Tuesday, June 30, 2015

June 30, 2015 Little Bit of Work, Little bit of Play

Glen went  to the "new" office where he scraped glue off of one wall.  That is a very time consuming job.

This afternoon we picked up Ashlynn and Zade.  Their cousin Caroline is acting as their nanny for the summer.  Caroline had some errands to do this afternoon.  

After we four ran a short errand we came back to the motorhome.  Glen and I found our swim suits, hoping they still fit.  I am not sure we were even in a swimsuit last summer!

This RV park has the best pool.  It is filled with salt water, has a new line, and is the perfect temperature.  We try to park here in the summer so Ashlynn and Zade can come visit with us and play in the pool.

Darin and Sarah are working, as most evenings, at the new office.  Ashlynn and Zade are spending the night with us.  Darin and Sarah can work as late as they want!

Monday, June 29, 2015

June 29, 2015 Happy Birthday #7 to Zade Darin Hickey

Birthday celebration tonight for Zade Darin Hickey--our youngest grandson.  Seven years old today.

 Zade Darin Hickey--birthday #7
Ashlynn, Poppy Glen, Zade

Darin and Zade

Zade chose "Beef O'Brady's" for his birthday dinner!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

June 27, 2015 Projects

Glen and Darin tackled a garage project for Darin.

Darin purchased a pulley/lift system for the removeable hard top for his Jeep.  There is a system of hooks and pulleys that are installed into garage ceiling.  Darin backed Jeep under the pulleys.  Straps through the hard-top was attached to the pulleys.  Pull on pulleys and the hard-top is pulled to the ceiling.  Wah-la! Hard top is removed and lifted out of the way until the fall.  

After lunch Glen, Sarah, and Darin went to New office.  They spent the afternoon rolling and cutting in  the oil-based primer. 

 Ashlynn and Zade and I stayed at home.  After some "minecraft" on the Playstation, some bike riding, and pitch and catch, we went to the office to check on the progress.  Ashlynn and Zade rode their scooters around the parking lot.  

After some cleaning on the baseboards, think the next project will be taping the baseboards, then painting the final color!  Maybe tomorrow afternoon.

Friday, June 26, 2015

June 26, 2015 Another 525 miles (Cape Camping and RV Park, Cape Girardeau, MO)

Another 525 miles today!  There were several periods of drizzle but not rain throughout the day.

We are parked at Cape Camping and RV Park--because there is a salt-water pool here!  We will be able to have Ashlynn and Zade visit with us and swim.

We ate pizza with Saran and Darin, Zade and Ashlynn tonight.  But, didn't stay long.

We, especially Glen, were ready to be in our "comfy" clothes, relax, and watch the St. Louis Cardinals.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

June 15, 2015 Miles and Miles of ......Kansas! (Walmart Parking Lot, Wellington, KS)

We said our good-byes to Jeff and Marcella this morning.  We left them alone.  How will they make it without someone else to ride with or eat with or hike with or make s-mores with????

Gary and Evelyn left before we were even up and at 'em!

We like to say the worst part of Colorado is---Kansas!  The roads are mostly straight, and in fairly good shape.  

We left Mountaindale RV Park about 8:30 (mountain time) this morning, and stopped at 6:30 (central time) at Wellington Kansas.  Glen has driven approximately 500 miles today.  We drove through the feed lots of SW Colorado and western half of Kansas; the wheat fields that are now being combined, and the "gypsum hills" of southern Kansas.

(Note: Gypsum--a mineral that is used in fertilizer; or, in wall boards)

We are parked at a fairly new WalMart with the generator running the air conditioning.  It has been in the low 90's most of the day!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

June 23-24, 2015 Air Conditioners, Campfire, and Good-byes

Jeff and Marcella have been having issues with the air conditioner in their motorhome.  A few days ago it quit working.  Jeff got in touch with The Mobile RV Medic which is based here in this RV park.  The Mobile Medic suggested Jeff buy a A/C unit (which was on sale) from Camping World.

Yesterday, Jeff, Glen, and Gary went to the local Camping World and picked up the unit.  The Mobile Medic came to their site at six last night to start work on replacing the A/C Unit.  It was not difficult or long for the replacement to occur.

What did happen was the new one did not work either!  After investigation the Mobile Medic discovered several issues with the electricial wiring.  He worked until 9:30 p.m.

The A/C is working; the wiring has been re-routed to work until Jeff can get the MH to a place that can work extensively on untangling the wiring issues.

In the meantime, Doug, Mildred, Myrna, Marcella, and Evelyn went on a hike inside the Cheyenne Mountain State Park.  They enjoyed the hike, and deer, and turkey.  They also saw a black bear that was "going over the mountain".

After a supper of grilled brats a campfire was built to used to make "s-mores"!


Doug and Mildred headed east to their home just before eight a.m.  Myrna and Dick headed south to visit Dick's daughter in Dallas TX.

Marcella did laundry; Glen and I did laundry.

Gary and Evelyn using the leftover steaks, green peppers, and onions prepared a wonderful lunch of fajitas!

Everyone worked at putting away "outdoor" items as there was thunder rumbling, gray clouds, and an occasional raindrop on the awning.

The six of us played 19-point pitch (card game).  It was tied 3-3 for wins/losses.  We played one more for the World Champsionship.  Glen, Evelyn, and Jeff won that game to be declared the World Champions.

Tonight we drove to Canon City for  the most delicious pizza at "Pizza Madness" followed by a stop at Coldstone Creamery!

Gary and Evelyn will be leaving EARLY in the morning, heading to Oklahoma.  There's a birthday party for a great-granddaughter on Saturday.

We will be heading east not quite as early as Gary/Evelyn, heading east.

It has been the fastest week in the year!  We had a grand time with everyone.  It is good to spend time with family, catch up on family news, and make plans for the next family gathering.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

June 23, 2015, The Rest of the Day--pictures

Here are some pictures from yesterday!

 Scenic view of Pikes Peak
 Massive boulders.
 Herd of wild burros in city of Cripple Creek.
Cripple Creek and Victor Gold Mine. 
The Hickey Clan plus--Evelyn and Gary; Jeff and Marcella; Myrna and Dick; Doug and Mildred; Gayla and Glen

 This tire cost $24,000 when new; it is 12 feet tall.  Gayla and Glen.

 Abandoned gold mine in the city of Victor, CO.

 This lady was making brooms in the general merchandise store in Victor.  Examples are on the wall.

These two buildings were built in 1899.

We retraced our drive so just west of the city of Canon City, where the famous Royal Gorge Bridge crossed the mighty Arkansas River.  The Royal Gorge Bridge is owned by the city of "Canon City".  It doesn't belong to the National Park System or state park system.  An engineer in 1906 built the bridge purely for tourists to come and see.  At one time cars were allowed to drive across.  I think when our family drove to California in 1963 we drove across it (highway 50).

Two years ago in June 2913 a forest fired destroyed by five of the buildings on the bridge site; however only one board had to be replaced on the bridge.  It was safe from the fire.

In the two years since the fire many attractions have been added to the bridge site.  There is a gondola across the river; a zipline crosses the river; there is a new visitor's center;  There are plans to add an amusement park to the site in a few years.  It is a tourist attraction.  We are glad to have seen the bridge; however none of us chose to pay the $17-24 to be able to get on the bridge.  

 This is the Arkansas River beneath the Royal Gorge River with the Royal Gorge train traveling alongside the river.  
 The Royal Gorge Bridge.  It is 2200 feet across and 1200 feet above the river.
The Royal Gorge Bridge.

June 22, 2015 Scenic Drive and Royal Gorge Bridge

I tried posting this last night after our adventure but had internet issues.

We enjoyed a long scenic drive through the country to the towns of Cripple Creek and Victor.  Cripple Creek at one time had a poplulation fo 40,000 during the "panning for gold" days.  It is tring to rivive itself with the introduction fo many casinos into the old buildings.

Just five more miles down the road is the old, original gold town of Victor.  We enjoyed lunch at a German bakery, walked through the Lowell Thomas museum.

Yes, that Lowell Thomas--newspaperman, author, war correspondent. H e was born in Victor, worked for the local newspaper and made his way into the world of international news reporting.

Also in the town of Victor was a man with the name of Jack Dempsey.  Yes, that Jack Dempsey.  As a young man he worked in the local gold mine.  He decided there was an easier way to make a living, and started training for boxing.  And, you know the rest of the story.  He became successful and famous as a boxer.

We drove through an area of abandoned mines, and mining equipment.

This Black Squirrel was in our site before we left on the drive.  We have seen several in the park.

Internet problems again.. More pictures later.  Sorry.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

June 21, 2015 Confession Time

Saturday afternoon

Myrna with ukelele plus Evelyn with guitar equals beautiful music.  Over the past year Myrna has learned to play ukelele.  This was the first time that Myrna and Evelyn have gotten to play together.  It was great hearing the blend of the two instruments.

 Glen on left; Evelyn and Myrna
 Evelyn and Myrna


The family group had reservations for the 2:40 cog train ride from Maniteau Springs to the top of Pikes Peak.  

It is normally 1 and 1/2 hour-ride to the top; but at one pullover stop for a southbound train there was a 20-25 minute delay.  Total trip was about 3 and 1/2 hours.

The views from the top of Pikes Peak (14110 feet) were hazy this afternoon.  Colorado Springs was visible; there there also mountains 100 miles away.

Now for the confession!
I had a ticket, but didn't go.  We all got on the train 20 minutes before departure.  It was 95 degrees--too hot for me.  The heat made me feel closed in, and I got off the train.  Thankfully my ticket price was refunded.  I waited in the depot and in the truck--with the air conditioning!  

I am not sure temperatures in the 90's are normal.  Many of the businesses do not have air conditioning.  The restaurant where we ate after the train ride was not air conditioned. But....

It cools down quite nicely after the sun sets.

 View from the cog railroad.
 Reservoir is used by the city of Colorado Springs. 

 The rocks that make up Pikes Peak are a special type of granite that is found in only two locations: Pikes Peak and Elephant Rocks State Park in Missouri.

An early building used to house railroad workers.

 Above the tree line.  The railroad track is visible is the middle of the picture.

 Pikes Peak: elevation 14110 feet.  Colorado Springs in the valley (elevation 6700')

View from the top: Colorado Springs.  Through the haze are mountains 100 miles away.

More adventures planned for Monday.

Friday, June 19, 2015

June 19, 2015 Going UP

I wanted to see them, knowing I would not be going UP!  Here are the one mile-long incline steps, rising 2000'.  There were lots of people going up and down.  If you don't want to come back down the steps there is a trail that goes around the mountain side.  I talked to one lady who had gone up and down in 3 hours.  She said it was worth the trek.

Jeff Schnakenberg in the red shirt, coming down the steps

One mile up; 2000' rise in elevation; Starting elevation is appx 6700'.
This is one of my favorite flowers: columbine (Rocky Mountain), very unusual color.

Anasazi dwellings at Moniteau Springs, CO

June 19, 2015 Drop In Company

Tom Livingston, son of Uncle Ellis (Glen's mom's brother) and Aunt Edith, has been in Colorado Springs working for the past two weeks (interimin).  Tom took the time last evening to drive to the RV park for an evening of pot luck dinner and music.

Tom Livingston
Myrna Harris and Dick House
Glen, Evelyn, and Tom

We are making plans to ride the cog railway to the top of Pikes Peak!  Pictures later.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

June 18, 2015 Mountaindale RV Park , Colorado Springs, CO

We arrived at Mountaindale RV yesterday afternoon.  It is located in the foothills just south of Colorado Springs.  

Jeff and Marcella, Gary and Evelyn, Myrna and Dick, and us are in adjacent camp sites.  Doug and Mildred are in a cabin here in the RV park.

We were all sitting under the cedars, pines, and junipers when the dark clouds decided to park over us.  We barely made it inside before the lightning, thunder, hail and rain started.  It wasn't long before there were lakes in the sites.

That was the end of the outdoor visiting.

Today the group drove to Garden of the Gods.  There are hikers and non-hikers mixed together.
After driving through the Garden, touring the visitor center, and more driving Glen, Dick, and I came back to the RV Park.

This is a lovely park with wi-fi throughout.  However we cannot get it connected at the RV site.  We are sitting at the office where there is strong Verizon power.

Here are a few pictures of todays tour of Garden of the Gods:

Add caption

Jeff and Marcella, Gary and Evelyn, Doug and Mildred, Gayla and Glen, Myrna and Dick.  
All of the ladies are Glen's sisters.  

I am not sure what the plans are for tomorrow.  Tonight there is a family meal.  Tom L., a cousin from Minnesota, is working in Colorado Springs.  He is coming down here tonight after work for a visit.

Monday, June 15, 2015

June 15, 2015 Go West, Young Man, Go West (All Season RV Park, Wichita KS)

Let's see.  It was last Thursday we we left Cape Girardeau MO. 
We arrived at Iberia, MO, and parked at the made-to-order, landscaped site just down the road at my sister/husband's farm.

We were busy the few days we were there.  It is a rural area, down the gravel road a mile.  There is phone service, but NO internet service.  There are cell towers in the area but obviously there are no Verizon towers/antennas.

We were welcomed by Jan and Bruce.  Bruce and son Mitch had been in the hay field.  They baled 47 large round bales. That evening we watched Addison and Cash, great-niece and nephew, play ball.  Addison hit an in-the-park home run.

The next day (Friday) Glen and I went to Osage Beach area.  I enjoyed a massage.  Glen made a WalMart run while I was being massage.  That afternoon Glen helped Bruce haul the hay bales out of the field.  Bruce loaded onto the hay trailer that Glen was pulling with the pick up.

Later that evening we went to a neighboring town, to watch Addison and Cash, play ball.  That age is so much fun to watch.   

Saturday Addison played Game 1 of a tournament at Iberia.  Her team won so would play at 6 p.m. for first place.  We were unable to watch that game.

Instead, Jan and Bruce, Glen and I went to Jefferson City to a celebration of cousin Gwen/Eric's 40th wedding anniversary.  We were able to visit with other family.

Sunday was like many other Sundays: church, lunch, nap.  That evening we visited at Jan and Bruce's.  Addison and Cash and their parents, Mitchell (Jan/Bruce's son) and Abby came by.  More visiting.

We left the farm at Iberia, and traveled to Nevada MO.  There we met Gary/Evelyn, and Marcella and Jeff.  

It's another family caravan!  This time we are headed west to the Colorado Springs area where we will meet with Myrna, another sister and friend Dick;, and Mildred, another sister, and Doug/hubby/ for a week.  

We will amble our way west to Colorado tomorrow evening stopping overnight, and arrive at the RV park (Mountaindale) Wednesday.

Monday, June 8, 2015

June 8, 2015 Tree Trimming and Baseball

Glen recovered from the overheating episode just fine.  He is going to be more careful!

Glen went to the "new" office today with a saw to trim trees.  He cut limbs and made three three look much better.

We actually went grocery shopping today, also.  There's food in the cupboards!

Zade had a baseball game tonight.  It is fun to watch him play.  He had a hit each time he was at bat, and caught several balls while in the field.  Even after two months' of games. there are still players that don't have a clue on the dynamics of the game, can't throw the ball, or catch the ball.  Of course, Zade can do all of that! lol

We visited with Marcella and Jeff, who are just four sites from us, this evening.  We are making plans for a week from today, when we will be traveling west to Colorado.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

June 7, 2015 On the Move (Left Greenwood AR Sunday morning; Arrived Landing Point, Cape Girardeau MO)

Saturday we went with Tanner to the last soccer game of the season.  Several games had been cancelled because of rain so one more was added to the schedule.

The game ended up being considered a "scrimmage" as the opposing team didn't have enough players to make a team.  It was also at least in the mid-90's temperature wise.  There were water breaks during each half.  Tanner's team ended up winning 5-0.

We said our "good-bye's" Saturday evening.  We will see everyone next month.

We left Greenwood about 8:30 this morning and pulled into Cape Girardeau seven hours ten minutes later.  There was a 15-minute break for lunch.

Darin and Sarah have purchased a building for Sarah's audiology business.  They took possession last Thursday.  This afternoon their family was at the "new" office working on the needed remodeling.  The building was built in 1992. The decor is typical mid-1990's colors--pink counter tops, pink-ish carpet.  Nothing is in "bad" shape, just needs to be updated.  They have hopes to be IN the new location in a month, but we all know how schedules and remodeling goes.  

All of us working together got all of the wallpaper off the walls.  Thankfully the walls were prepped properly at the time of wallpaper installation.  The wallpaper literally pulled off the walls in full sheets.

Darin will be working part-time for the police department and full-time for Audiology Associates of Missouri.  This change in employment started on June 1.  

We will be in Cape Girardeau until Thursday when we will go to my sister/hubby's farm in central Missouri.

Friday, June 5, 2015

6-5-2015 Life As Usual

We are enjoying seeing family every day.  We sometimes have one meal a day together.

Today we spent part of the afternoon with them.  Jeff had a flight today.  He left about 9 a.m. and returned about 4 p.m.

As mentioned in previous entries we are parked at the fairground.  There is a large grass pasture in front of us.

This is one of our favorite birds to watch.

 This is a SCISSORTAIL FLYCATCHER!  When seen in flight their tail opens into the shape of scissors.

Scissortails are  found in the southwest part of the US.  They are found in SW Missouri, western Arkansas, and Texas.  Their territory has been moving to the north and east.  When we lived in Poplar Bluff MO there was one pair that nested in the top of the Bootheel of Missouri.