Friday, February 27, 2015

FEB 27, 2015 TV Time

Disclaimer:  this content may contain whiny remarks!

It was 39 when we got up and 39 just now with temps reaching 41 degrees.  I know, I know, there were no single digits and temps in the tens and no wintry mixes or weather advisories.  But still, it is only one day from being March.  And, it is South Texas!  OK, end of whiny remarks!  

I finally took time this morning to go for a pedicure.  Ah-h-h, I feel better.

Today was a good day for Glen to rest his achy back.  He did buy some lumber and put in a couple of boards.  

Tonight the six of us watched the premier episode of The Amazing Race. And, the Finale of The Mentalist!  

Thank goodness, The Mentalist had a happy ending!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

FEB 25/26, 2015 (Wed/Thur) Homemade Lemonade

We spent the day outdoors, appreciating the wonderful weather.
I enjoyed session five of massage therapy.  At least it is therapy for me.  I have five more before we leave.

Glen is very uncomfortable with a muscle pull in the side/back area.  He is not doing much bending or turning to look over his shoulder.  He isn't sure what caused it.  Jeff has some "Bio-'Freeze" that he shared with Glen.  

The Jam Session this afternoon was low on attendees--both on stage and in the audience.  The weather was too nice.  The fishermen stayed on the lake; the golfers stayed on the course.  

When we returned home the "tile man", David, was waiting for us.  David was recommended by a neighbor to install the tile in the new shower.  He will be able to start Monday or Tuesday.  

Chef Gary was on duty today.  He prepared a "chili cornbread" casserole with a baked potato.  For dessert he prepared "coconut cheesecake".  

There's nothing on the agenda tomorrow.  We shall see what comes our way!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

FEB 24, 2015 (Tuesday) New Game

Jeff and Marcella introduced us to the game of "Settlers of Catan" this morning.

There was a learning curve, but I was beginning to get the hang of it before Glen won!   Because it was the first game Jeff and Marcella served as mentors/advisers!

We all enjoyed a bowl of chili after the game.  
Glen, Evelyn, and Marcella practiced music for tonight.

This was the last Jam Session for the emcee of the Tuesday Night Jam Session.  Tom and his wife, Donna, are returning to Iowa.  Health issues are becoming a priority.  They want to go "home"to be close to medical care.  

I have mentioned previously that it was in question as to whether the jam session would continue.  It was announced tonight that Vaughan from Canada will now be the emcee/in charge.  

Monday, February 23, 2015

FEB 23, 2015 (Monday) Whew, I am Tired!

I am tired, and I had a nap!

We--Jeff and Marcella, and Glen and me---went to Laredo today.  It doesn't matter how short the list is, it ends up a long day.

We went to Home Depot to pick up the rest of the tile order.
We went to the Guitar Store to return the ukulele Evelyn wanted returned.  
We went to Sam's for just a few items.

Lunch at "Paraque Grill".  They serve the best ever tacos and homemade chips and dips.  Umm-m!

Glen dropped Marcella and me off at Walmart while he and Jeff took the truck to "Discount Tire" to find the reason for the slo-o-w leak in the back left tire.  A small nail was found in the tread.  The tire was fixable.  

Marcella and I were finished with our shopping and were waiting for them.  A quick pick-up at the front door.

Then it was homeward bound.

We unloaded the groceries.  I got in a power nap before it was time to go to Monday Night Jam Session at Amigo Inn.

Marcella sang with the group tonight.  

By the way at last midnight it was 72 degrees.  The low is the current temp of 39 degrees at 10:00.  
That's a drop of 45 degrees from yesterday.  

Sunday, February 22, 2015

FEB 22, 2015, Welcome!

Saturday and Sunday 
Saturday was one of those days....
    we sat outdoors, book in hand, sighing, and remarking on how wonderfulness of the weather.
    it was in the mid 80's, sunshine.
    just the day we have been waiting two and half months for!

Glen did some plumbing in the ongoing bathroom project.  There was just one drippy leak in this run.  After two or three attempts at re-gluing the drip seems to have quit.

We will check with a neighbor who had some tile work done last winter for the name of their tile person.  

Sunday afternoon....
     Jeff and Marcella arrived mid afternoon after a three hour trip from Mustang Island, near Corpus Christi.

We are looking forward to the next weeks, showing them the area north to Laredo to south to "the valley" (Mission, McAllen, Donna, Weslaco, Alamo).  

They are parked on the backside of the OLS..outdoor living space.  They have all the comforts of home--electricity, sewer, and water!  

BTW, today was as beautiful as yesterday.  High was 86 degrees.  However, it is forecast for the morning low of 52 degrees to also be the high!  There's one of those saggy cold fronts coming through Monday and Tuesday.  

Our daughter who lives near Ft. Smith AR shared a picture of snowfall at their home.  Our family in Cape Girardeau may not have school again tomorrow.  Low temps in their area are 4 or 5 degrees.  We are sorry they are having to endure all of this.

Friday, February 20, 2015

FEB 20, 2015 (Friday) Fun today!

Glen and I completed the prep work for our expected company, Jeff and Marcella, and Bonnie, the Westie Terrier.  

This afternoon we went to the every-other week entertainment at the near-by RV park recreation hall.  The entertainment was a duo...."Dale and Gayle", husband and wife from northern Oklahoma.  They are retired teachers, been on the road with a music show for five years.  They spend the winter in south Texas, and summers in Red Rock Arizona.  

Dale is a talented guitarist and vocalist.  Gayle accompanied Dale on the keyboard and vocals.  They had some comedy integrated into the show.  Glen and I felt they were much better musicians than comedians.  

There was a quick departure from the music show as we had a 4:40 appointment to have a picture taken for a church directory.  We made it in time.  

We just learned via Facebook that highways in mid Missouri are closed due to ice/sleet/wintry mix conditions.  This is where Glen and I grew up, and still have many family members living there.  We pray that it isn't necessary for anyone to be out and about.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

FEB 19, 2015 (Thur.) More Outdoor Work

It was a windy, warm day.  Wind gusts have been between 25 and 30 mph.  High temp was 74 degrees; low this morning 43 degrees.

Glen worked on preparations for the arrival of Jeff and Marcella this week end.

Fred and Gay came over this evening.  We enjoyed 19-point pitch, shared pizza, and enjoyed a new dessert from the hands of Chef Gary:  apple pecan cheesecake.  He is on a run...all successes, no failures.

Check tomorrow evening for a report on Friday's activities.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

FEB 18, 2015 Same as Yesterday: Progress

I was able to do five loads of warm/hot, softened water! Wow, the small things equals happiness. (smile)

Glen worked most of the day in the bathroom.  More concrete board was attached; plumbing was done.  I think getting the shower head/faucets installed will be the last of the plumbing.

Glen has learned one thing through out this project.  Plumbing isn't his most favorite skill.

Gary wore his chef hat today.  I know he baked summer sausage, a cake, and cookies.  There might have been more.

There was quite a temperature range today: from a low of 38 degrees to a high of 72 degrees with lots of sunshine!  

I enjoyed session 5 (of 10) of an hour-long massage.  The masseuse offered a fantastic deal on a group of ten sessions.  I just couldn't resist. shoulders and neck feel much better. She can find sore muscles I didn't even know was there, and then works out the kinks.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

FEB 17, 2015 (Tuesday) Work on the Project

Glen worked on the area where Jeff and Marcella will park in the next week.  He trimmed some tree limbs.

The new hot water heater and water softener are now hooked up and working.  Hurray.  Still left to do: move washer and dryer to the new area; and, prepping the shower area for tiling.  Progress is being made!

Tonight was the next to last night of Tuesday Night jam's.  The leader of the jam session will be here next week for the final time.  He and his wife are moving back to Iowa.  It is still unclear whether there will be another leader or not.

Monday, February 16, 2015

FEB 16, 2015 Calling All Snipe Hunters ALERT:long with pictures

Friday Morning

We--Gary and Evelyn in the car with Mike (Evelyn's son and wife Tammy), Glen and I in our truck--left for Aransas Pass, Texas. Aransas Pass is on Mustang Island, across the bay from Corpus Christi.  

There is a very small channel of water between the north end of Padre Island and Mustang Island.

We rented a three-bedroom condo for three nights.  After settling in we drove one block to a RV park where Marcella (Evelyn and Glen's younger sister) and husband Jeff were parked in their Super-C motorhome.

Have I mentioned there was no Verizon cell or internet service.  Sorry for the service black-out.

Jeff grilled fresh shrimp and scallops for supper.  Oh-my-goodness, it was delicious.  There was one downturn--a fresh batch of extra large mosquitoes.  

Mike and Tammy Allee (Evelyn's son)

Jeff and Marcella Schnakenberg (Evelyn and Glen's younger sister)

We all returned to the condo for an evening of visiting and games.

Mike and Tammy recently returned from a six-months' work assignment in China.  They were glad to have had the opportunity to be there but I don't think they are anxious to return.

Here's the condensed version of Saturday and Sunday:

Sadly we had to say "good-bye" to Mike and Tammy as they flew out of San Antonio Saturday afternoon, heading to Chicago IL.  They landed on time but the winter storm prevented them from driving on to their daughter's home.

We tried to buy tickets for a local production of "The Basement Church Ladies", but it was a sell-out. 

There is a fantastic boardwalk/birding trail in the city of Aransas Pass.  The six of us--okay, I will speak for me---I had a great time observing all of the waterfowl along the boardwalk.  I am not implying the other five didn't enjoy themselves; I think I have the most enjoyment in id'ing and watching the ducks, spoonbills, ibis', etc. 

Roseate spoonbills, and white ibis.

Moss-covered red-eared slider enjoying the sunshine.  Even his legs are getting tanned.

One of two resident alligators.

All you snipe hunters:  this is what you were looking for!

Northern shoveler.

We then enjoyed driving ten miles south on the sandy beach along the Gulf of Mexico.  There are areas where RVs can park--no hook ups.  There were people flying kites; some silly people were IN the water --56 degrees; people walking dogs, and people fishing.  There were several access roads leading from the beach to the highway.  

A charter sight-seeing pirate ship

Enjoying the sights: Jeff, Evelyn, Marcella, Glen

Atlantic bottlenose porpoises

Brown Pelicans

Go Fly a Kite!

Down the Hatch

The Gulf of Mexico

We returned to the condo, had a short rest, then went to a local Mexican restaurant for Valentine's dinner.  When we arrived there was a 15 minutes wait.  By the time we were seated the wait was one hour.  We made it just in time.

Sunday was a fun-filled day.
Marcella, Evelyn, and Glen on the car ferry.

We drove 50 minutes north to the town of Rockport.  But, FIRST, we rode the free car ferry from Aransas Pass to the mainland then drove to Rockport.

We had a light lunch at "Charlotte Plummers" Restaurant.  Then...
we boarded "the Skimmer" a charter boat for a three-hour ride roundtrip to see Mainly Whooping Cranes.  Of course there were other water birds to see.

Ready to board the Skimmer: Gary and Evelyn, Glen and Gayla, Jeff and Marcella

Two Whooping Cranes

An oyster fishing boat.  The brown burlap sacks on the back each hold 100 pounds of oysters; each much be at least 3 inches long.

In the 1940's the population of the Whooping Cranes declined to 15 birds.  The numbers now reach approximately 500 birds (most in Texas, some in Louisiana and Florida).  It is a success in that the Whoopers are not extinct, but 500 is still a  worrisome number.

Sunday night we six, Gary and Evelyn, Jeff and Marcella, Glen and I, attended a performance by "Goldwing Express".  They performed two sessions each yesterday and today there in Aransas Pass.  They are one of our favorite performing groups.  Great banjo and guitar playing and great vocals.

Today we all enjoyed breakfast prepared by Chefs' Gary and Evelyn at the condo; then it was on the way back to Zapata.

The great news:  Jeff and Marcella are coming here in a week or less to stay several weeks.

We arrived back in time in Zapata to empty the back of the truck.  It is unbelieveable how many bags we had packed for three days.

It's MONDAY, so it must be a Jam Session.  There was singing and playing from 6:30 to 8:30 at Amigo Inn Motel and RV Park.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

FEB 12, 2015 (Thur.) Oh, no, the stomach icks..

Gary and Evelyn, Mike and Tammy arrived this afternoon just as we were leaving to go to the afternoon Jam Session.

Evelyn is/was under the weather with a stomach bug.  Obviously she didn't go with us.  Gary, Mike and Tammy did go.

They had a great time in San Antonio.

The plans are for all six of us to leave in the morning, drive to Aransas Pass on Mustang Island across the bay from Corpus Christi.  Marcella (Glen and Evelyn's younger sister) and husband Jeff are there in their RV.  The six of us have reservations at a condo.  Now, we shall see how Evelyn is feeling in the morning; and determine if she has shared the bug with anyone else.  

Yesterday high was 81 degrees. Today the high was 65 degrees with a north/northeast wind.  
But no complaining here as I understand central Missouri and area had a low in the neighborhood of 12 degrees.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

FEB 10, 2015 (Tuesday ) Accomplishments

A good day in the neighborhood!

There was mail at the post office.  Thanks, Darin, for that forward!

Glen and I both got haircuts!.  The shaggy look is gone.

I have all new books to read after returning the last group to the library!  There's nothing better for me to do than to have a book by one of my (many) favorite authors, sitting in the outdoor lounger.

Glen worked on plumbing, built a shower wall.

A crew came to work on building and installing a gate in the chain-link fence in the back yard so visitors with an RV can drive onto the new concrete parking place easily.  

There were 12 musicians on the stage tonight.  For 18 years Tom, of Iowa, has led the Tuesday night Jam Session.  Tom will be here two more sessions then will return to Iowa and not come back to Zapata.  It hasn't been determined who the new leader will be, or, if there will be one.  It is feeling like the home RV park is not leaning toward selecting a new leader which means no more jam sessions.  There will be lots of disappointment people if the jam session is discontinued.

Monday, February 9, 2015

FEB 9, 2015 Refills and Home Depot (Monday)

It's our age. The memory isn't what it used to be.

Last Saturday Glen says "this is the last pill in this bottle.  Oh, no, I am out."  

Sunday, as you know was busy.

It was off to Laredo this morning.  I also needed one refill although it wasn't completely empty; there were six left in the bottle.

Then on to Home Depot.  A friend who is doing some tile work told us of a bargain price on two styles/color of tile.  Tile is needed for the shower that will be in the "new" outdoor bathroom.  We found a color we can live with; it isn't too brown.  But, of course, there wasn't enough of the size needed for the floor.  It is ordered, and should be here in a week.  

Honestly, it was only four stops: Walmart to leave the refill order; Home Depot to shop for tile; Olive Garden for lunch; and back to Walmart to pick up refill; and it took nearly all day.  We left at 8:30 and got home 2:30/3/00.  

Glen did some work in the bathroom.  I think he worked on the walls for the shower.

It was then time to get ready for the Monday night Jam Session.  Evelyn and Gary: we missed you.  We had to recruit help to carry in the sound system.  

Sunday, February 8, 2015

FEB 8, 2015 Bloodless Bull Fights

Ten of us gathered this afternoon and drove to La Gloria to watch the "Bloodless Bull Fights."

Seven of the group rode motorcycles; the rest of us drove our vehicles.  

It was a great afternoon to do anything, be outside.  It was sunshiny and 86 degrees.  

There were two matadors and four assistants.  Actually there was one matador and one matadora--a girl.  They each "fought" two bulls.  

It was a fun afternoon, and we are glad that we went, but might not go again!

A cowbowy displaying his beautiful palamino.

A practice round.  The last act of the "fight" the matador removes the flower from the bull (instead of killing the bull as in the old days--thus "bloodless".)

Matador directing the bull.

Matadora directing a bull.

The bulls are bred and raised especially for bull fights.

Evelyn and Gary went to San Antonio this morning.  They picked up Mike (Evelyn's son) and Tammy at the SA airport this afternoon.  They are spending the next four days there, and then will come back to Zapata.  

Saturday, February 7, 2015

FEB 7, 2015 (Saturday) Invitation for Dinner

We were invited to a time of visiting and dinner with friends Sally and Fred, Doyle and Arlene.  

All of them are from Michigan.  We made our acquaintances at church.  We meet the best people at church.

Fred and Gay also were invited.

It was a great time to visit.  Often when we are together there is music being performed, or there are other people involved.  The small group was appreciated.

Have I mentioned how muddy it has been in this area.  One, not all streets are paved; two, there has been sewer work going on involving the tearing up of street surfaces.  Some drivers enjoy the process of driving through the mud of the unpaved streets then onto the paved surfaces.  What a mess, which leads to very muddy/dirty vehicles.

We power-washed, brushed, and rubbed the truck clean this morning.  It does look better.  

About noon the clouds disappeared, there were blue skies, and the sun was shining!  What a glorious sight.  The high was 73 degrees.  

Friday, February 6, 2015

FEB 6, 2015 "Southern Anthem"  

This four-member family group was the afternoon entertainment at the nearby RV park recreation hall.  There was Mom a guitar player, 15-year old son and guitar player; 14-year old daughter and bass guitar; and 9-year old  son and fiddle player.  Their voices blended so well it was hard to know which one was singing.

Dad/husband was the sound person in the back of the room as well as entertaining two more children...age 1 and 1/2 and 9 months.  

They sang a mix of gospel, classic country,80/90's country, and a few songs they had written.  

It was great entertainment.  If the group "Southern Anthem" performs close to you, we recommend them highly.  

There was some card-playing tonight with several games of 19-point pitch with Gay and Fred; Evelyn and Gary, and Glen and me.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

FEB 5 Harlem Ambassadors

Gayla with Lade Majic, #7, hiding from the referee.

 Gayla with Lade Majic, former Mizzou Basketball player, now a professional with the Harlem Ambassadors, and the referee.

Gayla and Lade, coach and captain of the Harlem Ambassadors.

Tonight we went to the local high school to watch the Harlem Ambassadors, a professional team.  The Harley Ambassadors (HA) consisted of six players and the announcer.  They "played" against a team made up of local members of the Lions' Club.  

The HA went to each of the schools in town today to talk about bullying.

During the game tonight a referee called a foul against #7, Lade Majic.  Lade came into the bleachers to "hide" from the referee.  She hid right behind Glen and me.  Then....she chose me to go onto the floor with her.  We did a little dancing and harassing of the referee.  Evelyn took some pictures of the event.  

I looked up Lade Majic after I got home.  She is a graduate of Missouri University, a player for the Mizzou Tigers, and recently elected to the Hall of Fame.  She has been a professional player for 19 years.  I must say she doesn't look her age!

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be at half court of a basketball court "dancing" with a professional player.  

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

FEB 4, 2015 "Boogey Woogie Shoeshine Boy"

It was time for a day trip.

Early (9 a.m.) after a breakfast taco Glen, Gary, Evelyn, and I went to The Valley.**

**The Valley--McAllen, Mission, Edinburg, Pharr, Alamo, Donna, Weslaco, Harlingen, and Brownsville. 

It's a two hour drive south of Zapata on Highway 83.

The first stop was at the Don/Wes (Donna/Weslaco) Flea Market; open Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday.  It took about an hour to do all of the looking we needed.  Our big purchase:  18 pounds of oranges for $5.00, 10 pounds of Rio Red Grapefruit for $3.00.  

Then it was on to the parking lot at the International Bridge crossing the Rio Grande River into Nuevo Progreso Mexico.

This was taken after walking across the bridge into Nuevo (meaning "new) Progresso (Progress).  Nuevo Progreso is a "border town" where the Winter Texans keep the city in business.   

The main street is lined with multiple dentists' offices, souvenir businesses, liquor, boots.  Haircuts are $5. Manicures or pedicures are $10.  Blackmarket moves on DVD are available; faux name-brand purses, silver jewelry, etc, etc.  Lots/many (not us) get dental work done; or eye glasses purchased.  We have been told the dental offices are very modern and up to date.  We have never gone inside any.

Main Street is about 15 blocks long with two blocks on either side of Main.  We stay on Main Street, because anything we want to see or buy is available.

It costs 50-cents to walk across bridge into Mexico; 35-cents and passport to walk across bridge back into US.  

Boogie-woogie Shoeshine Boy
Glen wore his very old and scuffed "engineer" boots, just to have them polished.  "How much?"  $2.00".  plus Glen gave him a dollar tip,  

Glen also bought a pair of NEW engineer boots--$47.00

We ate lunch on the outdoor balcony of "Red Snapper".  We each ordered the same lunch special--fried shrimp, six butterflied, salad, flavored rice, and french fries, all for $9.99.  Rice and French Fries are often served on the same plate in south Texas.

Our drinks were bottled Cokes and "light Coke".  Mexican cokes are better than Coca Cola from the US.  I don't know if it is the sweetener or what, but it definitely has a better flavor.  

After crossing back into the US we started north to Zapata with one stop at a fruit/vegetable market.  I bought one each, huge orange and red bell peppers, and a peeled/sliced fresh pineapple, the sweetest one we have ever had.  It is so-o-o good.  

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

FEB 3, 2015 Guess What?


Temperatures ranged from 44 degrees this morning to a high of 47 degrees; and it has been sprinkly and drizzly all day!  Yucky weather has been back!

I learned over the week end there is a lady in town that does massages.  I called yesterday to make an appointment.  I went this morning at eleven. was great.  She found so many tender spots.  She offered a package deal for either six or ten sessions.  I think I will go for the....ten sessions.  In fact I have another session Friday morning.  To me a massage is the ultimate gift to myself.

There were 13 musicians on stage at the Jam Session.

Monday, February 2, 2015

FEB 2, 2015 One More Exchange at Lowe's

One more trip to Laredo; one more exchange at Lowe's.

Gary and Evelyn chose to stay home today rather than go to Laredo.

Glen and I made a day of it in Laredo.  

Stops today....
Home Depot--plumbing supplies
Guitar Store--checked out ukuleles for Evelyn.  Bought ukulele for Evelyn.  (We don't know what we        are doing.  
Lowe's--exchange faucet; buy faucet, etc
Walmart #1--wrong Walmart.  No prescription refill here
Walmart #2--right one.  Pick up prescription.  

Lunch--finally. At...
Palenque Grill--the best shrimp tacos ever.

Finally made it home about 4:30.

Get ready for Jam Session.
Give Evelyn the ukulele.  She likes it!  She will teach herself how to play.  She's talented like that.

Jam Session at Amigo Inn Motel and RV Park Rec Hall.  Chairs were full.

Yes--we are tired.  It is drizzling.  it is 46 degrees.  One more yucky day--80 percent chance of rain Tuesday.  High Tuesday 57 degrees.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

FEB 1, 2015 Super Bowl Week end (Zapata TX)

Friday and Saturday
These two days have been just ordinary, stay-at-home days.  Glen and Gary are slowing checking items off of the bathroom project list.

Have I mentioned that the bathroom sink faucet did not work after installation?  After investigation Glen discovered several broken plastic pieces inside the handle/faucet.  Another trip to Laredo is planned in the near future.

We just returned from the home of Mark and Jane, who live one street over from us.  Mark and Jane, and son Michael and wife Betty hosted the church family for a time of prayer prior to the football game.  

Michael set up a 12' x 8' screen to project the Super Bowl onto.  It was an awesome picture.  Michael also grilled wings and jalapenos halves filled with cheese and wrapped in bacon.  Repeat after me:  delicious, scrumptious!

It is still 67 degrees.  Some of us enjoyed a sweatshirt; some didn't need any kind of jacket.  

Bird of Paradise in bloom

Butterfly bush in bloom.

Plans for Monday or Tuesday
Drive to Laredo to exchange the faucet at Lowe's.  Shop at Walmart, and Sam's.