Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ashlynn and Birthday #6

The birthday girl...our only granddaughter, Ashlynn Age 6!

Ashlynn, Darin, Zade, Sarah

Great Birthday Party at the Swimming Pool!

Today was a great day for a birthday party for our only granddaughter!  It was held at the Rec Center at SEMO University.  There is a huge pool, a rope swing, and a zip line over the water.  There was lots of family, six-year old friends, and birthday cake!

The celebration will continue through tomorrow as there is NO School.  Hurray, time to look at all the gifts.  There was lots of Barbie dolls and clothes in the collection.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

6:10 a.m....I'm hungry. When's breakfast?"

Zade, at 6:10 a.m.:  "mimi, I'm hungry.  When's breakfast?"

Mimi:  "Zade, it is still dark.  Sh-h-h, don't wake your sister or Popppy.  It's too early for breakfast."

Zade: "But, Mimi, I AM HUNGRY!"

We looked for cartoons on TV but it as too early for cartoons.  Breakfast was put off until 7:00 when Ashlynn awakened.

Ashlynn helped break the eggs, and stir them in the bowl for scrambling.

Last night at bedtime Ashlynn had a moment was "needing mommy" but it didn't last long.  I started out in bed with her until she went to sleep.  And...ended the night with Zade in bed with us at 4:10 because he had a bad dream.

Yes! I had a nap this afternoon.

Zade had a soccer game at eleven.  Zade does a very good job dribbling the ball, keeping it under control, and even scored a couple of goals.  Score is not kept; but, believe me, Zade knows who is ahead and who wins!

Glen worked on a couple of outside jobs while I rested.  Darin called and Glen went to his house to help install the new running boards on Darin's new jeep. 

The RV park hosted a pot luck dinner in the meeting room at six. Glen grilled a pork tenderloin, and I prepared corn casserole.  There were about a dozen there for the dinner. 

It's been a quiet evening after dinner, watching the St. Louis Cardinals.

Tomorrow will be the big day for Ashlynn.  It is #6 birthday celebration for her.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Overnight Guests

Ashlynn and Zade's parents have a date night....they are going to see "Grease"; so Ashlynn and Zade are spending the night with us.

We have been to Fazoli's for dinner, changed into bedtime clothes, and are watching the Cardinals who happens to be ahead 6-1 in the second inning.  Zade is giving us a play-by-play of the game, announcing the batter by name and how many strikes and balls there is.

Earlier in the day Glen washed three sides of the motorhome.  I was the designated "rinser"--ha!

Ashlynn is going to have a big week end.  She was the "birthday girl" at school, complete with crown and cupcakes!  Tomorrow a friend of Sarah's is coming to help Ashlynn celebrate her birthday; and Sunday is her birthday ---and---her party. 

Have a great week end.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

"Grease" is the word!

Glen and I just got home from the SEMO University  Department of Theatre and Dance performance of "Grease".

The theatre and dance troupe are exceptionally talented.  The music, complete with an orchestra, was toe tapping and the vocals were great.  It has been a great evening. 
We visited a friend early this evening who is a patient in the hospital here in Cape Girardeau.  Our friend underwent a surgical procedure to prepare her for kidney dialysis.  Friends, we should never take good health for granted.  We request a prayer for those you know and those you don't know that are undergoing dialysis. 
We made stops this afternoon at Kohl's, Lowe's, and Menard's, checking prices on items we want to take to Texas with us. 
It was nice to fall asleep hearing the raindrops on the roof of the motor home.  There was almost an inch of rain total.
Take care.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Glowing Report

Glen awakened this morning, raring to go!  He climbed to the roof of the motor home and began scrubbing.  He spent three hours up there.  When he finished he said his back had not hurt at all.  Wow, quick response to the injection that was given yesterday morning.

We also walked around Walmart after lunch and his feet didn't bother him at all.  Double wow!  It is impressive what relief the steroidal injection has brought.

The rain held off until about two this afternoon.  It started with showers, soft and slowly, but built up until the sky opened and the rains fell, complete with lightning and thunder.

We hoped the soccer games tonight would be cancelled.  We surely weren't looking forward to wet and muddy games.  About 4:30 the evening games were cancelled. 

We spent the evening with Darin/Sarah and grandkids.

Have I mentioned how much Zade enjoys sports.  He wants to play catch every minute.  He is super fan of the St. Louis Cardinals.  He watches the beginning of each game before his bedtime, and when he get up each morning the first thing he want to know is the score of last night's game!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"Take It Easy" Day

The day started with a medical appointment for Glen.  He is having some back issues.  After an x-ray and MRI last Friday and review by the doctor it was decided Glen would receive a series of three shots, one every two weeks.  The injections will reduce the inflammation in the spinal discs, and best case scenario, cause the numbness/tingling in his feet to disappear.

Glen was told to take it "easy" the rest of the day.  I am sharing my Kindle with him...ha...and he is reading a book on it. 

Reading and computer kept us busy until time to pick up Ashlynn and Zade from preschool.  We helped Ashlynn get ready for a 5:45 soccer game.  Her parents met all of us at the soccer field. 

Tuesday Nights are Kids' Nights at MacAllister's Deli.  Tonight there was a police car, an ambulance, and the big hook and ladder fire truck at MacAllisters with personnel for the kids/parents to meet and learn about emergency vehicles.

Ashlynn and Zade are in the yellow shirts.

Of course, we all ate dinner there. 

We are looking forward to the fall season of our favorite TV shows.  Do you like the "NCIS" shows? 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Shiny Truck, and Laundry

Sounds like an exciting day, doesn't it.

After stopping at Darin's before 8 a.m. and picking up his new Jeep, we drove the pick up to a detailer in Jackson, MO and left the truck there.  Oh my goodness, does the truck ever look better.  It is clean all over--inside and out--waxed and shiny, tires clean and conditioned. 

I then tackled the laundry, using the laundry mat here in the RV park.  The washer/dryers are fairly new, making short work of five loads of dirty clothes. 

While I was doing that Glen was at NAPA Auto Parts Store.  He had a discussion with the guy behind the counter on what to do with the new awning that fits over the front door of the motor home. 

I have previously reported that we found a new awning in a surplus store in Elkhart, IN.  The only problem is the color...the new is white.  It needs to be dark gray.  Glen learned that NAPA can computer match any color and put it into a shake and  spray can. 

Glen sanded the white surface, spray painted a primer, then two coats of the dark spray.  It isn't an exact match, but close enough.  Now, Darin and Glen will get it installed.

Darin also has an installation project.  The new Jeep doesn't have running boards.  Darin had ordered running boards from the Internet and they were delivered today. 

Of course having the truck all shiny and clean means the forecast for the rest of the week is....rain!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday, Sunday

This has been a wonderful, lazy kind of Sunday.

We attended worship service with Darin, Sarah, Ashlynn and Zade.  Ashlynn, as part of the children's group, sang during "Big Church."

Ashlynn is in the center with the headband.  The lady in pink is the children's worship leader.

We all ate lunch outdoors here at the motorhome.   The breeze was cool so jackets were required.

Everyone got naps this afternoon. 

Glen and I cleaned out/emptied the entire pick up.  There's an 8 a.m appointment for the truck to be detailed in the morning!

Darin and family brought burgers and fries for dinner together. 

Hope your weekend has been a great on.

Saturday, 9-22-12- soccer pictures

I worked with the new camera last night until the wee hours of the morning and learned how to download pictures to the computer and, most importantly, how to find them.

Here's a few pictures from the soccer games Saturday.

This is Zade, ready for "picture day" with his "faux-hawk"--not "mohawk"!

Defense coach Darin with Ashlynn, playing defense, helping to defend the goal!

Ashlynn, now playing goalie.

Zade, during his game!


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fun, busy, Saturday

It has been a busy Saturday. 

We started with two soccer games...Ashlynn at nine and Zade at ten.  Ashlynn's team won.  Zade's team doesn't keep "score" but Zade knew when his team scored and sad face-knew when the other team also scored!

Ashlynn plays defense.  One quarter she played goalie and did a great job!  The 4-year old teams, Zade's age, has six members; no goalie; coaches on the field; not too many rules.  Glen describes it as "soccer by committee".  I think it looks like a cluster of grapes all trying to kick the ball at the same time. 

We--all six of us---had an early lunch at McAllister's. 

We had a couple of hours of rest; then left for Poplar Bluff.  We stopped at Capetown RV where Glen bought a water filter; then on to Sikeston to the outlet mall.  We bought a couple of small items in the kitchen store.  At the Lee Outle tstore Glen found a couple of end-of-season-sale-marked down denim shorts. 

In Poplar Bluff we had dinner with five other couples.  Each couple brought their own steak/chicken/meat.  Side dishes were baked potatoes, baked beans, salad, rolls, and homemade pies--chocolate, pecan, and coconut creme.  It was all wonderfully delicious and the fellowship sweet.

I took pictures of the soccer games----with a new camera.  In trying to learn a little bit about the camera last night I downloaded a couple of pictures then couldn't find them on the computer.  I want to do a little more studying-or get some advice from an expert- before I download today's pictures. 

Hope you have been able to enjoy this beautiful bright sunshiny day!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Family Day (formerly Grandparents Day) at Kindergarten

We were excited to be included in the Family Day (formerly Grandparents' Day) activities of the kindergarten classes at Clippard Elementary School this morning.

This is Darin and Ashlynn during lunch.  Sarah works out of town on Friday's and was not able to be here.

This is Mimi Gayla and Ashlynn after lunch, waiting in line to go to class.  The major issue was me getting to an upright position after sitting on the floor!

Ashlynn--center right--and the rest of the class listening to the teacher read "Is Your Momma a Llama?"  The class also sang a funny song to all the parents/grandparents.  It was obvious that the teacher, even in her soft-spoken voice, kept the attention of the students. 

The room was well decorated.  Darin said he didn't remember kindergarten being "this much fun". 

Glen has been having some lower back issues which is leading to tingling feet.  An MRI and x-ray was done today.  Unless the MRI/x-ray shows something unexpected a series of steroidal shots will be started Tuesday morning to reduce the inflammation of some discs. There will be three shots given every two weeks. 

After school we transported Ashlynn and Zade to their home.  Zade is consumed by "playing ball" now.  He would play catch or bat the ball every daylight minute if allowed. 

This is Zade!
Ashlynn and Zade each have soccer games in the morning. 
It has been a Great Day!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fun-and-Work for Glen

Glen got to ride on "our" lawn mower today; the one Darin inherited when we moved into the mh fulltime.  He mowed the yard at Darin's and used the weed-whacker.  It is supposed to rain all day tomorrow; this was a job that needed to be done before the rain arrives.

While he was gone I worked on answering some questions that had arisen from the mail delivery Monday (when we got to Cape Girardeau). 

We "rested" during the afternoon St. Louis Cardinals' game; watched the game outdoors in the recliners.

Tonight Domino's Pizza donated a portion of sales to Ashlynn's elementary school.  Can you guess what we had for supper!

We visited the Farmers' Market this afternoon.  There was an abundance of tomatoes, peppers in several varieties, green beans, okra, eggplant, cantelope, watermelon, corn on the cob, black walnuts, honey, Amish bakery goods.  We didn't bring one of everything home, but a good selection of veggies. 

Tomorrow promises more fun times.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Tonight we watched Ashlynn, kindergartner, play soccer.  This is her first year to play.  It is very entertaining watching 8 kindergarten girls play!  Sometimes there are cartwheels going on, or conversation, or waving at mom/dad/mimi/poppy.  Sometimes Dad yells "Ashlynn, where's the ball?" 

I reminded Dad/Darin that when he was playing he told us to never use his name when yelling at the field!  He said he didn't remember that! 

Ashlynn is on the right.  I imagine she might be saying "I think the ball is coming this way!"

Halftime! Encouragement and love from her Dad!

Zade, on the sideline 
Zade is quite a soccer player.  He has great control of the ball.  We will get to watch one of his games on Saturday.
Today Glen and I ran errands.  It is official.  We cannot buy one more thing until we get to Texas.  The back of the truck is full to the brim!  If one more thing is bought, then something has to stay at Darin's or go in the trash!
We are enjoying the wonderful weather.   Morning lows in the mid-40's and highs in the low 70's is just great!


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Work Day

Oh, yes, that list of things to do got shorter today!
Back in Ohio at the fairground the freshwater tank was filled with "bad" water....both stinky and foul tasting.  We have been using bottled water to cook and brush teeth, take medicine, etc.

Today, there was time for Glen to fill the tank, add bleach according to a formula of ounces/gallons of water in tank, let sit for four hours, drain, purge the lines, and refill the tank.  Oh, yes, much better.  Taste and smell are fresh.  He also removed and replaced all of the water filters. 

I got busy and cleaned, really cleaned the bathroom while Glen was busy outdoors. 

Glen also climbed onto the roof of the motor home and removed the old bathroom vent pipes, and replaced with a  new style, supposedly/hopefully will work better. 

We picked Ashlynn up at preschool (where she goes after kindergarten) and brought her with us back to mh.  She loves to clean mirrors and windows.  What a girl.  Give her a roll of paper towels and a bottle of Windex and she is happy!  Of course, I followed behind her and did a finishing wipe, so all the glasses are shiny. 

Darin took Zade to the ear doctor this afternoon.  He has been fiddling with his ears and didn't sleep well last night.  The doctor removed the tubes that were in his ears.  The tubes had been placed at least two, maybe three, years ago and were the long-lasting type.  They had done their job and was ready to be removed.  Hopefully he will have a better night.

Tomorrow we will be able to see Ashlynn play soccer for the first time.  Details after the evening game. 

Being with the grandchildren (and their parents :}) is much fun.  We are storing memories for the months we will be gone during winter.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Grandchildren (Landing Point RV Park, Cape Girardeau, MO)

I will finish reporting on our week end at my mother's with a few photographs.

This is Mattie, 2nd grade, who is the retiring Little Miss Fallfest at Iberia, MO.  Mattie is my great-neice!  Isn't she a cutie!

Okay, I am having trouble downloading other photos.  I think the problem the picture jpeg size is too large.  My problem is I don't know how to downsize it!  Suggestions, please.

After running an early morning errand for my mother....Glen took her car to "town" to have oil changed.....we were ready to leave central Missouri, heading to southeast Missouri.

It is a five-hour trip, after stopping for lunch and a fuel stop.  It is a good thing we called last week to make reservations.  This quiet, nice rv park has been discovered.  There aren't many sites available.

After getting parked, connected, slides opened, etc, we went to the preschool to pick up our two youngest grandchildren, Ashlynn and Zade. 

Wow, what a welcome.  They were as glad to see us as we were to see them.

We spent the evening with the entire family: son Darin, daughter in law Sarah, Ashlynn and Zade.  We caught up on kindergarten, soccer, singing at church, best friends, new friends, cousins.

Darin showed off his new vehicle...a 4-door jeep.  It is a good-looking vehicle, complete with soft and hard roof. 

There is a list of projects to get completed in the next two weeks or so.  We will report on them as they are crossed off the list.

It is so-o-o nice to have cell service and internet once again. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Small Town America

I forgot to say in the last post that we were going to my mothers for a few days----no wireless service!  We were in the northwoods of Maine, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and had cell service.

But not in central Miller County in Missouri.

It has been a busy few days. 

We have spent time with my sister/brother in law; brother and sister in law.  Saturday was the FallFest at Iberia, Missouri.  It was a rainy Saturday but that was okay as every drop of rain is needed.

My nephew's daughter, Mattie, 2nd grade, was the retiring 2011 Little Miss Fallfest.  We watched her during the introduction of the new candidates! 

There is nothing more American than a small town parade!  There was a parade Saturday morning, complete with fire trucks with sirens blaring, royalty candidates riding in convertibles with umbrellas, decorated floats, Girl Scouts riding on the flat bed trailer, horses.  It was fun! 

Of course it was nice to have my sister sitting in the truck with us, pointing out who everyone was.  The people riding the floats were the grandchildren of the people Glen and I had gone to school with!

Last night was the "bean supper" at the Lion's Club in Brumley, MO.  The menu consists of pinto beans and ham, cole slaw, cornbread, and homemade dessert.  It's a social gathering of all the surrounding communities as well as raising funds for the Lion's Club.

I saw a friend that was one year behind me in school that I had not seen since high school last night.  She recognized me from across the dining room, which is amazing!

Today after chauffeuring my mom to church and back Glen and I drove to Jefferson City MO for the visitation at a funeral home for a first cousin of Glen. 

Glen's sister Evelyn and hubby Gary also came to the visitation.  We came to Red Lobster after the visitation.  In fact we are checking emails, Facebook, and blogs sitting the parking lot of Red Lobster.

We are returning to my mom's tonight, but will go to Cape Girardeau MO tomorrow. 

Our two grandchildren, Ashlynn and Zade, are playing soccer for the first time this fall.  We will get to see several games. 

It has been a wonderful few days here, seeing family, spending time with my mother.  Now its on the road to see more family.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sunrise Two Mornings In a Row! ** Cloverdale, IN

We have seen the sunrise the past two mornings.  That means we have been up way too early! 

Once again the Spartan technician arrived at the front door this morning at 7 a.m.   Today's work did not last nearly as long as yesterday.  The tech finished at 9:30.  The office manager finished the bill---eek!, went over it line by line with Glen, we paid, and were on the road by 10:30. 

Oh my, Glen is impressed with the work that was done.  One of the most noticeable items was the rebuilding of the front suspension and centering the steering wheel.  Glen says it is much easier to steer/drive. 

Yes, the tech found the problem causing the non-functioning dash air conditioning.  A hose was replaced.  It worked all day today! 

Other items completed were:
    changing fluid in differential, transmission, coolant, hydrolics, engine, and generator
    cleaned the radiator
    changed all filters associated with fluid changes
    tighten front shock
    bell crank bearings boots replaced
    adjust short drag link
    replace tie rod ends and boots
    air conditioning hose replacement and a/c switch replacement
    other items too numerous to mention

Want more details?  Discuss with Glen!

If we had any concerns about the motorhome being overweight, that was taken care of by making the billfold much lighter.

Remember the front door awning that had been removed from the mh after opening while driving down the road?  Last Friday the awning had been left at a repair service in Elkhart.  We picked up the unrepairable awning today.  Glen had done some research on the cost of a new awning.  At some point Glen realized Elkhart is home to many rv surplus stores.  We called one of the surplus stores, found they had a new door awning in stock.  We were glad to make the 3-mile drive to pick up the new awning for less than half price! 

Glen says installation won't be difficult.  I think he will need the assistance of one person--maybe son Darin.

We couldn't think of any other reason to stay in northern Michigan, so headed down Highway 31, around Indianapolis, and headed west on I-70.  We are at a small town about halfway between Indianapolic and Terre Haute.

***Cloverdale RV Park, Cloverdale, ok place for overnight...too many trees for satellite, hasn't been updated, in several years. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sitting in the Waiting Room

We literally were in the waiting room at Spartan for more than 12 hours...7:00 a.m until 7:40 p.m. ....with an hour away for lunch.

The Technicians completed the 44-point check list as well as the items that Glen mentioned that wasn't on the list.  With the motorhome 7 years old and no visits to Spartan before there were issues to be addressed. 

And....the work isn't complete yet.  There will be more work in the morning.

The day went by quicker with conversation with the two other couples also waiting for their rigs. 

We found out from the other couples that they make yearly visits to Spartan for check ups on their motorhomes.  It is probably something we will add to the annual maintenance list.

Travel plans from here will depend on what time work is finished tomorrow.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Spartan Chassis

Good afternoon from Michigan:

It was about a three hour trip from our friends' in Indiana to Charlotte, Michigan.

Charlotte is home to the Spartan factory and service center.  Spartan is the maker of the chassis on the motorhome.  Glen has checked in, filled out the proper paperwork, and all is go for the 7 a.m. appointment Tuesday.

Spartan has a 44-point inspection; Glen has added to that list!  Hopefully no big situations will rear its ugly and expensive head!  There has been no problems, this is all falls into the category of "preventive" maintenance. 

We won't be able to get inside the mh after it goes to Spartan service center.  We will take the computers, Kendle, a deck of cards, etc to entertain ourselves. 

There is the beginning of color showing on maple trees.  Fall is on the way!

Have a great week.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Coming to a Close

The week end is coming to a close.  We said our good-byes and thank you's tonight as Dave and Laurie will be leaving early in the morning to go to their different work places.

Laurie treated us this morning to a wonderful breakfast.  The highlight of the menu was "Blueberry Surprise French Toast Casserole."  She shared the recipe.  I might actually make it some day.

Dave's youngest son, Eric, is a starting pitcher for the San Diego Padres' baseball team.  We looked at pictures of Dave and Laurie's trip to Japan while Eric played ball there (2010). Then we watched a TIVOed game where Eric was the starting pitcher against Arizona.  The Padres won the game; Eric was the star of the game--not only was he the winning pitcher, he allowed no runs; and he had three hits and two RBI's. 

We discussed the fact that Eric is living every little boy's dream. 

Tonight we went with Dave and Laurie to Laurie's mother's home.  Marilyn served a delicious home-cooked dinner. 

We finished the evening watching the first half of the Denver vs. Pittsburgh football game with Dave and Laurie. 

The motorhome is ready to roll in the morning.  We are heading to Charlotte, Michigan. It is less than three hours.

Hope you had a great week end.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Friends and Food

Friends are the reason for all the food! :}

The day's activities started with Dave and Laurie taking us to the "Log House" for breakfast.  There was lots planned for the day so needed to fuel up the body.  It was a great Western Omelet!

Then it was off to a junior high volleyball tournament.  Dave's granddaughter, Haley, was playing in the tournament.  Haley's team won the first game and lost the second game...end of tournament. 

There was plans for a late dinner so Dave pulled into the McDonalds after the volleyball games.  We decided an ice cream would tide us over until this evening.

There was time to go back to the house for a short time.  Just perfect for a nap.

Leaving at 4:30 we went to the nearby soccer field to see Blake, Haley's brother, play for first place in the soccer tourney.  It was a winner, and Blake scored one of the three goals. 

Leaving the soccer fields we drove about 50 minutes to Shipshawanna to an Amish Restaurant.  I have forgotten the name of it.  Thankfully we ordered off the menu and didn't have "all you can eat."  Glen had fried chicken and sides and I had one pork chop with one side.  The pork chop was yummy. 

Dave's daughter-in-law, Stephanie, and three children joined us for dinner.  Dave's son and Stephanie's husband, Eric, is in San Diego, CA, where he is a starting pitcher for the Padres.  Stephanie and kids are here (home) so Maddie could start first grade this week.  Luke is 4, and baby Hallie is 9 months old.  Eric and Stephanie are a super couple and have wonderful children. 

It has been a fun day, full with friends and their activities.

Watching the soccer game brought back many memories of sitting on the sidelines of our son's high school soccer games. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

"Welcome to Indiana"

The rally in Celina Ohio closed last night with the last of the door prizes being given away.

We hadn't won anything earlier in the week.  Last night our names were drawn twice.  We won a smoke detector and a bag of microfiber cloths.  Alas, we weren't the winner of the big door prize: an inflatable SeaEagle kayak with all accessories.

We had asked our mail forwarding service to send our mail  to the fairgrounds a week ago today.  It always arrives in two days.  But it hadn't arrived yet.  We discussed waiting until the mail was delivered today but decided to get on the road.  We left money for the package to be forwarded when delivered. 

To shorten the story: I called our mail forwarding service this afternoon.  She confirmed it had been sent a week ago, tracked the package and said the package had been delivered to the post office in Celina on Tuesday.  After a call to the fairgrounds the employee went to the post office and lo and behold! it was there on a shelf. 

The post office forwarded it on to our son's address.  We will catch up with it in a few days.

We left Ohio, driving into Indiana.  There were two stops before we arrived at the home of our friends, Dave and Laurie. 

We stopped in Nappanee at the Newmar factory (maker of our mh) to pick up a bolt (and spare), and other stuff on Glen's list.  Then it was on to Elkhart to a rv repair shop that had been highly recommended which, hopefully, can repair the front door awning.  Remember the first week we left Missouri we were driving down the road when the awning popped wide open .  It couldn't be brought back in so Glen removed it by unscrewing it and cutting the wires. 

We expected to drive in rain but it held off until we arrived at Dave and Laurie's. 

We calculated tonight that the friendship with Dave started 44 years ago in basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO.  We have kept in touch through the years and have visited each other's homes many times.   

We were able to visit with two of the three children and their familes tonight at dinner.  We have plans to watch granddaughter Haley play volleyball in the morning. 

I know the week end will go by quickly, but look forward to spending time with long-time friends--not "old" friends..ha!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Last Day of Rally

We have attended a variety of sessions today.

Glen and I started at "Gate Guarding For Fun and Profit". "Gate guarding" is a way for rv-ers (and others) to earn money. A couple is hired by a service to stand guard at a gate that leads to a drilling site (usually natural gas). The duties are simple...keep a record of any and all who enter and leave the drilling site.

The is on a dusty, bumpy road, miles from towns, and work is 24 hours a day. Some gates are much busier than others. All services--water, generator, sewer- are furnished by the company. The husband/wife works out their own schedules--who works night, who cooks, etc. Days off are when the rig site moves from one location to another.

Greg and Jan, presenters, said they will do it again. They read lots of books, saw wildlife, liked the people they worked with.

We were interested in their experience, but have no plans to "work".

Glen went to a session entitled "The Evolution of the Species", presented by the historian of the MH/RV Hall of Fame. It was about how rvs have changed.

I went to a session entitled "Bring Your Blog to the Next Level!", not what I expected. It was about a couple who have an "audio blog". They have microphones, proper equipment, and broadcast for an hour each Friday. Again, interesting, but not for us.

We are in the process of getting ready to leave in the morning. We are going to northern Indiana to visit friends, go by the Newmar factory warehouse to pick up a bracket and bolt and other things on the list that Glen wants/needs for the mh.

It has been a great week here. The final door prize will be given away at 7 tonight. I will let you know if we win! Don't hold your breath.

Learning to Post photo

I am trying to learn to add a photo to an entry.  Be patient while I attempt to do this.

I am going to add a favorite lighthouse photo from Peggy's Cove in Nova Scotia.

This a favorite sunset picture from Lubec, Maine

Stay with me while I learn the ins and outs of Blogger. 

New Blog Location

I am trying out a new blog location.  It is on ""  .  I learned about this from the "Geeks on Tour" seminar at the rv rally we are attending.  I will go to our old blog address and forward our readers to this site. 

I will tell you about our last day at the rally this evening.