Saturday, May 30, 2015

5-30-15 Ready! Aim! Fire!

We left Greenwood in the motor home Friday afternoon to go to Jacksonville, AR in preparation for the Regional Trap Competition on (today) Saturday, May 30.  

Brady and Tanner were on separate teams; both shot their two rounds today.  Both had great days.

Here's some pictures from the week end.

Brady and Tanner.

 I like this picture of Brady.  He is so serious and deep in concentration.

 At work!  42 out of 50, total of two rounds.  High point on his team.

 Brady on the right!  The team did not qualify for state level competition.

 Tanner: #903; last minute instructions.

 Tanner: 42 out of 50--personal best, high point on team; and tied his brother!

 Tanner: second from left: the team did not qualify for state level competition.

Brady and Tanner: a great day!  

There was water standing everywhere at the fields.  But, didn't rain during the shooting.  

We are back in Greenwood!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

5/26/15 Accomplishments

There was a lot accomplished today!

Dentist!  check
Have I mentioned that Trisha has had a toothache on top of everything else?  She had been to the dentist to find the reason for the ache, but he wasn't able to determine which tooth ached.  These past few days she definitely identified the tooth with the ache.  Glen and I drove her to the dentist this morning.  

The dentist completed the first steps of a root canal.  Because there was infection she is taking an antibiotic for a week, then will go back for the completion of the root canal.

Boxes. check
Trisha needs to have her classroom boxed up for the summer by the end of school Friday noon.  Glen collected several this morning.  We will help her do the boxing.

Lawn. check
The lawn at Trisha's was growing by leaps and bounds between each rain shower.  Brady and Tanner tackled that project.  Tanner was on the riding mower.  Brady was in charge of the weed-eater.  I was the boss!  

Haircut. check
Brady was in need of a haircut!  Trisha described him as sporting the "homeless" look! ha!  He is once again a clean-cut, trimmed handsome young man!

What did I say? a busy day!

Trisha is going back to school tomorrow.  Students with an "A" average do not have to "take" finals.  Brady and Tanner and Natalie are in that category so are finished with this school year.  Yes--we are very proud of them.  

Monday, May 25, 2015

5/25/15 Memorial Day

Hope you have had an enjoyable Memorial Day holiday.  Were you able to enjoy outdoor activities?

It didn't start raining here until nearly 5:30 p.m.  Both Brady and Tanner had trap shooting practice this afternoon--at two different locations--and were able to complete the practice sessions in the dry.

Trisha continues to slowly feel better.  

A line of thunderstorms moved through this area in the early evening.  There were tornado warnings around us, but stayed away from here specifically.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

5/24/15 Our Daughter is One in a Thousand (which we knew)

Today would have been/is the 69th wedding anniversary for my parents.

Last Thursday evening Trisha was struck with a pain in her lower left abdomen.  She wasn't able to eat dinner.  About ten Jeff called to say they were going to the emergency room.

They first went to Mercy Hospital in Ft. Smith where they learned there was a five-hour wait.  (Note: the next day they learned that a hospital in Tallequah OK was flooded and patients had been brought to Ft. Smith.)  Back to Trisha...

Jeff went to Booneville about 30 miles east of here and walked into the ER.  They spent the night there with a CT scan being done.  The iniital report was a "mass on her ovary."

Jeff called about 6:30 Friday morning to say Trisha was being brought by ambulance back to Ft. Smith.  We met them at the hospital.  

Trisha was in extreme pain: about ten on the pain level.  An ultra-scan was done which showed a "twisted ovary" .  She spent the morning in the ER, until surgery started.  Surgery was scheduled for "later in the day." but began at 2 p.m., lasted little more than hour.  She spent two hours in recovery and was sent home.  

The surgery was done laprascopically,  There was no cancer.  The ovary was "torqued" (twisted) which usually happens in women who are pregnant or under the age of 30.    

She is very sore today, but NO pain.  Thankfully there is no school tomorrow due to holiday.  

Chapters two and three:

Ashlynn has been running a temp every evening and morning.  Finally the fever went away Friday afternoon and hasn't returned.  It must have been some potent virus that had ahold of her.

Sarah also has been having abodmen pain.  She had a colonscopy Friday to rule out various colon issues.  It was confirmed that she, too, is having ovary issues.  She is to see her doctor Tuesday.  
She is now feeling better, but ready to have a proper diagnosis and necessary follow-up.

It has been a stressful few days.  We thank the Lord for answered prayers and the blessings of healing.

It rained 5.75 inches of rain today.  The creeks are out in the "bottoms"; the ditches are full; lake levels are rising.  The long-range forecast is "more" rain all week.!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

5-19-15 Cape Girardeau to Greenwood

Same song--fifth verse!  Ashlynn awakened this morning with 104-fever!

Darin had to be at work at 7 a.m..  Sarah was not feeling well--still.

Glen took Zade to school.  I stayed with Ashlynn and Sarah.  Sarah's mother was coming from Poplar Bluff MO.  

Sarah talked to Ashlynn's doctor and was told to "bring her in" at 9:15 this morning.  Sarah's mother arrived just in time to drive them.  Ashlynn had some lab work involving blood and urine tests.  No results yet! I am ready for her to be feeling better.

We returned to the motor home, prepared for departure!

Tanner had a soccer game at 5:45 in Ft. Smith.  We stopped at the park, and went to the soccer game before going on to Greenwood.  Tanner has made great strides in his skill levels.  

We all met at "La Fiesta" in Greenwood for dinner.  We then came on the parking site, and set up "camp"! We are ready for the next two to three weeks!  

There may be storms/rain tonight.  It truly has been a rainy spring!

Monday, May 18, 2015

5-18-15 Still on Duty

Darin made the early morning call letting us know that Ashlynn had 101+ fever this morning.  Sarah was not feeling well either, not able to give proper care to Ashlynn.

Sarah has had a fever, and lower abdominal pain.  She has been convinced her appendix was acting up.  She finally was in touch with her family doctor and was told to "come on in."  I drove her to the office.

He, the doctor, sent her to Cape Radiology for CT scan.  The scan showed the appendix is in good shape but there is some inflammation in her colon.  

Next step:  appointment with a gastroentrologist Thursday morning.  

By the time we left their house Ashlynn was running out of energy.  I don't know if she will make it to school tomorrow.  She has been awakening at four a.m. with temperature spiking.  I know she will want to go to school as there is a field trip to a wildlife safari ranch tomorrow.  

Sarah told us her mother will come tomorrow if she is needed.  We will wait to see if we get the early morning call tomorrow.  

Friday, May 15, 2015

5-15-15 One Well, and One with Fever

Early morning phone call from Darin alerted us to the fact that Zade was well and going to school.

Ashlynn still had a fever of 102 degrees; of course, no school!

The day got complicated as the hours passed.

What should come first?
*Sarah goes to Poplar Bluff for clinic hours each Friday. She rode with her secretary so Darin and kids could travel in the Toyota Highlander.
*Sarah's nephew is getting married Saturday in Poplar Bluff.  Tonight was rehearsal. Ashlynn and Zade both have duties in the wedding, need to be at rehearsal.

Darin was super busy at work.  Yesterday there was an adult abduction here in Cape Girardeau.  The victim escaped from the abductor in Illinois.  Because the crimes ocurred in two states the FBI is involved.  Imagine the amount of paperwork involved.

*as the day went on the (alleged) abductor was identified.
*the abductor was arrested near Chicago IL.
*Darin was the only Information Officer on duty.  There were various tv stations, newspapers, social media to be updated throughout the day.  Paperwork to file in two states, etc etc.

By noon Ashlynn was fever free.  

*Darin originally planned on leaving the office at two p.m., pick up Zade at school, come home and pick up Ashlynn and go to Poplar Bluff.

*SEE above points regarding being the only Information Officer on duty.

Glen picked up Zade at school.  After discussion with Darin he determined he could not leave the office in time to get Ashlynn and Zade to rehearsal on time.

We loaded up Ashlynn and Zade, their suitcases, wedding attire, and took them to Poplar Bluff.  Sarah was at her parents' home by the time we arrived 40 minutes before rehearsal.  

We ate supper at our favorite Chinese restaurant; then drove back to Cape Girardeau.  We talked to Darin as he travelled to Poplar Bluff.

We also volunteered to walk the dog while their (Darin/Sarah,) family is gone until tomorrow evening.  There was no need for them to take Max with them and him have to stay in his kennel all day.  We will give him walks throughout Saturday.  

Then there is Sunday:  the second day of a soccer tournament.  Thankfully the tournament is in Cape Girardeau.  The first game of the day is at 8:00; the next game at 10:00 a.m.  Obviously Zade won't play in the Saturday games.

Thunderstorms popped up while we were traveling.  We drove in a couple of rain storms that came down so quickly, and so hard that we could hardly see the vehicles in front of us.  By the time we got to Poplar Bluff the highways were dry.  No rain there.

Have a great week end.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

5-14-15 Unexpected Activities

Darin called late last night to put us on alert:  Zade had a fever.

This morning Zade still had a fever; and, Ashlynn's temperature started rising about "getting ready for school" time.

We stayed at their house with them today.  Zade started feeling better about noon.  Ashlynn's temp ran 101+ all afternoon, with a few bouts of droopiness, aches and pains.  

I would say Zade will go to school tomorrow.  Ashlynn may be over it by morning.  

Glen took time to mow the yard for Darin.

We may or may not be on duty tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

5-13-15 I apologize

I said two days ago I would get up yesterday morning and take a picture of our very lovely, landscaped, park-like site on the farm.

We got up yesterday, prepared to leave, and we did--7:55 a.m..  Taking a picture did not enter my mind!  Sorry.  It wasn't on purpose.

We were up and at 'em again this morning.  We went to Poplar Bluff, about 75 minute drive, to see our good friends, Pat and Gary, who happen to also be our dentist.  We both had good check-ups, make an appointment for November, and had time for a good visit!

We ate a quick lunch, and headed back to Cape Girardeau, as there was a baseball game scheduled for tonight.  We picked up Ashlynn and Zade at their after-school care, went to their house, and Zade got ready for the game.

Of course, there was time for this:

 Ashlynn and Zade with baby rabbits.  There are five in the nest. 

Ashlynn - of course, she had "hers" named.


I have no idea where Mother Rabbit was hiding!  

Baeball game went well.  Some of the players are even making progress.  Some love the social aspect of the game--visit with everyone that is close, including the other team.  Grammy says that Zade and his friend, Hayden are the best players!

Darin just called and asked that we be "on call" in the morning.  Zade went to bed with a fever!  I have no idea where that came from.  

Sunday, May 10, 2015

May 10, 2015 Emotional Week end

We arrived at the most lovely parking site on the farm owned by my sister Jan and husband Bruce.  They, along with their son Mitchell, have mowed, hauled in gravel, cut low hanging limbs, burned brushpiles, and made this a great place to park.

Internet is not particularly strong so will add pictures when we return to Cape Girardeau.

Friday night was the "visitation" for my cousin, Shannon.  A long line formed at 4.30, 30 minutes before published opening.  The long line continued until nearly nine o'clock.  

Shannon's parents, and three siblings were the receiving line.
The youngest sister, Kelly, had delivered a new baby Monday night.  Kelly stayed there the entire evening.  There were numerous extended family to share support and love.  I would estimate well over one thousand people were there.

The memorial service was Saturday morning.  The church was filled.  I only mention this because after the music and words from the pastor, Shannon's three siblings each spoke a tribute.  It was so Emotional and filled with love.  

Darin, and Trisha and Jeff were able to be here both Friday night and Saturday.  We appreciate their effort to be with family.

Jeff piloted an airplane for Trisha and him.  They hoped to leave this morning but Mother Nature flexed her muscles.  A wide storm front moved from west to east, Oklahoma to Arkansas and Missouri.  They finally got off the ground about 4:30 this afternoon--and arrived safely.

We look forward to watching Jan and Bruce with the assistance of their son Mitchell and a vet "work" their cattle in the morning.  I hope to have pictures.  The new calves will be ear tagged, given vaccinations, etc.  

We will return to Cape Girardeau Tuesday.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

May 7, 2015 Baseball

Most weeks there are two baseball games for Zade (plus team).  This was no exception. 

Zade had a great game.  He had a hit at every at-bat, plus a catch of a fly ball, and good throws from the outfield.

The skill level and baseball knowledge differs so much between each player.  It is easy to see which player has had someone/family member play with them.  There is one player who has never played "ball" at all before practice/games started.  Then there are the players who live and breathe baseball, who has all the head knowledge, and wants to play every day.

We are headed to Iberia in the morning.  We will be parked at the site provided on my sister/husband's farm.  

Visitation for my cousin is tomorrow evening with memorial service on Saturday morning.

We will stay until Tuesday morning when we will return to Cape Girardeau.  Glen and I each have dental appointments on Wednesday.

Monday, May 4, 2015

May 4, 2015 Baseball Season

Soccer is over (almost)!  There are actually two more week end tournaments for the All Stars.

Baseball started tonight.

The Blue Claws "won" the game although there is no score kept.  But Zade knew which team had the most runs.!

Friends from Poplar Bluff are coming here tomorrow.  We are meeting them for lunch.

Friday morning we will be going to Iberia, MO to attend the visitation service for my cousin, and memorial service Saturday morning.  We will spend several more days there.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

May 2, 2015 April--come and gone!

This past week, this past month has just sped by!

Thursday was our daughter's birthday.  We talked to her on the phone.

This past week was filled with doctors' appointments.  We have been checked over from tippy-top to our toes.  All has gone well with no unexpected happenings.

Friday morning we learned from a phone call with my sister that our first cousin, Kerry and wife Lolly's daughter Shannon was involved in a one vehicle accident Thursday night.  She was in critical condition, then in a coma and non-responsive, and passed away this afternoon.  Shannon is our son Darin's age with three boys.  

Our hearts go out to all of the family.  Shannon had one brother, two sisters, her parents, plus innumerable nieces and nephews, cousins.  

Needless to say, this has consumed our hearts and minds these past few days.

Ashlynn and Zade spent last night here.  They are grown up enough to be self-sufficient.  They go to bed easily, eat anything, play well with each other, and are fun to be with.

They stayed with us today until 3:30.