage in this area, but there has been lots of rain and thunder and lightning.  

We are certainly enjoying having cell service as well as Internet.  It is strange to come "home" and not go to my mother's.  

Brenda S.:  Glen is leaving a comment.  Can you see the comment?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

5-30-2013 Last Day in Cape Girardeau

Surgery was successful for our daughter, Trisha, this morning.  The meniscus and some kind of band was repaired some debris removed.  The leg/knee is wrapped.  First session of physical therapy will be in the morning.  

She says "bending the knee" doesn't hurt now.  Bending was the big issue before surgery.  Recovery will be 4-6 weeks.

We are headed to Lake of the Ozarks, Osage Beach, in the morning.  It is time to visit with my mother and I have a doctor's appointment Monday morning at the Lake.  We will be parking at an RV park, not my mother's home, so will have phone and Internet service.  

Storms and rain have been intermittent since midday.  There is a chance of storms all night.  

We...Glen and in a great bike ride this morning.  

We enjoyed watching Ashlynn at gymnastics tonight.  The group worked on stretching, hand stands, learning to mount the vault,  all kinds of flips.  Ashlynn is very flexible, unlike her dad or grandparents.  

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

5-28/29-2013 Easy Peasy

On the way to Branson a week ago the truck windshield caught a gravel, which made a pock mark.  The next day the star/pock grew and grew!

Glen reported it to insurance Tuesday.  Today the SafeLite technician came to our rv site to replace the windshield.

Before--bugs and all

Taking the glass out

One person installation

Almost finished.

One experience technician and the correct tools made the job look easy-peasy!  
We watched Zade and "The Batz" t-ball team play tonight.  Zade's team is down to seven players.  Zade had three good hits, all to the outfield.  

Our daughter, Trisha, is scheduled for microscopic knee surgery in the morning.  We will be anxious to hear the surgery is over, and her knee is fixed/repaired.

Monday, May 27, 2013

5-27-2013 Memorial Day

Do you have a tradition on Memorial Day?  Do you visit cemeteries where family members have been laid to rest?  Do you take flowers?

During my childhood we always visited the family cemeteries, taking live flowers, sometimes peonies, to leave on the gravesites of grandparents and aunts and uncles.  

There was sometimes family gatherings along a creek, a picnic, playing in the water, playing with cousins, watching aunts and uncles play cards.

Today was quiet for us.  We took a bike ride on the trail; a visit to Wal Mart, visiting with Darin/Sarah and kids.

I hope you remembered to thank a veteran for his or her service to our country.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

5-26-2013 Adding Comments

I have had a couple of readers state they have tried to leave a "comment" but haven't been successful.

I have changed a couple of settings.  If you wish to leave a "comment", click on "no comments" or a shape of a pencil, and see if you are successful.

I am trying to solve the riddle of commenting.

5-26-2013 Quiet Holiday Sunday

There isn't much to report today.  It has been a quiet family day.

The day started by attending church with Darin/Sarah and family.  

We visited with Jeff and Marcella next door before going to watch the end of the Cardinals game.  Darin grilled for the dinner meal.  

And, the day ends by sitting outdoors with Jeff and Marcella, dodging hard-shelled beetles flying around, and grateful the black gnats didn't like the darkness.  

The black gnats had made being outdoors in the daylight miserable.  At one point Glen found the head netting he used in Alaska to keep the gnats out of his eyes, ears, and nose.  Hopefully the gnat hatch won't last long.  

Saturday, May 25, 2013

5-25-2013 Traveling Day

We were up, suitcases carried to vehicles, and on the road by 7:30 this morning.  Impressive!

We...Gary/Ev and us, stopped at the Village Inn in Ozark for breakfast, and then they headed north at Springfield, and we headed east.  

In just a few minutes Evelyn called to say they had just met Jeff and Marcella in their Super C motor home headed south.  Marcella is next-youngest sister of Glen.  They were headed to Cape Girardeau also.

We caught up with each other and then traveled together to CG.

We both stopped in Dexter Mo where gas is selling for $3.26 without 15-cent discount if you use Walmart card.  The gas price in Branson was $3.97 when we arrived last Monday and $3.89 when we left today.  It definitely was worth the stop to fill up there.

We ate lunch at "Dexter Bar-B-Que", home of the best dry-rub smoked ribs ever!

Jeff and Marcella are checked in and parked next to us at The Landing Point RV park for the next week.  They immediately went to see their daughter/husband, and four grandchildren.  We went to see Darin/Sarah and our two grandchildren.  

This week is unplanned except for a T-ball game and gymnastics practice.  We will hang out with Jeff and Marcella when the aren't busy with their family.  

It was a great, fun week at Branson with Evelyn and Gary.....even if we did have to pack a suitcase!!  All is unpacked and put away. 

Hope you are enjoying the long week-end!

Friday, May 24, 2013

5-24-2013 The Scenic Tour

After breakfast in downtown Branson with Gary driving we set out to find Big Cedar Lodge.

It didn't take long to get there.  Oh, my goodness, it is spread over several small hills and valleys.  There is no "Big Cedar" instead there is like five lodges with more being developed all of the time and cabins and marina and all things water to rent.  It is a beautiful setting.  

The trip back to Branson was also scenic.  Gary found roads we had never been on!"} but we didn't stay "lost" long.  

We are getting ready for departure in the morning.  Gary and Evelyn have been gracious hosts. We have carried several things down to the truck already.  It won't take long to be ready to leave.

Have a great week end.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

5-23-2013 Honest People

I am thankful for honest people tonight.  

We went to Joe's Crab Shack for dinner tonight. I carried my purse in.  Are you guessing the rest of the story?

After a great dinner we left, walked the entire length of Branson Landing, got in the car and was leaving the parking lot when I realized I didn't have my purse.  Glen quickly reparked, and walked back to Joe's.  Yes, they had it.  Everything was there.  Thank you, Lord, for honest people.

We enjoyed breakfast with Myrna this morning before she traveled back to Springfield, MO.

We went on to Tanger Mall (outlet stores) which seemed high priced to me.  Gary then took us on to another mall where the Vanity Fair (Lee Jeans) store is.  

We have played several games of cards this afternoon and evening.

It has been a great day.

5-22-2013 Music, music, music

It was a beautiful day to be walking around  Silver Dollar City.  We arrived shortly after opening and were some of the last to leave.

There was bluegrass groups performing in every venue.  All of them very good.  Some of the groups were more polished, with matching clothes, but all were excellent musicians.

Most of the shows had no waiting to get in.

The evening show was "GAC "---Great American Country---Nights.  The SDC singers and dancers put on a great show.

Don't have a clue what Thursday will bring.  More fun, I expect.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

5 21 2013 Rainy Ole Day In the Ozarks

We started out for breakfast this morning. Opening the front door it was raining and blowing so....we stayed home for bacon and eggs.

Myrna arrived midday to check into the same unit as we are staying.  It was a quiet day visiting and napping.  

Have you experienced the fine dining of The Keeter Center at College of the Ozarks?  We   enjoyed lunch there in the beautiful setting of the building, served by the finely trained students.  If you come to the Branson area plan a meal there.  If you have time to plan, make reservations, even for lunch in the middle of the week.  There was a 20 or 25 minute wait this afternoon.  It is only a 15 minute drive from the middle of the Strip.  BTW the  Sunday brunch is outstanding.  Don't forget...make reservations.

Plans are to spend the day as "Bluegrass and BarBQue" at Silver Dollar City Wednesday.

Monday, May 20, 2013

5-20-2013 No storms here!

We are grateful that the destructive storms that came out of Oklahoma avoided the Branson area.  Our thoughts are with the town of Moore Okla and the caregivers, searchers, first responders, and families.

The trip to Branson from Cape Girardeau is an easy one now that Highway 60 is four-lane all the way to Springfield.  We can remember when it was a curvy, hilly, two lane road.

We went tonight with Gary and Evelyn to a dinner buffet sponsored by the condo,time share association.  The program consisted of many different show people, "advertising" their show, times and locations, and then singing or doing a comedic routine--whatever the theme of the show.  

Myrna, whom we just saw in Cape Girardeau, is coming to Branson tomorrow to spend two nights here in the same condo building, and go to Silver Dollar City Wednesday.  

Stay safe tonight.  Pay attention to those storm warnings.  Our daughter and family went to city storm shelter tonight south of Ft. Smith Arkansas.  No damage there, and they are back home safely.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

5-19-2013 Plans Afoot

The last and final decision about this next week......

we are packing a suitcase and traveling by pick up to Branson.  We will be spending a few days with Gary and Evelyn (Glens sister/husband) in a condo.

It is Bluegrass Week at Silver Dollar City.  There are plans to catch a few shows there.

It has been a long time since we had to pack a bag!  We only have one suitcase; will have to pack carefully! :}

We have spent time with Darin/Sarah and A-Z (Ashlynn and Zade) today.  Poppy Glen will probably sleep well today as much as he has played "ball" with Zade.  

Everyone west of here be alert to those tornado warnings!  Radar looks like there is a string of storms rumbling in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri and Iowa.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

5-18-2013 Saturday

The joys of a laundrymat!  

     You can use 6 machines at one time!
     All loads can be drying at the same time!

The downside of a laundry mat!

      It is usually located in an area filled with families with lots of children who accompany the mother doing the laundry.
     The building has usually not been renovated in many years.

All in all:  it doesn't take all day to get a hamper of dirty clothes clean!  

We have discussed the merits of having a washer/dryer combo in the motor home.  Those who have one really like it; those who don't talk about how small the unit is.  Very few items can be washed/dried at one time.  Oh, well, I am not ready to give up the storage space needed to install a combo unit.  

We enjoyed an 'in-home' picnic with Ashlynn and Zade and Darin at lunch time!   We came home to nap!  One of us did.  Glen ran to Walmart instead!

Darin, Ash and Zade were here to watch the first few innings of the Cardinal game.  

We are discussing plans for this next week, which involve packing a suitcase.  I will let you know tomorrow the final decision.

Friday, May 17, 2013

5-17-2013 A Fun Friday Night

It has been a quiet Friday night with Darin, Ashlynn and Zade.  Sarah is away at a conference.  Darin and the kids manage well by themselves; not that they don't miss "mom" but she doesn't need to worry about them.

After dinner of grilled pork chops, it was "game time!" The St. Louis Cardinal game is so much more fun watching with Zade, the ultimate Cardinal fan!  At some point he said he needed a drink.  "A commercial is coming up", he said, "that is a great time to get a drink!".  Don't recognize a player? just ask Zade who it is.  Which inning?  just ask Zade. 

Ashlynn told us first thing that she "passed to first grade!"  No doubt at all about that.  Later in the evening she read "The Cat in the Hat" to me.  Her reading skills are impressive.  

Myrna headed west in her motor home this morning.  It has been a quick week.  

Thursday, May 16, 2013

5-16-2013 Busy-ness

Aunt Myrna has been indoctrinated in the activities of a family with young children.

Tonight she went with us to watch Ashlynn practice gymnastics.  

Earlier in the afternoon neice Beth stopped by with her four children.  Beth was on her way to T--ball practice and swim team practice for two of her children.

Glen and Myrna went biking and hiking this morning.  I am not quite up to that much activity but am working up to it.  

Myrna, Glen and I visited the local farmer's market this afternoon.  Glen and Myrna each picked up fresh strawberries.  My favorite fresh fruit has been stricken from my diet.  Boo hoo!  Myrna bought fresh-baked sourdough break.  We bought a bottle of lotion made with goat's milk.  

As you prepare for the week-end, have a good day.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

5-15-2013 Regrouping and ReCovering

The past ten days have eventful ones.  I have never had health issues that lasted this long.

Without the gory details, I am feeling better, and hopefully on the road to recovery. If not, you will be hearing the screams of frustration at the top of my lungs.

In between everything Glen's oldest sister Myrna arrived this last Saturday from North Carolina. She has parked her motor home here in the same park,  We are enjoying the time spent with her.

Tonight she went with us to watch Zade play T-ball.  Zade has great ball skills and it is fun to watch.  

Sunday, May 12, 2013

5-12-13 Updating

There are some health issues continuing.  I am not worried about the health issues, per se.  They will be addressed, BUT

I had a anxiety attack/claustraphia attackFriday night that about did me in.  Please pray that all will remain calm during the remaining tests and necessary procedure.  

When we know more we will let you know.  Just NO MORE anxiety attacks.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

5-7-13 I am Stuffy and Can't Breathe Through My Nose..OR...Missouri Spring Allergies Attack

This is one of the worst springs I have had in a lo-n-n-g time in Missouri.  

Something is blooming or the rain/mold or both is getting to my nose.  I can't breathe.  Plus, itchy eyes, and sneezing.  Don't you feel sorry for me?  Sorry for the whining.  

Obviously we are staying indoors, which limits the excitement level.  In other words--nothing going on.

Glen did make contact with a "hail dent removal" company to work on the hood of the pick up.  That work is being done this afternoon.  

P.S. Someone mentioned that they hadn't figured out how to make a "comment" on a specific blog.  Go to the bottom of the blog to where it says "no comments". Click on that phrase and it should take you to the "comment" section.  Try it.  Let me know if it works or doesn't work. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

5-5-2013 No Cinco de Mayo Celebration

No celebration of the Fifth of May here.  It was too rainy.  Does a nap count?

After worship service our two families (us plus Darin, Sarah, Ashlynn and Zade) enjoyed the luncheon buffet at Pizza Inn.  It is "all you can eat" $5 per person plus drink.  Not a bad meal.

It absolutely rained all night and most of the day here.  It made for a good nap (is there such a thing as a "bad nap"?).  

We spent the evening with son/DIL/grandchildren.  Zade plays "ball" for hours with Poppy.  Ashlynn read books, and tried on clothes and wore her new shoes all evening. 

American Goldfinch

 Indigo Bunting and Northern Cardinal

Indigo Bunting  

We enjoyed a little color in the middle of the gray, wet, gloomy day!
These were taken through the wet window of the motor home.


Saturday, May 4, 2013

5-4-2013 One More Day of Trap Shooting (back to The Landing Point, Cape Girardeau, MO)

Today was the Senior Division of the western regionals for team trap shooting.

Brady and Landon (Jeff's son) were on the same team which shot at 9:00 a.m.  The senior division differs from the junior division in major way.  The senior division shoots 25 then takes a two minute break and shoots 25 more.  

It was another cold morning, but not rainy.  Brady and Landon did well but the team didn't qualify to go to state finals.  

I fixed pancakes for Brady and Tanner after shooting.  

Here's a few pictures from this morning.

Landon and Natalie Burklow (Jeff's children), Tanner and Brady Wilkinson (Trisha's children)

Brady Wilkinson

Landon Burlow


Brady and Landon

Natalie and Landon Burklow

Trisha loaded up her boys and headed home.  We hooked up the truck to the motor home and headed back to Cape Girardeau.

The fields and ditches, creeks and rivers are over full.  There is water everywhere.

We have guests overnight.  Can you guess who?

Ashlynn and Zade are spending the night with us.

Friday, May 3, 2013

5-3-2013 You Know It Is Cold When.....

When you are watching your grandson shoot clay pigeons at the regional meet and can see his breath, his fingers are like icicles, it is 41 degrees, rainy, windy, and he (Tanner the grandson) didn't wear enough layers for the competition.  

Tanner: waiting his turn

Tanner:  "pull!"

Oh, my, it was cold.  We all had on stocking caps or hoodies, gloves, and heavy coats.  Right now (9:30 p.m.) the skies are clear but the last forecast is for rain showers mixed with snow showers for in the morning.  There is a freeze warning for in the morning.

Both Brady and Landon (Trisha and Jeff's sons) are scheduled to shoot at 9 a.m.  Br-r-r-r!

Obviously we stayed in the motor home all of the rest of the day.  We taught Tanner how to play "hearts"; and we played "Yahtzee" also.

We will travel back to Cape Girardeau tomorrow after Brady and Landon are finished.

Hope you are having a great week end.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

5-2-13 Company Arrives (Remington Gun Club, Lonoke, Ark)

After lots of traffic and road construction on I-40 West we arrived south of Lonoke Arkansas/

We are parked at the Remington Gun Club, owned by Remington Ammo Company.  This is the site of the Regionals for the Trap Shooting Clubs of Arkansas. The gun club provides about 10-12 RV sites, with electricity and water.  We will be here two nights.  Brady, and Landon, will shoot Saturday morning.

Tanner and Trisha arrived about 30 minutes ago.  Evidently there is lots more traffic west of here.  She sarcastically said this drive included her three favorite things:  dark, construction, and concrete barriers, and rain--OK,  four favorite things.  

Tanner, as a Junior club member, checks in with the club sponsor at 7:45 in the morning, then shoots at 9:00.  He has requested pancakes for breakfast in the time between check-in and shooting time.  

As a Grammy, I protest.  Tanner who just turned 13, is almost as tall as I am!  He is as tall or taller than his mother.  

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

5-1-13 Feeling Better

Feeling better!  at least one of us is feeling better.  The hangover part of the headache hung around for most of the day, but it wasn't too bad.  A couple of Tylenol took care of it.

The other one of us woke up with gout this morning!  Yes, he knows what causes it.  Too many shrimp...or anything that grows in a shell----shrimp, scallop, crab, etc.  He evidently reached the limit over the week end, and his left foot hollered "uncle"--or "it's gout time!"

Thankfully Glen keeps predisone on hand to ward off such attacks.  The foot is feeling better at bedtime.  

Are you wondering if we are falling apart?  We too are wondering the same thing!!!

We watched the first T-ball game for Zade and his team this evening.  Darin said it was like coaching "a herd of cats!"  When an entire team has batted then the inning is over.  There are no outs, everyone reaches base.  One outfielder on Zade's team sat in the grass saying "I want to go home.  I want to go home."  Others pitched dirt at each other.  But, Zade had a great time, and that is what counts.  

We are leaving in the morning, going to watch Brady and Tanner and Landon shoot trap at the Arkansas regionals near Little Rock.  

Here's a few pictures from tonight's game.

Ready to run to the next base.

Look at this form.

A future St. Louis Cardinal in training!

These are only a few
 of what I took tonight!