Tuesday, December 31, 2013

12-31-2013 The End is Near

Just 90 more minutes left in 2013!  How can days go by so quickly that suddenly a whole year is ending?

It has been eventful, but we realize that each year is eventful.  

There's announcements of expected babies, the death of our beloved mother/grandmother, trips with family members, overnights with grandchildren, plans for the New Year and much more.  

We are grateful for the blessing of good health which allows us to celebrate our retirement years as we (mostly) choose.

We are blessed with wonderful children and six outstanding grandchildren.  

Tonight we shared the celebration of the end of 2013 with Evelyn and Gary, and friends from the neighborhood.  Of course we didn't make it to midnight, but that's okay, it will turn midnight without us; the New Year will begine whether we are awake or not! :}

Ending this year: we are grateful for family and friends in many different states, near and far.  We are grateful for the technology that allows us to stay in touch by cell phone, Facebook, Facetime, texting, pictures taken and sent immediately.

Stay in touch.  We care about each of our readers.

Monday, December 30, 2013

12-30-2013 It was a dark and dreary day...

Dark, dreary, and drizzly.  It has been wet all day with a total of .21" of rain.

It has been 41 degrees all day.  Did I mention.. dark, dreary, and drizzly?

At least it isn't frozen precip.

A good afternoon for a game or four of "Hearts" with Evelyn and Gary.  I didn't win a game.  I don't care.  I just like to play.

Our friends, Fred and Gay from Oklahoma, arrived late this afternoon.  We went by their rv site and welcomed them.  We will see them tomorrow.

Do you have plans for New Years' Eve?  One more day in 2013, oh my.  How can it be?

Sunday, December 29, 2013

12.28-29.2013 Saturday and Sunday

I am trying to remember about our week-end.

There was some pickin' and grinnin' yesterday afternoon with Glen and Evelyn.

We watched the movie "Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou?"
Gary and Evelyn had'n seen it before.  It is funny every time we watch it.

The sun actually peeked out this afternoon.  December has been a mostly cloudy month!  Maybe this has been the "winter" month.

The wind has turned to the north and temperatures are dropping.  Fifty percent chance of rain tonight and tomorrow.  It--the rain--is needed badly down here so won't whine (for now).  

Friday, December 27, 2013

12-27-2013 It's Between...Christmas and New Year's

After Christmas....

it's time to clean the left overs from the refrigerator;
go through the Christmas cards and letters (love them)
  checking for new addresses, photos
adding appointments and social events to the 2014 
work on year-end financials.

I actually cooked a meal today...roast, potatoes and carrots, and Red Lobster biscuits to share with Evelyn and Gary.  They added corn to the menu.

After the supper we watched "Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou?".  Gary and Evelyn had never seen it.  There were lots of laughs.

Then...Evelyn cut a gooseberry pie, served it with ice cream, bringing on a silent promise to myself..."cut down on desserts!"  Of course this will last until the next social event!  
The rain lasted until mid-day.  The total accumulation was 1.75 inch.  This is the first rain I remember experiencing in the month of December.  (This is our seventh December since retirement.)

Thursday, December 26, 2013

12-26-2013 Thursday, Part 2

After a short practice, Glen and Evelyn decided they could go to afternoon Jam Session at a local RV park, 5 miles south of town.

There were eight performers, not many more than that in the audience.  Glen and Evelyn haven't lost or missed a beat.  They had a couple of requests from the audience!

It has continued to rain throughout the day.  The total accumlation since last night is 1.17".  The temp was 50 degrees this morning and has slowly decreased to 46 as of now (9:35 p.m.)  Rain is predicted through Saturday.  

December 26, 2013 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR SON


Yes, our son arrived on the day after Christmas, 16 days late, according to the doctor's schedule.  I think the doctor was off base as Darin was only six pounds three ounces when he arrived.  

Darin never felt it was "fair" to have a birthday the day after Christmas.  All through his elementary school years we scheduled his party in January!  

Gary and Evelyn arrived at 3:15 yesterday afternoon.  There was ice and snow as far south as parts of Oklahoma.  Thankfully the roads were clear.  

There were neighbors gathered at Dee and Jim's for "left-overs"; Gary and Evelyn were welcomed back and enjoyed a plate of food.  

It began raining--real rain with rain drops, not a drizzle--last night before we went to bed.  There has now been .60" of rain.  It is supposed to rain today through Saturday.  That will green things up.  

There is a Jam Session this afternoon at two.  I think there are plans to attend.  Gary and I will be the audience; Evelyn and Glen will participate.  

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

12-25-25 Christmas

"The very purpose of Christ's coming into the world was that he might offer up His life as a sacrifice for the sins of men.  He came to die.  This is the heart of Christmas."~~Billy Graham.

We are thinking of family and friends this morning.  Have a wonderful celebration wherever you are.  You are near, in our hearts.  

12-24-2013 Friends and Neighbors Celebrate

About 30 friends and neighbors gathered Tuesday afternoon for a Christmas Eve dinner and celebration of friendship.

The food was fantastic and abundant.

The entertainment was hilarious---the movie "RV" with Robin Williams.

The evening for us ended with a Christmas Eve service at church.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

12-24-2013 CHRISTMAS EVE

"It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you...yes, it is Christmas every time you smile at your brother and offer him your hand."  **Mother Theresa

"Let's approach Christmas with an expectant hush, rather than a last-minute rush." ~ Anonymous

Monday, December 23, 2013

12-23-2013 It's Almost Christmas

We have groceries enough to make the dishes needed for Christmas Eve late lunch....apple dumplings and corn casserole.

We have groceries for Christmas Day.  Evelyn (Glen's sister) and Gary will be arriving in the late afternoon.  They are leaving Missouri in the morning.  Storms have abated in western Missouri.  Travel should be no problem...except for leaving in the cold temperatures.

We visited today with new neighbors.  A couple from New Mexico purchased the land/house that directly across the street from us.  They are gutting the house and re-modeling the inside.  Outside they used a tractor and brush hog to work on the over-grown brush.  They seem very nice and we look forward to getting acquainted with them.

They and 34 other people will be at Jim and Dee's for late lunch tomorrow.  

Have a grand Christmas Eve!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

12-22-2013 Feliz Navidad!

This afternoon our church joined the Spanish-speaking mission church for music, carols, and a shared meal.

Hearing the familiar Christmas carols in both languages is guaranteed to remind one why we are celebrate Christmas.

The meal following the music service was traditional Mexican: homemade tamales, bar-b-cued brisket, frejole's (brown beans).  The side dishes were "pot luck" style.  Church members brought salad and desserts.  

Homemade tamales are oh-so-much better than the ones from cans!  These tamales were made with finely chopped pork.

"Feliz Navidad" was sung by the children of both churches.  

Even though the mission church is called "Spanish speaking", Only the generation of grandparents/great-grandparents are Spanish-only speaking.  The rest of the members are bi-lingual. 

The pictures we are seeing from family and friends on Facebook of all the ice are beautiful; but we know how dangerous that beauty is.  Be careful, whether walking or driving.   

Saturday, December 21, 2013

12-21-2013 End of Saturday

This afternoon we used the pick-up to carry our patio table plus six chairs, and 3 folding tables to the neighbor's where the Christmas Eve dinner will be hosted.

Of course the "set up" group did some visiting and exchange of a few "tall tales and exaggeration" while we were together.

We were home in time to watch a heart-breaker of a basketball game .....Mizzou vs. Illinois.  Missou lost by one point.

Hope you are having a great week end.

12-21-2013 Rise and Shine

Rise and shine! 7:15 a.m., Zapata, TX

Red in the morning, Sailors take Warning.

It is 66 degrees this morning; no snow in the forecast!  I am not too worried!

My sister called and asked if we were busy.  My reply: "only if sitting outdoors in the recliner with a book in my lap counts!!"

Only plans for today are to help set up for the Christmas Eve dinner with/for the neighbors.  I will let you know if more develops.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

12-19-2013 Routine, wonderful routine kind of day!

I have been sitting here, thinking over the day.  

It hasn't been an exciting kind of day; it's been good, but not exciting.

It took a couple of hours to do deep cleaning here in the MH.  I am talking vacuuming, mopping, dusting, cleaning the inside of the windows, mirrors, and the bathroom.  We worked up a sweat!  

I visited a neighbor, Shirley.  I took a stack of magazines to her.  She loves to read.  

It was a great afternoon to sit in the outdoors, in the recliners, with books to read!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

12-18-2013 "To Do" List

We managed to cross a few things off the "to do" list.

Once again, we cleaned the outdoor living space.  As Glen told a neighbor "you get out, use it, and then you have to put it away."  

Neighbors Jim and Dee who are hosting a Christmas Eve dinner are borrowing the patio table/chairs, plus the folding tables.  We are setting up the tables and chairs on Friday afternoon.  

I enjoy having the washer/dryer convenient, which means no trip to the laundrymat.  I actually don't mind the laundrymat when we are on the road.  When we are parked in one spot, as we are now, I am happy that I can do laundry on my schedule.  

I mentioned Jim and Dee (above) and yesterday.  Jim fell from the top of the 7' step ladder.  Zapata actually has no emergency medical facility.  X-rays were taken Monday at the local clinic and sent to Laredo.  Reports from the Laredo radiologist indicate Jim has more broken bones than originally diagnosised.  (Dee won't cancel or re-schedule the Christmas Even dinner)

Dee got on the phone to find an orthopedic surgeon to see/examine Jim.  After seven calls the first available appointment is January 3.  Makes me shake my head in disbelief.  Someone with numerous broken bones can't be seen for two and half weeks???!!!!??? 

What are your plans for the next week?  Making your list--grocery list, that is?  Getting ready to travel? Wrapping gifts?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

12-17-2013 An Outdoor Day

Today's facts:  low 42 degrees, high 75 degrees; wind--none; sunshine--abundant.

It definitely was an outside day!  

I prepared a pot o' chili this morning.  It simmered about 4 hours.  It was delicious as a late lunch! 

Glen worked on finishing and attaching a counter top to the 24" base cabinet.  The cabinet is going to give much needed storage.  The cabinet top is adding much needed prep space.  

Lesson reminder:  our neighbor/friend fell from the top step of a 7' step ladder onto concrete.  Always have some hold the ladder for you, and never stand on the top step!  Jim has a broken nose, broken wrist, and three broken ribs but assorted bruises, contusions, and general soreness.

Last week's Tuesday's evening Jam Session was cancelled due to a non-working furnace. Jam Session was on for tonight.

There were 9 on stage as performers/singers with about 40 in the audience.  The audience will grow in attendance immediately after Christmas.  

A group from tonight also gathered at the Dairy Queen after Jam Session.  The group has gotten to know one another and friendships started from spending the 45 minutes or so together.  

One week from today is Christmas Eve!  

Monday, December 16, 2013

12-16-2013 From Carharts to Capri's

In a matter of hours we went from needing a Carhart coat to enjoying Capri's  

What a difference the sunshine makes!

We enjoyed the Christmas carols we heard at church this morning.  There was one more Winter Texas couple at church this morning. There will be more arriving after Christmas I am sure.
It didn't many pages of the Sunday paper to start nap time.

We drove to Laredo this morning.  

The first stop was the Walmart where I was to pick up the new glasses I am to use for short to middle distances.  The new glasses are "no line-progressive".  I was told to give it two weeks to totally adjust to them.  I can tell it will take a few days or more.  

So far finding the right spot to see the computer screen is the most difficult.  Watching TV is great.  I can now read the game scores.

Remember the prescription in the mail I have been waiting for?  It still has not arrived.  I finally called the doctor's office last Friday, and the office called the pharmacy at Walmart.  I was able to pick up the needed medication.

To finish the stop at Walmart we shopped for groceries.

We shared an order of shrimp tacos at "Palenque Grill", a most wonderful restaurant.  Our son-in-law can testify to the goodness of the guacamole made at table side.

Lowe's was the last stop of the day.  We just keep adding to the outdoor kitchen.  Today we chose an upper cabinet, and a lower base cabinet to go between the refrigerator and stove.  

As soon as we got home Glen jumped right in and installed the upper cabinet.  The base cabinet is in place.  Attaching the counter top is tomorrow's project.  

One more thing,five miles south of Laredo this morning there was a "rolling" Border Patrol checkpoint set up.  

We eased northward, waiting our turn to reach the Border Patrol.  It was easy on our part, roll down the windows, answer the Border Patrolman, "ma'am, are you an American citizen?"  "Yes, sir."  "Thank you.  Proceed."  He didn't even ask Glen, just me.  

Another Patrolman was walking the area with a drug dog.  Occasionally a vehicle was asked to pull over to the side for further investigation.  

We appreciate the efforts and dedication of the Border Patrolmen.  There is a large presence in this area.  Illegal drugs and non-American people are the main focus of their search efforts.

Are you counting down the days to Christmas?  

Saturday, December 14, 2013

12-13-2013 Friday, the Thirthteen

Technically, it is Saturday already since it is past midnight.  We are up unusually late.  

I have now gone through ALL of the "old" pictures.  They are now all separated by dates.  Now what?  

It has been most enjoyable seeing pictures from the late 1800's--great-great grandparents, to now.  

I separated the pictures from "my" box...all of the pictures from the Glen Hickey family that at sometime were sent to my parents.  Trisha has a stack; Darin has a stack; and I have a much smaller stack.  

It is currently 56 degrees (12:15 a.m.).  There was drizzle all Friday morning, but stopped about 2:00 p.m.   The concrete was even wet!

Have a good week-end, snowed in or not!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

12-12-13 Do I post?

It has been one of those days.  We did nothing.

Do I post and say nothing?
Do I not post and you know for sure that Nothing was accomplished?

We are still waiting and wondering about mail service between Cape Girardeau MO.  What I am waiting for was mailed on December 3 and still has not arrived.  

The ice maker in the outside refrigerator seems to be working.  The temperature of the freezer section was set on "warm" settings; it wasn't cold enough to make ice.  

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

12-11-2013 Trip to The Valley

Two hours south of here is the region called "The Valley".  It is the original part of Texas where Winter Texans began to spend the colder months of winter.  It is known for the crops--cabbage, carrots, oranges, grapefruit, lemons, peppers, etc--that is grown there.  

If you have known someone who spends winter at Mission, McAllen, Pharr, Alamo, Donna, Welaco, Mercedes, Harligen, Brownsville, then they are in The Valley.

We drove there today for two specific purposes.  

We visited the Don-Wes (short for Donna-Weslaco) Flea Market.  There is a business that sells sun shade, made to order.  We want/need to replace what we have been using.  We placed our order and it was ready for pick-up in two hours.  

You can figure out what our project will be for tomorrow.

The other errand was to cross the border by foot to the village of Nuevo Progresso so we could buy some medicines.  Most was to have extra on hand, but Walmart has lost one of my prescriptions, and I am in the process of getting a new prescription from my doctor.  In the meantime, I am OUT of that medicine.  I bought the needed medicine in Nuevo Progresso without prescription, currently dated, and now I have some until I get the prescription problem worked out.

The new prescription was mailed from Cape Girardeau on December 3, and hasn't reached Zapata yet.  I understand the stormy weather may have slowed delivery down, but eight days seems like long enough to have reached here.

There was enough drizzle in the air today that windshield wipers were required part of the time.  No sunshine today.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

12-10-13 Brightness

At approximately noon today this bright object appeared amongst the blue skies breaking through the dark clouds.  For the first time in 4-5 days there was sunshine.

The winds calmed and it was a nice afternoon.  We spent time outside!  Tools from various projects were stored; measurements were taken for upcoming projects.

Upon checking on the newly-installed ice maker one tray of ice had been made, not much for overnight.  Hm-m-m, what could be the problem.  So far no solution has been found.  The water line was checked--no blockage.  

We visited with a couple of the neighbors this afternoon.  We weren't the only ones out of doors!

Monday, December 9, 2013

12-9-2013 How Did I Get This Job?

I am sure I don't remember a family vote on who got the job of going through the box of "old" pictures.  I do know I have the box of "old" pictures.  

The "old" pictures are of my grandparents (and a few older), a few courting pictures of our parents, and then 66 years worth of pictures of us children growing up, through present. 

The "old" ones are ones that we would like to have scanned (or whatever technique) and put on a CD/DVD.  I know I am not going to do all of the scanning but it needs to be done.  I assume there are companies/businesses that do such things, but haven't researched it yet.  Do you have any suggestions?   

My sister has already sorted once, going through and separating each of us children's family pictures.   You know...look at this picture--put it in Gayla's box.  Look at this picture--put it in Jan's box;  or Ron's box, or Mark's box.  

I worked on the project most of the afternoon, and have 50-65 percent separated  by year.  I am not sure what is next in the procedure.

When we purchased the refrigerator for outdoor use, the refrig did not have an ice maker. I am not sure why it didn't.  Glen bought a kit and installed it today.  We are looking forward to the convenience of ever-available ice

Sunday, December 8, 2013

12-8-2013 Afternoon Hibernation

Seeing all of our friends at church brought smiles to our faces this morning.  It is an uphill battle to keep the church doors open.  The pastor is working to bring in families, but it is slow progress.

Eleven of us met at a local restaurant for a noon meal after the church service.  

This afternoon Glen and I stayed indoors, watching the KC Chiefs vs. Washington Redskins' football game, followed by reading the Laredo Sunday paper.....and a long nap!

After a bowl of homemade soup, we watched the finale of The Amazing Race.  Our favorite team were the big winners.  
No big plans for Monday; it will depend on whether the 30 percent chance of rain arrives.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

12-7-2013 Go M-I-Z---Z-O-U!

It truly was a "soup day"!  

The low was 38 degrees and the high was 42 degrees!  

Glen's request was "Kansas City Steak Soup".  Dessert was homemade banana bread.

Please note that I cooked today!  I think Glen is marking the calendar!

Cheering for Mizzou Tigers--both basketball and football.
Basketball was a winner but football results weren't as good.  

Friday, December 6, 2013

12-6-2013 Off We Go----just to Laredo

It was too cool/cold to work outdoors today.  I am not complaining at all, compared to what our family is experiencing. (High of 48 and low of 40 this morning.)

Our daughter in nw Arkansas has inches of rain covered with 8-10 inches of snow; and our son in se Missouri has the same--ice and snow.  

And, single-digit temperatures tonight.  

At the visit to the opthamologist I was not surprised to learn that I needed prescription glasses for close-up reading (I may have already reported this).  As we were getting ready to travel here I waited to order the glasses.

Today we went to Laredo.  I chose Walmart Vision Center and will find out next week if that is a good choice.  I understand some people order online; but didn't feel comfortable ordering without some guidance.  

We did some shopping at W/Mart and Lowe's.  Glen also stopped at Discount Tires for tire rotation.  

Tonight we caught up on some Tivo-ed "Jeopary" and "NCIS-LA" shows.  

Thursday, December 5, 2013

12-5-2013 What's your Temperature?

We have had several conversations with our daughter in the Ft. Smith, AR area today.  School was not in session today.  There was 100 percent change of icy wintry event.  It also was announced to expect several days without power.

That's too much winter for me.  I called Trisha about 7 o'clock this evening to try to get some sympathy.  The high was 90 degrees this afternoon; about four the wind started blowing in from the north, and it was 59 degrees!  (57 degrees at 7:45 p.m.)  She said she would give me an ounce of sympathy but not more!

Glen joined five others for a couple of hours of singing/guitar playing this afternoon.  

Share your wintry tale: the temps, ice and/or snow.  I will feel badly for you and be glad we aren't there to share with you! LOL.  

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

12-4-2013 Work and Play-or-Play and Work?

Glen opened one of his new "toys".  Now, if a toy makes work more fun, is it play  or is it work?

There was an order to the plan of action today.  Clean out the kitchen first, so the "new" tables from Mom's house could be put in there.

The floor needed cleaning.  Out comes the....power washer**!  That made the floor cleaning so much more fun! LOL!  
**new toy!

The new tables were put in place; the washer/dryer were put into action.  

Glen proceeded to power wash the entire concrete floor (under roof).  It was difficult to tell the floor was "dirty" but the power washer made the floor shine!  

A few more things were put away from the back of the truck.  Progress is being made.  

We are paying attention to the forecasted storm/icy winter mix for central US.  It looks as if it is going to straddle Arkansas and southern half of Missouri, hitting both our daughter in nw Arkansas, and our son in se Missouri.

It was comfortable today with a high of 84 degrees. Tomorrow will be 86; Saturday will be 48 degrees (high) and 38 degrees (low).  Sunday will be 60.  Yes, we will have lower temperatures but nothing compared to middle America.  

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

12-3-2013 Six Hours on the Road (Zapata, TX)

It was six hours on the road today!  Shortly after we started we saw prickly pear cacti, crested caracara (carrion eater), harris hawks, mesquite trees.  We were in south Texas.

We truly were in south Texas.  It was this many degrees when we arrived at our parking place.....

We parked, leveled, and plugged in the electricity.  Yes, we turned on the air conditioner!  

We have a few things things unloaded from the truck.  The truck was loaded to the gills (a Missouri saying) with things brought from my mom's house.  I will try to remember to take a few pictures of the tables and dishes I have as mementos of my mother.

We received "welcome back" from several of the neighbors.

Glen actually went to the "jam session" tonight.  I chose to stay home; just didn't work up the energy to change clothes.  That's pitiful, isn't it.

Monday, December 2, 2013

12-2-13 On The Road Again

Monday, December 2
Rockport, Texas
Walmart Supercenter

Friday, November 29(parked at Jan/Bruce farm, Iberia MO)
We picked up Ashlynn and Zade from their home and headed north to Iberia, MO.  They were good travelers, entertaining themselves with their ipads (mom and dad's old ones with games) and my kendle.

They were excited to see cousins at Aunt Jan and Uncle Bruce's home (Jan/Bruce's grandchildren).  

Saturday, November 30 (parked at Jan and Bruce's farm)
Today was the gathering of Mom's four children: Jan, Ron, and Mark, and me and our children and their children.  All of Mom's grandchildren were there except one.

After a most-delicious lunch the family gathered around the stack of quilts, family pictures, old toys, and each of us chose our mementoes.

All of the grandchildren enjoyed seeing the "old" pictures, the ones of their parents as children with our parents.

We were pleased that Trisha and Jeff from Greenwood, AR were able to fly to the local airport for the family gathering.  Glen did pick up delivery and returned them after the gathering.

Sunday, December 1, 2013  (parked at Greenwood AR Walmart)
This morning we left our parking site at Jan and Bruce's farm, and headed to Greenwood, Ar.  We had a great visit with Trisha, Jeff, and the four children.

Monday, December 2, 2013 (Rockport TX Walmart)
Tonight we are enjoying the hospitality of Walmart.  We left Greenwood AR at 8:50 a.m. and stopped today at 5:30 pm.

At one we stopped for lunch in the motorhome.  Glen opened the door and said "oh, my goodness."  I thought some storage door was open or something; it jumped-started my heart.  No, he was enjoying the warm air.  It reached 78 degrees this afternoon.

While stopped Glen switched the front inside system from heating to air conditioner!

There's about 5 hours of travel tomorrow and we will reach our winter stomping ground in Zapata, TX.  We are about 

Today we have seen lots of cattle, lots of pine trees, lots of logging trucks; wet fields.  We even saw one field that had been mowed, and was being raked in preparation for baling.  We aren't in the cacti and mesquite area yet, but will reach it soon in the morning.  

Here's hoping you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.