Saturday, April 29, 2017

4-29-2017 Still WET: Saturday night

It was raining this morning--as it has since a week ago Thursday--as we went to the volleyball games.  I didn't take the camera.  

Ashlynn is gaining in confidence while playing.  After serving five serves in a row, the player/server rotates over.  Ashlynn did that in two of the three games.  At this level if a player can serve it over the net it is a sure point.  Not often is there a return of the ball back over the net.

It is Saturday night, 10:30 p.m.  There has been 10.18" of rain since a week ago Thursday.  Since midnight there has been 1.28".  And, rain is forecast through the night and all day Sunday.  Rescues/evacuations are being carried out here in southeast Missouri and across the Mississippi River into southwest Illinois.


It is a wet, wet Saturday morning.

The damaging storms went north of us.  Thunder has rumbled all night.  There has been major lightning shows.  Since 10:30 last night there has been 2.5 inches of rain, and thankfully, no hail.

The last weather radio warning was for flash flooding throughout the day.  

I will try to get pictures of Ashlynn playing volleyball.  

Enjoy your day.  Stay dry.

Friday, April 28, 2017

April 28, 2017 (Friday) STORMY NIGHTS

Stormy Night!  

Weather radio is signaling storm watch and warnings.  Local tv is announcing a tornado just west of here.  Prediction is the tornado will reach the Cape Girardeau area in one hour (now 10:35 p.m.)

One place you don't want to be is a motorhome during a tornado.  We are keeping our eyes and ears  open to the radar/weather.  If it seems to be coming this direction we will go to Darin's basement.
There is no rain or wind at this minute.

We went to the local laundromat this morning.  

Ashlynn has two volleyball games in the morning.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

April 24, 2017 (Tuesday) Staying Home (Still at Landing Point RV Park, Cape girardeau, MO))

Jeff and Marcella in the midst of preparing to leaving tomorrow had the company of Max all day, their  6 year old grandson who was running a fever, but felt much better as the day progressed.

Gary and Evelyn are also leaving in the morning, heading back to their sticks 'n' bricks home south of Kansas City.  

It sounds as if both families/rigs will be driving in stormy weather tomorrow.  The storms are predicted to reach here by mid afternoon

Glen and I kept them company throughout the day and kept out of their way as they made their departure preparations.

Beth (J/M's daughter), Craig and Max's three sisters were here for supper.  Jeff grilled burgers for everyone.   Beth and family then departed for various practices--swim team and baseball.

This past week has passed by in a flurry.  It has been awesome to be able to visit with everyone.

Monday, April 24, 2017

April 24, 2017 It's TANNER'S Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Tanner!

Tanner is now 17 years of age.  Where do the years go?  He is finishing 11th grade.  He brings a smile, and often laughter to the point of tears, to his family.  Not in public.  In public he is very quiet.  
Everyone needs a Tanner in their life.

Tanner is a great student, polite, and a budding chef!!

We said our "good-byes" and "see you down the road" to Jim and Dee this morning.  They are headed to Wisconsin.

We enjoyed at "Katie o"Ferrells", an Irish pub and grill, located in downtown Cape Girardeau.  After lunch we drove to Cape Rock which is original location of the city of Cape Girardeau.  The "Shepherd's Pie" was delicious.

Darin is suffering from the flu, complete with high temperature, chills, dizziness.  We picked up Ashlynn and Zade from school.  We brought them to the RV park with us.

They sang with Glen and Evelyn.  

Dinner was brisket sandwiches, provided by Evelyn, chips, and dessert.  

Ashlynn and Zade went home to sleep.  They both have MAP testing tomorrow (Missouri Aptitude Proficiency--or something like that).  It a state-mandated test.  

Sunday, April 23, 2017

April 23, 2017 (Sunday) Big Surprise

Jeff and Marcella left early this morning to travel to St. Louis to spend time with their son and family.

Before lunch Evelyn, Gary, Glen and I drove to PineLeaf Azalea Gardens about 15 miles from here.  We were about 4 days and 3 inches of of rain late for the peak bloom.  There was evidence of blooms but the pounding rain and winds had played havoc with the garden.

It was still a beautiful drive through the rolling hills to the garden.

After lunch we drove to the Mississippi River.  The Mighty Mississippi is rolling fast, not quite out of the banks but full of spring rains.

The Bill Emerson Bridge across the Mighty Mississippi--Illinois on the left; and Missouri on the right.

One big barge traveling north.  It appeared to be a petroleum storage barge.

Mid afternoon we were walking to Gary/Evelyn's rig.  Glen stops and says, "look at that rig.  Is that Jim and Dee?"  We quickly determined it was.  Jim and Dee are our neighbors in Zapata.  They also traveled to Alaska with us in 2014.  

Yes,  they knew we are parked in this park.  Yes, they knew Jeff and Marcella also are here; but they did not know Gary and Evelyn were also here.  We had a great visit with them.  They are on their way to Wisconsin and will depart in the morning.  What a great surprise!

April 22, 2017 (Saturday) A Little Volleyball, a Little Nap, A Little Fish Fry

Marcella (Glen's next younger sister) and Jeff have a daughter Beth who has four children and lives here in Cape Girardeau.  Whew! what an involved explanation.

Ashlynn and her cousins (Beth's daughters) Addison, Sydney all had two volleyball games yesterday morning.

Watching 3rd-4th grade volleyball is painful and entertaining.  Most points accumulated is from serves  that get over the net as most of the other team can't return the ball.  Servers get the points.  

The coaches are either high school or college players.     Enough said.  OK, I will say there aren't many skills being taught.

Ashlynn's team lost both games; Addison's team was 1-1; Sydney's team 0-2.

Gary and Evelyn were very good sports and went with the family to watch the games.  

After a stop at Walmart, we returned to our RV home.  I made up a double batch of hush puppies.  There was time for a nap before going to Beth's for a family fish fry.

Crappie Jeff caught in Texas were the main course of the meal.  What was cooked hardly made a dent in the amount in the freezer.  Jeff does a great job of frying them.  All of the side dishes added to the enjoyment of the meal.

It is now Sunday morning.  The rain has stopped with 3.25" total rain fall since Thursday afternoon.  It remains cloudy with a 20 mph north wind, and a temp of 48 degrees.  

I am not sure what is on the agenda for today.  Jeff and Marcella have gone to St. Louis to assist their son/wife in a move from an apartment to a house.

The RV park is full.  There is an Airstream rally gathered here.

Friday, April 21, 2017

April 21, 2017 April Showers

"April showers bring May flowers!"

Something will be blooming soon as there has been steady rain since yesterday afternoon.  The total is 2.11", complete with thunder and lightning.

Max, the family dog belonging to Darin/Sarah, Ash and Zade, has missed Darin/Sarah more than Ashlynn and Zade put together.  

Last night Max was not allowed in any of the bedrooms because she has whined all night.  Last night was not any better as she walked the hallway whining at each door.  Max was excited to see her adult people when they arrived tonight.

Darin and Sarah arrived, tired and worn, right on schedule tonight.  They aren't ready to move to New Jersey yet 😬--too many people.  

We visited with Gary/Evelyn, Jeff/Marcella today until time to pick up Ashlynn and Zade at school.

Are you able to speculate/guess what the first thing that happened?  Music.  Did you guess that?  Marcella and Evelyn played their guitars and they all sang.  Of course there was lots of visiting going on between each song.  

Tomorrow morning Ashlynn has two volleyball games and two of Marcella/Jeff's granddaughters have two games each.  A busy morning.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

April 20, 2017 Half-Way Through

It is half-way through the three-day/night stay with Ashlynn and Zade.  

They are very self-sufficient which makes this an enjoyable visit.  Ashlynn is finishing fourth grade, and Zade third grade.  

Long time friends Tom and Donna Y. from Poplar Bluff came over yesterday.  They visited with other friends in the hospital, then came to the house for a great visit.

We all enjoyed dinner at "O'Charley's" last evening before Tom and Donna traveled to their home.

There was time for a game of Spades after showers and before bedtime.  Zade really likes card games, any games!

Ashlynn has a part in a play/musical for fourth-graders tonight at school.  Zade is scheduled for baseball practice but that looks like it will be rained out.  

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

April 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 2017 Finally, Enough Time (Landing Point RV Park, Cape Girardeau, MO)

No Extra Minutes!  

Literally, no time to sit down and write a blog since last Friday.

Thursday we were on the bumpy road all day.  We stopped in Camp Lakewood Campground, Effingham, Illinois for the night.    

Friday morning we were on the road early in order to be near Argos Indiana in the afternoon.

We checked the Campground directory for that area and learned that most campgrounds do not open until the end of April.  We did find a park, Hoffman Lake Camp, Warsaw, IN, that opened that day that was only 15 miles from our friends' home/church.

Visitation started at 3:00.  We arrived at 3:50 and stood in line for two and half hours.  It was quite a tribute to the family that so many people were there.  We learned that the family didn't leave until 11:30 that evening.

Friday morning we left the rv park, driving the RV to the town of Argos, leaving the rig in a parking lot, then going on to the church.

Again the church was full, with extra chairs in place.  Our friend Davy was an extraordinary person.  Because of health issues he was only able to work for 15 years.  He had the time to meet and visit with people.  He is gone from this earth but his legacy will remain for a long time.

After the service we prepared to get back on the road, heading to Cape Girardeau, Mo, home of our son Darin, Sarah, Ashlynn, and Zade.

It was a "short" seven hour trip.  The entire trip we were treated to the beautiful blooming dogwood and redbud trees as well as various blooms in the well manicured yards.

Sunday we attended church with the family, shared lunch, enjoyed naps, and caught up with the various activities we missed through the summer.

Yesterday, Monday, Ashlynn and Zade were not in school; we spent the day with them.  Zade loves games.  We played Spades (with he and Ashlynn), rummy, Hearts and Spite and Malice (on my iPad).  

Ashlynn did a lot of reading.  She finished "Where the Red Fern Grows".  She will be tested on it today at school.

I had forgotten the joys of "hiding Easter eggs'!  It was a drizzly day outdoors.  We hid in the house (plastic) eggs for Zade; he hid for us; then we had for Ashlynn.  

Made and Ashlynn in their Easter finery!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

April 13, 3017. Heading North (Camp Lakewood, Effingham Indiana)

Departure was delayed this morning when the roof satellite would not stow. A search did not locate a manual.  There was an error code flashing on the box.  I located the website that displayed a toll free number.  Glen talked to a very efficient technician that talked Glen through the procedure necessary to reset everything.  Success! The satellite stowed flawlessly.  P.S. The tech told Glen a manual did not come with the satellite,  Everything is on line.

After fueling the motor home we were on the road an hour after originally planned.

We traveled on interstate highways all day.  We made it through St. Lois at four, just before rush hour.. we traveled through Illinois entering into Indiana.

Just west of Effingham we ran into road construction that delayed us about 45 minutes.

It is about another six hours tomorrow before reaching Argos Indiana.  We will be able to attend the visitation tomorrow evening.

As we traveled north we were able to enjoy dogwoods in bloom as well as redbuds most of the day.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

April 12, 2017 Wednesday Fun Times with Family (Last night in Greenwood, AR)

There is always joy and laughter and love when we visit with Trisha, Jeff, Brady, Natalie, and Tanner.  

Our stay here is going to be shortened as we received word last night that Davy, the son of David (and Kathy, deceased) Stults passed away of illness.  Davy was 48 years of age, parents of two daughters, and husband of Jennifer.  Dave and Kathy had two other children, Gayla, and Eric.  

We became acquainted with Dave and Kathy in 1968 when Dave and Glen were both stationed at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO.  Kathy and I bonded and became instant friends.  After service with Uncle Sam our families visited back forth each year, watching as our families increased  and grew.  Davy was Dave and Kathy's first born.  The Stults' family live in northern Indiana.

Their family has had some high mountains to climb through the years but has kept their faith in the Lord.  

I was and am honored that they named their only daughter after me.

Kathy passed away of breast cancer.  Dave has since married Laurie.

The family is on our minds.

We are starting to Indiana in the morning, spending the night on the way, and arrive on Friday.  Visitation/viewing will be Friday afternoon with the service on Saturday morning.

Please utter a prayer for peace and understanding for the Stults' family.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

April 9, 2017 Sunday Prom Night

Yesterday was Prom Night for Natalie.  Natalie is a senior with a month left until graduation.

Natalie's shoes are adorable.

Drew and Natalie

Drew's socks matched the dress!

Poppy Glen, Drew, Natalie, and Grammy Gayla
We are glad we were able to be here to see the finery and beauty of Prom Night.  Natalie is beautiful always, but she shined last night.  Drew is a handsome, fine young man, a wonderful escort.

Brady was home from college this week-end--actually I think most week ends.  I was able to convince Brady and Tanner I needed pictures of them.

Brady and Tanner: facial hair--a sign of the times

Brady, Glen, Tanner

Brady, Gayla, Tanner
Brady is finishing his freshman year at Arkansas Technicial, majoring in electrical engineering and computer engineering.  Tanner is finishing his junior year in high school.  Right now he is talking about a computer major of some sort in college.  

Tanner is about 6'3'' and Brady is 6'5".  

It was a fun afternoon visiting with Trisha and Brady and Tanner.  Jeff was flying for American Airlines.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

April 6, 2017 Thursday Yes! Personal Day

I did mention that I was scheduled for a massage this morning, didn't I???

Oh, yes.  The massage lady found all those tension spots in my shoulders and necks.  The best hour of the day.

Natalie, our (step) granddaughter, a senior/starter soccer player had a game this afternoon in Harrison Arkansas about three hours north of here.  Jeff and Trisha did not have time to drive to the game so they flew in a privately owned plane.  Glen accompanied them. 

I was invited but declined, as expected.  Claustrophobia rears its ugly head at the thought of being in a small plane.  

The game ended 0-1, with Greenwood  losing.

Tanner kept me company while everyone else was at the game.  Tanner taught me a new-to-me card game, which involved slapping the cards at various points in the game.  I don't even remember the name, but it is something he plays with his friends.  It had a lot of rules which he kept adding to as we played the game, causing much laughter.  He is a funny, funny young man!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

April 5, 2017 (Wednesday) A WINDY Trip (Greenwood, AR)

Wind Alert--all through Texas and Arkansas!  
What a trip.  Glen fought a 20-25 mph west wind all day.  Just now at nearly 9:30 p.m. the wind is dying down.

The last fifty miles there were iris blooming, dogwood in bloom, redbud almost in bloom.  The grass is so-o-o green!  Recent downpours had filled the ponds and streams.  I soaked in all the colors.

Traffic Alert---Houston TX
Oh my!  early morning traffic in downtown Houston is a mess, intense, nearly at a standstill, bumper to bumper!!  Thankfully we were heading "out", going north; traffic thinned  within thirty minutes.  I have said it before, and say it again: we are grateful we never had to live and work in big cities!

Once in Greenwood, we made ourselves at home at the fairgrounds.  We called Tanner, our grandson to find out dinner plans.  We met Trisha and Tanner at the local Mexican restaurant!  After dinner we went to Trisha/Tanner's home.  We enjoyed visiting and catching up for a couple of hours.

Plans were made for tomorrow evening.  

I have an appointment for a massage midday Thursday.  So looking forward to that hour!!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

April 4, 2017 (Tuesday) (Lakeview RV Resort, Houston TX) COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS

Count your blessings. 

How many times have you sung that in church?  We did this past Sunday.

Sitting in the many waiting rooms at MD Anderson Cancer Center will encourage one to do that very thing.

CANCER.  Such an ugly word. There are many forms and stages of that word.

Blessing number One..
Being a part of God's family.  The love and support and concern that is shown takes away the raw edge of fear.

Blessing Number two.
Doctors. Hospitals.  
There have been no hospital stays associated with Glen's cancer. However as we sit in the various waiting rooms at MD Anderson we can see the patients that have been here for days, months, years. See the various head coverings. Blankets wrapped around the bony shoulders of someone in need of heat and warmth. Pain radiating from eyes.   Note the various face masks that protect the patient from that germ that might take them down because their body no longer has the immune system to fight.

Doctors that specialize in the various types of cancers, who speak with concern in their voice and see the patient in small rooms or even in the waiting area itself are a blessing.  

Don't forget Hospitals that research, who treat, who have the latest up to date equipment, whose employees are caring, tender and can find the most difficult vein without pain.

Don't forget those students who are learning to erase and eradicate the very name of Cancer.

Blessing Number three.
Family and friends that accompany a patient. That family member carries a bag that has water, a jacket, a snack, something to read, and most of all listens to the updates, the newest plan of action, the good news, the bad news. 

Be sad for the individual who sits alone.

Blessing Number four.
There is the blessing of early diagnosis.  Glen has only dealt with twice yearly blood tests. We aren't dealing with any type of treatment.  But..that might be in our future someday.  

Get those preventive tests. Watch the diet.  Cut the sugar.  Exercise. We all know what we should do. Make an effort, be determined to care for yourself.     If you live your life not ever being in a cancer hospital, COUNT your blessings.  

Blessing Number five:  cancer that is not "angry!"
Glen's good news:  at the end of this day--Glen's blood levels indicate the CLL is not "angry".  What a descriptive word from the doctor!!  No notable changes in the blood levels/counts.  "See you next year!'  --great news and big blessings.  Thank you for answered prayer.

Monday, April 3, 2017

April 3, 2017 (Monday) On the Road Again! (Left Zapata, TX; Arrived LakeviewRV Resort, Houston TX)

All the preparations the past few weeks paid off this morning when all we had to do was disconnect the water, and electric, and double check the gates--yes, they are locked!

It was an uneventful trip to Houston.  Traffic wasn't bad; there was green fields, corn planted, ponds full to view as we traveled.

We will be here in Houston two nights, leaving Wednesday morning.  

Glen has appointments at MD Anderson tomorrow.  We are expecting nothing  but good reports.

We will miss our neighbors/friends in Zapata; but it is time to get some hugs from the children and grandchildren!

I know there are some baseball games to watch, high school graduation to attend, brothers/sisters to visit, doctors' appointments in the next few months.

We will keep you up to date with our travels!  We do like to hear from our readers!