Thursday, September 26, 2013

9-24-2013 Sad Family News

We arrived in central Missouri Tuesday afternoon.  Original plans were to go to my aunt's visitation and on to the hospital where my mom had been admitted Monday.

My mom had taken a turn for the worse.  I spent the night at the hospital with her.  I had the honor of being with her and holding her hand while she left this earthly home and joined dad with Jesus in Heaven.

Death was sudden and unexpected; but we are grateful that she isn't suffering and doesn't have to go bback to that "joint" as she called the care center.

Visitation and funeral services are Saturday.  I will return to the blog after that.

Monday, September 23, 2013

9-23-2013 Celebration and Hospitalization

A week from today is granddaughter Ashlynn's seventh birthday.  We won't be here on the actual day, so had birthday dinner at her choice--Mexican.

Ashlynn and I made her a cake after school.  She measured, poured, stirred, broke eggs, held hand mixer.  She was so excited.  I made the frosting for the cake.  AND, she got to lick the beaters.  The best part for her, I think.

She got to open her gift from us, also, an outfit for Sage, her American Girl doll.

I have received two calls from my sister and younger brother this evening telling me they were taking my mother to the local hospital.  The second call was to say Mom is having/or has just had a heart attack.  She is being moved to ICU.  Thankfully we are heading up there tomorrow so will be able to assist Jan and Mark with all that is going on.  

I will post as I have time in the next couple of days. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

9-22-2013 Beautiful Day for a Bike Ride

It has been a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

We rode bikes this afternoon on the paved bike trail in Cape Girardeau.

Ashlynn and Zade (and their parents) invited us to watch the ballgame (Cards, of course) this evening.  

We stayed until the 7th inning and are back home.  

Hope you have had a great afternoon.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

9-21-2013 Real Change in our Life

Just what are you imagining?  A new motorhome? A new baby--not possible! Looking for a house, coming off the road?  

No, none of those possibilities.

We moved ourselves into modern day technology. We now have "I-phones".  Yes, both of us.  No more flip phone for Glen.

We chose to make the change right now because of having a family tutor.  Darin, our son, spent two hours this afternoon bringing us up to speed.  Of course, just because he told us/showed us once doesn't mean we will remember tomorrow or next week how to do something.  

Before and after I-phone acquisition, we watched two soccer games, and one flag football game.  

Sarah, Darin, and Zade

Did you miss Ashlynn? She was away socializing with some of her friends.

This was our first experience with flag football.  On the 5-6 year old teams there were 5 on each team.  There was also one coach per team on the field.  It was fun to watch, and a starting point of learning for the boys.

Hope you are having a great week end.  

Friday, September 20, 2013

9-20-2013 "Family Day" at School

Clippard Elementary School hosted "Family Day" for parents and grandparents.

It was a pleasure to join both Ashlynn and Zade at their lunch time.  They each 'took' their lunch (from home).  We had PBandJ sandwiches from school.  

There was no program; each parent/grandparent was invited to accompany 'their' student to their room and/or Book Fair.  

Glen's sister Marcella and husband Jeff are in Cape for the week end. Their daughter/husband and four children live here in CG also. Marcella and Jeff came to the mh tonight for a great visit.  

A most welcome rain fell most of the day.

Tomorrow promises to be busy with two soccer games and a flag football game.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

9-19-2013 Kohl's and Soccer

We gathered up the assorted coupons and "$10 off one item only" and went shopping at Kohl's this afternoon.  We found a few items on the 60%-off rack, checked out, used the coupons, and save "this amount" today!  

As friends know, we aren't big shoppers, so this was a big outing for us!  :}

This afternoon we picked up Ashlynn and Zade after school, took them home, got them ready for soccer games at 5:45.

Darin made it home in time to ride with us to the soccer fields.  Ashlynn's team lost by one; and Zade's team won 2-0.  Next games are Saturday morning.

We received word this morning that my Aunt Beryl (my dad's sister-in-law) was welcomed Home to Heaven this morning.  Aunt Beryl was a sweet lady, baked the best snickerdoodle cookies, and always said "Gayla Jean", using my middle name in her greeting.  

The loss of this favorite aunt reminds me that my siblings and I, my cousins, are quickly becoming the "older generation."  Oh, my, what a profound thought.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

9-18-2013 Full Moon and Flag Football

While the sun was setting in the west, the moon was rising in the east!

It was a beautiful evening to be outside.  

Zade is learning flag football.  Here's the players in tonight's games.
Darin, Ashlynn, Zade, and Glen

There has been a casino opened here in Cape Girardeau for about two years.  Today we ate lunch at "The Farmer's Market", the lunch buffet at the casino.  It was a good buffet; not fancy, but good country food.  We walked through the casino part, and decided we didn't know a thing about the new "coinless" machines.  

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

9-17-2013 Long-time Friends

Not "old", but long time friends are the best!  Two couples from Poplar Bluff came over today.

Oh, my.  The things that all of us are dealing with.  Do you shake your head when you hear about others' problems/issues?  It makes my heart hurt.

Of course, I am referring to medical issues, whether it be a mother, aunt, or sister.  

A burden shared isn't nearly as heavy, at least for a short time.  It is something we all understand for all of us have already dealt with such things, or are currently dealing with.

A reminder for you: count your blessings. 
     Listen to that friend who needs to vent, say aloud those things that are filling her mind/heart.
     Offer, and mean it, to drive your friend wherever she needs to go; fix a meal; do laundry; the smallest errand will be appreciated.  
      Send a card, write a note of encouragement.
      And, say a prayer to the Great Physician.

I didn't begin this with the notion this would be a sermon.  But, this is what I needed to say this evening.

Monday, September 16, 2013

9-16-2013 Do You Know Where You Were 46 Years Ago?

Where were you 46 years ago? do you know and why is it important?

I can answer that without any hesitation:  we...Glen and I...were "going to the chapel" the church for our wedding! 46 years of marriage!

It was a drizzly day; the crepe paper streamers at the reception were droopy from the moisture, so my mother remembers.  She rehung them and we didn't know about it until many years later.

Glen was late for the ceremony!  His home was filled with family and he didn't get his turn in the bathroom early enough.  

My youngest brother, Mark, ring bearer, was 10 years old, had his arm in a cast from falling off a horse a week before the wedding.

Enough wedding trivia!

Back when, you know when we were about 15 or so, people who had been married 50 years were really OLD.  

We enjoyed a steak dinner as our celebration.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

9-15-2013 Another Day Trip

Leaving about 11 a.m. we drove north on I-55 to Kimmswick, MO, home of "The Blue Owl" Restaurant and Bakery. The "Sunday Special" was our choice for lunch: fried chicken, smashed potatoes with gravy, and sweet'n'creamy corn.  Glen had coconut cream pie and I had strawberry-rhubarb.  

Kimmswick is a small town on the banks of the Mississippi River about 20 miles south of downtown St. Louis.  Kimmswick was founded in 1859 after completion of the St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad.  

In 1970 Lucianna Gladney Ross, heir to the 7-Up company, had money to invest in a project. "As a child she and her family would travel to their summer home in Kimmswick."  After seeing the state and condition of the historical buildings (in the 1970's)  she decided to restore and revitalize the town of Kimmswick.

Today Kimmswick is a "flourishing river town, quaint and charming, filled with shops, restaurants, museums, log cabins, and history."

"The Blue Owl Restaurant and Bakery", home of the Famous Levee-High Caramel Apple Pecan Pie"

Anheuser Museum & Estate: built in 1867, the ancestral home of Fred and Mabel Ruth Anheuser and sits at the south end of the town of Kimmswick on the Mississippi River.

It takes two tugs to push this many barges; heading north on Mississippi River at Kimmswick, MO
Obviously very heavy load as two tugs are needed to push the barges.

We drove the scenic route back to Cape Girardeau.  Highway 61 was the major north-south highway before the establishment of I-55.  It isn't along the river, but does go through quaint small towns.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

9-14-2013 A great day

It was an early start this morning.  

Ashlynn had an 8 a.m. soccer game and Zade played at 9:00.  

And---we had to wear a jacket and wear socks with tennis shoes.  There was a low of 45 degrees.  71 was the high.  It was a beautiful day.

After naps, Zade called to see if Poppy would come play baseball on the Wii.  Of course he would and did!  Even I played a couple of games.  By the last game I was managing to "hit" the ball.  Zade made six home runs in one inning!

We shared fresh corn on the cob from the Farmers' Market with the grilled pork loin, mashed potatoes, for dinner.  It was some of the best fresh corn ever.  We also cut the watermelon that we also got at the Farmers' Market.  It was THE best watermelon I have had in at least 5 years.  Scrumptious.  

The evening ended with a game of "SORRY" with everyone playing.  

It has been a great day. Then it got better.

After we returned to the motor home Brady, sophomore, called to say he would be SKYPE-ing.  We got on line and had a great face-to-face conversation with him.  He played his guitar for us.  

Brady also shared live-time photos of what had been caught in their house this evening---a young opossum.  They are assuming it got in through an outside door.  We had a great time telling him that opossums usually traveled in pairs; or, it was so young it was probably searching for its mother.  

It probably had come into the garage, found cat food, then slipped into the house when the door was opened.

Friday, September 13, 2013

9-13-2013 Day Trip!

Being "Friday the thirteenth" did not deter us from taking a day trip.

We explored the eastern side of the boot heel of Missouri.  Our destination:  the Dorena/Hickman Ferry that crosses the Mississippi River.

The ferry just left.
Here goes the ferry toward Hickman KY
Ready to board.

Glen watching the river flow by.
There are lots of sandbars on the river today.

Here's Kentucky.  Line it up.

Too steep for the motorhome to disembark.  Hickman, KY just over the hill.

There were many thousands of acres of soybeans turning yellow, not quite ready for harvest.  Huge fields of corn were being picked.  Cotton fields were beginning to turn white from the blooms.

We visited the "Big Oak Tree State Park."  This is the site of many record-setting sized trees.  The "big oak" tree has been hit by lightning and fallen.  We did see a record-setting pumpkin ash tree.

The state park is in a state of "friendly unuse."  I am sure the area has been flooded by the Mississippi River many times in the past years.  By the many spider webs across the boardwalk I feel that we were the first visitors in several days.  

There are many huge trees visible from the boardwalk but no signs to identify them or no informational brochures. Later in the fall I would assume there will be many birds along the boardwalk.

We returned to Cape Girardeau this afternoon, having enjoyed the beautiful blue skies, moderate temperatures, and low humidity!

Supper tonight was fresh corn from the farmer's market.  Wow, it was delicious.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

9-12-13 May a Beaming Mimi Brag, Please?

We picked up Ashlynn and Zade after school, taking them home to get ready for soccer games.

Their dad, Darin, made it home in time to change clothes and ride with us to soccer field.  Mom, Sarah, met us at the soccer fields.

Ashlynn played very few minutes.  She is still having difficultly breathing after exertion.  She really doesn't mind sitting on the bench and being a team cheerleader!

I don't think officially there is scorekeeping for Zade's age; but believe me he knows the score...and tonight his team won!

When we finally got to their house, cleaned out the backpacks from school, Sarah discovered that Zade is one of five students from his class to be chosen to go to 'Read to Succeed', an accelerated one-on-one reading program.  He had Book Three with him and read to all of us.  The first month of kindergarten/school has just passed, and he is reading.  

Reading is my passion and my favorite pastime.  I am pleased that both Zade and Ashlynn are learning to be great readers.  

Talking about school, I watched Ashlynn fill out work sheets.  One of the pages was learning about "nouns" first grade!  It is amazing how early in school these subjects are introduced.  

The cold front isn't here yet, but it was more comfortable this afternoon than yesterday.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9-11-2013 Do you Remember Where You Were 12 years Ago?

Of Course, You Do.

Today's historical anniversary is like the day President Kennedy was killed.  You will always remember.

From the serious to the not-so-serious....

We have appointments with two new doctors in the next two weeks.  

Do you know how many pages of information one must fill out to see new/different doctors?  Oh, my!  

List the medications you are currently taking.
List the surgical procedures you have had
List your family's medical history.
Why are you here?  How did you hear about us?
Etc, Etc, Etc.

Hint: make a copy of the first forms filled out; very helpful for the second set of forms!

Just so you is still summer hibernation season here in southeast Missouri.  Temps have been in the high 90's with heat indices of 102 and above.
High heat + high humidity=miserable conditions and hibernation occurs!

But, wait, a cold front is coming in.  By Friday the high is supposed to be 79 degrees.  Hurray.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

9-10-2013 Once Again Spent the Day with Ashlynn

Once again, Ashlynn was home from school today.  The cough was better through the day, but not completely gone.

I have no idea what the plan will be in the morning.

We played on her dad's I-Pad, lots of Sorry games, she built a fort and quietly played under the blanket looped from the sofa to the footstool.  Isn't imagination wonderful.  Ash also showed Poppy how to play "bowling" and "racing" on the WII game.  Poppy thought the Wii is pretty neat.

First thing this morning Ash and I drove the truck and Glen drove Darin's jeep to the detailer shop.  Oh my, it looks so much better--shiny, clean, waxed, vacuumed.  All signs of gravel roads are gone.

Monday, September 9, 2013

9-9-2013 Spending the Day with the Granddaughter

After seeing Ashlynn yesterday I knew that she was coughing her head off--figuratively speaking!  Asthma was rearing its ugly head.

I got a call this morning from her parents wanting to know if I would spend the day with her.  There was too much coughing to go to school.

Of course I would spend the day with her.

Our activities, quiet ones, of course: beauty salon, nail salon; Sorry; games on the Kendle, word search.  

By the end of the day she was coughing less, but don't know what the verdict will be in the morning.  School or no school?

Glen was in and out with Ashlynn and me today.  

Sunday, September 8, 2013

9-8-2013 Today We Do.....

Today we do/did absolutely NOTHING.

Unless reading the Sunday paper and taking an afternoon nap counts.!!!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

9-7-2013 First Soccer Game of the Season

This morning:

Goalie at work: Zade

Yes, it was very sunny and hot! Ashlynn on Defense.

Glen drove to Poplar Bluff while I watched the last of the soccer games to attend the annual company (M & A Electric Power Cooperative) picnic.

He enjoyed visiting with those in attendance.  It is hard to believe it has been nearly six years since retirement.

Tonight we enjoyed the dinner meal with all of Darin's family, Sarah's parents, Allen and Vicky at Cracker Barrel. 

We finished the evening by watching the St. Louis win and be in a tie for first place.  

Friday, September 6, 2013

9-6-2013 Play time with Ashlynn and Zade

We picked up Zade and Ashlynn at 4 for playtime!

Ashlynn wanted to color and read.

Zade wanted to play catch, of course!

Soccer season starts in the morning at nine.  Both Ashlynn and Zade have a game at nine.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

9-5-2013 Question?

Would you rather I skipped a daily journal entry?
Would you rather I told you it was a boring day, with nothing much going on?  

Glen was repairing some lights in the MH when he discovered that the battery charger for drill was gone/dead/kaput/disabled.  After lunch there were stops at Menards, Lowe's, and Sears.

Sears, it was. He bought a new drill and charger.  His reasoning: now he has two drills to use with the new charger.

We spent the evening with the grandchildren and their parents.  Ashlynn had work sheets; and I listened to her read a book.  What fun for me.

It wasn't a boring day for us, but may have been for you.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

9-4-2013 Getting Things Done

Okay, we got a few things done today.

+++Prescriptions refilled
+++Appointment made for pick-up to be detailed Tuesday;
      Appointment made for pick-up go to GMC dealer Monday afternoon for engine running rough.
+++Spend time with Ashlynn and Zade.  
Zade got glasses this afternoon.  He is even cuter with them.  Pictures next time.
     Played two games of "Sorry" with Ashlynn and Zade; and "Crazy 8" with Zade.  
+++Move RV sites within the park.  Caravan coming into the park and needed the site where we were parked.

Somehow it doesn't seem like a lot, but we were busy all day.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

9-3-2013 Leaving Branson; Heading East (The Landing Point RV Park, Cape Girardeau, MO)

The week at Branson is over!  We saw good shows, enjoyed the lake just in front of the MH, and best of all, enjoyed the company---Evelyn and Gary, and Gay and Fred.

We left about 9:45 this morning.  It was four-lane roads all the way to Cape Girardeau.  

We arrived at The Landing Point RV Park in Cape Girardeau to find the park is nearly full.  We will need to change sites tomorrow as the one where we are parked tonight is reserved for the week end.  

Darin hadn't told Ashlynn and Zade that we were coming in tonight.  We rang the doorbell, and really surprised them!  The hugs and kisses were great.  Soccer season is starting with first games for both Ashlynn and Zade Saturday.  

There are a few things to accomplish in the next days we are in Cape Girardeau.

Monday, September 2, 2013

9-2-2013 TWINKIES!

Guess what I had for the first time ever this evening?

Yes, it was a Twinkie.  At least I don't remember ever having one before.  It was good!

Fred and Gay shared with us tonight as we played a couple of games of cards.  

This morning, Fred and Gay, Glen and I went to the nine o'clock performance of "Patsy Cline Remembered".  I can't tell you the name of the performer..."C.J." something.  She was very good.  Her band was called the "Re-cliners".  Isn't that a cool name.

We then took a drive over the dam, up by the entrance to the "Branson Belle", the "Ducks", and back in by School of the Ozarks, and back to Riverside RV Park.  

I can't speak for anyone else, but I took a nap this afternoon.  Glen, Fred and Gay had a two-hour jam session after nap time.  The evening finished with a couple of card games.

We are mostly ready to leave in the morning.  It has been a great week.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

9-1-2013 Worship! and Marty Robbins (Still in Branson)

This morning Gay and Fred, Glen and I went to worship service at the Williams Memorial Chapel at College of the Ozarks, Point Lookout, MO.

This was truly a worshipful experience.  The chapel was filled with students; a 75-voice choir; organ and piano music. Williams Memorial Chapel

The architect of the building lends to the worship experience.  The chapel is lined with stained glass windows.

After lunch we went to the "Marty Robbins Tribute" starring Leroy New.  This performance was two hours.  If you enjoy Marty Robbins, this is the show to see and to listen.  

Glen, Gay, and Fred were so inspired by the musical tribute that they came home and played and sang for 90 minutes.

We have tickets for one more show in the morning...a 9 o'clock performance!

One more thing...we awoke to the sound of rain.  It was a welcome sound; and lasted about three hours.