Friday, January 31, 2014

January 31, 2014 Work

Glen and Gary helped neighbors, Glenda and Milton of Nebraska, with a roofing project this morning.  

An old roof had been torn down and a new roof was being added to a porch.  They attached a metal roof to the porch.  Glenda and Milton are both having health issues....Glenda with her gall bladder, and Milton facing leg surgery....and appreciated the help tremendously.

Glen finished the day by checking on the motorhome "home" batteries (as opposed to engine batteries), changing water filters, rejuvenating the water softener. 

Gary and Glen have come to the conclusion the U-joints in Gary's pick-up are going bad.  Gary took the truck to the neighborhood mechanic who verified their conclusion.   Gary is going to leave the truck with Edgar the mechanic next week.

Evelyn worked on their laundry.  I watched everyone else do their work!  

BTW: it was a great day...finally. The sun popped out and the temperature reached 81 degrees.  Yes, it was a sitting-outdoors kind-of-day.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 30, 2014 Gloomy Start

It was a gloomy start to today.  There were lots of clouds, a low of 44 and stayed there until about three o'clock.  

Then, the sun popped out and the temperatures reached 72 in town, just 68 here on our thermometer.  

It was nice enough to enjoy dinner and cards out doors.  Gay and Fred (from Oklahoma) brought lasagna, broccoli salad, and homemade pie for dinner.  

We followed that with some 19-point Pitch (card game).  Our--Gay, Gary, and Gayla--team lost every game.  

There was the usual Thursday afternoon Jam Session.  There was a "good" turnout with 16 musicians.  They were in top form today.  Music was great.  

I am trying to think what we did yesterday.  I am thinking it can be summed up by saying "nothing", "not much".  Some days are just like that: nothing on the agenda, no chores, no errands...

Do the days just fly by for you?  January is nearly over!! How can that be?  

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January 28, 2014 Indoor Day

Like so much of the country, it was a day to stay indoors.

This morning Gary and Evelyn invited us to watch a movie with them.  The movie was "The Bounty Hunter" with Jennifer Anniston.  I didn't know the male lead.  It was billed as a "romantic comedy" and it was.  The PG-13 rating meant there were several unnecessary "bad words".  

Glen and Evelyn chose music/songs for tonight's Jam Session.

The were 15 performers tonight.  The Jam was very good tonight.

We had booked reservations for a bus trip to "the Valley" (McAllen, Mission area) to see a program tomorrow at "The Chicken House Opry" but was notified late this afternoon the bus trip has been cancelled.  

Raise your hand if you are ready for less winter weather and warmer temperatures! ha!

Monday, January 27, 2014

1-27-2014 Two Parts of One Day

First part  
Sunshine, blue skies. Warm temperatures.  No jacket needed.
Glen power-washed all of the concrete surfaces, worked up a sweat.  
I baked chocolate chip bars.  
Gary baked crunch craisin cookies.
Made a trip to the library.
Sat outside with book, watched the birds.

Second part  
Blue sky disappeared.  Clouds filled the sky.
Wind rapidly increased and moved to the north. 
Set up wind screens.  It is Music Night.
Arranged heaters so all could be warm.
Three couples here.  Extra dessert: cherry cheesecake pie, and cookies.
Music, music, music!
Temperature remained at 60 degrees but wind was gusting 20 mph.
There will be no sympathy from family and friends in north.
Music Night over.  Kitchen cleaned.

Great day.  Great company.  Great music.  Great food.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

January 26, 2014 A Special Day

Today would have been my Mother's 85th birthday.  She is celebrating with her family gone on to Eternity.  She is missed.

Today there was a "combined" service at church.  "Combined"...the traditional plus the contemporary services.  There was traditional music as well as contemporary choruses.

After lunch, there was time for the Sunday paper and a short nap before going to a Gospel Jam at four p.m. at the RV park closest to us.  There were 13 musicians; instruments included a steel guitar, three keyboards, four acoustial guitars, a Dobro guitar, and a mandolin.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

1-25-2014 Delicious Lunch

The local Luthern church hosted a fund-raiser lunch today.  The choices: chile or chicken noodle soup with a side of cole slaw and homemade dessert.

Gary chose chile, Evelyn, Glen and I chose chicken noodle soup. Both choices were scrumptious!  And, even better, someone else cooked!

This afternoon we watched the Missouri Tigers basketball team win over South Carolina.  Watching a win is so much better than watching a loss.
Evelyn wore her "Mizzou" t-shirt to lunch.  

The lady across the table from her asked if she was from Missouri.  "Yes". "Where?" "We (the lady across the table) are from Lake of the Ozarks. Our granddaughter is a Golden Girl (dance team) for the Tigers."  It's a small world.   

We watched the past week's Tivo-ed "Jeopardy!" shows this afternoon.  Have I mentioned Gary and Evelyn are wired into our satellite signal so they watch what we watch.  Hope they like "Jeopardy!"

Friday, January 24, 2014

January 23/24, 2014 You won't believe me when I say....

...When I say... it snowed this morning!  Honestly! Really!

It was 34 degrees at 8:15, I looked out the window, and there was snow falling.  It accumulated on the vehicles and tree limbs and some roof(s).  The entire "storm" lasted about an hour.  

The street in front of our place.

Glen with the hood; Gary Morrow, heading to the truck.

I told you, real snow!  

Start of school was delayed because of the possibility of ice on the bridges.  

We drove to Laredo with no problems.  We had refills of meds to pick up at the WalMart pharmacy plus filling the grocery lists.

Lunch was a Palenque Grill, the best Mexican restaurant.  Each couple shared a plate/order of shrimp tacos.  Ummm, delicious.  

We got back in time to carry in groceries, then go to the neighbors' to help Shirley, another neighbor, celebrate her 80th birthday.

At five Glen and Evelyn went to music/choir practice at church.

It has been a busy day!

There was the usual afternoon Jam Session.  I think there was 13 musicians.  

Last night Fred and Gay came over for an evening of cards.  

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

January 22, 2014 Music, Music, Music

This afternoon the neighboring RV park was to host a musical group at 2 p.m.  The name of the group is "The Durochers" from northern Michigan.

We arrived about 1:45, paid the entry fee ($6 each), found seats and sat.  We watched the clock get closer to two p.m., and heard people speaking of the fact that the group had not arrived yet.  

About 2:15 the bus/trailer arrived***.  They quickly set up the sound system and was ready to perform by 2:30.

Wow, what a musical family.  The Durochers are made up of the parents, and twelve children.  The three oldest chldren are married and no longer travel with the group.  

Today there were nine children with the parents.  One operated the sound system, and the other eight performed.  Oh my goodness, this is the most musical, entertaining group we have seen/heard so far.  

Several of the numbers had been written by the family members.  Let me see if we can name all of the instruments: guitar, mandolin, cello, bass, fiddle, dobreau.  The fiddle player had won state fiddling contests.  The doubreau player was the best we have ever seen.  They could and did all  sing.  

Three of the nine children were triplets.  Mom and Dad have been married 32 years.  The youngest (son) is eight.  

***The reason they were late:  they traveled from South Padre Island, about three hours south of here.  They hit a speed bump going 40 mph with their motorhome which was pulling the enclosed trailer and broke something.  They never did describe just what broke; but it took going to not one, but two welding shops to repair whatever was broken.

A neighbor at the top of the hill had a concrete project this morning.  Glen and Gary went up to help with the final preparations, and the pouring, striking, and finishing concrete for a small patio.  I am not sure either of them will be able to move tomorrow! :}

Colder temperatures are sneaking in late tomorrow and Friday; thankfully only (supposedly) lasting one day.  Today was gorgeous.  

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 21, 2014 I love sunsets!

I love sunsets.  

This is at 6:15p.m. this evening over Falcon Lake, Texas.

Glen started on the job of washing the motorhome this morning.  He finished one of the long sides.  I am sure he will work on another side tomorrow.

There were 14 on stage at tonight's Jam Session. Thirteen of us gathered at the Dairy Queen afterwards for an ice cream treat of one's choice!

We Tivo-ed the Missouri vs. LSU basketball game that started at 6 p.m.  We are now watching the game.  It can be watched quickly when the remote controller fast-forwards through all the commercials.

Monday, January 20, 2014

January 20, 2013 Music and Friends

Sally; Doyle DeLong husband to Arlene--see last picture, Fred Delong (brothers); Sally and Fred are friends.  Part of the audience.
Lucille on the keyboard; and Chuck "picking"..not strumming his guitar, from Kansas.
Gay Vaughan on the madolin; Fred Vaughan with his left-handed guitar; and Evelyn Morrow on her guitar

This is Arlene DeLong and Glen Hickey, adding their sweet voices to the music.  Arlene is from Michigan.

Tonight was All-Gospel Music at our place.  

The Delong Family arrived from Michigan ten days ago.  This was the first time at our place this season.  We also had new friends, Chuck and Lucille from Kansas, join the music circle.

We had music from 6:30 to 10:00.  

It has been a beautiful day with a high of 83 degrees and blue skies.  We were able to be in the Cover Patio for the evening.  

Glen finished detailing the truck this morning.  He vacuumed the carpet and washed the floormats.  The project was started Saturday afternoon.  

Saturday, January 18, 2014

January 18, 2014 Biking!

I called Evelyn this morning to see if she was interested in riding bikes this morning.  She was in the middle of her morning walk, but she was willing to go with us.

I also called Fred, who is about a mile from us in an RV park.  He had indicated he would go bike riding when we did.

Gary chose to stay home.  We took their truck as the bikes fit in the back easier than ours.  We picked up Fred and his bike.  Gay also stayed home.

We drove to Airport Road, about 2.6 miles one way.  Glen, Fred, and I rode three lengths of the road.  Evelyn rode two lengths (remember she had already walked a mile plus).  

It was a gorgeous day to be outdoors, walking and/or riding bikes.

Evelyn Morrow, Fred Vaughan, Glen Hickey enjoying being outdoors.

This afternoon we attended a memorial service for a gentleman who attended church as well as the music venues.  The highlight of the service was the tribute from the VFW members. It was complete with presentation of the flag to his widow, and a 21 gun salute.  It is always touching.  

Friday, January 17, 2014

January 17, 2014 Birding Adventure

It's been too long since we have been "birding", as in, seeking out locations to see/find birds, identify them, listen to them, admire their beauty.

Today, Glen, Gary, Evelyn and I went south from here to the small village of Salineno, Texas, about 35 miles south of Zapata.  

There is a protected area along the Rio Grande River where volunteers keep feeders with hummingbird syrup, peanut butter mixture, black oil sunflower seed, mixed seeds, orange halves out for the birds.  There are chairs for the visitors, and the volunteers can provide binoculars for the visitors if needed.  

The volunteer this morning had recorded 27 species by ten o'clock.  We probably saw 25 of those species in the hour or so we were there.

Below are three pictures from the birding site.  Next time I will take a tripod on which to mount the camera.  The bird action is quick, too quick for my puny camera--as opposed to those cameras with lens' out to here, and is located in the shadows, under brush piles, in trees.

Green Jay

Isn't this Altamira oriole a beauty.

Greater Kiskadee

This location is just in the US with Mexico just across the Rio Grande River.  These birds don't require a passport to visit Texas from Mexico.  

We regularly have these birds at the feeders in our yard.

From Salineno we went farther south about 15 miles to Rio Grande City to shop at Walmart .  This Walmart is located south of Zapata about the same mileage as the Walmart in Laredo.  

We planned to eat lunch at a historical hotel in Roma, TX (north of Rio Grande City), but when we arrived we learned the dining room was closed.  We went north about six blocks to the restaurant called "Caro's Restaurant."  

Caro's served Mexican food, but a different style of "Mexican" that is served at Zapata.  Gary had "puffy tacos", meaning the tortillas was puffy.  Think very similar to sopillilas.  They were delicious.  Definitely will put "Caro's" on the "stop here again" list.

We had a very enjoyable evening playing "hearts" with Gary and Evelyn.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

January 16, 2014 Chef Gary

Chef Gary spent the morning making preparations for the evening meal.

After the Jam Session, 2-4 p.m., we returned home to a prepared meal.  Chef Gary had homemade--meatloaf (omg, very good), baked sweet potatoes, corn, beets, and apple crunch cheesecake for dessert.  Evelyn was Gary's proficient assistant.  Thanks, you two, for the work and deliciousness of the meal.

Fred and Gay joined us for the meal.  

The six of us then played several games of '19-point pitch', a card game.  

A propane patio heater provided the necessary heat for us to spend the evening outdoors.  

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

January 15, 2014 Moon over Zapata

Full Moon Over Miami Zapata at dusk.

Close up view of the moon.

When I saw the above camera shot I first thought I had discovered new features on the moon's landscape.  After looking closely though, I saw two power lines between the moon and me.  Darn it, I thought I had discovered something important.

The evening is beautiful with the moon(shine) and all the stars.  

There wasn't much accomplished today.  The benefits of being retired is to do whatever one wants, including "nothing".  

Not every day includes a wiring project or baking or repairing a propane heater or a pedicure!

I hope the snow and ice at your house has melted.  I hope the temperatures are warmer.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 14, 2014 If its Tuesday, It must be Jam SessionW

We spent much of the day outdoors.  There was blue skies, bright sunshine, low humidity, light breeze from the south.

Light breeze from the opposed to high winds from the north like yesterday. 

Tonight there is moonshine from the full moon all over the place.  

Glen replaced mudflaps on the front of the motorhome this morning.  He then spent some time trying to repair the patio propane heater.

It wouldn't light.  He eventually decided what needed replaced was the propane regulator.  He bought a new one, switched it with the faulty one, and tried lighting it again.  No luck, it wouldn't light.

Three hours later he was back on the patio, tried lighting it again....and viola! it lit, and stayed on.  Success.

Gary and Evelyn prepared a pot of delicious potato soup with a side of corn bread for lunch.  Good eating.  

Tonight was Jam Session.  There were 12 performers on stage.  There were some technical difficulties with the microphone Glen was using.  During one song the audience could only hear about every other word.  Glen was aware there were problems but didn't know it was the microphone until the host changed out the microphone.  

Monday, January 13, 2014

January 12/13, 2014 Sunday/Monday Wiring Project: Finished

Glen and Gary worked about four hours this morning on the wiring project and pronounced it "finished".  Well, almost finished.

Jim is adding a bathroom to the building and needs to put in ceiling, then...Glen and Gary will add the lights and it will be finished.  

Evelyn did laundry; I did laundry.  That's what Monday's are for, right.

I prepared a batch of "Craisin Crunch."  The recipe uses one box of "Golden Graham" cereal, Craisins, pecans, all covered with almond bark.  Can you say "addictive"?  If you are interested in specific recipe, let me know.

Gay and Fred came over tonight for music, and visiting of course.  We gathered outdoors, using a a couple of heaters to take the edge off.  

It was "windy" all day, until the sun started setting.  I would say gusts reached 20-25 mph.  There was sunshine all day.  The high was 76 degrees.  

Saturday, January 11, 2014

January 11, 2014 Saturday Comments referring to picture previous page

I took the picture of the thermometer with my phone; sent it to my email; copied and pasted it to the blog, because I couldn't figure out how to send it to the blog.  Nor could I figure out how to blog on the same page. was a beautiful 83 degree day!  We ate lunch...chili dog....outside and watched the Mizzou basketball game.  It was a squeaker, won by two points.  

We also sat outdoors to watch the first of two NFL football games.  Seattle Seahawks beat the New Orleans Saints.

We are now indoors.

We checked out the monthly flea market at the Lakefront RV Park.  There were mostly "hobby" items: crocheted or knitted dish clothes, jewelry, decorated t-shirts, etc; nothing we were interested in.  

Glen and Gary once again worked about three hours on the wiring project for neighbor Jim.  I think there is about half a day's work left, at least not much left.

There was 30-minute break or so for Glen and Gary to meet Fred at the church to check out the air conditioner/furnace unit. 

There was a very annoying squeak every time the unit kicked on.  They replaced the belt for the squirrel-cage fan and the filters.  They say it will be better tomorrow.  

January 11, Saturday Check This Out...Comments Next Page

Friday, January 10, 2014

January 10, 2014 Afternoon Entertainment

 The family group, "The Punches" from Fredericktown, MO, entertained with a 90-minute show at a local RV park.

The family consists of the parents, two teen-aged boys, and a set of 12 year old girls.  The kids all played different instruments as well as singing.  

They performed music from the Fifties.  

Glen and Gary have about one day's work left on the wiring project.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

January 9, 2014 The First Time Tonight

Are you ready for this?

It was warm enough tonight to play cards outside!  The first time this winter season. There were even a few mosquitoes out to harass us but they didn't stick around for long.    

Today's high was 70 degrees.  I am sorry, family and friends to the north, I just had to say it.

Glen and Gary worked on the wiring project this morning.  Glen says they are 2/3 finished.  

The usual Thursday afternoon Jam started at two.  There were 11 performers today.  This is a different venue than Tuesday night.  The sound is much better here.  It's a much smaller room; I don't know if that makes the difference or not.  

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January 8, 2014 A Bright Shiny Object in the Sky

Not long after lunch the clouds dispersed and this bright shiny object appeared in the sky!  How welcome!  The temperatures rose to 62 degrees; it is still 59 at 10:30 p.m.

This is not gloating to our family in Arkansas and Missouri.  I talked to our daughter near Ft. Smith AR half an hour ago.  School was dismissed at one this afternoon and already called off for tomorrow.  "Snow days" are now totalling five.  The weather is now freezing rain.  Our son in law slipped on "black ice" --ice that can't be seen--with his feet going out from under him.  The fall jarred his back, between his shoulders. 

Glen and Gary worked on the wiring project again today.  Evelyn and I went over this afternoon and kept them company, occasionally handing them a tool, or moving a ladder!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January 7, 2014 Jam Session

Glen and Gary worked on the wiring/electrical project several hours today.  Dee, married to Jim, who owns the project building, prepared lunch for everyone, including Evelyn and me.  

Tonight was Jam Session.  There were 12 musicians on the stage with several in the audience.  Glen and Evelyn continue to enjoy the Jam Session.

Our grandchildren who live in Cape Girardeau MO have not gone back to school yet because of the weather--cold temps and wind chill as well as snow.  

Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6, 2014 Laredo TX

Here's the deal.  I know, really I do, how cold it is in central Missouri and the US; I have talked to family members in Missouri, Iowa, friends in Indiana, etc.  I know about wind chills, below zero temps, icy roads, waiting for the bus, breaking ice on the pond, feeding hay.  

But, down here in south Texas, a high of 39 degrees makes people bundle up like they were in Chicago!  Today in Walmart in Laredo I saw shoppers with heavy coats, hoods up, scarf around their neck, covering their mouth and nose; only their eyes visible.  

Instead of staying indoors all day, we went to Laredo.  Glen and Gary had a list of supplies needed for their electrical project.  Evelyn and I had grocery lists; stops at Kohl's planned.

Lunch was Red Lobster!  Gary was ready for something without rice and refried beans! lol

When we got home our neighbor had left us half a dozen fresh picked grapefruit on our doorstep!  Boy, those will taste great for breakfast.

Glen, Evelyn, and Gary went to Fred and Gay's tonight for music.  At the last stop --Lowe's--I did some sneezing.  On the way my I was sniffling and nose wasn't normal.  I didn't want to share whatever was coming over me.  I stayed home.

Sometime during the evening it all went away.  No more sniffles.  Guess it was a reaction to something in the air.  

Sunday, January 5, 2014

January 5, 2014 Shivers

Oh my, the pictures of the midwest that are on Facebook just make me shiver.  The single digits plus windchills plus snowfall plus winds equals quite a winter.  

My sister in central Missouri, near Lake of the Ozarks, reported this afternoon that school had already been cancelled for Monday.  I can't imagine students at bus stops waiting in the outdoors.  

It has been a quiet Sunday.  Sunday paper, football games, a nap, a book, that's been our day after church and lunch.

Please keep warm, check on your neighbor, provide shelter for your outdoor pets.  

Saturday, January 4, 2014

January 4, 2014 One More Football Game

It was not a good day for Kansas City Chiefs' fans!  Yes, they lost this afternoon to the Indianapolis Colts.  KC still had a great year with a turnaround from last season.

Glen and Gary worked at the electrical project this afternoon before football game.  

I did laundry, sat outside for a while.  It was pretty much a "do nothing" kind of day.  Enjoyment of the sunshine was high.

Friday, January 3, 2014

January 3, 2014 I am worn out!

What a football game.  It took all of us to help the Mizzou Tigers win the Cotton Bowl!  This win was what I would call "ugly"; a win, but not pretty.

There's one more important football game tomorrow.  The Kansas City Chiefs will play against the Indianapolis Colts tomorrow.  Gary and Evelyn are loyal Chief fans.  The state of Missouri needs one more football win.

There was actually sunshine today.  Evelyn and I sat outside with our books for a while at noon.

Glen and Gary started on an electrical project today.  Neighbor and friend Jim, one block over, built a big--24'x50'--addition to the existing garage.  They worked on taking down, moving some of the existing lights/plug-ins.  Gary and Glen are doing the wiring for the new addition.  They are making a list of needed materials for a trip to Lowes in Laredo next week.  The local hardware store doesn't have the needed equipment/materials.  

Think I mentioned the first of this week that Trisha, our daughter, and her two boys flew commercial to Las Vegas for the week, as her husband Jeff piloted a corporate jet for the owners/passengers.  Trisha and boys arrived safely in northwest Arkansas tonight.  We are grateful they came home tonight and not tomorrow.  

Another intensely cold winter storm is arriving tomorrow.  

Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 2, 2014 Wow, what a game!

We just finished watching the Oklahoma vs Alabama Sugar Bowl footbal game with our friends, Fred and Gay, from Oklahoma.

Needless to say, there are some happy Oklahoma fans.

Friday night will be the Cotton Bowl with the Missouri Tigers vs. Oklahoma State.  

There were twelve performers at the Thursday afternoon Jam Session.  Glen and Evelyn enjoy playing and singing there.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 1, 2014 Gamers

The neighbors gathered this afternoon for games and, what else, food! and, of course, visiting.

Not everyone wanted to play, but I explained and showed Freda how to play "Rack-o".  That's a fun game for 2-4 players.

Eight of us ended up playing "Seven-Up" (which has other descriptive, unflattering, names.  It is with cards, no teams, trumps are turned up after cards have been dealt, bidding (what you can catch each hand).  It is lots of fun.

Of course, I like any kind of game.  Winning is always fun, but losing doesn't bother me!  

We left that social event at five o'clock, coming home to get ready for the next social.

Fred and Gay came over with their guitar and mandolin for some singing 'n' playing.  There had been mention of playing cards after music, but The Sugar Bowl had the attention of the men.  

Gay did bring apple dumplings, which were delicious, and added to the evening's great times.

The sun broke through clouds about four this afternoon; and we are looking forward to a sunny day tomorrow.  

I started to say that there was nothing planned for tomorrow, but, that is not true.  There is the regularly scheduled Jam Session at the RV park five miles south of town.