Friday, November 29, 2013

11.29.13. Travel day

Ashlynn and zade rode with us today as we traveled to Iberia in central Mo.

We arrived at my sister's farm just in time to watch the cattle being moved. Cousins Mattie, grade 3, Addison grade1. Cash age 4 were here so there was lots of playing.

We had a good visit with sister JAn and BIL Bruce.  Tomorrow is the big day. After family lunch will be the division of mom's quilts, pictures. 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

11-28-2013 Stick A Fork in Me, I am Done!

Just like most homes, the table--or in our case--the counter was laden with bowls and crock pots and pans of the most delicious food.

Then, there were the desserts! 

There were 18 adults and 4 children for lunch.  About five p.m. 4 more arrived.  

Beth and Craig have a wonderful home with plenty of room for all of us!  Thank you both for hosting the Hickey clan this year.

Two of the group went to WalMart to check out the bargains.

Glen spotted an air compressor in the Lowe's ad.  He drove by the store, but it was closed.  It truly is a Black Friday bargain.  

One of the blessings today was sunshine and 43 degrees,  The day started at 16 degrees.

If you are traveling tonight or tomorrow, be safe.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

11-27-2013 Preparations for Turkey Day are Finished

Food preparations for tomorrow are finished.  

We visited with our friend in the hospital today.  She isn't showing improvement, still feels poorly.  She will spend the holiday in the hospital.

Glen's nephew Mike (Evelyn's son) celebrated his birthday tonight with 11 other family members.  We enjoyed watching the meal being prepared on the hibachi grill at "Shoguns" Japanese Restaurant.  The food was delicious.  

I just checked the weather station.  It said today's high was 42, but I don't know when it was that warm.  It didn't feel like it as there was a strong breeze all day long.  The low this morning was 18 degrees.  At least there was sunshine all day.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

11-26-2013 Pre-Pre Thanksgiving!

It's been a busy day.

I spent the morning prepping veggies and making sauces for Thanksgiving dishes.  

At noon we visited with our friend Donna who had been admitted to the hospital late last night.  She is doing better and expects to be released tomorrow.  

We had medication refills at Walmart.  Glen had new equipment to pick up for his c-pap machine.

Glen picked up Ashlynn and Zade from after school care.  They came to the motorhome where we all waited for the arrival of Evelyn (Glen's sister) and Gary in their fifth wheel.

They arrived about 5:15; hooked up, turned on the heat.

All of us then went to Darin/Sarahs for dinner.  Darin grilled venison tenderloin/backstrap wrapped in bacon with green beans and baked potato as side dishes.  

We are now back home.  Jeff and Marcella have arrived. Glen is guiding them to their parking site.

BTW it is 32 degrees and the wind is 24 mph.
Can we all say COLD!  Br-r-r!

Monday, November 25, 2013

11-25-2013 Four Lettered Word

Which four-lettered word am I referring to?

How about either of these? 

It was both today!  About mid-day snowflakes could be seen floating in the air; soon turned to snow pellets.  There was no accumulation.

The high today was 34 degrees with a cold (there's that word again) north wind.  

I managed to get an appointment today with an eye doctor who agree with the opthamologist:  I need glasses.  I brought prescription with me to fill when we get to Laredo Texas.  There's not enough days to order and receive before we leave for Texas.

We also braved WalMart this afternoon.  It was busy, but nothing like Saturday, I imagine.  But I forgot to take medications for refilling which means another trip tomorrow.  

Early this evening I received a phone call telling me that Donna (that we visited with yesterday) whose mother is in Cape Girardeau hospital was in the ER of the same hospital.  Donna is having tests to determine what is causing her symptoms/pain (stomach pains).  Before we left the ER we learned that she is being admitted to the hospital.  This family is worn out from dealing with the death of Donna's dad in October, the impending end of her mother's life, and now this medical setback for Donna.

We are expecting the arrival of the families of two of Glen's sisters tomorrow, both coming to this RV park!  The fun is getting ready to begin.  

Sunday, November 24, 2013

11-24-2013 We are way too far NORTH!

Here's today's temps...low 16, high 33.  Wind 15-18 mph.  Can you say "cold"?  

I talked to our daughter in Ft. Smith Arkansas this afternoon and there was sleet falling!

We visited with Tom and Donna in the hospital today.  We took Donna to lunch at Panera Bread.  We enjoyed visiting with her, but sorry it was under the circumstances.

We are treasuring every minute with Darin, Sarah, Ashlynn and Zade.  It will be difficult to leave them in a few days and that is the most difficult part of being full-time in the motorhome.  We enjoyed them this afternoon.

Sunday night is one of our favorite tv nights.  Amazing Race is winding down; we are cheering on our favorite team and boo-ing our least favorite team.

It will be shopping time at WalMart in the morning.  Hopefully it won't be as crowded as over the week end.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

11-23-2013 Mixed Day

It has been a day with mixed feelings.

On one hand the mother of friend Donna was brought to Cape Girardeau by ambulance last night.  She has undergone a scoping procedure today, and is fighting a brutal infection.  Our thoughts and prayers are with all of their family.

On the other hand we drove to Poplar Bluff to visit with friends Sandy and Jim.  Donna (see above) and husband Tom were supposed to join us.  We enjoyed a great bowl of homemade soup, played some Mexican Train (dominos), all the while talking and visiting.  The visit ended with dinner at the local Mexican restaurant.

Our son Darin drove to Oxford Mississippi today to watch the Ole Miss vs. Missou football game tonight.  Darin is an alumnus of Ole Miss.  Ole Miss fans weren't very happy at the end of the game :}.  Mizzou won.  

BR-R-R-R! It is currently (10:30 p.m.) 24 degrees with a north wind gusting to 20 mph.  The forecast low is 13 degrees.   I will say it again....BR-R-R-R!

Friday, November 22, 2013

11-22-2013 Favorite Quote of the Day

Ashlynn, age 7, in discussing autumn, falling leaves, wind: "even the baby trees will be bald when all the leaves are gone!"

Favorite doctors: dermatologist (yesterday) and opthamologist (today)---no weigh ins!

Report from opthamologist: my eyes have changed considerably in the past two years.  I am becoming far-sighted.  I can try a different size "reader" but probably will like full time glasses again.  

I had Lasix nearly ten years ago, and have enjoyed every minute.  It was an ah-ha moment when the surgery was finished.  I am realizing that I am not seeing as well as I did and can accept that I need to wear glasses.  I did--from high school till ten years ago; and will again!

Glen's report from opthamologist: no change in the last year.  Good news.  Just use readers as needed.

There's just one more doctor's appointment next week.  That will be it for the fall session of appointments.  (okay, maybe another if I can see Sarah's eye doctor next week before we leave.  The opthamologist doesn't write glasses' prescription.  That's another doctor.)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

11-21-2013 Progress

Glen checked on the pick up this morning.  Yep, it was sitting there with nothing under the hood.  The engine was sitting on blocks, ready for the rings to be replaced.  We are still assuming it will be completed tomorrow!

About three this afternoon Darin called to see if we could pick up Ashlynn and Zade at the beauty shop with Sarah.  Sarah had gotten Ashlynn from school as she had a horrific headache.  It sounded just like a migraine.  I hate to think she is having a migraine at age 7.  We took the kids to their house; found the Tylenol for Ashlynn.  We then stayed until Darin got home.

It rained most of the day with a total of .82" of precip.  More is forecast for tonight through tomorrow night.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

“SafetyTats" give parents peace-of-mind - KFVS12 News & Weather Cape Girardeau, Carbondale, Poplar Bluff

“SafetyTats" give parents peace-of-mind - KFVS12 News & Weather Cape Girardeau, Carbondale, Poplar Bluff

This is our granddaughter, grandson, and son in this article.

11-20-2013 Our GMC Pick-up

Do you remember in January 2011 that our 2010 pick-up with 6000 miles was rear-ended?  The insurance chose not to "total" it because it was so new and had so few miles.

The repair included replacing the frame!  The total insurance pay-out was nearly $27,000.

Now, the pick-up is using oil.  We took it to the GMC dealer this morning.  The rings in the engine are being replaced; it will take three days.  Thankfully, this job is under warranty.  
We reminded the dealer of the accident.  He doesn't think this has anything to do with the accident.  The truck will just about have had everything replaced soon!

We are using Darin's four-door sport wrangler unlimited jeep to move around town.  I don't mind the jeep except for the high step to get in.  Darin added a running step, but it still is high.  

While I was getting a hair cut (the shaggy look is gone) Glen checked on new 6-Volt house batteries for the motor home.  He checked with NAPA Auto Parts, Sam's, and WalMart.

The best response was from WalMart.  The lady behind the counter in the auto parts section when asked about
"six volt golf cart batteries" told Glen "they didn't have six volt batteries. He would have to look in the toy department for that kind of batteries."  Don't believe she was familar with batteries!

Of course we had play time with Ashlynn and Zade this evening.  Ashlynn rode her bike without "training wheels"!  Zade played pitch and catch with Poppy.  

We decided to take advantage of the dry weather as there is rain forecast for the next two days.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

11-19-2013 "Happiest Day Ever!"

We left Greenwood early, 8:30, and was on the road 7 and half hours.  We crossed Arkansas west to east on I-40, then north on I-55 to Cape Girardeau. 

We arrived just in time to pick up Ashlynn and Zade at preschool (where they go after school).

We walked to the playground, looking for them.  Ashlynn started screaming, "oh my, Mimi.  Oh, this is the happiest day ever! I love you."  It was the best greeting ever.  She told the workers, "this is my Mimi. I haven't seen her in a long time."  

Zade greeted Poppy with the same sentiments and hugs!

It was even better when they realized they would get to ride in the motorhome to the rv park.  

We parked, hooked up utilities, and were set.  Ashlynn wanted to look for leaves.  She and I walked around the park.  

It will be difficult to leave them next week!

Tomorrow is scheduled to be a busy day.  It will start early to have the pick-up at the GMC dealer at 8:00 a.m.

Monday, November 18, 2013

11-18-2013 Getting Ready

After being parked in one spot for nearly three weeks, there are a few things that always creep out of their spot.  We spent the morning putting away magazines, papers, vacuuming, mopping, dusting, cleaning bathroom, washing the motorhome.  

I worked up a sweat doing my share of the chores.  We are, however, ready to drive away in the morning.

Tonight we took the family, excepting Jeff who was flying, out to dinner.  The grandchildren chose "Fuji's" a Japanese steak house.  We sat around the hibachi grill and watched the meal being prepared.

Glen very much enjoyed spending time one-on-one with Brady.  Brady is now proficient with the guitar.  He spends hours playing and has improved tremendously.  Brady played songs from Poppy's notebook and Glen sang.  

Brady played until his fingers were too sore to play any more; and Poppy sang until he had no more voice!

We said our good-byes and exchanged hugs with the family. 
We probably will see them after Thanksgiving as we head south to our Texas stomping grounds, but it will be for only one night.

How does one describe "family time"?  Enjoyable doesn't seem strong enough.  The grandchildren are "older"; have their own opinions and are capable of voicing them--all at the same time.  They are busy with school, activities, church, family, friends.  We appreciate them spending time with us.  

We love you: Trisha, Jeff, Tanner, Natalie, Brady, and Landon.   

Sunday, November 17, 2013

11-17-2013 Dwindling Down

Just one more day here before we move on!  

Saturday and Sunday have been quiet, spending time with the family.  

We are soaking up these times, taking the memories, laughter, and love with us as we head south in just a few weeks.

Leaving family is the down side, the hard side of being Full-Timers, but what we have chosen.  The family knows we can be with them in just a few days, should an emergency or a celebration arise!  

We will be leaving here and heading to Cape Girardeau in southeast Missouri Tuesday morning.  There are appointments for the truck, for doctors, social times with friends, and gatherings with family in the next couple of weeks.

Friday, November 15, 2013

11-15-2013 The Rose Among The Thorns

Last night I said I would add pictures of Natalie as soon as possible.  Here she is:  the rose among the thorns.  Just humor. The boys are very handsome!

Natalie, age 14, 9th grader:  cheerleader for 8/9th grade sports, trap shooter, fashion-ista

Natalie, Tanner

Natalie, Tanner, Landon, Brady

Landon, Jeff, Trisha, Natalie, Tanner, Brady

Did you figure out there are four teenagers?  Count them: Tanner-13, Natalie-14, Brady-16, Landon-16 (3 months older)! Two drivers! Two car insurances!

We are working on/researching a project from our Bucket List.  It isn't finalized yet, no date but maybe before the end of 2013.  To tantalize just a little: the project requires new wardrobe items.  We will announce when all the details are finalized.  

All of the teens of the household went to the Greenwood High School District football game tonight.  Greenwood has now won 49 in a row.  They beat a team from Little Rock 49-12.  

Jeff, Trisha, Glen and I went out to dinner at Landry's, a locally owned New Orleans-style restaurant in downtown Ft. Smith.  The seafood pasta was delicious.  Glen and I shared one serving, saving room for bread pudding, also shared. That may have been the best bread pudding I have ever eaten.  

Thursday, November 14, 2013

11-14-13 Grandsons

The past few days have been of the mundane, normal, nothing extraordinary variety; hence, no blogs.

We are, however, about caught up on all filing.  Where does all that paper come from?  

Tonight, after school, all three grandsons were actually home at the same time.  Usually there is church, or baseball practice, or work, or friends keeping one away.

Here are pictures of our three older grandsons:

Tanner, age 13/8th grader; Brady, age 16/10th grader (Trisha's boys)

Brady: guitar player, all things computer, trap shooter, x-box gamer

Tanner: trap shooter, x-box gamer, brown/black belt in kook sol won

Landon: baseball player, x-box gamer, trap shooter (Jeff's son)

Tanner, Brady, Landon: blended brothers, good friends

Natalie, age 14, 9th grader, wasn't home tonight for pictures.  I will add her to the group soon. She's the "rose among the thorns"!  

Imagine this:  feeding these three--either at home, or eating out!  Three meals a day is not enough.  Brady--6'5; Landon--6'; Tanner--5'10" and just starting to grow!

I studied vocabulary with Brady and Dax (neighbor and friend of Brady) tonight.  Vocab words were to be used in sentences that applied to the play "Antigone".  Not familiar with Antigone?  It is a Greek myth that involves Antigone, Oedipus, and other family members.  Oh, yes, that Antigone! (ha)

I left before Biology vocab word study began!  Those words had to do with cells.  I am not sure I learned in college what they were studying tonight.   

Monday, November 11, 2013

11-11-13 Remembering and Appreciating All Veterans

Here's a big THANK YOU to all the veterans for their service and their families for their support during their times of service.  

If your veteran or soldier is now serving or just got home, or Just because it has been decades since your veteran served doesn't mean he/she has forgotten those long days and nights they were in danger, far from home.  Give a prayer of thanks they returned.  Give them love and support and let them know they are appreciated.

Saturday, November 9, 2013


The countdown to Christmas started this afternoon.

Trisha with help from Brady, Tanner, and Landon hung the outdoor Christmas lights on the house.  It was a beautiful day to be outdoors.  They also brought the Christmas tree from the attic; but it wasn't assembled.  

on roof: Tanner and Landon; on ladder: Brady; on sidewalk: Glen and Trisha

Glen and Brady completed one "fix it" project on the list.  

Friday, November 8, 2013

11-8-2013 All Aboard!

A picture is worth a 1000 words!

Glen and I enjoyed a 70-mile round scenic trip this morning aboard the Arkansas and Missouri Rail Line.  Currently there are three trips a week for "leaf peeping".  There are two other routes to choose from, if desired.  We left from Van Buren, Arkansas.

Leaving the depot at Van Buren, Arkansas, for a scenic ride aboard the Arkansas and Missouri Rail Line.
One car featured a dome for viewing;

Gayla, on right.  At the turnaroud 35 miles north of Van Buren, the engine switched ends; the passengers flipped the seats to avoid riding backwards.

Glen and Gayla

The colors were varied.

One of many streams we enjoyed.

I540, running north and south above the train.
Still pretty.
It was a beautiful day to enjoy the outdoors.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

11-7-2013 Fun with Grandson

Brady came over this evening while the rest of the family had other things to do.

Brady, age 16, grade 10, 6'6", is always hungry!  He brought left overs from his refrigerator for supper.  I warmed up grilled pork chops for a couple of sandwiches, prepared nachos, and finished with an apple.  

Brady likes to play games as much as I do.  That is a serious statement, not sarcasm.  We played cribbage and rummy 500.  

The local high school football team has won 47 games in a row.  The game tomorrow night is "home" so Brady will go to the game.  

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

11/6/13 "Five Guys, Burger and Fries!"

Remember last week I had a "barefoot deep tissue" massage?  Enjoyed another massage this morning.  Believe that all of those stress points have been massaged away!

This evening we went with Jeff and Trisha to visit with Jeff's dad who is residing in a rehab wing of an assisted living center.  Mr. Burklow is 90 and 1/2 of age.  He recently has had some issues with gout which slowed down his goal of going back to his home. 

Dinner was a burger at "5 Guys, Burger and Fries".  It has a limited menu: burgers and hot dogs, fresh cooked regular fries and fries with cajun seasoning.  But, it was a most delicious burger!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

11/5/13 A Rainy Day

What do you do on a rainy day?

Here in northwestern Arkansas the answer: catch up on paperwork.  Because of the events of the past six weeks it has been easy to let the paperwork slide.  Bank statements and credit card statements were matched with the store receipts (they had been paid).  

The last delivery of mail had been viewed, but not filed.  Mission accomplished. 

Glen's laptop computer began showing signs of virus contamination or user dysfunction.  A trip to Best Buy's Geek Squad indicates a virus infestation.  That let's the user off the hook.

A 4-7-day with the Geek Squad technicians should solve that problem.  

Due to the steady rain darkness arrived early.  We called Trisha and told her we were in for the night.  

I caught up on the Tivo'd Jeopardy's.  

There's 90 percent chance of rain tonight and tomorrow.  The rain and wind are bringing down the beautiful, colored leaves.  

Monday, November 4, 2013

11-04-13 It's Monday, so It Must Be Laundry!

Brady, Tanner, and Landon, three older grandsons, usually do their own laundry.  I told them last night I would work on their laundry today.

I put the first load in at 7:30 this morning and took out and folded the last load at 8:00 tonight!  

Tanner knocked on the bedroom door about midnight last night, saying the dreaded words, "Grammy, I threw up."

Yuck is an understatement. 

Needless to say, there was clean up to do.  Thank you, Glen.  That is one ailment I can't take care of.

Tanner was still under the weather this morning, so stayed home from school.  

Jeff and Trisha returned home from their honeymoon/first anniversary trip late afternoon.  Trisha called from Atlanta saying they were still on the ground as the door on the airplane wouldn't close.  It took about 15 minutes to repair.  

They had a great week-end on the Florida beach.  

We are back at our home tonight, listening to the pitter-patter of rain hitting the roof.  

It has been great fun spending the time with the grandsons.  As in most situations, kids/grandsons are more laid-back when the parents are gone.  They were helpful, humerus, talkative.  There were glimpses of adulthood.  

Sunday, November 3, 2013

11-3-13 Surprise!

Look what we received by text today!

Trisha and Jeff renewed their vows this morning on the beach in Ft. Lauderdale where they have been for their honeymoon/first anniversary.

The boys tell me they knew but they--Trisha and Jeff--hadn't mentioned it to us.  Quite a beautiful setting for the service.

Brady and Tanner rode their bikes this afternoon with their neighborhood friends.  Landon worked some evening hours at a local steakhouse.

Brady, Tanner, Glen and I played cards this evening.  We just ended the evening watching The Amazing Race. onto bed.  Tomorrow is a school day.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

11-2-13 Oh, What Fun!

Oh, what fun!

We ALL slept in this morning!

Brady and Tanner had bragged on breakfast at "The Egg and I".  Brady said "Grammy, their pancakes are even better than yours!  

Off we went to check out the pancakes.  The edges of the pancake hung over edges of the big plate.  Tanner added two scrambled eggs and bacon to his pancake and ate all of it!  I had the pumpkin waffle with pecan crumble over the top.  It was awesome, sweet enough to be a dessert.

Glen had French toast with eggs and bacon making it a combo. Brady had a pancake and licked the platter clean.  

All pancakes are made with whole wheat flour.

This family would highly recommend "The Egg and I" for breakfast.

Glen and Brady got a much-needed haircut.

Back in the summer Brady and Landon's bikes were stolen from the driveway, parked just in front of the garage door.  The police recovered Brady's bike from a ditch near Ft. Smith.  Because he had a record of the serial number the police returned his.  Landon's bike was/has not been recovered.

Brady's bike had a broken seat and the back tire had been stabbed with a knife.  Glen and Brady replaced the flat/damaged tire. 

Brady and Tanner said we had to eat at "Larry's Pizza" for dinner.  It was a good thing Larry had buffet because Brady and Tanner ate several pieces.

We visited with Willie, age 90, who is in the rehab unit of an assisted living facility after pizza.  Willie is Jeff's dad.  Willie is suffering with reoccurring gout.  His hand looked much better today than this past Wednesday.

With lots of giggling and smiles and fun we played a new card game called "golf", and Sorry, and Crazy Eight this evening.  Oh, What Fun!


Friday, November 1, 2013

11-1-13 Christmas is Next Month!

Eeek! It's November.  First comes Thanksgiving and then it's Christmas!

We are enjoying the time with the older grandsons!  There is no taking care of them.  Just have food available, that's all there is to it!  

Remember I promised myself a massage when all of the sorting of Mom's house was done?

Today was the day.  I enjoyed a "barefoot deep tissue" massage.  Yes, the masseuse actually stood on the table, held on to bars mounted on the ceiling and used her barefoot to massage the back side.  It was great.  It was so good I signed up for another one next week!  She found stress points that were the size of a golf ball; actually relaxed the sinuses that were causing sinus pain and pressure--not with her feet.  She used her hands on the facial area.
I am not sure what Saturday will bring.  We had hoped to take the boys to a shooting range to practice trap shooting but there are no public ranges near here.  There are two in Ft. Smith but both are private/members only.  

We might be forced to take the four-wheelers to a public area that has miles of trails.  I will report tomorrow night what the final decision is.