Thursday, January 29, 2015

1-29-15 Chef Gary

This morning Gary and Glen worked on the bathroom, adding insulation, installing the vanity and light above the vanity.  It was discovered that the faucet for the vanity was broken after the water wouldn't come out of the faucet.  Another trip to Laredo to exchange.

This afternoon while Evelyn, Glen and I went to the Jam Session Chef Gary stayed behind to prepare meatloaf, baked sweet potatoes, corn, and "Grandma's Cake" for dessert.

It was all ready and waiting when we returned from the Jam.  Fred and Gay joined us for the meal.

There were several games of 19-point Pitch after the meal.  Each team won three games.

High today was 81 degrees.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

1-28-15 (the old familar) Streets of Laredo

Not that we need a reason to go to Laredo, but today we had a good reason.

Glen and Gary were prepared to install the bathroom vanity Monday when they discovered one end panel was broken/cracked/busted!  

Glen and Evelyn had some shopping to do in the "Guitar Center".  Evelyn found guitar thumb picks for her to use with her guitar.  Glen checked out some stands for his sound system speakers.  No luck, or....not what he wanted/was looking for.  What was in stock was too bulky for easy transport.  

Lowe's had a replacement/exchange for the vanity.  Of course Glen had a list of other needed items.

Glen then had a  HD signal splitter from Best Buy that he couldn't get to connect; it was turned in for store credit.

Evelyn and I shopped in the "Sketcher's shoe store while Glen was in Best Buy.  "Sketchers" didn't have any flip-flops or sandals in stock.  Too early in the season, I assume.

Lunch was at "Montana Mike's, a steak house.  We were served a tasty rib-eye steak with sides of baked potato and garden salad.  

Last stop of the day was....can you guess? WalMart!

When we got back home, Glen and Gary unpacked the bathroom vanity.  It looks good.  Only one water connection pipe needed moving, just a little bit, to the left.  Glen did that bit of plumbing; it has been checked for leaks--none.  The vanity will be set in place tomorrow along with the mirror and light fixture.

I think the hot water heater is slated for the next installation.

Jan and Bruce arrived at their home at mid-day.  Travel was uneventful.  

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

1-27-15 Jam Session

Another gorgeous day!  A day to be outdoors!

Glen and Gary continue to work on the outdoor bathroom.  

I baked banana bread.  It is delicious.

It's Tuesday, Jam Session time.
There were 12 musicians on stage.  Several of us met after the session at Dairy Queen for the snack of one's choice.  

Monday, January 26, 2015

January 26, 2015 Ah-h-h, the kind of day we have been waiting for!


A Nice Day!

There was a sunrise which means there wasn't any clouds.  The high reached 77 degrees!  There was a beautiful sunset.  

We, the four of us, mostly spent the day outdoors.

Our numbers are down to four as Jan and Bruce left this morning for Missouri.  Their grandchildren were calling Grandma's name! - or Grandma was calling their names.

Glen and Gary worked on the outdoor project--the new bathroom. 

The bathroom is not "outdoors".  There are walls and a roof.  It is in a room attached to our Outdoor Living Space.  It is "outdoors" compared to the one IN the motorhome.  

The walls are going to be lined with tin.  One wall has been done which allowed the toliet, the throne, the "john", to be installed.  The county had turned off the water for the entire neighborhood for several hours.  We didn't get to "flush" until nine o'clock this evening.  It all worked!

The Thursday night Jam Session has now been moved to Monday night!  There will be just one Jam Session on Thursday (in the afternoon).  Tonight Fred and Gay, Glen and Evelyn played and sang at the Amigo Inn Motel/RV Park.  The recreation hall was filled.  

Sunday, January 25, 2015

January 24/25, 2015 Week-End Report

It was a quiet day on the homefront Saturday.  

Four Seasons' RV Park hosted "biscuits and gravy" for breakfast as a fund-raiser yesterday morning.  It was pretty darn good.  
We also checked out a flea market set up at the VFW.  There wasn't much there.

The local Luthern church hosted a "chilie and chicken soup"(not together)   lunch as a fund-raiser.  Um-m, good.  
No cooking required.

Today after church eight of us....Jan/Bruce, Gary/Evelyn, Fred/Gay, and Glen and I, had "all you can eat" catfish at the local restaurant.  

Jan and Bruce came over after lunch, returned the few items they had borrowed, and stayed for the afternoon.  We had a grand visit, said "good-bye", and they went to the motel to load their car.

They are leaving early in the morning, heading to Missouri.  I am not sure who will be more happy to be at home--them or the grandchildren!

It has been a quick three weeks with them here.  Jan and Bruce have met lots of people, sung lots of songs, driven all over Zapata, "enjoyed" less than normal winter temperatures, and visited The Valley.

Thanks for coming, Jan and Bruce.

Friday, January 23, 2015

January 23, 2015 A Drink of Water, A Bowl of Soup, and Thee!

It's been a busy, great day.

Starting the day with breakfast tacos is always a good thing. Think homemade tortillas filled with scrambled eggs with crumbled bacon.

Then there were a couple of hours devoted to peeling potatoes, slicing onions, carrots, and celery for a slow cooker filled with potato soup for later in the day.

Jan and Bruce dropped by for a good visit.  Of course we had just seen them for breakfast tacos!

At two p.m. there was entertaiment at the recreation hall of Four Seasons RV Park.  Michael Chiristal (sp?), a performer from Branson, provided a show filled with songs by Neil Diamon, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, Conway Twitty, Tom Jones, Jim Reeves, Charley Pride, and, of course, Elvis!  It was a good show.

The day ended with Evelyn and Gary sharing their living room with Jan/Bruce, Fred/Gay, and us.  There was (surprise!) potato soup, party mix, homemade summer sausage + cheese, and apple dumplings (provided by Gay) and pecan pie bars.  

Glen won the game of Mexican Train.

A fierce north wind cleared the clouds from the sky which is now filled with a million,gazillon stars.  

Thursday, January 22, 2015

January 22, 2015 Don't Put the Coats Away Yet

It has been another "Br-r-r-!" Day, complete with mist and north winds.  We had to find our coats.

We--Gary and Evelyn, Glen and I--went to the bakery this morning.  Jan and Bruce had already enjoyed a bowl of cereal before we called.

It's Thursday--a two Jam Session day.

We went to the south RV park from 2-4; then at Amigo Inn RV Park from 6:30 til 8:00.  The guitar players were complaining of sore fingers by the end of the evening.  

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

January 21, 2015 Where is Time Going?

The month of January is flying by!  Does it seem that way to you?  There's just ten days left in the month.

Our mail-forwarding service sent the past 4 weeks' mail.  There were even five Christmas cards in it.  

This morning I sorted, shredded, filed, and answered the mail.  This afternoon I read the few magazines I am still receiving.  

This afternoon I returned books to the library and checked out "new" ones to read.  I love reading.  It is my all-time hobby/activity.

Glen started washing the pick-up so I helped with that project.  We even washed floor mats, and vacuumed the carpet.  Two neighbors told us it was supposed to rain tomorrow.  It will be Glen's fault! LOL

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

January 20, 2015 You Are My Sunshine!

Oh, my, what a sunshiny day!  Temperatures: 46 degrees low to 86 degrees high.  

There was a whole lot of sitting, enjoying the warmth, visiting with each other.

Gary and Evelyn provided homemade lasagna, salad, cheesy bread, and pecan pie bars for lunch.  Oh, what a delicious meal. Thanks, Evelyn and Gary, for the deliciousness!

It's Tuesday, so there was Jam Session at Lakefront RV Park.  There were 14 musicians/vocalists on stage.  

About 16 of us gathered at the Dairy Queen after the Jam Session.  It's an informal time to be able to visit with friends.  

Monday, January 19, 2015

January 17-19-2015 Greeting of the Day

The week end activities were somewhat curtailed as Glen has been under the weather for a few days.  

In fact, he stayed home from church.  I went with Gary and Evelyn.

Glen is feeling better today.

We actually cooked lunch here at home.  Glen grilled pork tenderloin; there was baked potatoes, cole slaw, and home-grown corn; with chocolate eclair dessert.  What a meal!

Tonight there were 12 of us here for music and fellowship.  Obviously we were outdoors!  The propane outdoor heaters took off the chill.  

The high today was 75 degrees!  The greeting of the day:  isn't this a beautiful day?  Tomorrow is supposed to be even better.  We sure are glad to have these days to convince Jan and Bruce that every day isn't cold and drizzly.  

Friday, January 16, 2015

January 16, 2015 On the Streets of Laredo

Jan and Bruce rode with us to Laredo today.  Gary and Evelyn travelled separately.

We shopped a couple of Mexican import shops--mostly pottery and ironworks.  

We then did shopping at Sam's, Lowe's, and WalMart, with Lunch at Red Lobster. 

Of course, there was the task of putting away all the groceries when we returned home.  

BTW...the high today was 66 degrees!  Hurray! with sunshine most of the day!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

January 15, 2015 Music, Music, Music

Afternoon Jam Session 
There were fifteen musicians this afternoon.  Del, age nearly 90, was there to play the harmonica; Ken, age 82, played his trumpet; plus the usual assortment of guitars, mandolin, doubreau, spoons, and vocals.  

This takes place at an RV park five miles south of town.

Evening Jam Session
Amigo Inn Motel and RV Park hosts the evening session.  Fred and Gay, from Oklahoma, are in charge of this session as this is where they park their RV.  Jan and Bruce are calling one of the motel rooms home for the month.  

Fred and Gay, Bruce, Glen, and Evelyn were the musicians/vocalists tonight.  Most of the audience are residents of the motel/rv park.  

I think the guitar players had worn out fingers by the end of the evening.

Speaking of Jan and Bruce's motel room:  It isn't fancy, but clean and has all they need.  EXCEPT, there is no insulation in the walls and no furnace.  They are (trying to) keep warm with one electric heater, and lots of covers on the bed!  Most of the "older" residences/business in this area are not insulated as it usually isn't expected to be this "cold" and "wet" for this long in the winter.  

We are looking forward to some sunshine tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

1-14-15 More of the Same

I am just going to mention the weather once by saying "more of the same"...cloudy, mid-forties, and misty.  

Here's what cheered the day:

This is a Hooded Oriole, the smallest version of orioles.  He enjoyed the orange half.  The color is tremendous.  

Then these were in the yard:

Seven bobwhite quail searched for grass seeds.  This covey is in the area; we see them occasionally.

Jan and Bruce came over this afternoon.  Bruce, Glen and Evelyn entertained Gary, Jan, and me for a couple of hours.  

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

January 13, 2015 An Indoor Day

As nice as yesterday was, today was the opposite!

It was an indoor day!  Literally, we barely were outdoors all day.

I went to the outdoor kitchen, mixed up cornbread, and baked a skillet of cornbread to accompany the pot of navy beans and ham that Gary cooked!

Jan and Bruce were here to eat ham and beans with us at Gary/Evelyn's rig.

All six of us made a Blizzard run to Dairy Queen about 7:30 p.m.  Gay and Fred met us there.

That's it.  That's all for today.   

There was mist in the air and temperature were in the mid-forties all day.  Wednesday is forecast to be a duplicate of today.  THEN--temperatures rise and the sun shines.

Can't wait.

Monday, January 12, 2015

January 12, 2015 Oh, What a Wonderful Day

There was sunshine all day.  Oh, what a wonderful day!

Temperatures reached 69 degrees.  Oh, what a wonderful day!

Jan and Bruce spent all day here.  Oh, what a wonderful day!

There was glorious music all afternoon.  Oh, what a wonderful day!

Fred and Gay, fellow winter Texans from Oklahoma, guitar and mandolin and vocal musicians, and great friends, spent the afternoon with us. There were both country-western selections as well as southern Gospel.  We were outdoors for the entire music session.  Oh, what a wonderful day!

After music, there was dessert.  Gay brought a lemon-layered dessert.  I prepared a dump cake. We ate outdoors. Oh, what a wonderful day!

There were many stories, mostly humorous, exchanged.  We sat outdoors until 7 p.m.  Glen did light the propane patio heater when the sun went down, but it was very comfortable outdoors.  

Glen sprayed the first coat of semi-transparent stain on the floor of the new bathroom.  It has to dry 24 hours before it is sealed.  Then, it will be time to install the potty/stool.  

Sunday, January 11, 2015

January11, 2015 Sunday-celebrating sunshine

It has been a very simple day!


Lunch--all you can eat catfish at Robert's.

Gospel Jam--Four Season's RV Park, 2-4 p.m.  Bruce sang with Glen and Evelyn.  He has a beautiful voice.  They all together sound great.

Outdoors--sunshine in the afternoon.  We all had chosen chores to do.  Gary worked on a leaky hose.  Glen power-washed concrete.  Bruce and Jan went for a walk.

Football--Dallas lost.  Pastor Lee with a smile on his face called all of the non-Dallas fans "haters!"   We are in Texas after all.   The Dallas fans were sad after the game.  Gary and Evelyn were happy after the Indianapolis vs Denver game.  

Saturday, January 10, 2015

January 10, 2015 Another Rainy Day

I should have been counting or marking the rainy days versus the sunny days in the last month.  It has been ANOTHER cold misty day.

Low this morning was 35 degrees; and the high was 39 degrees, with the current temperature at 38 degrees at nearly nine p.m.

We started the day with a pancake breakfast at Four Seasons RV Park Recreation Hall.  It was pancakes and sausage for $3.  Then we went to Lake Front RV Park for a craft show.  I didn't buy anything.  

This afternoon there was music with Evelyn.  Bruce volunteered to sing one song with Evelyn and Glen tomorrow afternoon .  

Jan and Bruce provided pizza from Pizza Hut for all of us.  Gary had baked cookies.  

We all watched the Mizzou Basketball game versus Auburn.  Sadly, it was a losing effort for Mizzou.

Friday, January 9, 2015

January 9, 2015 Weather Report

Yes!  the weather is worth reporting!

Low this morning:  38 degrees
High today:  44 degrees
Total Mist:  .32"

Misery Scale: one being the lowest; ten being not too miserable-----4.
The wind could have been blowing miserably and it would have been lower.  The sun could have been shining and it would have been higher!

Our Sunday School director two Sundays ago said it was going to be "wetter and colder".  I told him today I wanted a new weather director/report!  LOL  He said it was a "la Nina" winter.  I asked "how long did it last?"  He didn't have an answer for that.  

Do not send messages telling me how cold it is in Indiana or Missouri or Michigan or Arkansas!  (smiling)  It is all relative:  this is cold down here.  The buildings aren't insulated.  I am not sure Jan and Bruce's room has a furnace.  They are using an electric heater.  We loaned them a down blanket for another layer on their bed!

We all met this morning for "breakfast burritos" at the local "Stripes" station.  Yes, at the filling station/convenience store.  It is unbelievable how many meals per day are sold there.  The eggs and bacon breakfast burritos are only 99-cents each.  Some mornings we eat one each; other mornings we split three.  

At one p.m. Four Seasons RV Park hosted a bluegrass/country quartet called "Goldwing Express", originally from Oklahoma.  It is a father and three sons.  The sons are in their middle 30's to near 40.  They are exceptional musicians and singers.  It was 90 minutes of non-stop entertainment , all for $5 per person.  

There's no music planned for tomorrow unless Glen and Evelyn and Fred and Gay get a practice session in for a gospel jam on Sunday afternoon.

We sure are having fun here in spite of the temperatures and mist!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

January 7/8, 2015 Jam Session

I can't remember what we did yesterday.  It must have not been very exciting.  If it comes to me while I do the rest of the journal, I will update.

I remember there was a music session with Evelyn at their RV yesterday afternoon.
I remember Gary and Evelyn prepared the most delicious Reuben sandwiches for all of us.
I remember I did three loads of laundry.

Today started with an appointment for a haircut for me.
While we were out we washed the truck at a drive-through car wash.
Glen stopped at Dr. Ike's, local hardware store, for a few items.
At two  o'clock all of us went to Stinson's RV for afternoon Jam Session. There were 13 musicians.

We all enjoyed "lupper"...lunch/supper...afterwards.

Gary and Evelyn shared cake with all of for dessert.

We all watched the Mizzou Basketball team win their game in overtime.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Jan. 6, 2015 Birding...verb

People who enjoy birds:  birders.
Birders go "birding", a verb for finding and watching, admiring, learning about birds.  Birders own bird ID books, carry binoculars, cameras, snack bars and water, scopes, Birds enjoy all birds, especially ones that are "new" to them for those new birds species can be added to a life list.  A "life bird" is a species that is being seen for the first time.
Birders share their enthusiasm for birds with any one that will go with them to find birds.

We went birding this morning at Salineno, about 30 miles south of Zapata.

There is a protected area, a sanctuary, at the small village of Salineno along the Rio Grande River.  Volunteers keep bird feed--oranges, sunflower seeds, sugar water feeders, peanut butter/lard mixture--out for the birds.

Volunteers provide chairs for the visitors, offer ID tips, point out birds hiding in the brush.

We probably saw a total of 30 species in this one area this morning

Our birding crew included Gary and Evelyn, Jan and Bruce, and Glen and me.

Yesterday we toured the town of Zapata with Jan and Bruce.  That didn't take long!

Tonight all of us went to the Tuesday night Jam Session.  Jan and Bruce were able to meet all our friends there.  Sixteen of us went to Dairy Queen after the Jam Session for dessert!

The Alberta Clipper that is sailing through the midwest to the east coast bringing all those frigid cold temperatures and wind chills is sagging south through all of Texas, including Zapata.  It is supposed to be COLD here.  Remember "cold" is relative.  40 degrees for a high is COLD here.  The natives will be  freezing, wearing fleece-lined boots, heavy coats, ski masks.  

We will be staying indoors!

I almost forgot pictures:

Altimira Oriole

Altimira Oriole

Audubon Oriole

You can compare the color and size between the two species of orioles.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

01-03-2014 What was that Bright Object in the Sky?

Oh, my!  Warning!
Sunglasses needed!

Yes...the sun shined all day!  It has been over a week since we have seen the sun!

In the past week there has been over 1.5 inches of rain!  The cacti will be blooming in a few weeks.

We made a trip this morning to Wal-Mart in Laredo.  Evelyn, Glen, and I all had prescription refills to pick up!  Of course we also bought groceries-plus.  

My sister and her husband arrived this afternoon.  They are staying at a neighboring motel/kitchenette.  We are happy to have them here.  We will be showing them the highlights of Zapaa!  That won't take long!

All of us enjoyed Chicken Chili for dinner.  Guess what?  we ate outside!  The patio heater was on, but it was great to sit outdoors for the evening.  

Glen and Gary worked on the outdoor project this afternoon.  The weather has delayed the progress, but it is coming right along.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

01-01-15 one-one--fourteen (oops fifteen) MUSIC AND FOOTBALL

There's been a whole lot of football today with an interval of music.

We watched the Rose Bowl Parade this morning.  On the float dedicated to organ donors there was a picture of one of Gary and Evelyn's friends/neighbors.  His family was invited to be there to watch the parade from the bleachers. 

MIZZOU football started at noon but we set the DVR to record the game.  

We stopped a few minutes at Dee and Jim's to assist in putting away the party decorations.  

It was then on to a Jam Session at two p.m.   This was the first session (this season) at Stinson's RV Park, five miles south of town.  There were eight musicians at this session.  

When we got home it was time to watch Mizzou football.  It was a win for the Missouri Tigers at the Buffalo Wild Wings Citrus Bowl.  

It was not weather for outdoor projects.  The low this morning--39 degrees, with a high of 43 degrees with lots of drizzle and mist and clouds in between!  If we can make it through one more day, think it is supposed to be 60 degrees Saturday.